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182个免费的flat design库存PSD模板和模型

个人和商业用途的flat design Photoshop 文件

<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4648" alt="Free Corporate Website Template Free Corporate Website Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Free-Corporate-Website-Template.png" width="1280" height="2693" title="Free Corporate Website Template"/></p> <p>In today's freebie we are sharing with you all a free corporate website template for all your business and corporate website designing.我们理解有时,关键时刻紧缩的情况,你可能会寻找一种快速简便的方式来找到一个能使您的企业网站得到和运行。这么多的设计想法突然出现在网上的企业网站模板,它可能会变得很难选择合适的人在尽可能少的时间尽可能。</p><p>因此,我们想带给你一个巨大的资源,只是为此目的与这美妙的免费企业 <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/web-templates/"> 网站模板</a>。该模板设置在一个美丽的、 灰色的、 黑的、 白的、 蓝的颜色主题,有适量的复杂的类,你是后业务或企业网站。在顶部和信息容易流动的黑体字,你的观众会发现在网站内 <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/navigation/"> 导航</a> 轻松省力。通往外部网站的选项卡使它更容易引导观众更多的信息,和消息框底部从公司给予此站点淡淡的很多企业网站没有的个人服务。该企业网站模板附带有吸引力的页眉和页脚和整体是一种乐趣使用。</p><p>今天下载此免费 !</p>
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4876" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/social-icons-font.jpg" alt="social icons font Social Icons Font" width="800" height="501" title="Social Icons Font"/></p> <p>Today I’m sharing with you all a very useful freebie social icons font that I created using <a href="http://fontastic.me/" target="_blank">fontastic.me</a>. You can embed these icons directly into your webpages without reducing the quality and its real easy to add them.</p> <h3>How to Use:</h3> <p>1. Download the font and unzip it:</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4873" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/1.png" alt="1 Social Icons Font" width="620" height="86" title="Social Icons Font"/></p> <p>2. Add the CSS file , u"”": ustyles.css” to your project, and link to it from your HTML page.</p> <p>3. Copy the , u"”": ufonts” folder into your website project:</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4874" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/2.png" alt="2 Social Icons Font" width="620" height="122" title="Social Icons Font"/></p> <p>4. Insert the icon class name into any HTML tag to add the icon. The default CSS class prefix is , u"’": uicon-’:</p> <p><img class="alignnone wp-image-4875 size-full" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/5.png" alt="5 Social Icons Font" width="620" height="225" title="Social Icons Font"/></p>
地铁共鸣 UI 工具包
<p>Every front-end developer or designer creating huge amounts of code to make UI kits realizes the process can quickly become unmanageable and complex. Developing creative design elements including visual controls, sliders, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/icons/" target="_blank">icons</a> and <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/buttons/" target="_blank">buttons</a> can create wasted hours of time to get each one right.</p> <p>There is, however, an easy solution. The people at <a href="http://pixelkit.com/" target="_blank">PixelKit</a> are offering a simple solution through the quality designed UI kits and icon sets. This phenomenal library is filled with professional-style UI kits along with other resources ideal for the developer.</p> <p>The Metro Vibes UI kit here offers users a great way to create a high quality site that offers the look and feel that you want. This kit features a number of various options and elements, including a pricing table, a message field, weather field, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/vector-preloader/" target="_blank">progress bar</a>, and more. The freebie kit features layered PSDs along with more than 30 different elements. These elements all have the same style and appearance, which will help to make it easier to create a site that has a unified aesthetic appearance. In addition, Metro Vibes UI Kit offers <a href="http://www.thedesignwork.com/typography-design-inspiration-1/" target="_blank">great typography</a>, blogging elements, and everything you need to develop a site.</p>
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