不可否认,智能手机已成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。这幅作品展示了一只手拿着一部装饰着各种互联网和社交网络徽标的智能手机,还有一杯咖啡和一本笔记本。随附的 JPG 文件质量非常出色。它可在知识共享 4.0 署名许可下获得。 智能手机 social-media social-network 社交媒体与移动设备
探索各种各样的社交媒体图标,包括 Skype、YouTube、谷歌和 Facebook 等热门网络。这些矢量图形拥有大量鲜艳的色彩,非常适合各种应用程序,包括横幅、应用程序和你设想的任何创意项目! 霓虹灯 social-media 脸谱网 霓虹灯社交媒体图标
This freebie includes 60 social media icons in 7 different styles. Social media icons are widely used to represent social media platforms. Icons come in a fully editable PSD file with 100% original shape layers. 形状 迹象 symbols 60 Social Media Icons
创建时尚的社交媒体设计,展示 Facebook 帖子。使用这个可自定义的 Facebook 模板制作自己的个性化帖子。包括可编辑的文字和颜色选项,打造真正独特的外观! social-media 接口 发布 SocialPost
这幅引人注目的插图名为 “Like icon flat PNG Design”,完美地代表了数字时代的社交媒体文化。这幅作品采用简单而吸引人的平面设计,在圆形框架中展示了一个手形图标,象征着喜欢和欣赏的普遍姿态。凭借其鲜艳的色彩和简洁的线条,这幅插画是与社交媒体、在线平台或数字营销相关的项目的理想选择。这款 PNG 设计非常适合网站、博客或演示文稿,一定会吸引注意力,传达连通性和参与度的本质。 像 图标 平 “像手一样的社交圈”
收集充满活力的横幅以迎接夏季。以棕榈树和海滩必需品为特色,上面写着欢快的 “夏日你好” 信息。完全可定制,以满足您的要求。非常适合在社交媒体、文章、广告或任何其他目的上宣传横幅! 夏季 多彩 没有跳水 阳光海滩场景矢量图
Wood Engraved Social Media Icons in psd, vector, ai, png, eps, format Wood Engraved Social Media Icons (Psd)
<p>-&gt; Rebound For the Master <a href="https://dribbble.com/78806" class="url mention" data-user-id="78806" ref="contact">@Dmitriy Kharaberyush</a></p> <p>- Templates Based On 1024 Px GRID <br />- Pixel Perfect <br />- Fully Editable .psd <br />- 100% Vector Shapes <br />- Organized Layers <br />- Layer Easy to Change Color <br />- Font Used: Helvetica Neue Family</p> <p>Enj0y ;)</p> photoshop 模板 用户界面 向配置文件重新设计 #Sample
<p>你正在研究要把社交媒体栏的网站。在这里我和你可能会帮助你在你的网页设计中分享的想法。它的特点在哪里鼠标移过时,它可以显示的颜色相关的 <a title="Social Media Website Template"href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/social-website-template/"target="_blank"> 社交媒体网站</a> 的简单和干净社会媒体栏。你可以按照你的要求太添加其他的社交网络。所有的元素都层,你可以玩弄 <a title="PSD File"href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/psd/"> 的 PSD 文件</a>。</p><p>快乐设计 !</p> 社会 用户界面设计 用户界面 社会媒体栏
朋友,今天的赠品是一套 24 社交媒体线图标完全可编辑的 PSD 格式。图标看起来不错在白色和黑色的背景上。所有的图标是使用形状图层容易调整大小和 114 x 114 像素为单位) 来创建的。<span id="more-4900"/> 图标 社会媒体图标 社交媒体线图标
<p class="excerpt"> 你是一个 Facebook 的用户吗?或者也许你设计 campaings 为社交媒体吗?无论哪种方式,这个 PSD 文件应派上用场。</p><p>我一直在寻找一个好的分层 Facebook 时间线 psd 模板,因为我最近得到大量的 Facebook 设计请求。我找不到任何合适的东西,所以我做了我自己。希望你找到它一样有用,像我一样。完全的分层命名分组,矢量 PSD 文件。享受 !</p> 蓝色 脸谱网 图标 Facebook 时间线
<p>-&gt; 大师 <a href="https://dribbble.com/78806"class="url mention"data-user-id="78806"ref="contact"> @Dmitriy Kharaberyush</a> 反弹</p><p>-模板基础上 1024年像素网格 < br / >-像素完美 < br / >-完全可编辑.psd < br / >-100%矢量形状 < br / >-组织层 < br / >-易于更改颜色层 < br / >-使用字体: Helvetica 新家庭</p><p>Enj0y;)</p> photoshop 模板 用户界面 向配置文件重新设计 #Sample
<p>In this post we are sharing the most commonly used social media icons. The icons, which are in the PSD format, are in a circular form - the type often used in flat design.</p> <p>All elements have been created using vector shape. You can easily resize or modify the icons based on your requirements.</p> <p>You may also like: <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/social-share-buttons/">Social Share Buttons</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/social-media-buttons/">Social Media Buttons</a>,<a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/flat-social-buttons/">Flat Social Buttons</a> and <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/social-media-bar/">Social Media Bar</a>.</p> 社会媒体图标 技术 设计 社交媒体图标
Hereâs another great freebie courtesy of our friends at Vecteezy. This time itâs all about social media. You know, that big chunk of our daily lives?! These 35 flat social media icons are ready to serve your demanding online needs, featuring the laptop, the smartphone, the cloud, the desktop, the goggles (no, I didnât mean âgoogle-sâ), the webcam, the feeder, the phone, the chat, the tweeting birdie, the smiley face, the network, the stars, and many more. Don’t miss the cameo appearances from the Like and⦠the Dislike buttons. All wrapped up in shades of pink, blue, green, orange and black. As expected, these beauties come in various formats and can be used for your personal and/or commercial purposes. Now, take a good look at them. Theyâll add that extra smart touch to your social media presence. Just like those red velvet ribbons to a Christmas tree. Happy downloading! DownloadDownloaded 2240 Times Google+Asif Aleem 平面设计 平面图标 35 Flat Social Media Icons
Hi folks, today Freebies Gallery brings you a social media buttons PSD freebie. It has two common states of a button, normal and hover. Using the psd file you can make any of your required social button by just changing the social network icon. Hope you’d find it useful for you 按钮 社会的图标 推特 Social Media Buttons
<p class="excerpt"> 你可能听说过的 Envato 市场。如果你卖的其中之一,我们已经有东西给你。</p><p>这些 14 时尚市场按钮会将类添加到配置文件,项目描述,或在任何地方您选择使用它们。完全分组和分层 psd 很容易自定义和使用。这一点,让吃白食开始 !</p> 按钮 颜色 简单 市场上的按钮
-> Login Form #Freebies - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Font Used: Calibri Family Enj0y ;) photoshop 平 输入 Login Form #Freebies
I was creating a few social media buttons earlier and I figured I would share them with you guys! web 按钮 dribbble Social Media Buttons
You've probably heard of Envato Marketplaces. If you sell on one of them, we've got something for you. These 14 stylish marketplace buttons will add class to your profile, item description, or anywhere you choose to use them. With the fully grouped and layered PSD it’s easy to customize and use. And with that, let the freeloading begin! 按钮 颜色 简单 Marketplace buttons
Transparent white on blue background social media icons in psd, vector, ai, png, eps, format 背景 Transparent Social Media Icons (Psd)
High resolution Social media tree PSD file with dark background. Colorful social media icon illustrations form a tree shape. Vector social community concept 商务沟通 community concept sharing sign Social Media Tree Icon (PSD)
<p>You are working on a website where you want to put a social media bar. Here I’m sharing an idea with you that may help you in your web design. It features simple and clean social media bar where on mouse over it can display the color of related <a title="Social Media Website Template" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/social-website-template/" target="_blank">social media website</a>. You can add other social networks too as per your requirement. All the elements are layered and you can play around with the <a title="PSD File" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/psd/">PSD File</a>.</p> <p>Happy Designing!</p> 社会 用户界面设计 技术 社会媒体栏
Social banner template, red striped background with a bird and white banner, download PSD and add your text 空白 社会媒体 Red social banner template (PSD)
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4443" alt="freebers Freebers: Free Web Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/freebers.jpg" width="1280" height="3220" title="Freebers: Free Web Template"/></p> <p>Designers are crawling all over the cyber space with their design resources and websites! So, how do you pick the right one among the millions of others? Well, for starters, through this website template! This free web template gives design freebies for the other millions of designers who are in search of professional, good quality <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com">design freebies</a>. With this website template, you’ll be able to present your freebies in an attractive layout categorizing the design freebies in popular, new and random tabs. Users will also be able to search for a particular PSD, vector, icon or template through a search bar at the top, or browse through the entire collection by clicking show all.</p> <p>Think of this free <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/web-templates/">web template</a> as a search engine for designers who wish to be updated on the latest trends in web design and have a handy resource from which to download them. Download this free website template today!</p> <p>Fonts: <a href="http://www.exljbris.com/museoslab.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Museo Slab</a></p> 按钮 平面设计 社会媒体图标 Freebers: 免费网页模板
Today’s freebie includes a cool new way to add social media sharing buttons to your website. They provide a great starting point if you choose to use custom buttons over the official buttons. ui kits Social Media Sharing Buttons
Flat design five stars rating symbols in PSD format, lightweight graphic for web and mobile apps 蓝色 社会媒体 星星 Five stars rating symbols (PSD)
朋友们,这里是一组的两个不同的大小,包括视网膜准备 20 流行的社会性媒体图标。图标进来 114 x 114 和 57 x 57 像素为单位),所以基本上,它们为 iOS 设备创建。然而,他们也被用于网站,windows 应用程序,android 应用程序,等等 图标 社会媒体图标 20 个最受欢迎的社交媒体图标 (PSD & PNG)
People discussing (meeting and communication), PSD template. Male and female contours with bubbles 业务 社会媒体 符号 People discussing, PSD template
<p>今天的赠品包括 10 精美平面设计社会媒体图标。他们进来组织整齐地允许您完全定制他们的方式,你想要的 psd 文件。目前他们有 64 × 64 px 大,但可以用鼠标拖动调整尺寸。</p><p>你觉得这些图标帮助,但想要更多吗?签出我们全套的只有 2 美元的创意市集上的 <a href="https://creativemarket.com/bestpsdfreebies/5477-24-Flat-Social-Media-Icon-Set?u=bespsdfreebies"target="_blank"> 24 平社交媒体图标</a>。</p> 平社交媒体图标
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4501" alt="share box Sharebox Design" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/share-box.png" width="700" height="500" title="Sharebox Design"/></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4502" alt="sharebox Sharebox Design" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/sharebox.png" width="700" height="500" title="Sharebox Design"/></p> <p>Looking to share something?这个社会共享的箱子,在 <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/tag/social-media-icons/"> 社交媒体</a> 上分享会魅力 !所以在这一天我们馈赠,我们赠送这套绝佳的 sharebox 设计。</p><p>共享框基本上是一个栏框链接到社交媒体网站,如 facebook,twitter,加上谷歌,linkedin,pinterest 等使人们能够通过他们最喜爱的社交媒体分享的东西。</p><p>下载和使用此社会共享框和你将您的用户与成为一炮而红 !这个社会共享框进来三个不同的风格和两个有吸引力的配色方案。希望你将会爱上它 !</p> 下拉列表 平面设计 菜单 Sharebox 设计
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4443" alt="freebers Freebers: Free Web Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/freebers.jpg" width="1280" height="3220" title="Freebers: Free Web Template"/></p> <p>Designers are crawling all over the cyber space with their design resources and websites!所以,你怎么挑那个合适的人中数以百万计的其他人?好吧,对于初学者来说,通过此网站模板 !这个免费的 web 模板设计免费赠品给其他数以百万计的设计师是寻找 <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com"> 设计免费赠品</a> 的敬业精神,良好的质量。与此网站的模板,你将能够分类设计赠品流行的、 新的和随机的选项卡中有吸引力的布局中呈现你的赠品。用户还将能够搜索特定的 PSD、 矢量、 图标或通过在顶部的搜索栏的模板或遍历整个集合通过单击浏览显示所有。</p><p>认为此免费的 <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/web-templates/"> web 模板</a> 作为一个搜索引擎为设计师愿意在 web 设计的最新趋势上更新和已派上用场的资源,从中下载它们。今天下载此免费网站模板 !</p><p>字体: <a href="http://www.exljbris.com/museoslab.html"target="_blank"rel="nofollow"> 博物馆板</a></p> 按钮 平面设计 社会媒体图标 Freebers: 免费网页模板
Hey guys, To eas your work, you can use these buttons in your layouts for FREE. And if you liked it: Press L Thanks ;) www.envaios.com 按钮 facebook 按钮 facebook 份额 Social Media Buttons PSD - Share Button
Check out these new splatter icon PSDs! Perfect for your social media needs. Free Creative Blot Icons PSD Set. Includes 20 most popular social media icon PSDs on the web 社会的图标 creative icons blot icons Creative Blot Icons PSD Set
This freebie includes 60 social media icons in 7 different styles. Social media icons are widely used to represent social media platforms. Icons come in a fully editable PSD file with 100% original shape layers. 60 Social Media Icons
People discussing (meeting and communication), PSD template. Male and female contours with bubbles 业务 社会媒体 符号 人们讨论,PSD 模板