Dear all. Sorry to keep you long waiting for my next freebies. Now you can got it at attachment. If you saw this is helpful, please like and follow me for the next freebies. Thanks for interesting my work and plz don't forget to press L web 平 用户界面 Freebie: Course Dashboard
Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background). REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. 背景 按钮 清洁 Sign Up Widget
<p>Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background).</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere.</p> 背景 按钮 清洁 报名参加小部件
<p>UI Form elements</p> <p>Marcin Czaja<br /><a href=""></a></p> 窗体 图形用户界面 接口 窗体用户界面
<p>These are some Twitter UI Buttons, perfect for social sharing and creating a link to your twitter account! Everything is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always.</p> <p>Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to or this post.</p> <p>- Enjoy :D</p> 活动 艺术 图形用户界面 Twitter 用户界面
<p>This is a light Media Toolbar User Interface that's all vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always.</p> <p>Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to or this post.</p> <p>- Enjoy :D</p> 艺术 向后 按钮 媒体工具栏用户界面
<p>We cannot even imagine to use the Internet without having a good Internet browser. Your browser is like your window into cyberspace. There was a time when Internet Explorer reigned supreme and had no strong contender. Then came Netscape Navigator with its , u"’": umodern’ look and tabbed browsing. After Netscape, Mozilla Firefox was able to capture a significant market share. In the recent past, we have seen Google Chrome become the most popular web browser. Google chrome has a minimal look that has caught users’ fancy.</p> <p>I’m going to share with you today a web browser design freebie. This web browser design PSD has a simple, clean, and minimal look and feel. At the top of the <a title="PSD" href="">PSD</a> are a few open tabs. To the right of the top bar you can see some conventional browser function icons. Under the top bar you have an address bar and back, forward, and refresh keys.</p> <p>I hope you’d like this web browser concept design. Feel free to download and make any changes to the PSD file.</p> 概念设计 用户界面设计 ux 浏览器的设计
<p>Life is like a panorama of moving images - cheerful, sad, bright, dark, natural, pretentious. You name a category and the life will show you a countless images for that category.</p> <p>Capturing the pictures of life require an attention to fine detail. Photography seems to be a growing passion for a number of people these days. And you’d find an even bigger number of enthusiasts who can boast of their skills to edit or modify these pictures. After all we humans are imaginative creatures and will make all possible efforts to , u"’": uimprove the natural’.</p> <p>Editing images cannot be considered an area of interest for photographers and designers. Many professionals who don’t fall in these categories or even ordinary people like to use photo editing softwares for different reasons.</p> <p>I’ll spare you the details about what a good application or <a title="GUI" href="">GUI</a> should look like. But I assure you I had that in mind while designing this photo editor.</p> <p>This is a simple photo editor PSD. A few <a title="Buttons" href="">buttons</a>/<a title="Icons" href="">icons</a> at the top along the horizontal axis, and a few down the vertical axis along the left margin. A couple of icons are in selected or active state. One of them along the left margin also shows its submenu. There is a canvas mode button and a status bar at the bottom of the PSD.</p> <p>You can download this free photo editor and make your own GUI using the same style and elements. Happy Editing!</p> 概念设计 用户界面设计 ux 免费照片编辑器 (PSD)
Meet the new google search & flat Chorme browser with material design (1) Tabs had an enhancement ( first click on the tab makes it's active, the second click on the tab makes the tab editable ) (2) Search results has been enhances to view more clean results, safe & verified. Thank you 用户界面 ux 平 Google with Material Design
<p>今天的赠品是一个旋钮用户界面,完整旋钮针与无。一切都是 100%矢量形状和智能对象。它还包括像往常一样的 Photoshop PSD:)</p> <p>转售,主办或重新分配和在别处禁止此下载。</p><p>如果用于其他地方,别忘了回 或这篇文章链接。</p> 拨号 图形用户界面 旋钮 用户界面旋钮
<p>,这些都是一些 Twitter 用户界面按钮,完美的社会共享和创建一个链接到你的 twitter 帐户 !一切都是 100%矢量,所以你可以重新缩放这到任意大小如果需要。它还包括像往常一样的 Photoshop PSD。</p><p>转售,承载此下载其他地方和或再分配被禁止的。</p><p>如果用于其他地方,别忘了回 或这篇文章链接。</p><p>-享受: D</p> 活动 艺术 图形用户界面 Twitter 用户界面
<p>这是巨大的免费赠品,它是一个 100 % 的矢量 UI 工具包。它包括单选按钮、 复选框、 文本区域、 搜索表单、 可折叠的块、 工具提示、 按钮、 滚动条和更多 !此套件包括像往常一样的 PSD。</p><p>转售或再分配禁止的。</p><p>您可能没有托管在别处的直接下载。</p><p>如果你打算使用此矢量 UI 工具包,供个人或商业使用,始终记住链接回 或这个职位。</p><p>-享受: D</p> 按钮 按钮 复选框 矢量 UI 工具包
<p>这是版本 2 是我最近张贴"<a href=""> 拨号</a>"。它更多的详细而站出来多一点划痕。我做了这个在矢量格式的所以你可以重新将其缩放到任何大小如果需要。它还包括良好的组织、 分组的分层的 PSD,(完全分层)。</p><p>让我知道你更喜欢哪一个。</p><p>转售和矿石再分配被禁止的。</p><p>如果用于其他地方,别忘了回 或这篇文章链接。</p> 拨号 元素 互动 拨号版本 2
我们无法想象使用互联网,而无需良好的互联网浏览器 <p>。您的浏览器就像你进入网络空间的窗户。有次当 Internet Explorer 至高无上的统治地位,并且有没有强有力的竞争者。后来网景浏览器与它,u"'": umodern' 外观和选项卡式浏览。网景,火狐浏览器后,能够捕捉到大量市场份额。在最近的过去,我们看到谷歌 chrome 浏览器成为最流行的 web 浏览器。谷歌 chrome 浏览器有一个最小的外观,已吸引用户的。</p><p>我要与你们分享 web 浏览器中设计的免费赠品。此 web 浏览器的设计 PSD 具有简单、 干净、 有最小的外观和感觉。顶部的 <a title="PSD"href=""> PSD</a> 是几个打开的选项卡。顶栏右边你可以看到一些常规浏览器功能的图标。在顶栏下你有地址栏和回来,前进,刷新密钥。</p><p>我希望你会喜欢这个 web 浏览器的概念设计。觉得免费下载和对 PSD 文件进行任何更改。</p> 概念设计 用户界面设计 ux 浏览器的设计
<p>它是纯粹创造性和实用性的 psd 文件,将节省您的时间在设计侧边栏或制表符。侧边栏可以用作步骤和选项卡可能有那里面的内容。让我们下载并在使用它时有创意</p> 选项卡 用户界面设计 ux 侧栏和标签设计 (PSD)
<p>这是令人敬畏的仪表板设计的 @Ionut Zamfir 我反弹。</p><p>你可以检查它出来在 <a href=""rel="nofollow"> 全尺寸</a> 和 <a href=""rel="nofollow"> 下载 PSD</a> 免费。</p><p>我希望你们能得到一些乐趣,玩它。</p><p>按 <strong>L</strong> 按钮来让我高兴高兴:)</p> 用户界面 平 ux 免费的 PSD: web 应用程序配置文件
Throwback Thursday #2 - #tbt - Most liked item by my followers in the second week of my Daily UI - available for download now in .psd format. 用户界面 ux dailyui TBT Email Recipt
Pagination switch with page numbers collapse. Feel free to download PSD for free! Don't forget to press L. ;) 最小 用户界面 菜单 Collapse Pagination
Posting up a file for a sales dashboard I did for fun. Don't forget to hit like! 用户界面 ux 分析 Sales Dashboard / Download Link
Grab the PSD ;) I've been very bored during the holidays so I made you a free updated flat icon set. Don't forget check real pixel. your comments are welcome. thanks for watching :) 用户界面 ux 图标 Freebie PSD: Flat Icons
Day 2 of the 100 day ui challenge. The keyword that was giving today was Credit Card Checkout. #dailyui #002 Credits for the little icons: 用户界面 dailyui 按钮 Credit Card Checkout
Here is a simple Equalizer User Interface design that's supposed to control the left and the right speaker volume (or whatever you change it to). This includes a Photoshop PSD like always and is 100% vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed, enjoy :) REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design file elsewhere, you also may NOT re-sell this nor release this file elsewhere. 均衡器 经验 图形 Equalizer UI
Here is another unique ui kit I've never done before. This orange user interface kit includes everything from radio buttons and checkboxes to on/off gui switches and searchboxes. The kit is entirely vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always. REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. 按钮 按钮 复选框 Orange UI Kit
Just a little freebie of some Google inspired buttons. This includes a Photoshop PSD, and is completely vector, so you can scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a sprite sheet inside the PSD file, so you can implement it into your stylesheet right away. Remember: You will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design elsewhere. You may not host this design elsewhere, you also may not sell this design. 按钮 按钮 元素 Button UI
Here is another UI Kit that I went in a slightly different direction with, using a different gradient than usual, so I named it the "Gradient UI Kit". This has everything from buttons, a profile drop down, on/off gui switches, and much more! Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, enjoy :D Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden! If used elsewhere, remember to link back to or this post. 按钮 按钮 复选框 Gradient UI Kit
Here are some simple yet useful facebook and twitter social connect buttons. Everything is vector, so you can scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always. Remember: You will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design elsewhere. You may not host this design elsewhere, you also may not sell this design. 按钮 按钮 连接 Social Connect Buttons
A few simple user interface elements. Full layered .PSD file using only vector shapes and layer styles. Includes scrollers, sliders, buttons, search fields, switches and radio buttons. 按钮 图形用户界面 关闭 Simple UI
These are some Twitter UI Buttons, perfect for social sharing and creating a link to your twitter account! Everything is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always. Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to or this post. - Enjoy :D 活动 艺术 图形用户界面 Twitter UI
Content is a very important part of any website. However, what good is your content if users cannot find what they are looking for? In other words, a website has to be user-friendly and should offer its users the ease of navigation. Today’s freebie is a breadcrumbs PSD file. This freebie features an iconic homepage and a stylized current page breadcrumb. A breadcrumb trail or breadcrumbs provide users information about the current page and enable them to navigate the website pages easily. Navigate to the download link and get yourself some free pieces of breadcrumbs! 痕迹导航 可用性 用户界面 Breadcrumbs
Today’s freebie is specially for those who loves one page web designs. It’s a sidebar vertical menu which has a simple and clean look with beautiful set of icons. All of the objects and elements are layered and could be customize in your own look and feel. It can be also used as a floating menu or sliding navigation. Enjoy the freebie and don’t forget to share or comment. Honestly, we love to hear from you! 菜单 ux ui kits Sidebar Vertical Menu Design
<p>所有,亲爱的 < br / > 对不起,让你漫长的等待我下一个赠品。现在你可以在附件了。< br / > 如果你看到这是很有帮助,请喜欢并跟随我下次免费赠品。< br / > 谢谢你给我的工作感兴趣,请不要忘记向新闻界 L</p> web 平 用户界面 免费赠品: 课程的仪表板
Download the PSD using the attachment link to the left. Enjoy! give me a like if you feel its worthy. 用户界面 ux ios Mobile Portfolio FREE PSD FREEBIE
<p>这里是一个完全与单选按钮、 复选框、 一个搜索框,页面视图工具箱和更多的像素 UI 工具包。它还包括如往常,Photoshop PSD 和完全是矢量因此你可以重新缩放这到任意大小如果需要.</p><p>记得: 由于这是一个大的免费,您将需要链接到本网站或张贴任何您决定使用这种设计的时间。</p><p>你可能不会承载这种设计在其他地方,你也可能不出售这或释放此别处。</p> 按钮 按钮 复选框 像素 UI 工具包
<p>Here is the "Creamy UI Kit". It includes radio buttons, checkboxes, a percent slider, previous/next buttons, rectangular/circular buttons, search boxes, tick/cross buttons, and the on/off GUI I did yesterday. Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :)</p> <p>Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to or this post.</p> 按钮 按钮 复选框 奶油 UI 工具包
<p>Here is my latest kit, the "Crisp UI Kit". It comes with some fancy coloring, detailed shadows, radio buttons, check boxes, sliders, on/off switches and more! Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed, Enjoy :)</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this nor release this elsewhere.</p> 按钮 按钮 复选框 脆的 UI 工具包