21 modèles PSD gratuits de neon et maquettes de stock libres de droits

Fichiers Photoshop de neon pour un usage personnel et commercial

Theater Sign PSD Template
Theater sign PSD template featuring glossy, neon effects. That’s the perfect template for all events that focus on entertainment - movie theaters, casinos, karaokes and TV shows. This time our design team has focused on the entertainment industry. We carried out a research and decided to contribute to the world of fun and enjoyment. That’s why we came up with a theater sign PSD template. We put a lot of shiny and glossy effects to make the theater sigh as real as possible. And we truly believe that the final result is great. Our PSD sign template is clean and attractive. That’s basically all you need to stand out from the crowd. And most importantly, our theater sign PSD template comes completely free of charge. It’s also good to know that we have used only default fonts here. That’s really important as you won’t have any troubles when editing the text. All you need is Adobe Photoshop and a few clicks to replace the text with your own. Of course, the effects of the text are completely customizable. Moreover, you can easily copy and paste the text effects into new text layers if needed. Another advantage of our theater sign PSD graphic is that you can use it as a logo template. It’s up to you whether to use our theater sign as it is or make your own modifications. Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. Browse similar logo templates at Free Logo Design Theater Sign PSD Template Preview Big Fully Layered Theater Sign PSD Template Resolution: 1000x625pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.722 MBFonts: Impact, Arial, GeorgiaNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files
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