Felix the cat, a charming and lively cartoon character from the 80s, dashes and serenades with a unique black and white appearance. As he sings, musical notes gracefully hover near his mouth, creating a whimsical atmosphere. felix the cat Funky Feline Run
from ship automatic century mid Ship From The Mid Th Century clip art ship from century Ship From The Mid Th Century clip art
None People Part of a Series French Revolution Series of illustrations representing the French Revolution
None People History Horizontal Tom, Jerry and Logic in the Press Yard, Newgate prison, London, England
None Archbishop of Canterbury People One Man Only Cartoon depicting St. Dunstan seizing Devil with red hot tongs
None People One Man Only 19th Century Style Illustration from 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'
None Artist Engraving Art Rendering depicting character in story 'The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual'