77 free landing page stock PSD templates and mockups

landing page Photoshop files for personal and commercial use

Craze Trendy Landing Page Website design

Craze Trendy Landing Page Website design

Free Under Construction Template
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4411" alt="free under construction template Free Under Construction Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/free-under-construction-template.jpg" width="1000" height="500" title="Free Under Construction Template"/></p> <p>Today we are bringing you an amazing looking under construction template free for download. This freebie would look great for all your under construction websites, on which you are currently working and will give users a nice experience while they wait for your website to be finished and uploaded. This free under construction template is created in a wonderful monotone with greys and blacks the only hues. Set against a soft <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/free-blurred-backgrounds/">blurred background</a>, this under construction template tells users and viewers that the website is still under construction and displays the level of progress in a neat little percentage bar that fills up as the work progresses so people will have an estimate as to the finishing time.</p> <p>With six <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/tag/social-media-icons/">social media icons</a> set in the bottom, including facebook, twitter, google plus etc. users can follow the site on several social media and keep up-to-date on news regarding your work. Download this excellent under construction template today!</p> <p>Happy free downloading!</p> <p>Resources: <a href="http://fontfabric.com/intro-free-font/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Intro inline</a>, <a href="https://typekit.com/fonts/proxima-nova" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Proxima Nova</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/social-media-icons-psd/">Social Media Icons</a></p>
Free Mobile App Landing Page Template
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4114" alt="Free Mobile App Landing Page Template Free Mobile App Landing Page Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Free-Mobile-App-Landing-Page-Template.jpg" width="1440" height="2912" title="Free Mobile App Landing Page Template"/></p> <p>Hi Freebers! In today’s freebie of the day, we are presenting you with a wonderful free app landing page that you can use in accompaniment with your mobile apps. This landing page template is a wonderful, simple design in green, white and black and provides a refreshing look.</p> <p>The page is divided into three parts, and each can be used to explain what a particular part of the mobile app can be used for in the app landing page. Most mobile app developers have an accompanying site or a landing page that introduces and describes what their mobile app can do. This can help tell people what this app can be used for, describe its various features and functions and also help to build more users and buyers.</p> <p>So if you’re serious about your mobile app, then make sure you have a landing page along with it, it will show that you have thought things through and have thought about potential buyers who might want to know more about the mobile app. Try out this landing page template and tell us what more you’d like to see from us! Happy designing!</p> <h2>Conclusion:</h2> <p>Whenever you think things ahead, such as by building an app landing page ahead of introducing your app in the market, it will always ensure profitable interest and curiosity among potential buyers and users. Make sure you address the frequently asked questions and make the app seem user-friendly in the app landing page.</p> <p><strong>Credits:</strong> <a title="Free Social Media Icons" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/free-social-media-icons/" rel="bookmark">Free Social Media Icons</a>, <a title="Flat iPhone 5S Psd Vector Mockup" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/flat-iphone-5s-psd-vector-mockup/" rel="bookmark">Flat iPhone 5S Psd Vector Mockup</a> and <a href="http://www.marksimonson.com/fonts/view/proxima-nova" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Proxima Nova</a></p>

Free Mobile App Landing Page Template

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