This trusty tahr is standing tall and noble in the high Himalayan rocks. His thick coat of fur keeps him warm and happy. You know that you can rely on this stalwart fellow 1366 1366x768 14.04 Trusty Tahr wallpaper
A Raring Ringtail cat perched on a branch. This cuddly little guy just wants you to take him home! Desktop background. Enjoy! This version has a greater variety of subtle texture 13.04 1366 1366x768 Raring Ringtail remix
Its a folder...Created by Bala Swecha developer and contributer Prabhat computer debian display icon Source File Container
A panda waving its hand. A very quick image made because kids like pandas... but really who doesn't like pandas??? This was made in Inkscape on GNU/Linux gnu linux ubuntu Comic Panda
- Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd files - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Fully Customizable Enj0y :) * CHECK THE @2X SZE * Follow Me 0n : BeHance | Fb | Twitter | Linkedin | Viadeo photoshop input dark Select Options #Freebies
Its a folder...Created by Bala Swecha developer and contributer Prabhat ubuntu icon organization Source File Container
A Linux keyboard key, much better and more secure than a Windows keyboard key! lol arch clavier cle The Linux Key
The Utopic Unicorn I drew for Issues 23 & 24 of Ubuntu User ( utopic unicorn ubuntu Utopic Unicorn
A saucy salamander climbing up your desktop screen. The panel behind him is styled on the theme of a flame rising up over a natural surface. It combines the "fiery" mythos of the salamander and the natural forested area that makes him feel so saucy 13.10 1366 1366x768 Saucy Salamander
inspired from the Ubuntu logo, in which a vectorized scanned piece of wood was used as filter linux ubuntu Woodbuntu
Computer Handshake protocol. Thanks go to the following open clip art artist:, Licence: Public Domain computer exchange handshake Computer Handshake 1
A set of stickers I made of joke-Ubuntu release names distribution animals conleycon Future Ubuntu Releases
The Ubuntu concept of helping each other to succeed by being human and sharing our knowledge for the benefit of all human beings. Drawn with Inkscape. strong climbing building The Ubuntu Concept
Cooperation Leads to Success. Drawn with Inkscape. motivational poster cooperation Cooperation Leads to Success
A dark but sleek UI similar to applications that had some style from OS X and Ubuntu. PSD editable stylish modern creative Dark Minion Web UI Applications Kit PSD