This freebie is a flat Business PSD template designed with flat colors and unique design. The package comes with 4 fully editable files for easy customization. It comes with pages such as Home, About Us, Contact and Portfolio. Clean, modern business templates help make a great impression on your customers. affari finance modelli Flat Business Template
Easter graphics psd set suitable for a wide range of web and print projects. In this awesome set we have included 6 psd graphic elements that will help you to improve your artworks. Easter graphics psd set featuring 6 adorable illustrations that will fit to a wide range of print and web materials. There is no matter if your projects are commercial or you want to surprise your family and friends with something hand made. This set is made to save you time and efforts, no matter of the purpose. We put our hearts in these illustrations and we have no doubts that they will help you to impress your clients, friends and family. Our Easter set is a fully layered psd file which could be customized in Adobe Photoshop. All layers are carefully grouped, named and arranged to save you any inconvenience while you are opening the source file. Download our Easter graphics even if you don’t need them right now. We assure you that they will come in handy sooner or later. Moreover, any of these high quality graphics could be used for other projects. Just like the rabbit, it’s so cute, it literally screams: , u"”": uPut me on a T-Shirt!” If you are looking for holiday graphics, you should check our holiday category. We’ve got lot’s of Easter graphics there and of course, more are about to come in the near future. And when you’re ready with your holiday designs, please share with us your creative works! Easter Graphics PSD Set 1 Resolution: 1117x996pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.745 MBNumber of Items in Set: 6Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. grafica di pasqua easter graphics psd icone di pasqua Easter Graphics PSD Set 1
Today’s very cool free PSD Website Template comes from our friends at WP Explore! , u"’": uThunder’ is their latest entry to their already amazing and great looking folio of WordPress themes tuono modello blazrobar Thunder - A Free Mega PSD Website Template
Today’s special is a great set of 4 vintage logos created by DesignDistrict. You can use them on labels, posters, t-shirts, banners and more. They’re fully editable using only free fonts! distintivo logo annata 4 Vintage Logos & Badges
Today’s freebie is yet another to add to your growing , u"”": uFlat Resources” folder. It’s complete with folder icons, file icons, and the window itself. A good use would be to portray file locations within your help docs and all oggetti regionale Flat Retina Finder (PSD)
Friends, we are back again with this cool-looking PSD website template created by Adam Engledow of Based on the flat design trend, BlueBox PSD templates package is absolutely free to use for your personal and commercial (client’s) work website layouts ui kits regionale BlueBox: Flat Website PSD Templates Design
Today’s freebie is section of notepaper with a good old piece of sticky tape. I knocked this up for a , u"”": uquick tips” section of a site, thought you might find it useful nota blocco note intestata Notepaper & Sticky Tape (PSD)
Today’s freebie is a play on some of the , u"”": uquick contact forms” I’ve come across in recent designs - a modal box contact form. It’s a contact form in a modal box. Simple pulsanti contattaci modulo Modal Box Contact Form (PSD)
Twitter & Facebook. Can you imagine life without those two social networks? I wouldn't even try to imagine that... Almost every website now has twitter or facebook fans counter and a button to their fan page or twitter account. Why not combining followers counter and , u"”": ufollow us” button? Here’s something really simple for your website. These are 125px wide so would fit any standard sidebar. Enjoy! blu pulsante css Twitter & Facebook widget
Download Now 5 , u"”": uSilk” finely textured word counter tags for web designs - PSD set ui elements ui kits regionale 5 Textured Silk Word Tags UI Set
There’s 100 different vector icons to curb your downloadin’ appetite for a bit by Vaibhav Bhat Enjoy the swell creativity dripping from these layers; you’re gonna love , u"’": uem regionale oggetti Viabhav Crazicons
<p>Free PSD set contenente 12 modelli di pulsante normale e Stati hover. Abbiamo progettato alcuni pulsanti comunemente utilizzati, ad esempio, u"" ": uAdd nuovo", u "" ": uUpload", u "" ": uDownload", u "" ": uDelete", ecc. Sta a voi se tenere i pulsanti in questo stile o utilizzare i sorgenti PSD per modificare la forma e gli effetti. Questi modelli di pulsante sono molto utili per la costruzione di un modello di sito Web, applicazione mobile, modello e-mail e qualsiasi altro progetto che ha bisogno di un pulsante semplice e pulito. Vi consigliamo vivamente di scaricare il modello di pulsante impostato come sicuramente sarà a portata di mano prima o poi.</p> <div id="attachment_3888" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3888" src="" alt="Functional Buttons Preview Big" width="594" height="603"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_3889" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3889" src="" alt="Fully Layered PSD Functional Buttons" width="594" height="569"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered PSD Functional Buttons</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1024x768<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank"> NovecentoWide</a> <br/><strong>Dimensione del file:</strong> 234 KB <br/> <strong>numero di elementi nell'insieme:</strong> 12 <br/> <strong>autore:</strong> Free PSD file</p> pulsante pulsante set di modello pulsanti Pulsanti funzionali PSD
ya... ora buon divertimento e come esso... il file è vettorizzato e stratificato. amo tutti. grafica pubblica al plasma Moderni LCD psd
<p>3 mappe USA 3D isolato</p> <p><strong>Risoluzione:</strong> 1474 × 720px <br/><strong>Formato file:</strong>PSD + TIFF <br/> <strong>dimensione del File:</strong> 1,93 MB <br/> <strong>numero di elementi nell'insieme:</strong> 3 <br/> <strong>autore:</strong> Free PSD File</p> mappa 3d isolato mappa 3 mappe USA 3D isolato
Ho scansionato le immagini da, u"" ": uМлад конструктор" e u "" ": uТехника-Молодежи" riviste da anni ' 70 e ' 90. Le dimensioni variano. Download file zip contiene:-1 ABR con tutti 30 pennelli licenza INFO: solo per uso personale! Per ulteriori omaggi - apr spazzole automobili Attrezzature militari Set 1 - camion, automobili, carri armati
Tema di WordPress Design gruppo assomiglia ad aspetto elegante e un design elegante. Con le sue numerose blocco funzionale questo tema funziona perfettamente per qualsiasi tipo di sito Web. Scopri le caratteristiche essenziali: * Professionale ed elegante design; * Personalizzate pagine: Circa, servizi, Blog, contattaci; * jQuery Nivo Slider; * Shortcode sostegno; * Zona Portfolio indipendente con le sue immagini isolate dal post del Blog; * 1, 2 e 3-column layout portfolio; e * Molti di più. Costruire un blog WordPress mozzafiato con Design gruppo WordPress tema senza codifica speciale o conoscenze di programmazione. Personalizza il tuo sito facilmente tramite codici brevi, widget e plugin. progettazione web layouts portfolio Tema WordPress Design Group
Different By Design's ColorPack is just a pack of arranged graphics that you can pick apart and use the individual pieces in your projects or the composition as a whole. Some source files are included while others are raster graphics. Enjoy! This is a freeware DBD pack. This means that you can use it on your commercial and/or non-commercial works for free. Check out our Video Tutorials: If you like our packs, don't forget to: - "Like" us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @BeDiff3rent And don't forget to subscribe on YouTube! cerchio colorato differenti di disegno DBD | ColorPack - Randomized
Today’s freebie is another trendy free PSD email template - Display. It comes with 3 psd files for the various layout versions for the template. If you’re looking to build a new email newsletter template for your next campaign, this is a great place to start. You can purchase the HTML version of this email template, that is compatible with Campaign Monitor and Mail Chimp, on Creative Market for only $12. modelli themes affari Display Email PSD Template
Today’s freebie is shopping cart , u"”": uquick view” design, perhaps something you would show to customers before clicking through for more detail. It’s in pretty colours too pulsanti carrello carrello della spesa Shopping Cart , u"”": uQuick View” (PSD)
Today’s free PSD includes 3 beautiful flat designed apple device icons. It includes the MacBook Pro, the iPad and the iPhone. This free download comes organized neatly in a PSD file that allows you to completely customize them the way you want. Check out our full set of apple device icons on Creative Market, which includes the iMac icon. They are only $2! Check out our other Apple Product Freebies: iPad Air iPhone 5 Macbook Pro Macbook Air iMac iPad Wireframes tecnologia cibo drink Flat Apple Device Icons
Today’s freebie is another addition to the , u"”": upretty” collection, a pretty little green progress bar. If you’re playing around with UI, then this is just the thing for you barra di avanzamento semplice interfaccia utente Pretty Little Progress Bar (PSD)
La mappa del mondo mai utile e Australia, dal momento che l'ho avuto. Aggiornamento: ho aggiunto le forme UK e USA e incluse versioni SVG di tutte le forme (mappa del mondo, Australia, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti). Termini vettoriale: Scarica la mappa del mondo. Tutti i diritti appartengono a Lukeroberts. È possibile utilizzare mappe vettoriali: mondo mappa, Australia, UK e USA per uso personale. Assicurati di che leggere la licenza di questo grafico vettoriale prima di utilizzarlo sul tuoi progetti commerciali regionale oggetto mappe Mappe vettoriali: Mappa del mondo, Australia, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti
Friends, today’s freebie is something handy for Photoshop graphic designers. It’s a couple of layer text effects for web and graphic designs to create some nice , u"”": ugold” and , u"”": uglass” effect to your text. psd text styles regionale affari Gold and glass text effects (PSD & .ASL)
ATTENZIONE * questo è un download due parte a causa delle restrizioni di dimensione file qui su Brusheezy. Assicurati di scaricare la seconda parte pure! Desideriamo fare confezioni più grandi e meglio per tutti voi, però noi dobbiamo rispettare le regole. Last Minute Photoshop pennelli per portare nel 4 luglio! PatrioticPack contiene 10 pennelli esplosione incredibilmente dettagliate di fuochi d'artificio che possono essere utilizzati in qualsiasi cosa. Massima qualità possibile, come siete venuti a aspettarsi da DBD. Godere! PatrioticPack è SUPER facile da usare, si tratta di un file Pre-Packaged pennello con 10 pennelli singoli. Scopri i nostri BRAND New sito: se ti piacciono i nostri pacchetti, non dimenticate di: - "Mi piace" su Facebook: Seguici su Twitter: @BeDiff3rent e non dimenticare di iscriverti su YouTube! dbd tuts dbd differenti di disegno DBD | PatrioticPack parte 1
The iconic British Red Double Decker Bus vector. Bus vector pack includes the Ai. / EPS / PSD and also a png file autobus londra trasporti Red Double Decker Bus
Halloween è in arrivo e deciso di condividere alcune foto e le immagini legate a questo tema. Grafica di Halloween - icone vettoriali bello basato sul libero font Evelz creato da Sakurai Nan aka, u"" ": uBosskete". Esso contiene vettori dolce di teschi, stelle, ossa, fantasmi, ragni, vola il pipistrello e così via. Il 31 ottobre, ha radici in alcune celebrazioni religiose come Winterfylleth del Anglo-sassone, la festa cristiana di Ognissanti o la festa celtica di Samhain. Nodays è il tempo quando diavoli, fantasmi, orchi, streghe e altre creature camminerà nelle tenebre nel tuo quartiere in cerca di u"" ": uTricks" o, u "" ": uTreats." Ci saranno un sacco di feste di Halloween in bar e locali e I più poi sicuro che progettista sarà necessario qualche ClipArt di halloween per creare poster, volantini e altre stampe. Siete invitati a utilizzare per tutti i tipi di stampe per eventi di Halloween, fare design t-shirt, lavoro grafico (logo, biglietto da visita, sito Web, ecc), scrapbooking, copertine di CD e DVD, illustrazioni di libri. Disegno di pacchetto, di tessuto o di moda. INFORMAZIONI IMPORTANTI PER BLOGERS! Se avete intenzione di condividere questo pack di vettore, tuo dovrebbe inserire link diretto a questa pagina e rendere il testo del link lo stesso titolo di questo post halloween vacanze vacanze 54 grafica di Halloween
Some beautiful chinese font design cinese disegno di carattere progettazione STILE DEL CARATTERE CINESE
Siete stanchi di usare razzi ottico photoshops altamente abusata? FlarePack nuovo differenti di disegni tutti consente di vivacizzare i vostri disegni con 5 effetti di riflesso lente pre-renderizzati. Ognuno viene fornito come file PSD pre-confezionato a 1280x720 px, alta definizione e pronto ad essere trascinati nel vostro composizioni originali. Distinguersi dalla folla e aggiungere tutti i nuovi FlarePack di DBD al tuo repertorio professionale. Se ti piace la versione LITE, controlla la PRO, che viene nella migliore qualità, alta risoluzione, con ancora più razzi da scegliere! Scaricalo qui: Mostra il nostro sito Web: se ti piace il nostro Pack, assicurarsi di: - "Mi piace" su Facebook: Seguici su Twitter: @BeDiff3rent e non dimenticare di iscriverti su YouTube! tuts dbd differenti di disegno flares DBD FlarePack LITE - 5 Flare PSD
Present your app or responsive website in a casual environment with this picture based mock-up. Change the screen image for your own design using the smart layer and you’re good to go. Resource created and released by Show It Better ipad mock-up tecnologia IPad Photo MockUp
3D virtual software box with an abstract brown / white background. Edit text in the folder named , u"”": uFront”, merge it (CTRL+E) and transform it (CTRL+T, right click - Distort) using distort option to make it angled (merge the gray helper with the box contour) and lastly remove the gray frame helper. Also, edit text and images in the , u"”": uSide” folder, no need for transformation vuoto casella marrone Abstract brown 3D box template (PSD)
Life is all about time - a seamless array of moments, all knitted together to provide us the perfect backdrop to judge who we are and what we have accomplished. We, human beings, are also visual creatures. We understand things better when we can visualize them in the form of graphics and pictures. No wonder we have invented the concept of graphical time lines to mark the significant points in our lives along the scale of time. That pretty much describes the timeline PSD I’m going to share with you today. This timeline PSD identifies a few milestones in my life. You can certainly modify this timeline freebie to convey a new story. This could be a story of a person, a place, or any other narrative you want to portray in the framework of time. Go ahead, download the timeline PSD, and tell us a new tale in time. riassunto progettazione dell'interfaccia uten regionale Timeline PSD
A high-resolution PSD mock-up to create a branded crew neck jumper presentation in no time. Just drag and drop your design via smart layer and choose your favorite garment color. This PSD mock-up was made available for public use by Dan Freebairn. If you like it make sure to check out more of Dan’s clothing mock-ups here abbigliamento mock-up moda Jumper MockUp PSD
Something that was really a new design for me in a crap folder, and today when I was cleaning my hard drive then I just got this one. I have design this 3 months back so just want to show u guys.. Design time was may be 1.5 hour or something. :p and its still unfinished. and i don't want to finish it nuovo design design psd regionale New Design PSD
The iPad and iPhone Bobby has designed for us are both fun, completely resizable and straight up legit. So go ahead and download , u"’": uem. Show Bobby some love by checking out his swell Dribbble Profile and giving him a follow/shout out on Twitter regionale tecnologia oggetti IOS Devices (PSD)
Bookshop is a fresh and modern template for bookstore. The color palette is bright and juicy. All items are well thought out. A set of shelves and covers for books, magazines, CDs is included for customization. Buy Bookshop template $10 and see attach :) FREE PSD PACK Thanks for watching! View more on Behance Follow us to keep in touch: Behance | Facebook | Twitter | Tumblr hezytheme negozio archivio Bookshop template & Free psd pack
USA flag and camouflage pattern dog tags in PSD format, download editable templates vuoto isolato modello USA and camouflage dog tags (PSD)
Today’s freebie includes wireframe mockups for the iPhone 5s, iPad Air, and Macbook Pro. These wireframes can be extremely useful for showing clients the screen flow for there new app or website. Each apple device wireframe can be scaled to whatever size needed without loosing quality. If you are wanting the wireframe mockups for iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, Macbook Pro, iPad Air, iPad Mini, and iMac you can grab them for $2 on our Creative Market store. tecnologia cibo drink Apple Device Wireframes
Hello designers! Today we’ll be talking about an online rich text editor and sharing with you a great resource that will be valuable to you all. Whether you want the text editor for a web application, a blog or a site, they will enhance the user experience and take it top-notch. Online text editors are basically web components that allow users to edit and enter text within a web browser. They are also called web-based WYSIWYG (, u"’": uwhat you see is what you get’) editors. With this resource, users can choose a variety of different ways to input and edit their text, in terms of font, size, colour, style, alignment, and with the one we are sharing with you, you’ll also be able to tag in a location, add an external link, attach a picture and then send it! With all these features, we think today. Since this is a simple rich text editor, it won’t confuse or muddle the users when they want to share their input, as most online text editors now come with a lot of buttons and features, when in fact, you only need a few. Format your text online with this great freebie today! barra degli strumenti progettazione dell'interfaccia uten ui kits Rich Text Editor
Continuing on the , u"”": usimple never goes out of fashion” theme, today’s freebie is a very simple, yet very usable, thumbnail slider. Download it and show off your stuff pulire semplice dispositivo di scorrimento Simple Thumbnail Slider (PSD)
Today’s freebie is sweet and simple, a pretty little red ribbon. Whether you love , u"’": uem or hate , u"’": uem, ribbons have their place in modern web design. Use it wisely nastro web banner Pretty Little Red Ribbon (PSD)
Friends, today’s download is a shiny 3D push button icons in PSD format. The buttons are in red and green color and they have , u"”": uHelp” and , u"”": uGo” text respectively in 3D style. You can easily edit the text by clicking the text layers, and of course the other layers as well icona photoshop graphic arti Push button icons (PSD)
So picture me, sitting at my desk, stalking...ahem, I mean "browsing" through Facebook and WHAM...I see my lame cover pic, pixelated LOL cats...again... So what do I do? I make a Facebook Cover PSD Template of course! No longer must we have to cope with boring cover pics, with DBD's Coverpack, you can design your own. This makes interacting with your profile pic REALLY easy too! You are only limited by your creativity! (Video Tutorial coming soon) All you have to do is replace the smart object and save it out. This is a freeware DBD pack. This means that you can use it on your commercial or non-commercial works for free. Check out our Video Tutorials: If you like our packs, don't forget to: "Like" us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: @BeDiff3rent copertura tuts dbd differenti di disegno DBD | CoverPack PSD Template For Facebook Covers
Today’s freebie is a little , u"’": uole user interface bar and knob thingy, which I think turned out quite alright ui kits regionale Sexi UI Bar (PSD)
A free set of simple Photoshop & HTML / CSS landing pages for any sort of , u"”": uComing Soon” campaign that you have planned regionale Soonish (PSD / HTML)
This freebie is a cute little music player designed by Daniel post (@DahnDesigns) with a clean approach and a nice touch of , u"”": ucuteness”. You never know when you might need it, so download friends musica movie oggetti Cute Music Player
Today’s freebie is a set of semi transparent tooltips that can add a touch of class to most designs. There’s no rule that states tooltips need to be boring, switch , u"’": uem up tooltip trasparente interfaccia utente Transparent Tooltips (PSD)
Download Now Pretty and bold , u"”": uLoyalty Reward” postcard design that is fully editable in PSD stampa affari finance Hot pink business cards - Promotional style
il mio secondo set di pennelli di mochi. Include Grecia, Bielorussia, Svizzera, S. Corea, Turchia, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Roma, Germania, Austria, Ungheria e Sealand. Hetalia non è mio. ma l'arte è blob mochi hetalia Hetalia mochi spazzole 2
Graphic design trends are continuously evolving. The latest trend seems to be the flat design. You are going to notice more and more flat designs in the coming days. Today I’m going to share with you a flat counter psd template. It can be used for , u"’": ucoming soon, u"’": u, , u"’": uunder construction, u"’": u or , u"’": ulaunching soon, u"’": u pages. Hope you’d like it and share your feedback. design piatto regionale architettura Flat Counter
Today’s freebie is a custom lightbox skin in PSD format - just enough to give your lightboxes the edge and stand out from the , u"’": udefault skin’ brigade pulsanti lightbox web Custom Lightbox Skin (PSD)
Popular Turkey Istambul vector icons and symbols: turkey men dancers, hookah, Islamic temple, kebab, shawarma, teapot, Istambul bridge, Turkey ships, Istambul towers and many others edifici cultura islam 50 Turkey Istanbul vector icons
Halloween is coming soon and I decided to share some pictures and images related to this theme. Halloween graphics - nice vector icons based on free font Evelz created by Sakurai Nan aka , u"”": uBosskete”. It contain sweet vectors of skulls, ghost, stars, bones, spiders, flying bat and so on. October 31st, has roots in some religious celebrations such as the Anglo-Saxon’s Winterfylleth, the Christian holiday of All Saints or the Celtic festival of Samhain. Nodays it’s the time when devils, ghosts, orks, witches, and other creatures will be walking in the darkness in your neighborhood in search of , u"”": uTricks” or , u"”": uTreats.” There will be lots of Halloween parties in bars and clubs and I more then sure that designer will need some halloween clip art to create posters, flyers and other prints. You are welcome to use it for any kinds of prints for Halloween event, making t-shirt design, graphic work (logo, business card, website etc), scrapbooking, CD and DVD covers, book Illustrations. Package, fabric or fashion design. IMPORTANT INFO FOR BLOGERS! If you are going to share this vector pack, your should insert direct link to this page, and make link text the same as title of this post halloween vacanze vacanze 54 Halloween Graphics
It seems that , u"”": ulong shadows” are the new trend these days, especially on Dribbble. Now you can apply this style nice and easy to any type of layer. It works with smart objects and it is available in 2 directions at 45 degrees. Enjoy piatto ombra lunga regionale Long Shadow Generator
<p>Questo freebie è compatto lettore musicale personalizzato per siti Web. Sentitevi liberi di usarlo per qualcosa che ti piace perché sono pienamente stratificata e modificabili in photoshop. Se vi piace darci un like su facebook. Grazie ed enjoi!</p> <p></p> <p>tutte le risorse gratis (omaggi) su tessuto Pixel, compreso ma non limitato a, icone, immagini, pennelli, forme, stili di livello, a strati di PSD, modelli, texture, elementi web e temi sono gratuiti per uso nei progetti personali e commerciali.</p> <p>Apprezziamo se si accreditano le nostre risorse o / e contribuire a diffondere la parola su di noi. saremo felici se ci Scrivi sulla risorsa da utilizzare nel progetto.</p> <p>Si non può tuttavia ridistribuire, rivendere, affittare, licenza, sub-licenza o offrire le nostre risorse di terze parti. Se si desidera dispongono le nostre risorse sul tuo sito, per favore non linkare direttamente la zip risorsa file come questi URL cambiano periodicamente, per favore il link alla pagina appropriata su dove gli utenti possono trovare il loro download.</p> affari finance regionale Lettore musicale personalizzata