This freebie includes 60 social media icons in 7 different styles. Social media icons are widely used to represent social media platforms. Icons come in a fully editable PSD file with 100% original shape layers. forme segni symbols 60 Social Media Icons
Showcase your logo as a wall mounted sign or just add depth to it with this photorealistic mock-up. The PSD file is fully layered and includes smart objects to make your work a breeze 3d logo mock-up 3D Wall Logo MockUp #2
FlexIcons is a collection of minimal glyphs created with thin strokes. The package comes with a PSD file including 100% shape layers. You can use these modern icons in your web design or any other creative projects. arti design forme FlexIcons
The new iPhone 5S vector mockup template is a fully-scalable vector shape iPhone 5S psd. We have created a very detailed front view of the black, white and gold iPhone 5S with smart layers to showcase your web or iOS app with ease as a iPhone 5S mockup iphone 5s tecnologia segni IPhone 5S Psd Vector Mockup
Brochure template psd featuring fresh and welcome style. Our brochure template would be the perfect match for all companies related to healthy lifestyle and nutrition. Brochure template psd designed in clear and clean style. We’ve made a high-quality print template - 300dpi, CMYK color regulation. Use our free brochure template for all kind of purposes, starting from health to nutrition and fitness. Using a free brochure template psd is certainly the easiest way out if you are on a low budget or tough schedule. We took care for everything, all layers of this free psd file are properly grouped and named. So, you won’t have any troubles to edit and customize our brochure. All you need is Adobe Photoshop and some basic skills in designing. Here’s a quick example - if you are about to design a brochure for a spa center, then your are in the right place. Of course, the uses of our brochure are countless, you can take just the layout and use it for practically all kind of purposes. We have included front page and 6 inner pages. So, that’s pretty much all you need to build your brochure. Feel free to add as much inner pages as you need based on our templates. We took care for the rest - bleeds, regulations and the other stuff are all properly set. Just remember to keep creative! opuscolo psd brochure template psd brochure Brochure Template PSD 2
This unique freebie is a map fold with map-pointers. Map folds are very much useful in representing countries in your design. It comes with an editable smart object that allows you to place your design very easily. It also includes few colorful map-pointers. mappe charts tecnologia Map Fold
Muhahaha ! Rebound For The Master @Roy Veldkamp :) LOCATION : Me In The "Hunter's Coffee Shop" From The Red Light District - Amsterdam City ! -> My Weed Maching Pantone System ! @Lemon Haze x2: - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Font Used: Helvetica Neue Family Enj0y ;) photoshop rimbalzo erbaccia Weed Maching System ! #Freebies
High detail embossed text effect with a grungy feel. It’s made from a combination of two layer styles and it works with any text or shape. Free font used as usually! Take a second to see the actual size grunge effetto di testo arti Grunge Bevel Text Effect
PSD logo design set containing 9 creative templates. If you are looking for a new logo for your company, then you’re on the right place. Download our vector logos for free! PSD logo design templates released today for free download! These logo templates could really help you for any project, starting from a website design to business cards and presentations. You know, logo designs are always welcome. So we suggest you to download the logos even if you don’t need them right now. They will surely come in handy one time or another. We have included 9 logo designs in this free PSD file. All of them use free fonts, so don’t worry about any extra editing fees. Just follow the links below to get the corresponding font. PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 3 Big Preview Resolution: 1500x1000File Format: PSDFonts: Faltura, Soup of Justice, Unchanged Thoughts, Gauntlet, Adam Warren Pro, PlanerFile Size: 432 KBNumber of Items in Set: 9Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. business logo psd business logo template logo PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 3
Looking for a simple login popup design? Download our free login template and don’t hassle through the tedious task of finding the perfect login design for your website. This login popup is simple, but catchy with its simple fill in forms for username and password and a big, bright orange button for login. It also gives the option to the user to reset their password, in case they forgot it. As its name suggests, this little login window popups on the screen after the user clicks on the login tab with the user symbol. Download this free login template today! pulsante design piatto login template Login Popup Design
Metti le mani su questa vasta collezione di 15 modelli di biglietti da visita unici ispirati a ristoranti e caffè, caratterizzati da un affascinante design in stile occidentale. Ogni modello presenta una varietà di sfondi, decorati con utensili da cucina, insegne, ornamenti e accattivanti opere d'arte. All'interno, troverai testo di esempio visualizzato in diversi colori e una serie di caratteri tipografici eleganti. Non lasciarti sfuggire l'occasione di arricchire i tuoi biglietti da visita con un tocco di creatività ed eleganza. Goditi le possibilità! ristorante business-card western-style Set di carte Western Cafe
PSD logo set containing 9 templates suitable for a wide range of businesses. Our free logo designs are suitable for non-profit organizations, animal shops, IT businesses and all kind of automotive businesseses. PSD logo set designed in clean and clear style. We’ve made a great amount of logo templates and now we share the whole set with you. This free logo set is a must have for all designers! Head straight to the download section and grab the PSD now! Our free logo designs are perfect for a startup company. You can take the dog logo for example, change the colors and the logotype and you are ready to go. Easy and free solution for your business. It’s a fully layered PSD file. So you will be able to make all kind of modifications and adjust the logotypes. Just follow the links below to get the fonts, that we’ve used on every logo. They are all free, so you won’t have any expenses. Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. business logo template logotipi psd logo PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 4
Banner Ramadan personalizzabili con motivi a luna e stelle in un vivace effetto bokeh. Diverse tonalità di verde, rosso, blu e giallo. Spazio per personalizzare il tuo messaggio. ramadan banner banner Striscioni per la notte di celebrazione del Ramadan
Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background). REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. sfondo pulsante pulire Sign Up Widget
This massive freebie is compliments of Peter Olexa. It includes 3 photo-realistic logo mockup templates. They work great for presenting your logo, badge, sign design, text or shape. Each mockup includes smart objects which allow you to easily place your own logo or shapes. All mock-up templates are in Photoshop files with hi-res 2300x1600 pixels. realistico 3d logo 3 Photorealistic Logo Mockups
Questo design piatto elegante e moderno presenta forme poligonali nei toni del rosso, blu e bianco. Il design presenta la frase «Happy Independence Day» in grassetto bianco maiuscolo, che aggiunge un tocco di festa. È adatto a vari scopi come sfondi, sfondi, cartoline, volantini, banner e altro ancora. poligonale independence-day stati uniti d'america Trama poligonale del Giorno dell'Indipendenza
This freebie is a collection of 16px icons created with minimal colors. These modern icons would look great in any web, mobile or print projects. The package comes with PSD and AI files with 100% shape layers for easy customization. 60 Vicons Set is based on 16-18px grid. forme tecnologia segni 60 Vicons Icons Set
Collezione di striscioni in onore del 4 luglio, per commemorare il Giorno dell'Indipendenza degli Stati Uniti. Ogni striscione è unico e presenta la bandiera e la frase «Giorno dell'Indipendenza». Questi design versatili possono essere personalizzati per adattarsi a vari usi come banner web, articoli, decorazioni, souvenir, segnalibri e altro ancora. banner independence-day stati uniti d'america Kit striscione per la Giornata della Libertà USA
45 vector simboli relativi al tema di musica, suono e dj: cuffie, microfono, altoparlanti, musica cd / dvd, lettori mp3, campana a mano, radio icona, simboli di play/stop/registrazione/pausa. Simboli e le icone sono essenziali nella grafica. Può regolare la percezione di un sito web, fare una pagina Web più completa, creare l'atmosfera per il contenuto, diventano una parte inevitabile di visualizzazione. In molti casi le icone sono utilizzate per sito Web costruendo come parti dei menu e altri elementi interattivi. È così semplice da personalizzare qualsiasi illustrazione vettoriale: ruotare, modificare dimensioni, cambiare colore, rimuovere elementi, aggiungere altri elementi. Vi consiglio di utilizzare Adobe Illustrator, ma si può anche provare a utilizzare i tuoi programmi preferiti grafici per l'editing di file vettoriali, ad esempio, Xara, Corel Draw, Macromedia Freehand, PMView, Quark musica symbols & signs musica 45 icone audio e musica
<!- google_ad_client = "pub-8095883449212520"; / * 468 x 15, creato il 23/06/09 * / google_ad_slot = "9776534872"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 15; //-> 41 icone di disegno di base. Forme di design semplice che è possibile utilizzare per fare il vostro disegno più interessante! Essere creativi e usare i talenti! Tutti quella sagoma sono pronti all'uso nei vostri disegni sorprendenti, creazione grafica accattivante occhio, stampa design, motion graphic, rendering 3d. b-automobili, flayers, manifesti. Maggior parte delle sagome unici e disegnati a mano! Disponibile per uso personale & commerciale. Mio vector clip art sagome meglio modificare con Adobe Illustrator CS o Adobe Photoshop CS. Altri Software di grafica (come Corel Draw o Freehand) può essere utilizzato per modificare i miei file, ma non posso garantire che tutto sarà corretto al 100%. Specchio - MediaFire symbols & signs progettazione 41 base icone
Collection of Warning road signs. All you need to prevent any kinds of accidents: nuclear, poisoning, hazard, fire, electricity, mechanical damages, cols, fire. IMPORTANT INFO FOR BLOGERS! If you are going to share this vector pack, your should insert direct link to this page, and make link text the same as title of this post symbols & signs 27 Warning Road Signs
Vector sport man signs. 32 signs of human relative to sport: running human sign, rock-climber sign, roller sign, golf/tennis player icons, swimmer sign, horse rider sign, hang-glider sign and others. All that silhouette are ready to use in your amazing designs, creating eye catching graphics, print design, motion graphics, 3d rendering. b-cars, flayers, posters. Most of silhouettes unique and hand drawn! Available for personal & commercial use. My vector clip art silhouettes better to edit with Adobe Illustrator CS or Adobe Photoshop CS. Other Graphics Software (Such as Corel Draw or Freehand) can be used for editing my files, but I can’t guarantee that everything will be 100% correct sport symbols & signs sport 32 Sport Man Signs
New unique outlines of floral shapes. To modify outlines in Illustrator select floral object (then you can increase or decrease size of stroke, use stroke panel to do it), then transform object with stroke into just object by using - Object/Path/Outline Stroke You can download for free and use this Vector floral outlines to create any kind of floral ornaments. Set include vector version (Adobe Illustrator 8 ver) for easy use in your favorite vector editing application + csh for Adobe Photoshop CS. You can use my best clipart images for Microsoft or Apple systems, Powerpoint, Microsoft Office projects including business presentations, desktop publishing, web pages, greeting cards, email, posters, promotional items, t-shirts, sign-making, print-making and more! Vector Floral Ornaments from was created using this set floral fiorisce swirls 118 Free Vector Floral Outlines
Astrological set of free vector signs of the Zodiac. It contains 4 full sets of Zodiac signs in different styles. (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces). Plus there are some different Astrology Icons, It’s a pity but I don’t no there meaning, I just like the way they look =). Some of this shapes was shared by Now you can download them for free and use it for any purposes! Have fun. All that silhouette are ready to use in your amazing designs, creating eye catching graphics, print design, motion graphics, 3d rendering. b-cars, flayers, posters. Most of silhouettes unique and hand drawn! Available for personal & commercial use. My vector clip art silhouettes better to edit with Adobe Illustrator CS or Adobe Photoshop CS. Other Graphics Software (Such as Corel Draw or Freehand) can be used for editing my files, but I can’t guarantee that everything will be 100% correct. Also you can download Blinking Signs created by Vector Lady - free vector blinking Zodiac Signs figure registrati symbols & signs 60 Signs of the Zodiac
Free hanging sign PSD template. Awesome free design resource that could come in handy one time or another. That’s a great place to put your featured products and services as it calls for attention. Moreover, it’s pretty easy to add your own text and image, just use the premade placeholders. We have properly grouped and named all layers to save you time and frustration when you start editing the PSD template. So, go ahead now and download the PSD file completely for free! Preview Fully Layered Wall Sign PSD Template Resolution: 1200x1100File Format: PSDFile Size: 0.26 MBNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files carosello pulire segnale sospeso Wall Sign PSD Template
The keys and the LED screen are easy customizable. It is suitable for illustrating the tax season, finances and can be used as a symbol or icon. Resolution: 680Ã580File Format: PSDFile Size: 98.2 KB Number of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD File calcolatrice pulire grigio Free PSD Fully Layered Calculator
Ready to use. Colors are easy to adjust using Adobe Photoshop. The used font is Arial. Resolution: 600Ã400File Format: PSDFile Size: 418 KBNumber of Items in Set: 20Author: Free PSD Files pulsante pulire aziendale PSD Button collection
Odincons is a collection of 100 glyph icons that comes with 100% shape layers. Icons are in PSD format with fully organized shape layers allowing you to modify as per your own needs. forme segni symbols Odincons - 100 Shape Icons
This freebie is a collection of 12 Gesture Icons that can be used to represent hand gestures in designs projects. The package comes with a layered PSD file that allows you to modify and customize according to your needs. segni symbols umano Gesture Icons
Darky UI Kit is a multi-purpose UI kit that comes with lots of useful UI elements such as graphs, sign-in forms, pricing tables, checkout pages and many more. The UI kit is a well-organized in a layered PSD file. Darky UI Kit applies elegant color scheme with flat design principles. The kit can also be used as UI Framework in your design projects. It comes with almost all the required elements for a full project. ui kits affari finance Darky UI Kit
This is a custom log in form for any application or website. It's very simple and easy to use for your site or app. I used two user friendly fonts, Myriad Pro and Tahoma. The log in button is easy to customize, just change the color of the main button layer to you desired color. This includes a Photoshop PSD with well organized layers, everything is easy to find. It was also made in vector format, so you can re-scale it to any size. Re-sale and or redistribution is forbidden. If used in an application, website, web page, blog post, or anywhere else on the net, then remember to link back to or this post. - Enjoy :D app applicazione arte Log In Form
Today’s freebie of the day is a very neat little Sign Up Form in PSD, for all your web projects! This newsletter signup form with its simple yet stylish look will win over all your web designs and make users take notice. The small postage details from the red and blue narrow line design and the postage stamp watermark echo the feel and appearance of a real postage newsletter and look very endearing. Through this Sign Up Form PSD freebie you can easily get people to sign up to your newsletter with two simple steps: first by entering their email address in the email address bar in the PSD and then by clicking Subscribe. It’s that simple! And since it’s a PSD file, it is completely editable. You might have come across many Sign Up Forms before but did not find them appropriate. This Sign Up Form PSD is just the right amount of simplicity and bold design! Enjoy! web form ui kits segni Sign Up Form PSD
Today’s freebie is a new arrival tag psd template. It is created by using Photoshop Vector Shapes so you can resize it as you want. You can also change colors and styles of the this new arrival tag. Download the PSD file and share your comments. oggetto nastro modelli New Arrival
30+ vector silhouette of people with flags, Olympic flag bearers, parade flag carrier, protest people crowd with flag, the standard-bearer bandiera sport segni 30 Vetor Flag Carrier (bearer)
Our flat icons set is inspired by the new flat design UI trend. The icons are minimalist with a few distinctive details to bring life to them. We provide those icons in their psd vector shape file piatto forme segni Flat Design Icons Set Vol1
Our new three-quarter view iPhone 5 vector mockup template is a fully-scalable vector shape iPhone 5 psd. We have created a very detailed 3/4 view of the new black and white iPhone 5 and used smart layers to create an easy way to show your web or iOS app as an iPhone 5 mockup. Front view available here. White 3D view available here. Black 3D view available here mockup iphone tecnologia 3-4 View iPhone 5 Psd Vector Mockup
Pixel perfect iPhone PSD mock-up with changeable color feature. Pick your own color inside smart object, hit save and that’s it. The color will update for both phone and reflection! Perfect to present your latest app design iphone mock-up tecnologia IPhone 5 Front View MockUp
Flat badges design for print & web. They are fully scalable and can easily be modified in terms of color shape and font distintivo clean badge design piatto Flat Web Badges (PSD)
Minimize and maximize icons in blue color. Stylized arrows pointing in and out rounded square shape. A great icon for web 2.0 applications, control web windows. Download PSD source with elements organized in layers isolato simbolo web PSD minimize and maximize icons
-> Blue Contact Form #Freebies - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Font Used: Sansus Webissimo Family [ INCLUCED ] Enj0y ;) photoshop pulsante ingresso Blue Contact Form #Freebies
-> Big Blue "Sign Now" Form #Freeebies - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Font Used: Sansus Webissimo Family [ INCLUCED ] + BONUS -> Mock Up - 2000x1500 px. [ INCLUCED ] Enj0y ;) photoshop pulsante ingresso Blue Login Form #Freebies
- Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Font Used: Ubuntu Family Enj0y ;) * Please Check the Attachments * photoshop ingresso scuro Dark UI Styles
-> Login Form #Freebies - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Font Used: Calibri Family Enj0y ;) photoshop piatto ingresso Login Form #Freebies
Blank wooden sign template for your content. Get the layered PSD source and customize it vuoto registrati in legno Wooden sign template (PSD)
Security verification - passed, failed. Shiny shields in green and red colors with tick and cross symbols applicazioni sicurezza lucido Security verification - passed, failed (PSD)
Files archive box in PSD format. A simple brown cardboard box, moving and storage symbol marrone affari ufficio Files archive box (PSD)
Today’s freebie is a combination of two metal sliders that are circular and angular. My main object was to share with you metal gradients so i put these on sliders. I hope you will find them useful and worth download. Let’s download the free psd file and share your feedback! dispositivo di scorrimento affari finance Metal Slider (PSD)
While designing and developing website you can’t overlook the sign up form or registration form. Today’s freebie is a sign up form template which has a unique steps design as well. As you know it could be also used as a registration form template. I hope you will like it and share your feedback in comments below. Happy Designing! web form ui kits modelli Sign Up Form Template
Today's free download is a simple, clean image slider. The PSD is well organized and includes shape layers for easy resizing forme segni symbols Simple Image Slider
Today we have another huge free download: 70 Glyph Icons in PSD and PNG formats. The icons are 32x32 in size and use shape layers so they can be infinitely resized forme segni symbols Glyph Icons
Free Seextwood Webelements Fully layered editable vector PSD (shapes). Used styles included. Font info inside. Enjoy webelements web design pulsanti Free Seextwood Webelements