A fun, colorful, cartoony game interface kit great for 2D mobile games. All elements are build with vector shapes and layer styles so you can easily customize and resize them according to your needs. Enjoy 漫画 ゲーム ui Mobile Game GUI
Friends, today’s design share is a highly detailed super useful map GUI kit in PSD format. The kit is created basically for use in mobile apps. You can use the elements to add some nice creative touch to your location map interface. Included in the download is a PSD file containing different map pointers, zoom slider, popups, GPS marker etc in full shape layers and smart objects. You can easily edit each element depending on your need. Hope this will be a very useful freebie モバイル gui キット ui elements 技術 Map GUI kit (PSD)
A metro UI kit that will offer you an efficient way to deliver an awesome metro look and feel. You’ll never go wrong with a metro, flat design these days, it’s fresh and clean and most importantly it’s easy on the eyes and lets your users enjoy what is actually the most important, the content. gui キット リソース Metro Vibes UI Kit
Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background). REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. 背景 ボタン クリーン Sign Up Widget
<p>Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background).</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere.</p> 背景 ボタン クリーン ウィジェットにサインアップします。
<p>Here is another unique ui kit I've never done before. This orange user interface kit includes everything from radio buttons and checkboxes to on/off gui switches and searchboxes. The kit is entirely vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always.</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere.</p> ボタン ボタン チェック ボックス オレンジ UI キット
<p>UI Form elements</p> <p>Marcin Czaja<br /><a href="http://www.icherry.pl">www.icherry.pl</a></p> フォーム gui インターフェイス フォームの UI
<p>These are some Twitter UI Buttons, perfect for social sharing and creating a link to your twitter account! Everything is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always.</p> <p>Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> <p>- Enjoy :D</p> アクティブ アート gui Twitter の UI
<p>This is a light Media Toolbar User Interface that's all vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always.</p> <p>Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> <p>- Enjoy :D</p> アート 後方 ボタン メディア ツールバー UI
Here is a simple Equalizer User Interface design that's supposed to control the left and the right speaker volume (or whatever you change it to). This includes a Photoshop PSD like always and is 100% vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed, enjoy :) REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design file elsewhere, you also may NOT re-sell this nor release this file elsewhere. イコライザー 経験 グラフィカル Equalizer UI
Here is another unique ui kit I've never done before. This orange user interface kit includes everything from radio buttons and checkboxes to on/off gui switches and searchboxes. The kit is entirely vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always. REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. ボタン ボタン チェック ボックス Orange UI Kit
Here is another UI Kit that I went in a slightly different direction with, using a different gradient than usual, so I named it the "Gradient UI Kit". This has everything from buttons, a profile drop down, on/off gui switches, and much more! Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, enjoy :D Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden! If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. ボタン ボタン チェック ボックス Gradient UI Kit
A few simple user interface elements. Full layered .PSD file using only vector shapes and layer styles. Includes scrollers, sliders, buttons, search fields, switches and radio buttons. ボタン gui オフ Simple UI
Here is a minimal set of some Dribbble UI for everyone. Everything is all vector, so feel free to re-scale this to any size if needed. This also includes a fully layered Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :) Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. dribbble 要素 gui Dribbble UI
These are some Twitter UI Buttons, perfect for social sharing and creating a link to your twitter account! Everything is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always. Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. - Enjoy :D アクティブ アート gui Twitter UI
Friends, today’s graphic design resource is a pack of clean user-interface elements in PSD format. Crafted with for a sleek and modern look, the UI elements are specially a great fit for grey and white backgrounds web 要素 ui kits 芸術 Clean GUI elements pack (PSD)
<p>これらはいくつか Twitter の UI のボタン、社会的な共有とあなたの twitter アカウントへのリンクを作成するために最適です !すべてが 100 % のベクトルを拡張できるように再この任意のサイズに必要な場合です。それはまた常のような Photoshop の psd ファイルが含まれています</p>。<p>再販売は禁じられているこの他の場所のダウンロードまたは再配布をホスティングします</p>。<p>Icondeposit.com またはこの記事へのリンクを覚えている他の場所で使用されている場合</p>。<p>-をお楽しみください: D</p> アクティブ アート gui Twitter の UI
<p>この巨大な景品は、それは 100 % ベクトル UI キット。ラジオ ボタン、チェック ボックス、テキスト領域、検索フォーム、折りたたみ可能なブロック、ツール ヒント、ボタン、スクロール バーおよびが含まれています !このキットには、いつものように psd ファイルが含まれています</p>。<p>再販売または再配布は禁じられています</p>。<p>ない他の場所でホストされている直接のダウンロードを必要があります</p>。<p>個人的または商業的使用のためのこのベクトル UI キットを使用する場合は、常に Icondeposit.com またはこの記事へのリンクしてください</p>。<p>-をお楽しみください: D</p> ボタン ボタン チェック ボックス ベクトル UI キット
<p>今日の景品、ノブ ユーザー インターフェイスは、ノブの針と完全です。すべてが 100 % のベクトル図形とスマート オブジェクトです。それはまた:) 常のような Photoshop の psd ファイルが含まれます</p> <p>再販売、他の場所、または再配布は禁じられているこのダウンロードをホストします</p>。<p>Icondeposit.com またはこの記事へのリンクを覚えている他の場所で使用されている場合</p>。 ダイヤル gui ノブ UI のノブ
友人は、今日のデザインを共有マップは、非常に詳細な超便利です PSD 形式で GUI キットです。キットは携帯アプリで使用するため基本的に作成されます。いくつかの素晴らしい創造的なタッチ インターフェイスを追加するあなたの場所マップの要素を使用できます <br/>。<span id="more-3294"/> <br/> 異なるマップ ポインター、ズーム スライダー、ポップアップを含む PSD ファイルは、ダウンロードに含まれている GPS マーカー完全シェイプ レイヤーにスマート オブジェクトなど。必要に応じて、各要素を簡単に編集できます。これは非常に有用な景品だろうことを望みます モバイル gui キット ui elements 技術 地図 GUI キット (PSD)
友人は、今日のダウンロードは清潔でモダンな web Photoshop 形式の GUI キットです。あなたの次の web サイトのプロジェクトを始めるために役立つこれらのウェブ要素 web 要素 ui クリーンな web GUI キット (PSD)
Friends, today’s graphic design resource is a pack of clean user-interface elements in PSD format. Crafted with for a sleek and modern look, the UI elements are specially a great fit for grey and white backgrounds web 要素 デザイン きれいな GUI 要素パック (PSD)
<p>Here is the "Creamy UI Kit". It includes radio buttons, checkboxes, a percent slider, previous/next buttons, rectangular/circular buttons, search boxes, tick/cross buttons, and the on/off GUI I did yesterday. Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :)</p> <p>Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> ボタン ボタン チェック ボックス クリーミーな UI キット
<p>Here is my latest kit, the "Crisp UI Kit". It comes with some fancy coloring, detailed shadows, radio buttons, check boxes, sliders, on/off switches and more! Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed, Enjoy :)</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this nor release this elsewhere.</p> ボタン ボタン チェック ボックス 鮮明な UI キット
<p>ここでは、ラジオ ボタン、チェック ボックス、[検索] ボックス、ページ ビューのツールボックスで完全なピクセル UI キットです。それも常のような Photoshop の psd ファイルが含まれています、完全にベクトル、再を拡張するためこれを任意のサイズに必要な場合</p>。<p>覚えている: これはのでそのような大きな景品、このサイトへのリンクまたはこの設計を使用する任意の時間を投稿する必要があります</p>。<p>このデザインを別の場所をホスト可能性があります、またこれを販売またはできませんこの他の場所をリリースします</p>。 ボタン ボタン チェック ボックス ピクセル UI キット
These are some dropdown menu's perfect for any website or app. This is 100% vector and includes a Photoshop PSD like always. Font Used: "Helvetica Neue" Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere, and or redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. - Enjoy :D ボタン ボタン クリーン Dropdown UI
Here is part 2 of 2 of the Dark UI kit. This one comes with radio buttons, a contact form, a text area, a tooltip, page tags, and a select box. Everything is 100% vector so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :) P.S. You can download Part 1 of 2 here: http://www.icondeposit.com/design:29 Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. 追加 アート ボタン Dark UI kit (Part 2 of 2)
Chat bubble PSD template suitable for all kind of projects and applications. We have designed a GUI with usability and user experience in mind. Download the free chat bubble graphics now! Chat bubble graphics designed in clean and clear style. We put our creative juices into action and produced an awesome GUI. Be sure that our chat bubble graphics will come in handy sooner or later. Download the chat bubbles PSD for free and use them on your next design related projects. Chat Bubble Graphics Preview Resolution: 1048x1072pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.677 MBNumber of Items in Set: 6Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 雑談泡 chat bubble graphics チャット泡 psd Chat Bubble Graphics
<p>Here is a simple Equalizer User Interface design that's supposed to control the left and the right speaker volume (or whatever you change it to). This includes a Photoshop PSD like always and is 100% vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed, enjoy :)</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design file elsewhere, you also may NOT re-sell this nor release this file elsewhere.</p> イコライザー 経験 グラフィカル UI のイコライザー
いくつかのシンプルな GUI iPad に取り組んで。ソース ファイルは、.jpg よりわずかに異なる、同じ要素があります。私はハック デザイナーそう簡単にかかる私奇妙なレイヤリングへ。子供たちのおかげで ! ui 計算されました。 ui elements 小さな GUI
私たち私たちの iOS を iOS の 5 の主要なインターフェイスの更新を含む GUI PSD を更新し、必要に応じて他のすべてを調整しました。お楽しみください ! ui ui elements アップル IOS の 5 GUI PSD
This is a complete UI Kit or Bundle rather because I tried to come up with another name besides "Kit". This includes everything from star ratings, radio buttons, text boxes, all the way to tooltips! Everything is entirely vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. This also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :) Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. 追加 バンドル ボタン UI Bundle
You can download this freebie via link below https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9m09g90ah5hirc/MovieApp.zip ui iphone アプリ Free Movie App UI PSD
<p>This is simple Video Player in PSD format. Coming soon Flash and HTML/JS version.</p> 経験 フラッシュ グラフィカル ShakeDesign ビデオ プレーヤー
<p>This is a complete UI Kit or Bundle rather because I tried to come up with another name besides "Kit". This includes everything from star ratings, radio buttons, text boxes, all the way to tooltips! Everything is entirely vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. This also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :)</p> <p>Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> 追加 バンドル ボタン UI のバンドル
Hey everyone! I have a free awesome UI kit for you. Grab it => Like it => Follow me => You are awesome! Twitter | Facebook | Behance | Instagram ui gui ux Free UI kit. Grab it now
A very simple way to create LOGIN app iPhone very quickly. Download Free Psd: http://bit.ly/Uikit Look in the layer comp, Enjoy :) Resources to create UI Kit Photo: http://unsplash.com/ Font: http://iosfonts.com/ Guide: http://ivomynttinen.com/blog/the-ios-7-design-cheat-sheet/ モバイル ui ux UI Kit Login iPhone
<p>You can download this freebie via link below <br /><a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9m09g90ah5hirc/MovieApp.zip" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/j9m09g90ah5hirc/MovieApp.zip</a></p> ui iphone アプリ 無料ムービー アプリ UI PSD