ドイツの地図が描かれたこの素晴らしいTシャツデザインをチェックしてください。この汎用性の高いグラフィックTシャツデザインは、シャツ、マグカップ、ポスター、パーカーなど、さまざまな商品に最適です。透明なPNGファイルが含まれているので、マーチ・バイ・アマゾン、レッドバブル、ティースプリング、プリントフルなどのPODプラットフォームに最適です。 t-shirt ドイツ 地図 ドイツ政治地図 t シャツデザイン
Free PSD map graphics designed in high resolution. We’ve made another great freebie and now we share the psd sources completely for free! Use our map for any project, both web and print related. Free PSD map graphics designed in creative, 3D style. That’s a folded map containing 2 pins and an arrow. Pretty much, that’s all you need to present your location, right? Of course, you can use just the pin or the arrow, it’s your call where to how to use our freebie. Thanks to the large size of our map, you can use it in any project. And we mean not only web designs, but also print projects such as brochures, flyers, billboards, you name it. All you need to use our free map graphics is Adobe Photoshop. That’s the required software to open the graphics and change anything if needed. As a matter of fact, It’s pretty easy to change the look and feel of our map. Adjust the blending options that we’ve used to achieve the desired appearance. Creative map templates are always needed for all kind of projects. Be sure to download our freebie, you will surely need to design a , u"”": ucontact us” area sooner or later. So, it would be a good idea to grab our freebie and store it for later usage. If you need more maps for your designs, we can help! Here are a few more graphics that are available for instant download: USA Map PSD Template; Maps UI PSD Set; PSD Pixel World Maps; 3 Isolated 3D USA Maps; 6 Free Pixel World Maps. Free PSD Map Graphics Preview Resolution: 1600x1180pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.539 MBNumber of Items in Set: 3Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. folded map psd map psd psd map Free PSD Map Graphics
Friends, today’s design share is a highly detailed super useful map GUI kit in PSD format. The kit is created basically for use in mobile apps. You can use the elements to add some nice creative touch to your location map interface. Included in the download is a PSD file containing different map pointers, zoom slider, popups, GPS marker etc in full shape layers and smart objects. You can easily edit each element depending on your need. Hope this will be a very useful freebie モバイル gui キット ui elements 技術 Map GUI kit (PSD)
This unique freebie is a map fold with map-pointers. Map folds are very much useful in representing countries in your design. It comes with an editable smart object that allows you to place your design very easily. It also includes few colorful map-pointers. マップ charts 技術 Map Fold
Today’s freebie is a lovely little set of map location markers or pins. Download them, tailor them to your needs and put them in your next design. Do it, do it now マーカー ピン ui Map Location Pins (PSD)
さまざまな国の独特の文化的シンボルで構成された、北米を紹介するユニークなTシャツデザイン。Tシャツ、パーカー、マグカップ、ポスターなど、幅広い商品に最適です。マーチ・バイ・アマゾン、レッドバブル、ティースプリング、プリントフルなどの人気のオンデマンド印刷プラットフォームと互換性があります。 t-shirt north-america アメリカ 北米のティーエレメント
Skype、YouTube、Google、Facebookなどの人気ネットワークを網羅するさまざまなソーシャルメディアアイコンをご覧ください。鮮やかな色が豊富なこれらのベクターグラフィックは、バナー、アプリ、そして思い描くクリエイティブなプロジェクトなど、さまざまな用途に最適です。 ネオン social-media facebook ネオンソーシャルメディアアイコン
このアイソメトリックイラストは、クルーズ船、ホテル、通り、その他さまざまな建物が並ぶにぎやかなシティハーバーベイを示しています。このサービスには高品質の JPG 画像が含まれています。イラストはコモンズ 4.0 帰属ライセンスの下で入手できます。 等尺性 ハーバー ベイ アイソメトリックハーバーベイスケープ
Small part of a big project, was never used. Feel free to use the PSD for whatever you want! See more of Cameron’s work: website dribbble twitter トロフィー
The ever useful world map and Australia, since i had it. Update: I’ve added the UK and USA shapes and included SVG versions of all the shapes (World Map, Australia, UK and USA). Vector Terms : download world map , . All rights belong to Lukeroberts. You can use Vector Maps: World Map, Australia, UK and USA to your personal use. Make sure you read the license of this vector graphic before you use it on your commercial projects 地域 オブジェクト マップ ベクトル地図: ワールド マップ、オーストラリア、英国、米国
<p>3 分離の 3 D アメリカのマップ</p><p><strong>解像度:</strong> 1474 × 720px <br/><strong>ファイル形式:</strong>PSD + TIFF <br/> <strong>ファイル サイズ:</strong> 1.93 MB <br/> <strong>セット内のアイテム数:</strong> 3 <br/> <strong>著者:</strong> 無料の PSD ファイル</p> 3 d マップ 分離されました。 地図 3 分離の 3 D アメリカのマップ
友人は、今日のデザインを共有マップは、非常に詳細な超便利です PSD 形式で GUI キットです。キットは携帯アプリで使用するため基本的に作成されます。いくつかの素晴らしい創造的なタッチ インターフェイスを追加するあなたの場所マップの要素を使用できます <br/>。<span id="more-3294"/> <br/> 異なるマップ ポインター、ズーム スライダー、ポップアップを含む PSD ファイルは、ダウンロードに含まれている GPS マーカー完全シェイプ レイヤーにスマート オブジェクトなど。必要に応じて、各要素を簡単に編集できます。これは非常に有用な景品だろうことを望みます モバイル gui キット ui elements 技術 地図 GUI キット (PSD)
Fun rebound for the master @JosÃ{c} Polanco :) - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd files - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Fully Customizable Enj0y :) * CHECK THE @2X SZE * Follow Me 0n : BeHance | Fb | Twitter | Linkedin | Viadeo フォト ショップ フラット ボタン Location Map #Freebies
今日の景品は、良い少し加え設計ツールボックス、マップのピンおよびツールヒントのセットです。マップがすべてに取り組んでいる場合これはあなたのために興味深い出発点かもしれません マーカー ピン ツールヒント マップのピン & ツールチップ (PSD)
<h3>Free PSD map graphics designed in high resolution. We’ve made another great freebie and now we share the psd sources completely for free! Use our map for any project, both web and print related.</h3> <p>Free PSD map graphics designed in creative, 3D style. <strong>That’s a folded map containing 2 pins and an arrow</strong>. Pretty much, that’s all you need to present your location, right? Of course, you can use just the pin or the arrow, it’s your call where to how to use our freebie.</p> <p>Thanks to the large size of our map, you can use it in any project. And we mean not only web designs, but also print projects such as brochures, flyers, billboards, you name it. All you need to use our free map graphics is <strong>Adobe Photoshop</strong>. That’s the required software to open the graphics and change anything if needed. As a matter of fact, It’s pretty easy to change the look and feel of our map. Adjust the blending options that we’ve used to achieve the desired appearance.</p> <p><strong>Creative map templates</strong> are always needed for all kind of projects. Be sure to download our freebie, you will surely need to design a , u"”": ucontact us” area sooner or later. So, it would be a good idea to grab our freebie and store it for later usage.</p> <p><strong>If you need more maps for your designs, we can help! Here are a few more graphics that are available for instant download:</strong></p> <ul><li><a title="USA Map PSD Template" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/3d-renders/usa-map-psd-template" target="_blank">USA Map PSD Template</a>;</li> <li><a title="Maps UI PSD Set" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/buttons/maps-ui-psd-set" target="_blank">Maps UI PSD Set</a>;</li> <li><a title="PSD Pixel World Maps" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/graphics/psd-pixel-world-maps" target="_blank">PSD Pixel World Maps</a>;</li> <li><a title="3 Isolated 3D USA Maps" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/3d-renders/3-isolated-3d-usa-maps" target="_blank">3 Isolated 3D USA Maps</a>;</li> <li><a title="6 Free Pixel World Maps" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/graphics/6-free-pixel-world-maps" target="_blank">6 Free Pixel World Maps</a>.</li> </ul><div id="attachment_8901" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-8901" alt="Free PSD Map Graphics Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2014/06/Free_PSD_Map_Graphics_Preview.jpg" width="594" height="1379"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Free PSD Map Graphics Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1600x1180px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 0.539 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 3<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> folded map psd map psd psd map 無料の PSD マップ グラフィックス
赤いピン、Photoshop で作成された web アイコンと青の世界地図。折られた世界地図の分離白、柔らかな影と。移動はピンを選択するカスタム場所 < br/> 高解像度マップする場合は、<a href="http://www.psdgraphics.com/backgrounds/blank-world-map/"> 空の世界地図</a> で確認。 ブルー 地図 web PSD 世界地図アイコン
A black vector psd design of the world map. Flat and editable. Light effect going from underneath the map マップ charts 技術 Dark Psd World Map
<p>6 Free Pixel World Maps</p> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong> 3000Ã1875<br/><strong>File Format: </strong>PSD<br/><strong>File Size: </strong>1.36MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 6<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD File </p> 地図 ピクセル マップ 世界 6 無料のピクセル世界地図
High resolution Map of the world created with Photoshop. Light blue shiny silhouette world map, on an abstract dark blue grid background. Great vector graphic for a screen presentations, business materials, print documents etc.<br/> Quality images and photos for your next website project & screen presentation <a target="_blank" style="color: #156dd9;" href="http://depositphotos.com/search-all/index.html">search for stock photos and images</a> 世界地図 planet earth background ビジネス アイコン ベクトル世界地図背景 (PSD)
Today’s freebie is a set of map pins in different color combinations. The FREE PSD comes in vector shapes, as usual. Enjoy! Icon from: IconSweets 2 See more of Victor’s work: website dribbble twitter ゴールデン矢印
Vector map of Australia Continent in our map style Lucid. Australia vector map is layered, editable and accurate 地図 マップ 大陸 オーストラリア大陸の無料ベクター マップ
Today’s freebie is a nice little addition to your design toolbox, a set of map pins and tooltips. If you’re working on maps at all, this may be an interesting starting point for you マーカー ピン ツールヒント マップのピン & ツールチップ (PSD)
Today’s freebie is a lovely little set of map location markers or pins. Download them, tailor them to your needs and put them in your next design. Do it, do it now マーカー ピン ui 地図の場所ピン (PSD)
Aged world map on paper scroll with a frayed vintage paper texture. You can also use it as a template for other types of content - images, text etc 空白 茶色 古い ヴィンテージ紙スクロール上の古い世界地図
Hi! It only concept, and you can download source (.psd) and animation (prototype in principle) ui ux アンドロイド Chat On Map Freebie .psd and .principle
今日の景品は、地図の場所マーカーまたはピンの素敵な小さなセットです。それらをダウンロード、お客様のニーズに合わせて、次のデザインにそれらを置きます。それは、今それを行う マーカー ピン ui 地図の場所ピン (PSD)
画面上のデジタル グローブの近代的な黒いスマート フォン。2 つのバリエーションと、バック グラウンドでグリーン グローブをダウンロードします。 ビジネス ガジェット 世界地図 グローバル ・ ビジネス、グローブ アイコン (PSD) とスマート フォン
Maps UI PSD set that will present any location in a creative way. We have included more than 40 elements that will help you to pin an address with style. Maps UI designed in PSD file format. These 40+ elements and objects will definitely save you time and efforts. Download the fully layered PSD file now! It will surely come in handy sooner or later. You know that almost all contact pages contain a map with location and address. And every time you have to come up with something even better. Thatâs why we contribute today with this massive freebie - to help you with your design efforts. Head straight to the download section and grab our free maps UI set. A good way to drive more traffic directly to your office is simply by presenting your location attractively. And our 3D map here will surely grab the attention of your visitors. Give it a try! And then tell us whether it gave good results or not. There are more than 40 elements included in our free PSD set. Thatâs basically all you need to present your location and address. Go ahead and download our freebie now! Resolution: 1581Ã1082 pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.614 MBNumber of Items in Set: 40Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 3 d マップ maps psd maps ui Maps UI PSD Set
Free PSD Pixel World Map templates designed in pixel style. Creative world maps are always needed for all kind of design projects, so don’t miss today’s freebie and hit the , u"”": uDownload” button. If you want to run the extra mile, you can think of using an image map tool and have interactive effects on the map. This way, for example, you can separate the countries into different areas and make a , u"”": uPartners” or , u"”": uLocations” subpage for your website. The uses of the world map PSD template are countless, it’s up to you how to apply them to a design project. Preview Preview Resolution: 1024x768File Format: PSDFile Size: 272 KBNumber of Items in Set: 4Author: Free PSD Files psd world map pixel map template pixel world maps PSD Pixel World Maps
3 Isolated 3D USA Maps Resolution: 1474Ã720pxFile Format: PSD + TIFFFile Size: 1.93MBNumber of Items in Set: 3Author: Free PSD File 3 d マップ 分離されました。 地図 3 Isolated 3D USA Maps
Blue school globe icon in PSD format, geography and education symbol ブルー 地図 シンボル School globe, geography icon (PSD)
Today’s freebie, a contribution from 17 year old Dutch designer Thom van der Weerd, is a sweet little world map design complete with location pin. Fantastic work I’m sure you’ll agree 地図 ピン マップ World Map & Pin (PSD)
今日の景品は、17 年の古いオランダのデザイナー トム ・ ヴァン der Weerd から貢献が甘い小さな世界地図デザイン場所のピンとの完全です。素晴らしい仕事私は確信して同意するだろう 地図 ピン 地図 世界地図 & ピン (PSD)
Pixel-perfect free PSD map of the United States. This vector map has been made with layer shapes for infinite resizing of the complete silhouette of the US or each state individually. Created by Mike マップ Free PSD USA map
<p>Free PSD Pixel World Map templates designed in pixel style. Creative world maps are always needed for all kind of design projects, so don’t miss today’s freebie and hit the , u"”": uDownload” button. If you want to run the extra mile, you can think of using an image map tool and have interactive effects on the map. This way, for example, you can separate the countries into different areas and make a , u"”": uPartners” or , u"”": uLocations” subpage for your website. The uses of the world map PSD template are countless, it’s up to you how to apply them to a design project.</p> <div id="attachment_3876" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3876" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/06/Pixel_World_Maps_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="Pixel World Maps Preview Big" width="594" height="444"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_3877" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3877" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/06/Fully_Layered_Pixel_World_Maps_PSD.jpg" alt="Fully Layered Pixel World Maps PSD" width="594" height="493"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1024x768<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 272 KB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 4<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> psd world map pixel map template pixel world maps PSD ピクセル世界地図
Web 2.0 style high resolution Google map PSD file fully vector shape easy re sizable for designers can be use for both webdesign & graphic design google マップ google map icon フォト ショップ High resolution google map PSD
Blue world map with a red pin, web icon created with Photoshop. A folded world map isolated on white, with a soft shadow. Move the pin to select a custom location. If you need a hi-res map, check the blank world map ブルー 地図 web PSD world map icon
USA map PSD template designed in 3D style! Present your location and state in an eye-catchy way! Download this massive freebie now! USA map PSD template designed in high resolution. Thanks to the large size of the map, you can use it on any project. And we mean not only web, but also print projects. We assure you that an USA map PSD is a must have for any designer! People really like 3D maps. It’s just a creative way to show your state and country. And that’s the main reason why we’ve made this PSD template. We are certain that you will need that map sooner or later. So, it’s a good idea to store it in your personal collection. Download the free PSD file now! Do you know why people love 3D maps so much? Well, first of all, it’s something different. People are tired of all these flat, boring maps. They want creative stuff. And we’re here to give you a piece of our creativity. And most importantly - it’s free! That’s right, download our USA map with all states in separate layers for free! Do not miss the chance to present your location in an eye-catchy way! Lots of states require lots of work. But we handled it perfectly. All layers are tidy and clean which means that there’s nothing merged or messed. Moreover, we’ve made it pretty easy to add hover effects. Just play with the color overlay option and you’re ready to go. We’ve used a cool font here called , u"”": uArvo”. But don’t worry, it’s completely free, thanks to Google Fonts. Resolution: 3050x2103 pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 1.650 MBFonts: Arvo Number of Items in Set: 50Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 3 d マップ 米国はマップします。 usa map psd USA Map PSD Template
Modern black smartphone with a digital globe on the screen. Download two variations, with and without green globe in the background ビジネス ガジェット 世界地図 Global business, smartphone with globe icon (PSD)