PSD logo design set containing 9 creative templates. If you are looking for a new logo for your company, then you’re on the right place. Download our vector logos for free! PSD logo design templates released today for free download! These logo templates could really help you for any project, starting from a website design to business cards and presentations. You know, logo designs are always welcome. So we suggest you to download the logos even if you don’t need them right now. They will surely come in handy one time or another. We have included 9 logo designs in this free PSD file. All of them use free fonts, so don’t worry about any extra editing fees. Just follow the links below to get the corresponding font. PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 3 Big Preview Resolution: 1500x1000File Format: PSDFonts: Faltura, Soup of Justice, Unchanged Thoughts, Gauntlet, Adam Warren Pro, PlanerFile Size: 432 KBNumber of Items in Set: 9Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. business logo psd business logo template ロゴ PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 3
App showcase PSD mockups designed in 4 creative styles. Use our mockups to present your applications in an unique fashion. App showcase PSD set containing 4 mockups that are perfect for presenting applications. We put our creative juices into action and produced a huge set with app screens in different views. Use our mockups to make your apps stand out from the crowd! We know that the best way to transform a good-looking app to a state-of-art application is to present it in an eye-catchy way. Nowadays, it’s more important to have a good presentation rather than a good product. We are sure that our mockups will be greatly appreciated also by web/ui designers. After all, using our app mockups is a pretty fast, drag-and-drop way to present an app. You save time and efforts. Our app showcase mock-ups are extremely easy to edit. All you have to do is just to replace the smart objects with your own app screens. And that’s it. No ninja skills required. Just make sure to put high-res screens in order to achieve good results. Actually, you don’t have to present real applications. Sometimes it’s a good idea to create fake apps and put them in a slider carousel or banner for example. This way you will produce eye-catchy graphics and will attract the customer’s attention. And with our creative mockups, we guarantee that whatever app you make, it will look much nicer. So, take your time to create a mobile application and don’t forget to present it by using one of our creative mockups! They are all free! Download our app mockups for free, but don’t forget to spread the word about our freebie. Backlink is required if you intend to redistribute our set. Looking for a premium mobile template? Take a look at ChocoTemplate’s latest mobile templates. Resolution: 2465x3349 px Regulation: 300 dpi File Format: PSDFile Size: 3.310 MBNumber of Items in Set: 4Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. アプリのモックアップ app psd アプリのショーケース App Showcase PSD Mockups
Christmas banner set containing 4 PSD templates. Spread the warmth of Christmas by using our Christmas banner set. Go straight to the download area and grab the PSD set! Make your holiday designs special this year by using our Christmas banner PSD templates. Add a holiday look to your websites and make your visitors feel welcome. Nothing can match the atmosphere that our Christmas banners could produce to your creative artworks. When Christmas time comes, we love to spread warm greetings and enjoy the peace of the holidays. But, in order to send greeting cards and spread the holiday atmosphere, we all need graphics, right? So, we did the hard work and designed plenty of Christmas graphics. Feel free to download our Christmas graphics and use them on web and print projects. Of course, we have used a free font on our Christmas banners to save you any editing fees. It’s a Google font called , u"”": uQwigley”. You can change it any time you like, but we suggest you to stick with handwritten fonts as they add warm look and feel. We have designed the Christmas banners in high resolution. This way you can reshape them to the size you need. Moreover, you can take the graphics from our banners and use them on other projects. For example, use the holiday tree and the snow for creating a greeting card. You will save time and efforts this way. Our Christmas banner PSD templates could be used as: Headers. Illustrations. Graphics. Sliders. Christmas Banner PSD Templates Preview Fully Layered Christmas Banner PSD Resolution: 1350x794pxFile Format: PSDFonts: QwigleyFile Size: 1.28 MBNumber of Items in Set: 4Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. banners psd クリスマス バナー クリスマス バナー psd Christmas Banner PSD Templates
This unique freebie is a template for a product landing page in PSD format. The product landing template can be used to design and develop landing pages for any digital product or service. The package comes with a fully editable PSD file allowing you to easily customize it. テンプレート themes ビジネス Product Landing Page Template
Since I’m a nice guy, I thought it would be good to give you, something cool out of this. So I made these desk templates of an iMac, an iPad and an iPhone alone, plus one with both three. The screens are standalone editable psd files, and are displayed in the templates as linked dynamic objects, that awesome new feature from Photoshop CC. Oh and it’s totally free, no license etc. Hope you guys enjoy, please don’t hesitate to like, share, suggest, etc. imac 計算されました。 iphone IPhone, iPad and iMac Mockup Templates
Showcase your work best with these two different PSD Mockups by Vinay Mittal. In this pack you will get all new Apple devices like iPhone5S, iPhone5C, New MacBook Air, New iMac, iPad Air. All objects are fully-layered so you can create your own layout with ease. Ideal for Responsive Web & Apps Design Showcase or anything you want アップル imac 計算されました。 Apple Responsive Screen MockUps
Hexa Web Template is a one page website template best suitable for portfolios. Free PSD designed by Mohsin Khan and released by Ephlux - Hexa Website Template - Free PSD Web Design Templates ui kits テンプレート themes Hexa Website Template - Free PSD Web Design Templates - Submitted by Ephlux
ラグビーをテーマにした素晴らしいランディングページテンプレートを手に入れましょう。ユーザーエクスペリエンスのワイヤーフレームやユーザーインターフェースデザインの作成に最適な、カスタマイズ可能なウェブテンプレートを活用して、新しいランディングページのデザインを強化しましょう。 landing-page ラグビー スポーツ ラグビースポーツ Web ランディングページ
人目を引くバスケットボール選手の画像とプレースホルダーテキストを使用して、スポーツウェブサイトに最適なランディングページをデザインしましょう。ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させるユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースデザインやワイヤーフレームの作成に最適なこのテンプレートで、ウェブデザインプロセスを開始しましょう。 landing-page スポーツ バスケット ボール スポーツボールランディングページ
ビーチを背景にした魅力的な旅行をテーマにしたランディングページテンプレートを作成しましょう。カスタマイズ可能な Web テンプレートを活用して、ユーザーエクスペリエンスのワイヤーフレームやインターフェイスデザインを作成するのに最適な、魅力的なランディングページデザインを作成しましょう。 web-template 旅行 旅行 アドベンチャー web テンプレート風景
お祝いのクリスマスデコレーションに囲まれたカスタマイズ可能なiPadを使って、見事なモックアップレイアウトを作成しましょう。移動可能でスケーラブルなオブジェクト用の調整可能なレイヤーを使用して、PhotoshopでこのPSDモックアップを簡単にパーソナライズして利用できます。デザインを簡単に配置できるスマートオブジェクトを備えています。 モックアップ 計算されました。 クリスマス お祝いiPadスクリーンモックアップ
カスタマイズ可能な画面デザインでショッピングカートとiPadを紹介する印象的なシーンのモックアップ。このカスタマイズ可能なPhotoshop用PSDモックアップをご活用ください。構造化されたレイヤーで小道具を簡単に調整でき、スマートオブジェクトでシームレスな編集が可能です。 モックアップ 計算されました。 online-shopping デジタル iPad ショッピングモックアップシーン
遊び心あふれる子供のおもちゃに囲まれたカスタマイズ可能なタブレットを紹介するこの愛らしいモックアップレイアウトをご覧ください。調整可能なレイヤーとサイズ変更可能な小道具を使って、このPSDモックアップを簡単にカスタマイズしてPhotoshopに組み込むことができます。スマートオブジェクトが搭載されているため、簡単にデザインを統合できます。 モックアップ 計算されました。 タブレット 子供たちがタブレットおもちゃのモックアップをプレイ