우아한 전단지 템플릿으로 시선을 사로잡는 전단지, 브로셔, 포스터를 만드세요.상단과 하단에 리본 모양과 물결 무늬가 있는 세련된 디자인을 선보입니다.회사 로고, 제목, 텍스트를 추가하여 개성에 맞게 꾸밀 수 있습니다.편집 가능한 빨강 및 파랑 색조 중에서 브랜딩에 맞게 선택하세요.다양한 홍보 자료에 적합한 이 템플릿은 청중에게 깊은 인상을 남길 것입니다. 플라이어 서식 파일을 디자인 웨이브 플라이어 레이아웃
이 플랫 디자인은 사용자 지정 가능한 주황색과 파란색 톤의 생생한 전단지를 보여줍니다.로고, 제목, 텍스트를 위한 충분한 공간을 제공하여 필요한 모든 것을 수용할 수 있습니다.다양한 디자인 옵션을 통해 둘 중 하나를 선택하거나 용지의 양면을 활용할 수 있습니다.비즈니스 전단지, 포스터 또는 기타 필요한 홍보 자료에 적합합니다! 플라이어 서식 파일을 디자인 플라이어 디자인 키트
역동적인 막대형 차트와 매력적인 인포그래픽으로 눈길을 사로잡는 전단지를 만들 수 있습니다.색상, 텍스트 등을 조정하여 디자인을 손쉽게 사용자 지정할 수 있습니다.모든 홍보 요구 사항에 적합합니다! 플라이어 infographic 서식 파일을 최신 인포그래픽 플라이어
Flyer psd template designed in 3 different color schemes. Our free psd flyer is suitable for all kind of events, be it musical events, kids parties or even gospel concerts. Feel free to change the look and feel of our flyer to match your own style. Flyer psd template featuring glossy effects and great typography. We have made a free flyer template that will suit all kind of events starting from disco nights to kids parties and non-profit events. Of course, you can take this flyer just as a starting point. Change the whole look and feel to match your own taste. Just don’t forget to add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your own brand. Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a affordable and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them are likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! We will help you by sharing our flyer template sources, so all you have to do is just to focus on your flyer campaign. 전단지 인쇄 템플릿 플라이어 psd flyer psd template Flyer PSD Template 2
할로윈 분위기를 물씬 풍기는 대담한 모양의 사이키델릭 파티 전단지나 포스터로 올 여름을 시원하게 보내세요.멋진 분위기를 만끽하고 파티를 즐기세요! 환각 플라이어 쌀쌀한 사이키델릭 칠 파티 플라이어
생동감 넘치는 모양과 원하는 텍스트를 넣을 수 있는 넉넉한 공간으로 시선을 사로잡는 전단지를 만드세요.색상과 텍스트를 쉽게 조정하여 디자인을 사용자 정의할 수 있습니다.모든 프로모션 요구 사항에 적합합니다! 플라이어 서식 파일을 디자인 활기찬 비즈니스 파일 디자인
이 무료 벡터 디자인을 활용하여 맞춤형 포스터를 만드세요.파티 세부 정보를 추가하고 독특하고 매력적인 파티 포스터를 만드세요.포스터, 전단지, 티셔츠, 카드 등 다양한 인쇄물에 적합합니다.배너, 웹 사이트, 상업용 그래픽 또는 배경 화면과 같은 웹 디자인 용도로도 적합합니다.배경 또는 독립형 요소로 효과적으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 플라이어 웹 디자인 여행 포스터 디자인
맞춤형 템플릿으로 나만의 성 패트릭의 날 디자인을 만들어 보세요.다양한 패턴 배경, 라벨, 장식품 등을 쉽게 전환할 수 있습니다.텍스트를 추가하거나 수정하고 최종 버전을 다운로드하기만 하면 됩니다.아주 쉽습니다! st-patricks 패 배지 세인트 패트릭 파티 메이커
세련된 흑백 색상 구성표를 특징으로하는 편집 및 사용자 정의 가능한 벡터 브로셔 목업 템플릿입니다.지금 다운로드하여 독특한 디자인을 만들어 보세요. 트라이 고급 소책자 트라이 소책자 레이아웃
메뉴 배너, 쇼핑백, 카드를 선명한 녹색 색조와 함께 굵은 오렌지색 제목으로 디자인하세요.패턴에는 명언, 자전거, 삽화가 그려진 과일 및 채소가 포함되어 있어 건강을 중시하는 라이프스타일을 장려합니다.상점이나 레스토랑에 안성맞춤입니다. 한 번 시도해 보세요! 서식 파일을 메뉴 인쇄 그린 다이닝 브랜딩 세트
연필, 라이터, 펜 드라이브, 노트북 등과 같은 다양한 필수 사무용품과 브랜드 자료로 장식된 이 활기찬 비즈니스 문구 템플릿을 확인해 보세요.눈길을 사로잡는 삼각형 패턴이 특징인 이 템플릿은 고객에게 디자인을 선보이거나 신선한 아이디어를 실험해 보는 데 적합합니다.사용해 볼 수 있는 기회를 놓치지 마세요! 브랜딩 편지지 설정 오피스 브랜딩 세트
유쾌한 여름 일러스트를 보여주는 세로 배너가 이 세트에서 제공됩니다.디자인은 잔잔하게 밀려오는 파도, 반짝이는 별, 고요한 푸른 바다가 있는 아름다운 해안선을 포착합니다.각 배너는 텍스트를 위한 충분한 공간을 제공하므로 “헬로 썸머”, “웰컴 썸머”와 같은 눈에 띄는 제목으로 맞춤 제작할 수 있습니다.이 다용도 배너는 전단지, 포스터, 월 아트, 카드 등 다양한 용도로 사용할 수 있습니다. 여름 해안선 비치 여름 해안선 비치 배너
여름 시즌을 맞이하는 활기찬 배너 컬렉션.야자수와 해변 필수품이 특징이며, 경쾌한 “헬로 썸머” 메시지가 담겨 있습니다.요구 사항에 맞게 완전히 사용자 지정할 수 있습니다.소셜 미디어, 기사, 광고 또는 기타 목적으로 배너를 홍보하는 데 이상적입니다! 여름 다채로운 아니 다이빙 써니 비치 장면 벡터
생동감 넘치는 여름 테마 일러스트레이션 컬렉션을 보여주는 세로 배너입니다.디자인에는 다이빙 장비, 플립플롭, 선글라스, 별 및 기타 매력적인 요소로 장식된 유쾌한 해변 풍경이 포함됩니다.각 배너에는 맞춤 텍스트를 넣을 수 있는 충분한 공간이 있어 “헬로 썸머”, “썬 앤 펀”과 같은 매력적인 제목을 만들 수 있습니다.이 다용도 배너는 전단지, 배너, 포스터, 카드 및 다양한 창의적인 용도를 장식하는 데 적합합니다. 여름 비치 배너 여름 해변 배너 컬렉션
CD, 펜, 라이터, 펜 드라이브, 봉투, 머그, 노트북 등 다양한 필수 사무용품 및 브랜딩 자료를 보여주는 역동적인 비즈니스 문구 템플릿을 소개합니다.활용도가 높은 이 템플릿은 매력적인 파란색 다각형 디자인을 자랑하며, 그대로 사용하거나 고유한 브랜드 아이덴티티에 맞게 손쉽게 사용자 지정할 수 있습니다.디자인 컨셉으로 고객에게 깊은 인상을 남기거나 혁신적인 아이디어를 탐색하는 데 적합합니다.이 기회를 놓치지 마세요. 오늘 시도해보세요! 브랜딩 고정 설정 비즈니스 문구 목업
요구 사항에 맞게 제작된 미니멀리스트 디자인의 흰색 비즈니스 스테이셔너리 목업입니다.이 템플릿은 CD, 펜, 라이터, 펜 드라이브, 봉투, 머그잔, 노트북 등과 같은 다양한 사무용품 및 브랜드 자료를 보여줍니다.다양한 디자인을 실험해 보거나 고객에게 선보일 수 있는 완벽한 도구입니다.시도해 볼 기회를 놓치지 마세요! 브랜딩 고정 설정 브랜딩 세트 - 비즈니스 문구
꽃과 풍선으로 장식된 매력적인 자전거를 선보이는 멋진 청첩장 모형을 찾아보세요.풍선에는 행복한 커플의 이름이 우아하게 적혀 있고 옆면에는 “날짜를 저장하세요”라고 대담하게 적혀 있습니다.부드러운 파스텔 색조로 표현되며, 취향에 맞게 색상을 맞춤 설정할 수 있습니다.스타일리시하고 독특한 청첩장을 만들기 위한 이상적인 선택입니다! 웨딩 저장 날짜 웨딩 데이 포스트 템플릿
다양한 다각형 모양을 보여주는 이 생동감 넘치는 사무용품 템플릿을 만나보세요.봉투와 공책부터 펜드라이브, CD, 명함, 펜, 라이터까지 모든 것이 포함되어 있습니다.나만의 용도에 맞게 개인화하고 싶든, 고객에게 신선한 디자인을 선보이고 싶든, 이 템플릿은 완벽한 선택입니다.시도해 볼 기회를 놓치지 마세요! 브랜딩 고정 설정 비즈니스 문구 목업
수하물과 서핑보드로 장식된 빈티지 밴을 모래 해변에 주차한 멋진 디자인으로 여름을 준비하세요.밴 주변에는 매력적인 해변 의자, 다채로운 열기구, 흔들리는 야자수, 부서지는 파도가 있습니다.활기차고 푸른 하늘과 흩날리는 구름이 상쾌한 분위기를 더합니다.매력을 더한 이 디자인에는 편안한 캘리그래피 스타일로 “hello summer”라는 글자가 적혀 있습니다.배너, 포스터, 소셜 미디어 게시물 등 어디에 필요하든 이 디자인은 여름의 정수를 담기에 안성맞춤입니다. 여름 비치 배너 써니 쇼어라인 서핑 벡터
<p>You may remember I shared with you <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/flyer-template-design/">Flyer Template Design</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/1st-birthday-invitation-card/">1st Birthday Invitation Card</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/rack-card-design-template/">Rack Card Design Template</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/brochure-template/">Brochure Template</a>, and <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/free-wall-calendar-template/">Free Wall Calendar Template</a>.</p> <p>Today I bring you another flyer PSD template. It has an elegant design with a tag line, description and contact information. You could add a logo of your company in the bottom right corner of this flyer design. In the middle of this flyer design you can add any image. Download the psd file and let’s make your own flyer.</p> 기술 비즈니스 금융 플라이어의 PSD
I uploaded this to Vecteezy as a vector version and then thought I would upload the .psd version here. This abstract background PSD can be used for so many projects - flyers, posters, and informational templates. Use this abstract background PSD in your next project 추상적인 배경 추상적인 바탕 화면 infographic 추상적인 배경 PSD
<h3>Free flyer template suitable for all party events. Our PSD flyer template is ready to be printed on paper. Download the PSD file for free!</h3> <p>Free flyer template filled with glossy and vibrant effects. We have created a flyer template that will suit all events, starting from disco clubs to children’s parties. Yes, you are not obligated to use the free flyer template only to music events. For example, if you are running a store, you could promote your discounts and products by using our flyer template. Just add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your brand.</p> <p>Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a cheap and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them a likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away!</p> <p>Which are the best places to start a flyer day? And when should you run your flyer campaign? First of all, choose places with lots of people. But these places should be relevant to your event. Do not try to reach everybody. Target people only in your area and optimize only for them. For example, if you are selling chocolates, get your flyers to coffee houses and supermarkets. Run two flyer campaigns for every event. The first campaign should be 5-6 days before the event. That’s for producing initial interest. Then, day or two before the event, bombard with flyers again. Remember, always try new strategies to come up with the most efficient campaign for your own events. Experiment and then check the results. That’s the way to develop successful flyer campaigns.</p> <p>Our free flyer template is made in A6 size. It’s smaller but still got enough space to present your products and events. This way people are most likely to keep the flyer and show it to their friends. You see, small size is better when it comes to flyer templates.</p> <p>We have included only one color scheme of the flyer template. But don’t worry, it’s as easy as pie to create more color variations. There are no merged layers in our PSD file, so you could modify the whole look and feel. Just open the free flyer template in Adobe Photoshop and do the changes.</p> <p><strong>Our free flyer template is perfect for all kind of disco nights, no mather of the music played:</strong></p> <ul><li>Electro.</li> <li>Drum and bass.</li> <li>House.</li> <li>Pop.</li> <li>Alternative.</li> <li>Retro.</li> <li>Dance.</li> <li>R&B.</li> </ul><p>If you don’t have an online presence, your flyer campaign may not be as efficient as you want. Flyer campaigns are the perfect way to get those people that are interested in what you offer, straight to your website. So, you’d better look for a ready-made website template. <a title="Premium Web Templates" href="http://chocotemplates.com/" target="_blank">ChocoTemplates</a> is the place that offers high quality website templates.</p> <div id="attachment_4957" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4957" title="Free Flyer Template Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/11/Free_Flyer_Template_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="Free Flyer Template Preview" width="594" height="702"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Free Flyer Template Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_4951" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4951" title="Fully Layered Flyer PSD Template" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/11/Fully_Layered_Flyer_PSD_Template.jpg" alt="Fully Layered Flyer PSD Template" width="594" height="398"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered Flyer PSD Template</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 300 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Size:</strong> A6 : 10,5 x 14,8 cm<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 1.1 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> Impact, Georgia, Arial<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 1<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 300 dpi cmyk 플라이어 무료 전단지 서식 파일
Free flyer template suitable for all party events. Our PSD flyer template is ready to be printed on paper. Download the PSD file for free! Free flyer template filled with glossy and vibrant effects. We have created a flyer template that will suit all events, starting from disco clubs to children’s parties. Yes, you are not obligated to use the free flyer template only to music events. For example, if you are running a store, you could promote your discounts and products by using our flyer template. Just add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your brand. Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a cheap and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them a likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! Which are the best places to start a flyer day? And when should you run your flyer campaign? First of all, choose places with lots of people. But these places should be relevant to your event. Do not try to reach everybody. Target people only in your area and optimize only for them. For example, if you are selling chocolates, get your flyers to coffee houses and supermarkets. Run two flyer campaigns for every event. The first campaign should be 5-6 days before the event. That’s for producing initial interest. Then, day or two before the event, bombard with flyers again. Remember, always try new strategies to come up with the most efficient campaign for your own events. Experiment and then check the results. That’s the way to develop successful flyer campaigns. Our free flyer template is made in A6 size. It’s smaller but still got enough space to present your products and events. This way people are most likely to keep the flyer and show it to their friends. You see, small size is better when it comes to flyer templates. We have included only one color scheme of the flyer template. But don’t worry, it’s as easy as pie to create more color variations. There are no merged layers in our PSD file, so you could modify the whole look and feel. Just open the free flyer template in Adobe Photoshop and do the changes. Our free flyer template is perfect for all kind of disco nights, no mather of the music played: Electro. Drum and bass. House. Pop. Alternative. Retro. Dance. R&B. If you don’t have an online presence, your flyer campaign may not be as efficient as you want. Flyer campaigns are the perfect way to get those people that are interested in what you offer, straight to your website. So, you’d better look for a ready-made website template. ChocoTemplates is the place that offers high quality website templates. Free Flyer Template Preview Fully Layered Flyer PSD Template Regulation : 300 dpi Print Ready : YesSize: A6 : 10,5 x 14,8 cmFile Format: PSDFile Size: 1.1 MBFonts: Impact, Georgia, ArialNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 300 dpi cmyk 플라이어 Free Flyer Template
<p>Free flyer template perfect for invitation design to any party during this time of the year! Fully layered photoshop file in suitable resolution and color regulation for printing purposes<br/> (266dpi, CMYK) This unique design can be also used as a poster, E-flyer template for nightclubs ... etc</p> <div id="attachment_1119" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-1119" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2010/12/Flyer_4.125x5.25_300dpi.jpg" alt="Preview" width="594" height="751"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p>Visit <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.psprint.com/">PS Print</a> and learn how you can create effective and excellent-looking <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.psprint.com/realestate/flyers">real estate flyers</a> at a fraction of a cost!</p> <div/> <div> <div><strong>Regulation</strong> : 266 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/> File Format:</strong> PSD<strong><br/> File Size:</strong> 5.87 MB<strong><br/></strong><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</div> </div> 개요 플라이어 초대 무료 PSD 템플릿 플라이어
<h3>Flyer psd template designed in 3 different color schemes. Our free psd flyer is suitable for all kind of events, be it musical events, kids parties or even gospel concerts. Feel free to change the look and feel of our flyer to match your own style.</h3> <p>Flyer psd template featuring glossy effects and great typography. We have made a <strong>free flyer template</strong> that will suit all kind of events starting from disco nights to kids parties and non-profit events. Of course, you can take this flyer just as a starting point. Change the whole look and feel to match your own taste. Just don’t forget to add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your own brand.</p> <p>Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a <strong>affordable and effective strategy</strong>. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them are likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! We will help you by sharing our flyer template sources, so all you have to do is <strong>just to focus on your flyer campaign.</strong></p> <p>We’ve made a ready to print template as the psd file is made in <strong>300dpi, CMYK</strong> color mode. So, you just have to download the source file and replace the text with your own. Even more, there are <strong>no commercial fonts used</strong> in our flyer template. So, you won’t have any editing fees at all. The download links to each font are placed below the post.</p> <p><strong>Our free flyer template is ready to print:<br/></strong></p> <ul><li>300dpi;</li> <li>CMYK color regulation;</li> <li>Bleeds included;</li> <li>A6 size.</li> </ul><p>We’ve got tons of flyer templates, just browse our <a title="Free PSD Print Templates" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/print-templates" target="_blank">print templates</a> category and pick a flyer that suits to your needs completely.</p> <div id="attachment_8251" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-8251" alt="Flyer PSD Template 2 Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/11/Flyer_PSD_Template_2_Preview.jpg" width="594" height="1698"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Flyer PSD Template 2 Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 300 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Size:</strong> A6 : 10,9 x 15,2 cm<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 5.4 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a title="Novecento wide Font" href="http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/novecento-wide" target="_blank">Novecento Wide</a><br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 3<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 전단지 인쇄 템플릿 플라이어 psd flyer psd template PSD 템플릿 플라이어 2
Free vector flyers for new year. Created with help silhouettes dancing people, skylines, ray lights, stars. Vector Terms : new year free vector , vector flyer free , flyers vector free download , . All rights belong to Download Free Vector. You can use New Year Flyer in Vector to your personal use. Make sure you read the license of this vector graphic before you use it on your commercial projects New Year Flyer in
Free vector flyers for new year. Created with help silhouettes dancing people, skylines, raylights, stars New Year Flyer in
Flyer psd template designed in clear and clean style. What we have here is a great flyer template that could come in handy any time. Download the fully layered psd sources and use them for your next design projects. Flyer psd template made in 300dpi, CMYK color mode. We put our creative juices into this one and the final result is great. Use our flyer psd to really stand out from the crowd! Download our flyer template even if you don’t need it now, it will surely come in handy sooner or later. Actually, we have designed this flyer to be an invitation for app developers, but don’t limit your creative juices. Take the flyer and use it as you feel best. Change the colors, titles, fonts and everything else to make it suitable for your own needs. We have used only free fonts here, so don’t worry about that. There won’t be any editing fees at all. Just scroll to the bottom of this post to check the download links. No frustration in the layers panel - all elements are named and grouped properly. Feel free to change colors, shapes and effects as suits you best. And most importantly, do not limit only to this layout and graphics. Always experiment and create your own stuff. This way you will keep developing your graphic design skills. And that’s the point, right? If you are looking for a party flyer rather than a conference invitation, you may take a look at our night club flyer psd. Download it for free and use it anyway you’d like. Flyer PSD Template 1 Preview Regulation : 300 dpi Print Ready : YesSize: A6 : 10,9 x 15,2 cmFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.5 MBFonts: Canter, Deming, Mission GothicAuthor: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 플라이어 psd flyer psd template 플라이어 템플릿 Flyer PSD Template 1
Free vector flyers for new year. Created with help silhouettes dancing people, skylines, ray lights, stars. Vector Terms : new year free vector , vector flyer free , flyers vector free download , . All rights belong to Download Free Vector. You can use New Year Flyer in Vector to your personal use. Make sure you read the license of this vector graphic before you use it on your commercial projects 디자인 디자인 새 해 안내물에
<h3>PSD flyer template that will suit all beach parties and disco events. Feel free to use our ready-to-print PSD flyer for any event, no matter of the music played.</h3> <p>Free PSD flyer template featuring glossy effects and eye-catchy graphics. Our beach party PSD flyer will surely help you to spread the word about your party event. We have already done the hard work, so all you have to do is just to replace the images and the logo. Download the fully layered PSD file for free!</p> <div id="attachment_5990" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-5990" title="Beach Party PSD Flyer Template" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/01/Beach_Party_PSD_Flyer_Template_Preview_Big1.jpg" alt="Beach Party PSD Flyer Template" width="594" height="837"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Beach Party PSD Flyer Template Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 266 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Size:</strong> A6: 10,5 x 14,8 cm<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 4.34 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a title="Ballpark Free Font" href="http://www.dafont.com/ballpark-weiner.font" target="_blank">Ballpark</a><br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> beach party psd flyer template 플라이어 플라이어 psd 비치 파티 PSD 템플릿 플라이어
You may remember I shared with you Flyer Template Design, 1st Birthday Invitation Card, Rack Card Design Template, Brochure Template, and Free Wall Calendar Template. Today I bring you another flyer PSD template. It has an elegant design with a tag line, description and contact information. You could add a logo of your company in the bottom right corner of this flyer design. In the middle of this flyer design you can add any image. Download the psd file and let’s make your own flyer. 서식 파일 themes 비즈니스 Flyer PSD
<p>당신과 <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/flyer-template-design/"> 고객 우대 템플릿 디자인</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/1st-birthday-invitation-card/"> 제 1 회 생일 초대 카드</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/rack-card-design-template/"> 랙 카드 디자인 서식 파일</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/brochure-template/"> 브로슈어 서식 파일</a>, 그리고 <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/free-wall-calendar-template/"> 무료 벽 달력 서식 파일</a> 공유 기억이 있습니다.</p> <p>오늘 나는 당신이 다른 PSD 템플릿 플라이어. 그것은 우아한 디자인 태그 행, 설명 및 연락처 정보. 이 전단지 디자인의 오른쪽 하단에 귀하의 회사 로고를 추가할 수 있습니다. 이 전단지 디자인 가운데에 이미지를 추가할 수 있습니다. Psd 파일을 다운로드 하 고 당신의 자신의 전단지를 만들어 보자.</p> 서식 파일을 theme 비즈니스 플라이어의 PSD
Free flyer template perfect for invitation design to any party during this time of the year! Fully layered photoshop file in suitable resolution and color regulation for printing purposes (266dpi, CMYK) This unique design can be also used as a poster, E-flyer template for nightclubs ... etc Preview Visit PS Print and learn how you can create effective and excellent-looking real estate flyers at a fraction of a cost! Regulation : 266 dpi Print Ready : Yes File Format: PSD File Size: 5.87 MBAuthor: Free PSD Files 개요 플라이어 초대 Free PSD Flyer Template
Free PSD flyer template that can promote your business more efficiently. All layers included in this creative flyer template are separated and fully editable. The PSD source is ready for printing (300dpi, CMYK) Preview Regulation : 300 DPI Print Ready : YesResolution: 1750x2480pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 3.14 MBNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files For fast flyer printing check out Next Day Flyers. The prices are awesome too. 청소 플라이어 템플릿 인쇄 템플릿 PSD Flyer Template
Colorful psychedelic decoration and ornamental party flyer in different lighting brush patterns and template text on party club gate view. Enjoy Psychedelic Halloween Party Flyer
Vecteezy 벡터 버전에 이것을 업로드 하 고.psd 버전 여기을 업로드할 것 이라고 생각 합니다. 이 추상적인 배경 PSD 많은 프로젝트-전단지, 포스터, 그리고 정보 템플릿을 사용할 수 있습니다. 당신의 다음 프로젝트에이 추상 배경 PSD를 사용 하 여 추상적인 배경 추상적인 바탕 화면 infographic 추상적인 배경 PSD
Awesome night club flyer PSD template released today completely for free. We’ve created colorful, glossy and vibrant effects to make it more appealing and attractive, so all nightclubs or dance music events would take advantage of the free PSD flyer template. Perfect use for all kind of disco nights, no mather of the music played: electro, drum and bass, house, pop, rock, alternative, retro, hip-hop, rap, etc. Our modern, party PSD flyer is made in 300dpi, A6 (10.5 x 14.8 cm) with 0.1 cm bleeds included which means that you just have to edit the text and you’re ready to go. All layers are properly grouped and named so you won’t experience any difficulties when editing the nigh club flyer PSD template. Feel free to use the shiny graphics and the super cool text on other design related projects too. Moreover, there are no commercial fonts used, so don’t worry about that. Be sure that using our free PSD flyer your event will surely get the attention it deserves! Download the disco party PSD template instantly for free! Preview Fully Layered PSD File Promote your next event and order flyer printing using this template to bring in the crowds. Regulation : 266 dpi Print Ready : YesSize: A6 : 10,5 x 14,8 cmFile Format: PSDFile Size: 5.92 MBFonts: Prototype, Neuropol, Star AvenueAuthor: Free PSD Files 300 dpi a6 템플릿 청소 Night Club Flyer PSD Template
PSD flyer template that will suit all beach parties and disco events. Feel free to use our ready-to-print PSD flyer for any event, no matter of the music played. Free PSD flyer template featuring glossy effects and eye-catchy graphics. Our beach party PSD flyer will surely help you to spread the word about your party event. We have already done the hard work, so all you have to do is just to replace the images and the logo. Download the fully layered PSD file for free! Beach Party PSD Flyer Template Preview Regulation : 266 dpi Print Ready : YesSize: A6: 10,5 x 14,8 cmFile Format: PSDFile Size: 4.34 MBFonts: BallparkAuthor: Free PSD Files 비치 파티 아이콘의 psd Beach Party PSD Flyer Template
<h3>Flyer psd template designed in clear and clean style. What we have here is a great flyer template that could come in handy any time. Download the fully layered psd sources and use them for your next design projects.</h3> <p>Flyer psd template made in <strong>300dpi, CMYK</strong> color mode. We put our creative juices into this one and the final result is great. Use our flyer psd to really stand out from the crowd! Download our flyer template even if you don’t need it now, it will surely come in handy sooner or later.</p> <p>Actually, we have designed this flyer to be an invitation for app developers, but don’t limit your creative juices. Take the flyer and use it as you feel best. Change the colors, titles, fonts and everything else to make it suitable for your own needs. We have used <strong>only free fonts here</strong>, so don’t worry about that. There won’t be any editing fees at all. Just scroll to the bottom of this post to check the download links.</p> <p><strong>No frustration in the layers panel</strong> - all elements are named and grouped properly. Feel free to change colors, shapes and effects as suits you best. And most importantly, do not limit only to this layout and graphics. Always experiment and create your own stuff. This way you will keep developing your graphic design skills. And that’s the point, right?</p> <p>If you are looking for a party flyer rather than a conference invitation, you may take a look at our <a title="Night Club Flyer PSD Template" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/print-templates/night-club-flyer-psd-template" target="_blank">night club flyer psd</a>. Download it for free and use it anyway you’d like.</p> <div id="attachment_8261" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-8261" alt="Flyer PSD Template 1 Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/11/Flyer_PSD_Template_1_Preview.jpg" width="594" height="1572"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Flyer PSD Template 1 Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 300 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Size:</strong> A6 : 10,9 x 15,2 cm<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 0.5 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a title="Canter Font" href="http://fontfabric.com/canter-free-font/" target="_blank">Canter</a>, <a title="Deming EP" href="http://www.losttype.com/font/?name=deming" target="_blank">Deming</a>, <a title="Mission Gothic Font" href="http://www.losttype.com/missiongothic/" target="_blank">Mission Gothic</a><br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 플라이어 psd flyer psd template 플라이어 템플릿 플라이어의 PSD 템플릿 1
Free vector flyer for disco night. Created with help people silhouettes, speakers, grunge elements. All Fonts used in template included Vector Flyer For Disco Night
<p>Free PSD flyer template that can promote your business more efficiently. All layers included in this creative flyer template are separated and fully editable. The PSD source is ready for printing (300dpi, CMYK)</p> <div id="attachment_2482" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-2482" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2011/08/flyer_preview_big1.jpg" alt="Preview" width="594" height="1400"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 300 DPI<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Resolution:</strong> 1750x2480px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 3.14 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 1<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p>For fast <a href="http://www.nextdayflyers.com/club-flyers/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">flyer printing</a> check out Next Day Flyers. The prices are awesome too. </p> 청소 플라이어 템플릿 인쇄 템플릿 PSD 템플릿 플라이어