스카이프, 유튜브, 구글, 페이스북과 같은 인기 네트워크를 아우르는 다양한 소셜 미디어 아이콘을 찾아보세요.다양한 생생한 색상을 자랑하는 이 벡터 그래픽은 배너, 앱 및 구상하는 창의적인 프로젝트를 비롯한 다양한 응용 분야에 이상적입니다! 네온 social-media 페이 스 북 네온 소셜 미디어 아이콘
You may know that we have recently launched a new section of contributions at our website. We are accepting free design resources from designers all over the world. Today’s freebie is the first contribution by Zulal Ahmad. Its a set of two different outline icons pack that is precisely created with an emphasis on simplicity and easy orientation. These free icons are designed primarily for toolbars or navigation bars in OS X, the applications for iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices. These are also perfect for websites, web applications, infographics, wireframes creation and are suitable for printing too! Download now and make your design more eye-catching by using these free outline icons! 아이콘 개요 셰이프 Outline Icons
침술, 요가, 바이오댄스, 아로마테라피 등과 같은 다양한 대체 치유 방법을 보여주는 다양한 아이콘을 살펴보세요.세련되고 현대적인 아이콘 또는 배지는 평면 디자인으로 제공됩니다. 건강 대체 alternative-medicine 자연 건강 아이콘 세트
This freebie includes 60 social media icons in 7 different styles. Social media icons are widely used to represent social media platforms. Icons come in a fully editable PSD file with 100% original shape layers. 셰이프 표지판 symbols 60 Social Media Icons
A set of 40 classy dark social icons in 32x32 and 64x64 px. They come with their hover state for some striking effect. Ideal to complement any minimalist dark theme of your own. Open the psd file to pick the one you want and easily modify them for your project, or use the prepared png icons 사회 어두운 비즈니스 Dark Social Icons Set
Easter graphics psd set suitable for a wide range of web and print projects. In this awesome set we have included 6 psd graphic elements that will help you to improve your artworks. Easter graphics psd set featuring 6 adorable illustrations that will fit to a wide range of print and web materials. There is no matter if your projects are commercial or you want to surprise your family and friends with something hand made. This set is made to save you time and efforts, no matter of the purpose. We put our hearts in these illustrations and we have no doubts that they will help you to impress your clients, friends and family. Our Easter set is a fully layered psd file which could be customized in Adobe Photoshop. All layers are carefully grouped, named and arranged to save you any inconvenience while you are opening the source file. Download our Easter graphics even if you don’t need them right now. We assure you that they will come in handy sooner or later. Moreover, any of these high quality graphics could be used for other projects. Just like the rabbit, it’s so cute, it literally screams: , u"”": uPut me on a T-Shirt!” If you are looking for holiday graphics, you should check our holiday category. We’ve got lot’s of Easter graphics there and of course, more are about to come in the near future. And when you’re ready with your holiday designs, please share with us your creative works! Easter Graphics PSD Set 1 Resolution: 1117x996pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.745 MBNumber of Items in Set: 6Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 부활절 그래픽 easter graphics psd 부활절 아이콘 Easter Graphics PSD Set 1
스마트폰은 우리 일상 생활에서 없어서는 안될 부분이 되었다는 것은 부인할 수 없습니다.이 작품은 다양한 인터넷 및 소셜 네트워크 로고로 장식된 스마트폰을 들고 있는 손을 커피 한 잔과 노트북과 함께 보여줍니다.포함된 JPG 파일은 뛰어난 품질입니다.크리에이티브 커먼즈 4.0 저작자 표시 라이선스에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다. 스마트폰 social-media social-network 소셜 미디어와 모바일
This freebie is a collection of 16px icons created with minimal colors. These modern icons would look great in any web, mobile or print projects. The package comes with PSD and AI files with 100% shape layers for easy customization. 60 Vicons Set is based on 16-18px grid. 셰이프 기술 표지판 60 Vicons Icons Set
다양한 생생한 색상의 꽃무늬 봄 할인 벡터 컬렉션으로 고객의 관심을 사로잡으세요.이 디자인들은 꽃과 잎을 아름답게 장식한 것이 특징으로, 프로젝트를 돋보이게 하는 완벽하고 독창적인 방법을 제공합니다. 봄 판매 꽃 스프링 블룸 세일
칠판에 적힌 레스토랑 메뉴를 보여주는 재미있는 엘프 드워프 만화 피규어로, 세인트 패트릭의 축제 기간 동안 특별 메뉴나 음료 목록에 기발한 느낌을 더하기에 안성맞춤입니다.최고 수준의 JPG 이미지가 포함되어 있습니다.크리에이티브 커먼즈 4.0 저작자 표시 라이선스가 적용됩니다. patrick#39;s 요소 아이콘 패트릭 엘프 메뉴 아이콘
딥 그린 쉐이딩이 특징인 화이트 세일 라벨 컬렉션.일부는 텍스트가 없어 어떤 언어로든 다양하게 사용할 수 있습니다.이 기능을 활용하여 마케팅 활동을 강화하고 판매를 촉진하세요! 판매 레이블 할인 그린 보더 세일 태그
Today’s freebie is a bunch of service icons. This set of 6 icons comes in 4 different color variations. Could be used for tooltips, maps, icons, or just simple popups. Feel free to give me feedback. If you like these and would like to see more variations, please let me know. I value your feedback and want to make the best psd freebies for you. See more of Michael’s work: Facebook Twitter 크리스마스 값싼 물건 배경
I originally created five of these 8-bit retro gaming-inspired icons for my portfolio, but I didn't end up using them. Now, I don't want them to go to waste, so I went back and created a more complete pack to offer as a free download. See more of Patrick’s work: website dribbble twitter 빈티지 그런 지 배경
Made some monochromey icons. Go get 'em, cowboy! See more of Visual Idiot’s work: website dribbble twitter 그런 지 더러운 배경
I had a little extra time, so I came up with these Klout icons! Go ahead and download them, and you can read more about it here: http://www.ocularharmony.com/free-klout-icon-download-klout/ See more of Kurt’s work: website dribbble twitter 밤 도시 배경
45 vector symbols related to music, sound and dj theme: headphones, microphone, speakers, music cd / dvd, mp3 players, hand bell, radio icon, play/stop/record/pause symbols. Symbols and Icons are essential in graphic design. They can adjust perception of a web site, make a webpage more comprehensive, set the mood for the content, become an inevitable part of visualization. In many cases icons are used for website building as parts of the menus and other interactive elements. It’s so simple to customize any vector illustration: rotate, change size, change color, remove elements, add other elements. I advise you to use Adobe Illustrator, but you also can try to use your favorite graphic programs for editing vector files, for example, Xara, Corel Draw, Macromedia Freehand, PMView, Quark 음악 symbols & signs 음악 45 음악 및 소리 아이콘
<!- google_ad_client = "pub-8095883449212520"; /* 468x15, created 23/06/09 */ google_ad_slot = "9776534872"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 15; //-> 41 Basic Design icons. Simple design shapes that you can use to do your design more interesting! Be creative and use you talents! All that silhouette are ready to use in your amazing designs, creating eye catching graphics, print design, motion graphics, 3d rendering. b-cars, flayers, posters. Most of silhouettes unique and hand drawn! Available for personal & commercial use. My vector clip art silhouettes better to edit with Adobe Illustrator CS or Adobe Photoshop CS. Other Graphics Software (Such as Corel Draw or Freehand) can be used for editing my files, but I can’t guarantee that everything will be 100% correct. Mirror - MediaFire symbols & signs 디자인 41 기본 아이콘
High resolution Human resources and management icons set PSD. Free PSD icon download for designers 조직 세미나 팀워크 인적 자원 아이콘 세트 (PSD)
Grab the PSD ;) I've been very bored during the holidays so I made you a free updated flat icon set. Don't forget check real pixel. your comments are welcome. thanks for watching :) ui ux 아이콘 Freebie PSD: Flat Icons
80 Detailed fine line weather icons set including activities that may be affected by the weather. PSD 인드라 아이콘 선 80 Fine Line Weather Icons Indra Pack
Pizza Icons Set is a collection of 100+ fully adjustable vector outline icons created with thin strokes and amazing details. The set comes with a wide range of useful icons that adds to your icon bucket. Icons are fully adjustable vector files - you can edit the shapes if you need to. The shape layers are fully reserved. They are also fully adjustable in terms of line thickness such as 2px and 4px. Pizza Icons Set
Gamecenter Icons Pack is a collection of 152 gaming-related icons in 16px resolution. These tiny icons have been created with great attention to detail, so you can add a unique touch to your gaming projects. You can download the PSD file and edit to suit your needs. Gamecenter Icons Pack
<p>This freebie is a set of flat Wedding Icons featuring a long-shadow effect incorporating flat design and minimal colors, these icons are perfect for any wedding related project.</p> 사람들 디자인 비즈니스 웨딩 아이콘
<p>This freebie is a collection of 4 very colorful and elegant icons created with flat design concept. The package comes with a layered PSD file for easy editing and customization. These icons can be used in health, eCommerce, mobile related websites and many more.</p> 디자인 서식 파일을 기술 다채로운 플랫 아이콘
<p>Today’s freebie includes 20 pixel perfect thin line icons. You can use these icons for any project, personal or commercial. Enjoy!</p> <p>Grab our full set of <a href="https://creativemarket.com/bestpsdfreebies/9414-35-Thin-Line-Icons?u=bestpsdfreebies" target="_blank">35 thin line icons</a> on Creative Market for only $2.</p> 비즈니스 금융 디자인 20 선 아이콘
<p>Today’s freebie includes 4 minimal file format icons. I designed them for psd, ai, jpg, and png icons but they would work great as download links for other file formats as. Or maybe you want to use them for desktop or app icons? Enjoy this resource!</p> 최소 파일 형식 아이콘
<p>Today’s freebie includes a couple Magnifying Glass Icons. I seem to use these icons in almost every project I do. They are extremely useful and created with extreme detail. Enjoy!</p> 개체 비즈니스 금융 돋보기 아이콘
<p>Today’s freebie is a bunch of service icons. This set of 6 icons comes in 4 different color variations. Could be used for tooltips, maps, icons, or just simple popups.</p> 비즈니스 금융 서비스 아이콘
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4443" alt="freebers Freebers: Free Web Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/freebers.jpg" width="1280" height="3220" title="Freebers: Free Web Template"/></p> <p>Designers are crawling all over the cyber space with their design resources and websites! So, how do you pick the right one among the millions of others? Well, for starters, through this website template! This free web template gives design freebies for the other millions of designers who are in search of professional, good quality <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com">design freebies</a>. With this website template, you’ll be able to present your freebies in an attractive layout categorizing the design freebies in popular, new and random tabs. Users will also be able to search for a particular PSD, vector, icon or template through a search bar at the top, or browse through the entire collection by clicking show all.</p> <p>Think of this free <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/web-templates/">web template</a> as a search engine for designers who wish to be updated on the latest trends in web design and have a handy resource from which to download them. Download this free website template today!</p> <p>Fonts: <a href="http://www.exljbris.com/museoslab.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Museo Slab</a></p> 버튼 평면 디자인 소셜 미디어 아이콘 Freebers: 무료 웹 템플릿
Today we have another huge free download: 70 Glyph Icons in PSD and PNG formats. The icons are 32x32 in size and use shape layers so they can be infinitely resized 계정 신청 기호 문자 모양 아이콘
Here’s a nice simple set of Social Icons (not flat this time) in vector/resizable PSD format. There’s two different variations, if you’re into that - all exported PNGs as well. Cheers 뿌 사회 아이콘
This huge collection of UI icons will become your new go-to icon set. With a large assortment of icons such as message, pin, profile and many others, they’re created with clean colours and flat design. The shape layers allow you to customize them to suit your needs. 100 Basic UI Icons
Free psd, sample from a set I created: https://creativemarket.com/wangmander/131033-Weather-Icon-Set F or L to like, follow for more future icons! 아이콘 날씨 구름 Weather Icons Freebie
just retouch my current work on BB redesigns to make it less pastel and more colorful. Grab the PSD if you like it, all objects are vector shape so it should be scalable :) 플랫 색 ios Free PSD Blackberry Icons
Free PSD set of 9 sleek sticker icons that can be used as an call to action element to your website designs. These creative stickers can perfectly suit any business card, flyer, poster, presentation, etc. All text layers are fully editable, so you can place your own text. Preview Resolution: 800x1068File Format: PSDFile Size: 0.37 MBNumber of Items in Set: 9Author: Free PSD Files 단추 청소 아이콘 9 Editable Sticker Icons
Free pack of grunge social network icons suitable for a wide range of designs. Resolution: 600Ã400File Format: .PSDFile Size: 795 KBNumber of Items in Set: 8Author: Free PSD Files 버튼 단추 청소 Grunge Social Network Icons
Odincons is a collection of 100 glyph icons that comes with 100% shape layers. Icons are in PSD format with fully organized shape layers allowing you to modify as per your own needs. 셰이프 표지판 symbols Odincons - 100 Shape Icons
This freebie is a collection of 12 Gesture Icons that can be used to represent hand gestures in designs projects. The package comes with a layered PSD file that allows you to modify and customize according to your needs. 표지판 symbols 인간의 Gesture Icons
Today’s free PSD includes 3 beautiful flat designed apple device icons. It includes the MacBook Pro, the iPad and the iPhone. This free download comes organized neatly in a PSD file that allows you to completely customize them the way you want. Check out our full set of apple device icons on Creative Market, which includes the iMac icon. They are only $2! Check out our other Apple Product Freebies: iPad Air iPhone 5 Macbook Pro Macbook Air iMac iPad Wireframes 기술 음식 drink Flat Apple Device Icons
An eye-catching and easy-to-use interface is a critical part of smart website design and usability. One of the best ways to give your site a professional sheen is to use a complete set of icons. Doing so helps give your site a cohesive feel and makes the user experience more immersive. This package of icons contains two sets of flat design-style icons (one with circles circumscribing the icons, and one without). Each set contains a wide variety of general use icons for web masters, suitable for site design, blogs, social media, and multimedia uses. Free Icons by WhoIsHostingThis.com 평면 디자인 아이콘 ui kits 110 Free Flat Icons for Webmasters
Volume 6 of our our iOS7 tab bar icons series with 32 new icons to illustrate any projects that might need them. Available in line or full icons style ios 예술 design Tab Bar Icons iOS 7 Vol6
Our flat icons set is inspired by the new flat design UI trend. The icons are minimalist with a few distinctive details to bring life to them. We provide those icons in their psd vector shape file 플랫 셰이프 표지판 Flat Design Icons Set Vol1
Transparent white on blue background social media icons in psd, vector, ai, png, eps, format 배경 Transparent Social Media Icons (Psd)
Minimize and maximize icons in blue color. Stylized arrows pointing in and out rounded square shape. A great icon for web 2.0 applications, control web windows. Download PSD source with elements organized in layers 절연 기호 웹 PSD minimize and maximize icons
Inbox and outbox icons. Brown wooden box and paper stack with a sticky note on it. Download PSD and edit text and other details 인터넷 사무실 종이 Inbox and outbox icons (PSD)