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966 개의 무료 mobile ui kit 스톡 PSD 템플릿 및 모크업

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모바일 UI의 PSD 세트
<h3>Mobile UI PSD set containing a massive amount of objects: labels, buttons, progress bars, notifications, select boxes, radio buttons and many more. Download the whole set now for free!</h3> <p>Mobile UI designed in PSD file format. We have made a free PSD set that contains basically all you need to design a mobile application. Just put your creative juices into action and mix and match the objects. All you need is here!</p> <p>Changing colors is as easy as pie. Just open our mobile UI set with Adobe Photoshop and change whatever you need. No ninja skills required! We paid special attention to all layers and groups, so there’s no mess in the layers panel. All elements are properly named and grouped.</p> <p>Don’t worry about the latest Retina displays. Our mobile UI is made only of vector shapes, so you can resize all elements with no worries. Design creative applications for mobile phones and tablets in just a few clicks!</p> <p>No matter what app you are about to create, our mobile UI set will surely come in handy. Download it even if you don’t need it now, it will surely be of use. Moreover, the whole set comes completely free of charge! Grab our mobile UI now!</p> <p>Take a look at these <a title="Mobile Templates" href="" target="_blank">premium mobile templates</a>. That’s a quick and reliable solution for your mobile website.</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6824" title="Mobile UI PSD Set Preview" src="" alt="Mobile UI PSD Set Preview" width="594" height="3296"/></p> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong> 2560x1440 px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 0.760 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 25<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p>
5 시 그림자
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4309" alt="5 Oclock Shades Freebie 5 O’clock Shades" src="" width="800" height="800" title="5 O’clock Shades"/></p> <p>Today we have a special freebie from <a href="" target="_blank">PixelKit</a> team. This is the amazing icon set <a href="" target="_blank">5 O’clock Shades</a>. The freebie includes a PSD file with 16 iOS app style icons. If you’re one of the developers that tend to outsource the design elements of your projects, PixelKit can make life a whole lot easier for you. You don’t have to worry about getting your guidelines to the designer correctly, you don’t have to worry about paying up front for the work to be done and you don’t have to worry about waiting around while that work is completed.</p> <p>One of the other major sources of stress for web designers that PixelKit can eliminate happens when you get that work back from the outsourced designer. It’s not always going to be what you expected and, if you want changes, those changes are not likely to come for free. Utilizing PixelKit, you can eliminate the hassles that go along with getting a UI kit created. Before you buy, however, it does make sense to take a look at why UI kits are so important.</p> <p>Check out this special treat- the <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Free PixelKit Bootstrap UI Kits</strong></a>. You can download these modern HTML Bootstrap templates and use it to make your design even more functional and cool looking.</p>
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