A metro UI kit that will offer you an efficient way to deliver an awesome metro look and feel. You’ll never go wrong with a metro, flat design these days, it’s fresh and clean and most importantly it’s easy on the eyes and lets your users enjoy what is actually the most important, the content. gui 키트 리소스 Metro Vibes UI Kit
Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background). REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. 배경 버튼 청소 Sign Up Widget
A Tree Logo Template that is available in PSD format. http://blugraphic.com 로고 포토샵 핑크 Tree Logo Template
Just a little freebie of some Google inspired buttons. This includes a Photoshop PSD, and is completely vector, so you can scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a sprite sheet inside the PSD file, so you can implement it into your stylesheet right away. Remember: You will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design elsewhere. You may not host this design elsewhere, you also may not sell this design. 버튼 단추 요소 Button UI
Meteocons is a set of weather icons, it containing 40+ icons available in PSD, CSH, EPS, SVG, Desktop font and Web font. About the Project The Meteocons set is and will be free, with constant updates by adding new icons, vectors and fonts, you can use or modify the icons for your commercial or personal projects. All icon and updates are free and always will be without obligation of payment or attribution, however a credit for work would be appreciated. If you or your client still want to make a contribution to the past and future development of Meteocons you are more than welcome to do so. Do not redistribute o sell and do not claim creative credit. Intellectual property rights are not trasferred with the download of the icons. 32 x 32 400 응용 프로그램 Meteocons
<p>가 일부 트위터 UI 버튼, 사회 공유 하 고 귀하의 트위터 계정에 대 한 링크를 만들기 위한 완벽 한 있습니다! 모든 것 이므로 100% 벡터, 확장할 수 있습니다 다시이 어떤 크기를 필요한 경우. 그것은 또한 언제나 처럼 포토샵의 PSD를 포함.</p> <p>재판매, 호스팅이 다른 곳에서 다운로드 또는 재배포는 금지 합니다.</p> <p>다른 곳에서 사용 하는 경우 Icondeposit.com 또는이 게시물에 다시 링크 해야 합니다.</p> <p>-즐길: D</p> 활성 아트 gui 트위터 UI
These are some Twitter UI Buttons, perfect for social sharing and creating a link to your twitter account! Everything is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always. Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. - Enjoy :D 활성 아트 gui Twitter UI
<p>PSD 형식에서 사용할 수 있는 채팅 거품.</p> <p><a href="http://blugraphic.com"> http://blugraphic.com</a></p> 거품 채팅 요소 이야기 거품
Here is another free landing PSD dudes! Dont forget to share it! 방문 페이지 포토샵 Another Free Landing Page Template
<p>가벼운 사용자 인터페이스입니다. 탐색 바, 버튼, 소셜 미디어 버튼, 도구 팁, 슬라이더, 페이지 매김 및 훨씬 더의 구성 됩니다.</p> 바 단추 cs4 가벼운 사용자 인터페이스
<p>Here is another unique ui kit I've never done before. This orange user interface kit includes everything from radio buttons and checkboxes to on/off gui switches and searchboxes. The kit is entirely vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always.</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere.</p> 버튼 단추 확인란 오렌지 UI 키트
Here is a simple Equalizer User Interface design that's supposed to control the left and the right speaker volume (or whatever you change it to). This includes a Photoshop PSD like always and is 100% vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed, enjoy :) REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design file elsewhere, you also may NOT re-sell this nor release this file elsewhere. 이퀄라이저 경험 그래픽 Equalizer UI
These are some dropdown menu's perfect for any website or app. This is 100% vector and includes a Photoshop PSD like always. Font Used: "Helvetica Neue" Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere, and or redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. - Enjoy :D 버튼 단추 청소 Dropdown UI
Aluminum Buttons. Use them on your web apps, iPhone apps. These look great on any high retina display, when impressing clients it’s important. Feel free to share and use as you please. File includes: .PSD and .PNG files You may NOT sell this design element elsewhere. 알루미늄 버튼 단추 Aluminum Button PSD
Been needing some Nexus 6 templates to use in my projects and thought they might benefit everyone here. Download all eight of them here or here for free. Theyâre high resolution, neutrally graded, and are built using smart objects. Use them however you want. 안 드 로이드 장치 서식 파일을 Free Nexus 6 Templates
<p>오늘날의 공짜 노브 사용자 인터페이스, 손잡이 바늘과 없이 완료입니다. 모든 것은 100% 벡터 모양 및 스마트 오브젝트입니다. 그것은 또한:) 항상 같은 포토샵의 PSD를 포함 한다</p> <p>재판매, 호스팅이 다운로드 다른 곳 하 고 또는 재배포는 금지 합니다.</p> <p>다른 곳에서 사용 하는 경우 Icondeposit.com 또는이 게시물에 다시 링크 해야 합니다.</p> 다이얼 gui 손잡이 손잡이 UI
<p>Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background).</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere.</p> 배경 버튼 청소 위젯 등록
<p>Chat Bubbles that are available in PSD format.</p> <p><a href="http://blugraphic.com">http://blugraphic.com</a></p> 거품 채팅 요소 이야기 거품
<p> for fun :)</p> <p>www.icherry.pl<br /> marcinczaja.deviantart.com</p> 포토샵 리소스 재미를 위해 iPlaster
<p>These are some Twitter UI Buttons, perfect for social sharing and creating a link to your twitter account! Everything is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always.</p> <p>Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> <p>- Enjoy :D</p> 활성 아트 gui 트위터 UI
<p>그냥 일부 Google 영감된 버튼의 작은 공짜. 이 포토샵 PSD를 포함 하 고 확장할 수 있습니다이 어떤 크기로 필요한 경우 완전히 벡터는. 그것은 또한 포함 한다 PSD 파일 안의 스프라이트 시트 그래서 그것은 당신의 스타일 시트를 바로 구현할 수 있습니다.</p> <p>기억:이 사이트에 다시 링크 하거나 게시 언제 든 지 다른 곳에서이 디자인을 사용 하 여 결정 해야 합니다.</p> <p>이 디자인 다른 곳을 호스트 하지 않을 수 있습니다, 당신은 또한이 디자인을 판매 하지 않을 수 있습니다.</p> 버튼 단추 요소 버튼 UI
Hey there, it's my first Mockup. I took the photo too :) (3853 X 2592 px) You can download the psd. Go grab the mockup here. https://cldup.com/nbh2eoJW31.psd Like this shot in return would be appreciated. Follow me on Twitter and Dribbble, It would be cool, thank You! ( Press L ) 아이폰 이랑 맥북 My First Mockup
Here is a minimal set of some Dribbble UI for everyone. Everything is all vector, so feel free to re-scale this to any size if needed. This also includes a fully layered Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :) Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. dribbble 요소 gui Dribbble UI
<p>Here are some Vector Sliding Twitter and Facebook Social Counters. The idea here is to code it with javascript or CSS3 and have the ribbon ease out when the buttons are hovered over. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed.</p> <p>Font used: Helvetica Neue</p> <p>Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Re-distribution is strictly forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> <p>- Enjoy :d</p> 버튼 단추 개수 슬라이딩 트위터 & 페이스 북 카운터
<p>가 무엇이 성공 인지를 사용자가 완벽 하 게 몇 가지 알림 메시지 이며 오류가 무엇입니까. 이 언제나 처럼 포토샵의 PSD를 포함 하 고 확장할 수 있습니다 다시이 어떤 크기 든 지 필요 하다 면 100% 벡터 이므로.</p> <p>재판매, 호스팅이 다운로드 elswhere 또는 재배포는 금지 합니다.</p> <p>Icondeposit.com 또는이 게시물에 다시 링크를 다른 곳에서 사용 하는 경우 의미 상업적 또는 개인적인 용도로 사용 하는 경우 항상 기억.</p> <p>-즐길: D</p> 아트 요소 오류 벡터 알림 UI
<p>A pack of 10 retro psd badges absolutely free!</p> <p>I make free website templates and other psd freebies, check them out at <a href="http://blugraphic.com">http://blugraphic.com</a></p> 배지 배지 세부 정보 복고풍 배지 팩
<p>This user interface was designed to develop the same style in an application. The idea was to make a dark but sleek UI, that get some style from OS X and Ubuntu.</p> <p>This design is designed so it's easy to edit for your needs.</p> <p>You can use this to what ever you wan't - hope to see some applications using this ;-) No need to credit, but it would be appreciated!</p> 키트 포토샵 리소스 미니 온 UI
Here are some simple yet useful facebook and twitter social connect buttons. Everything is vector, so you can scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always. Remember: You will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design elsewhere. You may not host this design elsewhere, you also may not sell this design. 버튼 단추 연결 Social Connect Buttons
Here is part 2 of 2 of the Dark UI kit. This one comes with radio buttons, a contact form, a text area, a tooltip, page tags, and a select box. Everything is 100% vector so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :) P.S. You can download Part 1 of 2 here: http://www.icondeposit.com/design:29 Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. 추가 아트 버튼 Dark UI kit (Part 2 of 2)
<p>가 거 대 한 공짜입니다, 그것은 100% 벡터 UI 키트. 라디오 버튼, 체크 박스, 텍스트 영역, 검색 폼, 접을 수 있는 블록, 도구 팁, 단추, 스크롤 막대 등을 포함 하 고! 이 킷에 언제나 처럼 PSD.</p> <p>재판매 또는 재배포는 금지 합니다.</p> <p>하지 다른 곳에서 호스팅 직접 다운로드 할 수 있습니다.</p> <p>이 벡터 UI 키트를 사용 하 여 개인 또는 상업적 사용에 대 한 하려고 하는 경우 항상 Icondeposit.com 또는이 게시물에 다시 링크 해야 합니다.</p> <p>-즐길: D</p> 버튼 단추 확인란 벡터 UI 키트
Here is another UI Kit that I went in a slightly different direction with, using a different gradient than usual, so I named it the "Gradient UI Kit". This has everything from buttons, a profile drop down, on/off gui switches, and much more! Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, enjoy :D Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden! If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. 버튼 단추 확인란 Gradient UI Kit
<p>This is a complete UI Kit or Bundle rather because I tried to come up with another name besides "Kit". This includes everything from star ratings, radio buttons, text boxes, all the way to tooltips! Everything is entirely vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. This also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :)</p> <p>Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> 추가 번들 버튼 UI 번들
<p>Here is my latest kit, the "Crisp UI Kit". It comes with some fancy coloring, detailed shadows, radio buttons, check boxes, sliders, on/off switches and more! Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed, Enjoy :)</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this nor release this elsewhere.</p> 버튼 단추 체크 박스 선명한 UI 키트
Here is another unique ui kit I've never done before. This orange user interface kit includes everything from radio buttons and checkboxes to on/off gui switches and searchboxes. The kit is entirely vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always. REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. 버튼 단추 확인란 Orange UI Kit
<p>Here is a simple Equalizer User Interface design that's supposed to control the left and the right speaker volume (or whatever you change it to). This includes a Photoshop PSD like always and is 100% vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed, enjoy :)</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design file elsewhere, you also may NOT re-sell this nor release this file elsewhere.</p> 이퀄라이저 경험 그래픽 이퀄라이저 UI
<p>Aluminum Buttons. Use them on your web apps, iPhone apps. These look great on any high retina display, when impressing clients it’s important. Feel free to share and use as you please.</p> <p>File includes: .PSD and .PNG files</p> <p>You may NOT sell this design element elsewhere.</p> 알루미늄 버튼 단추 알루미늄 버튼 PSD
<p>This is simple Video Player in PSD format. Coming soon Flash and HTML/JS version.</p> 경험 플래시 그래픽 ShakeDesign 비디오 플레이어
<p>Here is another simple little freebie to get you started with your websites and applications. It includes 2 regular buttons as well as tick, cross, and add/plus buttons. Everything is vector and can be scaled to any size if needed, Enjoy :)</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere.</p> 추가 버튼 단추 라이트 버튼 UI 키트
<p>여기 라디오 버튼, 체크 박스, 검색 상자, 페이지 뷰 도구 상자와 함께 완전 한 픽셀 UI 키트입니다. 그것은 또한 항상 같이, 포토샵 PSD를 포함 하 고 완전히 벡터 이다, 그래서 당신은 다시 어떤 크기로이 확장할 수 있는 필요한 경우.</p> <p>기억:이 사이트에 다시 링크 하거나 언제 든 지가이 디자인을 사용 하 여 결정을 게시 해야 합니다 같은 큰 공짜 이므로.</p> <p>이 디자인 다른 곳을 호스트 하지 않을 수 있습니다, 당신은 또한 수 있습니다 하지 판매 또는 릴리스이 다른 곳.</p> 버튼 단추 체크 박스 픽셀 UI 키트
This is a complete UI Kit or Bundle rather because I tried to come up with another name besides "Kit". This includes everything from star ratings, radio buttons, text boxes, all the way to tooltips! Everything is entirely vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. This also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :) Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. 추가 번들 버튼 UI Bundle
<p>Here is the "Creamy UI Kit". It includes radio buttons, checkboxes, a percent slider, previous/next buttons, rectangular/circular buttons, search boxes, tick/cross buttons, and the on/off GUI I did yesterday. Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :)</p> <p>Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> 버튼 단추 체크 박스 크림 UI 키트
<p>Here are 8 light and subtle Photoshop pixel patterns that will give you're site, app, or design the look you need. This includes all 8 patterns in .PAT format. It also includes the PSD file for it so you can mess around with the patterns and customize them to your liking. Since the PSD is inluded, all the layers are vector, so you can scale them to any size if needed. Enjoy :)</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design file elsewhere, you also may NOT re-sell this nor release this file elsewhere.</p> 배경 청소 그레이 8 미묘한 포토샵 패턴 (.팻)
Here are 12 more Blurred Backgrounds to use for your website or app. Since everyone like this so much the last time I figured I'd make some more for you guys. This includes a Photoshop PSD like always and each layer is a vector smart object and can be scaled to any size if needed (even larger than 1600x1200). It also includes a folder with all 12 Backgrounds in JPEG format just like the last time. REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design file elsewhere, you also may NOT re-sell this nor release this file elsewhere. 응용 프로그램 배경 흐리게 12 Blurred Backgrounds
<p>This includes 12 seamless Grunge Patterns. It also includes 1 Photoshop .PAT file to use in your web and application projects. Enjoy :)</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design file elsewhere, you also may NOT re-sell this nor release this file elsewhere.</p> 배경 그런 지 종이 12 그런 지 포토샵 패턴 (.팻)
<p>A Tree Logo Template that is available in PSD format.</p> <p><a href="http://blugraphic.com">http://blugraphic.com</a></p> 로고 포토샵 핑크 나무 로고 템플릿
Here are 14 pixel perfect patterns that's perfect for any website or application. This file includes the PSD file for it, as well as the .PAT (Pattern File). Enjoy :) REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. 응용 프로그램 팻 패턴 14 Pixel Patterns (.PAT)