A more festive New Years or Party scene. Credit to the following Open Clip Art Artist: Remi Inconnu champagne bottle, Agiofws anthemion, Anonymous ghirlande festa, Freephile balloons, Jean Victor Balin starplose, Nucubunu newyear01, Johny Automatic champagne on ice. Ice cube and ice bucket by yours truly 는 기념일 1 년 샴페인 샤워 2
A Valentine I created in 2011. The image is of a lovely couple holding hands. In the background a red heart, with the Spanish words, "Yo Te Amo" which means, "I Love You" in English. The man is wearing a formal outfit. The woman is wearing a dress with ribbon and lace. Her top is decorated with stars. A heart pendant decorates her neck. Lots of detail went into this work. Enjoy 애 인 연인 아마 르 요 Te Amo 발렌타인
Giving a photo realistic version by using the art work from talented Open Clip Art artist. I used Remi Inconnu Champagne Bottle, Agiofws Anthemion to decorate the ice bucket. Munga glass of Champagne. I did the ice bucket using Johny Automatic champagne on ice as a guide, and used the Le Ice Cube I had done previously from my collection. Enjoy 는 기념일 1 년 얼음에 샴페인 리믹스
A more festive New Years or Party scene. Credit to the following Open Clip Art Artist: Remi Inconnu champagne bottle, Agiofws anthemion, Anonymous ghirlande festa, Freephile balloons, Jean Victor Balin starplose, Nucubunu newyear01, Johny Automatic champagne on ice. Ice cube and ice bucket by yours truly 는 기념일 1 년 Champagne Showers 2
A Valentine I created in 2011. The image is of a lovely couple holding hands. In the background a red heart, with the words, "I Love You." The man is wearing a formal outfit. The woman is wearing a dress with ribbon and lace. Her top is decorated with stars. A heart pendant decorates her neck. Lots of detail went into this work. Enjoy 애 인 연인 아마 르 당신을 사랑 합니다 발렌타인
Lukyzcaetano The_Phantom_of_The_Opera.svg beautiful clip art. My remix version has Erik (The Phantom) more dark and bad ass sporting a Jackson V electric guitar and a skull earring. I also added extra shading effects to his mask. For Christine her dress is decorated with fancy shapes. Her hair is now red with highlights with a nice flower remix. I gave her some gold earrings. Both characters now have a tear, since after all, it is a tragic tale. Thanks go to the following Open Clip Art artist, whose clip art I used to make this remix. Feraminal feraliminal_skull.svg Kuba victorian-ornament-2.svg Lukyzcaetano The_Phantom_of_The_Opera.svg worms_x worms_x_Flying_V_black_guitar.svg Jaschon paisley.svg Merlin2525 Dew_Drops_by_Merlin2525.svg Wild_Rose_Remix_by_Merlin2525.svg 오페라 팬텀 애 인 오페라의 유령 리믹스
A more festive New Years or Party scene. Credit to the following Open Clip Art Artist: Gustavo Rezende toast 2, Wakro ribbon, Remi Inconnu champagne bottle, Anonymous ghirlande festa, Freephile balloons, Jean Victor Balin starplose, Nucubunu newyear01, SecretLondon red present. I only did the rearrangement of the clip art, extended the strings on the balloons, and added a shadow to the bottle 는 기념일 1 년 샴페인 샤워 1
2011 년에 만든 발렌타인입니다. 이미지는 손을 잡고 아름 다운 커플입니다. 백그라운드에서 스페인어 단어, 뜻, "요 Te Amo"와 붉은 마음 "사랑해" 영어. 남자 정장 옷을 입고 있다. 여자는 리본 및 레이스 드레스를 입고 있다. 그녀의 톱 스타 들과 함께 장식 되어있습니다. 하트 펜 던 트 장식 목. 세부 많은이 작품에 들어갔다. 즐기십시오! 발렌타인 데이 산 발렌틴 요 Te Amo 발렌타인
A Valentine I created in 2011. The image is of a lovely couple holding hands. In the background a red heart, with the French words, "Je t'aime." which means, "I Love You" in English. The man is wearing a formal outfit. The woman is wearing a dress with ribbon and lace. Her top is decorated with stars. A heart pendant decorates her neck. Lots of detail went into this work. Enjoy 애 인 연인 아마 르 당신을 사랑 합니다 발렌타인
A more festive New Years or Party scene. Credit to the following Open Clip Art Artist: Gustavo Rezende toast 2, Wakro ribbon, Remi Inconnu champagne bottle, Anonymous ghirlande festa, Freephile balloons, Jean Victor Balin starplose, Nucubunu newyear01, SecretLondon red present. I only did the rearrangement of the clip art, extended the strings on the balloons, and added a shadow to the bottle 는 기념일 1 년 Champagne Showers 1