Get free Photos on FreeImages
Thousands of pictures, photography and images for free and royalty-free
In our collection of free photos there's something for all tastes and needs: backgrounds, abstract photos, animals, business and banking, people and family, nature, sports, flags, flowers and trees. If you don't find what you're looking for, maybe you can rummage through our royalty free stock photos.
Free stock photos
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Photo FAQs and facts
Are the photos 100% free?
Yes! Browse our Free Photos section and find millions of pictures you can download 100% free. You can get the right one using the search bar on the top or wander on the Category page.
What does Free for personal & commercial use mean?
You can use our free pictures for your personal projects, such as study projects, decorate your home, print a t-shirt and much more, with no attribution required. In the same way, you can use the photos for commercial use without copyright: slideshows, digital or printed documents, websites, merchandising, etc.
I can’t find a free photo for my project. What can I do?
If you can’t find the right free photo, why don’t you take a look at our great selection of royalty-free photos?
What does royalty-free mean?
In the field of images, "Royalty free" is a type of license in which a person or organization pays a one-time royalty, being able to use the image for their projects for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Likewise, the initial owner of the image can license the same royalty-free image on an unlimited, non-exclusive basis.
Why does FreeImages have royalty-free images?
This allows us to sustain this project, so you can download other millions of images for free.