Well... I was bored one day and decided to take pictures of one of those glass electric ball thingies in a pitch black room. They actually came out pretty cool looking so I hope you enjoy them! | (Let me know if you use them on a web site or something. That would make my day!) energy power source Electricity 3
Static jumping is where you attach a static climbing rope to one side of a bridge, swing it under the bridge, attach yourself to it with a climbing harness and jump. You get a giant swing and a huge kick! | | Available to purchase for commercial use here air bridge clouds Static Jumping
Some pictures of my friend. Sorry about the wierd shadows and photo, these were taken late afternoon in my backyard. Hopefully PS can take care of it ;) woman blonde pretty Blonde woman 2
Some pictures of my friend. Sorry about the wierd shadows and photo, these were taken late afternoon in my backyard. Hopefully PS can take care of it ;) woman blonde pretty Blonde woman 3
Some pictures of my friend. Sorry about the wierd shadows and photos, these were taken late afternoon in my backyard. Hopefully PS can take care of it ;) woman blonde pretty Blonde woman 1
Some pictures of my friend. Sorry about the wierd shadows and photo file, these were taken late afternoon in my backyard. Hopefully PS can take care of it ;) lady woman hair Blonde woman 6
Some pictures of my friend. Sorry about the wierd shadows and free photos, these were taken late afternoon in my backyard. Hopefully PS can take care of it ;) lady woman hair Blonde woman 7
Some pictures of my friend. Sorry about the wierd shadows and photo files, these were taken late afternoon in my backyard. Hopefully PS can take care of it ;) lady woman hair Blonde woman 5
Static jumping is where you attach a static climbing rope to one side of a bridge, swing it under the bridge, attach yourself to it with a climbing harness and jump. You get a giant swing and a huge kick bridge jump jumping Static Jumping 2
I found a TV channel that was all fuzz and it reminded me of the movie poltergeist, remember how the little girl would sit in front of the TV and it would run ... even when unplugged movies horror halloween Spooky TV - Ghost Static