Created by me and my laptop with Apophysis 2.08. Once again, a huge thanks to the creators of this wonderful and easy-to-use software fractal fractals background Open Heart 05
Created thanks to Apophysis (version 2.07 beta), a tremendous software, free and easy to use. | | I ask a credit for public use because it takes a lot of time to choose these images and even more to render them ! | | There is beauty in chaos fractal fractals chaos By any other name would smell as sweet
If public use, please credit me as Thomas Boulvin (and not Ear Candy). WE INSIST ! | | Homemade thanks to Apophysis fractal flashy fractals Burn that cd, baby
Created with Apophysis 2.08 beta. A huge 'thank you' to the developers of this wonderful program fractals mathematical background Cutting Glass 02