Taken shortly before we had a go at parasailing. Simply wonderful! Queenstown, New Zealand view scenery parasail Perfect day to float to earth
Tank Crossing sign. Somewhere on Salisbury Plain, near Stonehenge, UK tank crossing sign Tank Crossing
Harry's Truck. 1937 Austin Pickup. Harry used to drive it to the market pickup rust Truck Harry's Truck
The magnificent Chihuly with one of his displays at the V&A in London chihuly glass sculpture Chihuly
This series of three photos were taken when the river burst it's banks in Guildford, UK in 2001. I went out and spent a fortune on a new camera just to get some good shots car park flood Car Park Flood 3
A 3 second exposure of a rocket firework shooting past and up into the sky fire firework fireworks Fire
Took this picture as I liked the broken cog. It was over a week later that I noticed the butterfly on the left engine rust rusty V4 Engine
Al's bike after a race. You have to be damn fast to scrub a tyre like this motorcycle bike hot Hot Tyre