This was ingeneous ...and it worked too! Off the pier the blanket lay with people pitching their coins trying to make the glass beach make wish Make a wish
We sat down to have a glass of water and I saw how pretty the natural lighting was coming through the window, grabbed my camera and this was the result people closeup girl Peace
this is a scanned image. It is lesser quality than my others but thought they might be useful to some anyway child girl youth Autumn leaves1
one more...I couldn't resist this one really just is so simple but so sweet to me. Hope you find it useful and like it people sun portrait Sweet face
just a quiet walk. I liked how the road wound around at the bottom of the frame and how it just kind of disappeared into the light. They could be headed anywhere walking trail intimate Taking a walk
I was just taken by the shapes and color of this capture. It seems so graceful to me green leaf light Green peace