<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4636" alt="bar graph template dark Bar Graph Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/bar-graph-template-dark.png" width="1238" height="524" title="Bar Graph Template"/></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4637" alt="bar graph template white Bar Graph Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/bar-graph-template-white.png" width="1238" height="524" title="Bar Graph Template"/></p> <p>If you’re looking for a bar graph template, we have just the right thing for you and something more! We’re giving you a set of two graph templates to choose from for all your statistical data presentation.</p> <p>With this <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/tag/graph/">graph template</a>, which comes in two different colour themes, (one in white and the other in a slate grey colour) you can collect and present your data in a clear, attractive way. With the bars spaced evenly and broadly apart, it is very easy to assimilate and collect results from this bar graph template.</p> <p>Download this freebie today!</p> gráfico projeto liso gráfico Modelo de gráfico de barras
<p>Narrative summaries are always good. They are handy even if lots of details are required. What can be even better is if you could slip in a few , u"’": uvisuals’ in the form of pictures, illustrations, or <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/tag/graph/">graphs</a>. They can give you a bird’s eye view or the big picture that doesn’t need obtuse writing to make sense. Such graphic information is all the more useful in executive summaries. One look can give all the information that has been processed through tons and tons of data.</p> <p>Today’s PSD template is a commonly used graph chart that can be incorporated in app and web application dashboards. All elements, as always, are editable that you can play around to make the changes you require.</p> <p>Happy designing!</p> gráfico gráfico infográficos Gráfico gráfico PSD
A few weeks ago, I shared with you two different graph designs Graph Design Template and Graph. Today, I bring you another graph psd template. Its a flat graph design that is quite modern and unique. I hope you’d like my effort and share it with your fellow designers. Happy Designing! gráfico infográficos negócios Graph PSD
<p>Quando os dados serão grandes, a sua representação visual pode ser muito útil. Você não pode esperar que todos os usuários do relatório ou dados para passar por cada figura ou número e tirar inferências se. É por isso que apresentamos as informações através de imagens e gráficos.</p> <p>Os gráficos são muito populares dispositivos visuais para representação de dados, informações e conhecimento. Gráficos podem ser usados para retratar dados brutos ou indicar tendências. Isto é muito mais fácil para um olho humano compreender uma imagem ao invés de uma enorme agregação de números desorganizadas. Gráficos são de vários tipos, tais como, gráficos de linha, gráficos de área, gráficos de pizza, gráficos de barras, etc.</p> <p>Hoje eu vou postar um psd de gráficos de linha e área. Tudo sobre este gráfico é personalizável - seja o esquema de cores ou os valores ou a própria natureza do gráfico (linha ou área). Você pode representar quaisquer variáveis e seus valores, fazendo pequenas mudanças para o psd indicado. Tais gráficos são freqüentemente usados em apresentações e sumários executivos.</p> gráfico gráfico infográficos Modelo de Design gráfico
<p>Nowadays presenting data and statistics in an attractive and eye-catching way is a matter of great importance. Your chart has to look great if you want to make a good impression. And that’s not that easy though. That’s why today we’re presenting our brand new infographic PSD template - to get you covered when you need to present information in an attractive way. Our infographic PSD template is clean and simple, just like data and statistics are clear and simple. Designed to satisfy the needs of any web and print related projects - presentations, website designs, charts, graphs, diagrams, plans, sketches, drafts, etc. Available in PSD file format, fully layered and organized into groups. Go ahead now and hit the download button to get all PSD files instantly!</p> <div id="attachment_3742" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3742" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/06/Free_Infographic_PSD_Template_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="Free Infographic PSD Template Preview Big" width="594" height="224"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_3743" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3743" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/06/Fully_Layered_Infographic_Template.jpg" alt="Fully Layered Infographic Template" width="594" height="500"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered Infographic Template</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>800x600<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 129 KB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 1<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> gráficos de barras botão chart template Template gratuito infográfico PSD
<p>Oi Freebers! Em nosso brinde do dia estamos dando um pacote de modelos de incrível gráfico de barras grátis para todos os gráficos de barra e apresentação de dados. Apresentação de dados através de infográficos como esses <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/tag/graph/"> modelos de gráfico</a> é uma forma realmente eficaz de compartilhar informações. Isso torna mais fácil de ver e assimilar informações rapidamente. Assim, se você está procurando uma maneira rápida e fácil compartilhar informações com as pessoas, especialmente se é um monte de informações coletadas ao longo de um período de muitos anos, então esses gráficos de barras neste pacote de modelos vai fazer o trabalho para você.</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4400" alt="bar graph 1 Bar Graphs" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/bar-graph-1.png" width="800" height="500" title="Bar Graphs"/></p> <p>Graph templates are all about graphs, so make sure you have all the information you need to display, and as they combine graphs with a bar chart, it gives you the option to showcase more data in light of the main data you want to show. Este pacote de modelos de gráfico de barras lhe dá a opção de mostrar a análise de dados e pode ser particularmente útil para comerciantes on-line e vendas, então Baixe este pacote hoje!</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4401" alt="bar graph 2 Bar Graphs" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/bar-graph-2.png" width="800" height="350" title="Bar Graphs"/></p> <h3>Conclusion:</h3> <p>Data analytics and bar graphs are an effective way to showcase data for sales and marketing, use them whenever you feel the need to share data quickly and in a presentable manner.</p> painel de controle gráfico infográficos Gráficos de barra
<p>o freebie é hoje um modelo PSD do gráfico. Você pode usar gráficos esteticamente atraentes para representar muitos tipos de dados estatísticos. Gráficos são muito comumente usados em aplicações web e aplicativos móveis. Uma dessas áreas onde os gráficos são usados com freqüência são análises de aplicação. Sinta-se livre para baixar e modificar o <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/psd/"> PSD</a>.</p> gráfico infográficos negócios Gráfico
Hi Freebers! In our freebie of the day we’re giving away an awesome free bar graph template pack for all your bar graphs and data presentation. Data presentation through infographics such as these graph templates is a really effective way to share information. It makes it easier to see and assimilate information quickly. So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to share information with people, particularly if it is a lot of information collected over a period of many years, then these bar graphs in this templates pack will do the work for you. Graph templates are all about graphs, so make sure you have all the information you need to display, and as they combine graphs with a bar chart, it gives you the option to showcase more data in light of the main data you want to show. This bar graph template pack gives you the option to show data analytics and could be particularly useful for online marketers and sales, so download this pack today! Conclusion: Data analytics and bar graphs are an effective way to showcase data for sales and marketing, use them whenever you feel the need to share data quickly and in a presentable manner. painel de controle gráfico infográficos Bar Graphs
You are working on a dashboard or any infographics design and looking for some modern pie graph psd template? Here I’m sharing a very cool and striking pie graph template. It can be modified as per your required statistics. You can change colors and size of elements too. Download the psd file and make your own pie graph by using this template. Enjoy! gráfico infográficos negócios Pie Graph
<p>Hi Freebers! In our freebie of the day we’re giving away an awesome free bar graph template pack for all your bar graphs and data presentation. Data presentation through infographics such as these <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/tag/graph/">graph templates</a> is a really effective way to share information. It makes it easier to see and assimilate information quickly. So if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to share information with people, particularly if it is a lot of information collected over a period of many years, then these bar graphs in this templates pack will do the work for you.</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4400" alt="bar graph 1 Bar Graphs" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/bar-graph-1.png" width="800" height="500" title="Bar Graphs"/></p> <p>Graph templates are all about graphs, so make sure you have all the information you need to display, and as they combine graphs with a bar chart, it gives you the option to showcase more data in light of the main data you want to show. This bar graph template pack gives you the option to show data analytics and could be particularly useful for online marketers and sales, so download this pack today!</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4401" alt="bar graph 2 Bar Graphs" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/bar-graph-2.png" width="800" height="350" title="Bar Graphs"/></p> <h3>Conclusion:</h3> <p>Data analytics and bar graphs are an effective way to showcase data for sales and marketing, use them whenever you feel the need to share data quickly and in a presentable manner.</p> painel de controle gráfico infográficos Gráficos de barra
<p>The freebie today is a graph PSD template. You can use aesthetically attractive graphs to represent many types of statistical data. Graphs are quite commonly used in web applications and mobile apps. One such area where graphs are frequently used are application analytics. Feel free to download and modify the <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/psd/">PSD</a>.</p> gráfico infográficos negócios Gráfico
The freebie today is a graph PSD template. You can use aesthetically attractive graphs to represent many types of statistical data. Graphs are quite commonly used in web applications and mobile apps. One such area where graphs are frequently used are application analytics. Feel free to download and modify the PSD. gráfico infográficos negócios Graph
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4636" alt="bar graph template dark Bar Graph Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/bar-graph-template-dark.png" width="1238" height="524" title="Bar Graph Template"/></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4637" alt="bar graph template white Bar Graph Template" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/bar-graph-template-white.png" width="1238" height="524" title="Bar Graph Template"/></p> <p>If you're looking for a bar graph template, we have just the right thing for you and something more! Vamos dar-lhe um conjunto de dois modelos de gráfico para escolher para todos sua apresentação de dados estatísticos.</p> <p>Com este <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/tag/graph/"> modelo de gráfico</a>, que vem em dois temas de cor diferente, (um em branco e o outro em uma cor cinza ardósia) você pode coletar e apresentar seus dados de forma clara, atraente. Com as barras espaçadas uniformemente e amplamente separados, é muito fácil de assimilar e coletar os resultados desse modelo de gráfico de barras.</p> <p>Baixar este freebie hoje!</p> gráfico projeto liso gráfico Modelo de gráfico de barras
<p>Você está trabalhando em um <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/dashboard-ui-design/"> painel de controle</a> ou qualquer projeto de <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/vector-infographics-free-download/"> infográficos</a> e procurando alguns torta moderna <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph-design-template/"> modelo de gráfico psd</a>?</p> <p>Aqui estou compartilhando uma torta muito legal e impressionante <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph/"> modelo de gráfico</a>. Ele pode ser modificado conforme as suas estatísticas necessárias. Você pode alterar as cores e tamanho dos elementos também. Baixe o arquivo psd e fazer sua própria torta <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph-psd/"> gráfico</a> usando esse modelo.</p> <p>Desfrutar!</p> gráfico infográficos negócios Gráfico de pizza
<p>A few weeks ago, I shared with you two different graph designs <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph-design-template/">Graph Design Template</a> and <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph/">Graph</a>. Today, I bring you another graph psd template. Its a flat graph design that is quite modern and unique. I hope you’d like my effort and share it with your fellow designers.</p> <p>Happy Designing!</p> gráfico infográficos negócios Gráfico PSD
<p>When the data is large, its visual representation can be very useful. You cannot expect every user of the data or report to go through each and every figure or number and draw inferences themselves. That’s why we present the information through images and graphs.</p> <p>Graphs are very popular visual devices for representation of data, information and knowledge. Graphs can be used to portray raw data or indicate trends. This is much easier for a human eye to understand an image rather than a huge aggregation of disorganized numbers. Graphs are of many types, such as, line graphs, area graphs, pie charts, bar graphs etc.</p> <p>Today I’m going to post a psd of line and area graphs. Everything about this graph is customizable - be it the color scheme or the values or the very nature of graph (line or area). You can represent any variables and their values by making small changes to the featured psd. Such graphs are frequently used in presentations and executive summaries.</p> gráfico gráfico infográficos Modelo de Design gráfico
Narrative summaries are always good. They are handy even if lots of details are required. What can be even better is if you could slip in a few , u"’": uvisuals’ in the form of pictures, illustrations, or graphs. They can give you a bird’s eye view or the big picture that doesn’t need obtuse writing to make sense. Such graphic information is all the more useful in executive summaries. One look can give all the information that has been processed through tons and tons of data. Today’s PSD template is a commonly used graph chart that can be incorporated in app and web application dashboards. All elements, as always, are editable that you can play around to make the changes you require. Happy designing! gráfico gráfico infográficos Graph Chart PSD
When the data is large, its visual representation can be very useful. You cannot expect every user of the data or report to go through each and every figure or number and draw inferences themselves. That’s why we present the information through images and graphs. Graphs are very popular visual devices for representation of data, information and knowledge. Graphs can be used to portray raw data or indicate trends. This is much easier for a human eye to understand an image rather than a huge aggregation of disorganized numbers. Graphs are of many types, such as, line graphs, area graphs, pie charts, bar graphs etc. Today I’m going to post a psd of line and area graphs. Everything about this graph is customizable - be it the color scheme or the values or the very nature of graph (line or area). You can represent any variables and their values by making small changes to the featured psd. Such graphs are frequently used in presentations and executive summaries. gráfico gráfico infográficos Graph Design Template
<p>Resumos narrativos são sempre bons. Eles são úteis, mesmo que muitos detalhes são necessários. O que pode ser ainda melhor é se pode escorregar no u alguns, "'": uvisuals' sob a forma de fotografias, ilustrações ou <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/tag/graph/"> gráficos</a>. Podem dar-lhe uma vista panorâmica ou o grande retrato que não precisa escrever obtuso a fazer sentido. Tal informação gráfica é mais útil em sumários executivos. Um olhar pode dar toda a informação que foi processada através de toneladas e toneladas de dados.</p> Modelo de <p>hoje PSD é um gráfico do gráfico comumente usados que pode ser incorporado em painéis de aplicação app e web. Todos os elementos, como sempre, são editáveis que você pode brincar de fazer as alterações que você precisa.</p> <p>Projetando feliz!</p> gráfico gráfico infográficos Gráfico gráfico PSD
<p>You are working on a <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/dashboard-ui-design/">dashboard</a> or any <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/vector-infographics-free-download/">infographics</a> design and looking for some modern pie <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph-design-template/">graph psd template</a>?</p> <p>Here I’m sharing a very cool and striking pie <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph/">graph template</a>. It can be modified as per your required statistics. You can change colors and size of elements too. Download the psd file and make your own pie <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph-psd/">graph</a> by using this template.</p> <p>Enjoy!</p> gráfico infográficos negócios Gráfico de pizza
If you’re looking for a bar graph template, we have just the right thing for you and something more! We’re giving you a set of two graph templates to choose from for all your statistical data presentation. With this graph template, which comes in two different colour themes, (one in white and the other in a slate grey colour) you can collect and present your data in a clear, attractive way. With the bars spaced evenly and broadly apart, it is very easy to assimilate and collect results from this bar graph template. Download this freebie today! gráfico projeto liso gráfico Bar Graph Template
<p>Algumas semanas atrás, eu compartilhei com você dois modelos de gráfico diferente <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph-design-template/"> Modelo de Design gráfico</a> e <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/graph/"> gráfico</a>. Hoje, trago-vos outro modelo psd de gráfico. Seu um design de plano gráfico é bastante moderno e exclusivo. Espero que você gostaria de meu esforço e compartilhá-lo com seus colegas designers.</p> <p>Projetando feliz!</p> gráfico infográficos negócios Gráfico PSD