Hello there designers! As our freebie of the day, we’ll be sharing with you a great, neat looking menu design template. This free menu template is neat, sophisticated and would look great for all your web projects. This menu template shows users the first option of the menu, while they are in the file option. The other options in tabular form which the users can opt from later, are seen in the background as Edit, View, Insert, Format, Window and Help. So in short, it gives a lot of options for users to choose from later. What we like best in this menu template is its clean look and appearance and clear text and small icons. While in the file tab, users will see the options of New, Open, Recent Documents, Save, Save As, Export, Print and Exit, and is highlighting the options of website map, client brief, web design requirements, meta information, usability fixes as examples of Recent Documents. Download this free menu template today! rullgardinsmeny platt design menyn Menu Template
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4708" alt="dropdown menu ui Dropdown Menu UI" src="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/dropdown-menu-ui.png" width="700" height="400" title="Dropdown Menu UI"/></p> <p>Drop-down menu is an essential in most of the web designs. It plays important role in the creation of an effective and user friendly website experience. It’s a good solution to trim down long menu that is overwhelming the screen space, getting them to display in a more organize category-sub category pattern.</p> <p>Here I’m sharing a free dropdown menu psd with you all I hope you would like it and share your feedback.</p> rullgardinsmeny menyn navigering Rullgardinsmenyn UI
Detta är en svart/vit, minimalistisk, enkel (vad du vill kalla det) navigeringsfältet. Njut! ;) vit svart innehöll Svart och vitt navigering
Här är en ren och effektiv meny för nästa webbprogrammet. Ingår layered psd och full html/css. Inga bilder som behövs. Äldre webbläsare testas. Försämrar ganska graciös ;-) ui elements rullgardinsmeny skolan Web programmenyn
<p>Today’s freebie is a slick settings drop down menu. These elements should give you a great start on creating a slick admin bar. Enjoy!</p> business finans Inställningar rullgardinsmenyn
<p>Tänk, du vill att alla din <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/pagination/"> webbsida navigering</a> under din logotyp och vill dela en ny användarupplevelse av webben <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/category/navigation/"> navigering</a>.</p> <p>Idag jag har kommit med en webbmall för menyn som har alla webbsidor i en enda <strong>dropdown menyn</strong>. Den har en bra dropdown <strong>menyn design</strong> som innehåller ikoner, titel och en kort beskrivning. Jag hoppas du vill <strong>menymall</strong> och må bra samtidigt som att lägga till din <strong>webbsida menymallar</strong> hink.</p> <p>Låt oss Hämta <strong>gratis webb-menyn</strong> och dela dina tankar.</p> rullgardinsmeny menyn användbarhet Dropdown meny mall
Detta är ett helt lager vertikala navigeringsfält, med aktiv/hover staterna. You vill ta Ballpark (en gratis front) från Font Squirrel för att redigera logotypen! ui elements rullgardinsmeny skolan Lodrätt navigeringsfält
Here is another UI Kit that I went in a slightly different direction with, using a different gradient than usual, so I named it the "Gradient UI Kit". This has everything from buttons, a profile drop down, on/off gui switches, and much more! Everything is 100% vector and can be scaled to any size if needed. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always, enjoy :D Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden! If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. knappen knappar kryssrutan Gradient UI Kit
Today’s freebie is a full UI kit which was originally inspired by the iTunes UI. The kit includes all sorts of toggles, tabs, buttons, sliders and fields - should be enough to get you started knappar sök reglaget ITunes Inspired UI Kit (PSD)