Dark Music player user interface design with modern control panels. Sleek and professional looking UI kit made in Photoshop with organize layered mörka ui musik spelaren web kit music knob psd Music Player UI kit PSD, Dark Theme UI design
Orange UI Kit containing buttons, forms, sliders, a knob, an equalizer, rating stars, pagination, toggles, et cetera. A PSD freebie created by Anthony Aubertin. Source: 365psd knappar former knopp Orange UI Kit
Dark Music player user interface design with modern control panels. Sleek and professional looking UI kit made in Photoshop with organize layered mörka ui musik spelaren web kit music knob psd Musik spelaren UI kit PSD, mörkt tema UI design
Free PSD metal knob with yellow led lights on a dark background. This freebie has been released on 365psd by Ashung Hung knopp Free PSD metal knob with yellow led lights
Light-orange knob with shadows. A free PSD designed by Timur Bolychevtsev knopp Light-orange knob with shadows PSD
<p>Idag gratisgrunka är en knopp användargränssnitt, komplett med knopp nålen och utan. Allt är 100% vektorformer och smarta objekt. Den innehåller också en Photoshop PSD som alltid :)</p> <p>Re-försäljning, Hosting hämtningen eller någon annanstans och omfördelning är förbjudet.</p> <p>Om används någon annanstans, kom ihåg att länka tillbaka till Icondeposit.com eller det här inlägget.</p> dial gui knopp Knopp UI
<p>This includes 5 sliders, all can be customized to any color. It also includes 2 On/Off switches that can be customized to any font, size and color. It comes with a Photoshop .PSD file that is well organized. The Font used for the On/Off switches is ChunkFive available via Fontsquirrel.</p> <p>- Re-sale and or Redistibution is strictly Forbidden.</p> <p>- Remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post if used elsewhere.</p> <p>- Enjoy :D</p> knappen knappar interaktion Liten UI Kit
<p>Detta inkluderar 5 skjutreglage, allt kan anpassas till valfri färg. Den innehåller även 2 på/av-strömbrytare som kan anpassas till alla teckensnitt, storlek och färg. Den levereras med en Photoshop.PSD-fil är väl organiserad. Det teckensnitt som används för på/av-strömbrytare är tillgänglig via Fontsquirrel ChunkFive.</p> <p>-Försäljning och eller Redistibution är strängt förbjudet.</p> <p>-Kom ihåg att länka tillbaka till Icondeposit.com eller detta inlägg om används någon annanstans.</p> <p>-Njut av: D</p> knappen knappar interaktion Liten UI Kit
Dieter Rams, Braun clock radio from 1978, 95% vectors :) PSD in attachment - absolutely free! enkel 3d minimalistisk Freebie: Braun clock radio
Glänsande metall volym knopp isolerad på grå bakgrund, ljudnivå, volume adjustment (Bildjustering) ljud knappen metall Belägger med metall volym knopp (PSD)
<h3>Slider template set designed in 5 color styles. Slider templates are always needed for website templates. And to ease you as much as possible, we have created a free PSD set! That’s right, head to the download section and download the slider template set completely free of charge!</h3> <p>Horizontal slider templates designed in 5 different styles. These PSD templates will be useful for all kind of web pages. Generally, slider templates are used to adjust values. That’s a great way to change settings and increase or decrease values. People are used to slider templates. Most of the users nowadays know how to work with them. So don’t worry about the user experience and the usability.</p> <p>We have designed the slider template set to be suitable both for dark and light websites. These PSD templates are clean and clear. That’s perfect for you design related projects. Feel free to use the slider template set on personal and commercial projects.</p> <p>We have properly named and grouped the slider template set. All layers are separated and could be edited with ease. You need just some basic skills in designing. And of course, Adobe Photoshop. So, head to the download section and hit the , u"”": uFree Download” button. You will get all PSD files instantly.</p> <p>Our slider template set could be used on:</p> <ul><li>Website templates.</li> <li>Mobile applications.</li> <li>Newsletters.</li> </ul><p>If you are looking for more creative ideas on web designing and slider templates, you’d better check <a title="CSS Mayo - CSS Gallery" href="http://www.cssmayo.com/" target="_blank">CSS Mayo</a>. You will surely get inspired!</p> <div id="attachment_4504" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4504" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/10/Free_PSD_Slider_Template_Set_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="Free PSD Slider Template Set Preview Big" width="594" height="685"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Free PSD Slider Template Set Preview Big</p></div> <div id="attachment_4514" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4514" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/10/Fully_Layered_Free_PSD_Slider_Template_Set_Preview.jpg" alt="Fully Layered Free PSD Slider Template Set Preview" width="594" height="447"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered Free PSD Slider Template Set Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>755x551px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 0.369 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 5<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 5 slider templates pilar bära Reglaget mall Set - 5 gratis PSD-filer
<p>Today's freebie is a Knob User Interface, complete with the knob needle and without. Everything is 100% vector shapes and smart objects. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always :)</p> <p>Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> dial gui knopp Knopp UI
Today's freebie is a Knob User Interface, complete with the knob needle and without. Everything is 100% vector shapes and smart objects. It also includes a Photoshop PSD like always :) Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. dial gui knopp Knob UI
<p>This design is a basic Dial with some nice detail to it. It includes a Photoshop .PSD with well organized grouped layers. It is in vector format, so you can re-scale it to any size if needed.</p> <p>If you need to re-scale this and the scratches are a bit too blurry. Then to create a new set of scratches you will have to add a vector mask to the top knob layer, then add some noise, then do a radial blur to 27, have it at best, and make the radial blur spin. This will get you to create some nice detailed scratches.</p> <p>- Re-sale and or redistribution is forbidden.</p> <p>- If this is used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> <p>- Enjoy :D</p> konst detalj dial Dial
Today’s freebie is a super little set of glowing elements and super contribution from the Beardiest guy in design - the one and only Mr Luke Beard. Enjoy knappen glöd växla Glowing Volume Knob & Switch (PSD)
A black knob with blue glowing lights. PSD freebies designed by Timur Bolychevtsev. Great resource for your UI project glöd knopp Black glowing knob PSD
Slider template set designed in 5 color styles. Slider templates are always needed for website templates. And to ease you as much as possible, we have created a free PSD set! That’s right, head to the download section and download the slider template set completely free of charge! Horizontal slider templates designed in 5 different styles. These PSD templates will be useful for all kind of web pages. Generally, slider templates are used to adjust values. That’s a great way to change settings and increase or decrease values. People are used to slider templates. Most of the users nowadays know how to work with them. So don’t worry about the user experience and the usability. We have designed the slider template set to be suitable both for dark and light websites. These PSD templates are clean and clear. That’s perfect for you design related projects. Feel free to use the slider template set on personal and commercial projects. We have properly named and grouped the slider template set. All layers are separated and could be edited with ease. You need just some basic skills in designing. And of course, Adobe Photoshop. So, head to the download section and hit the , u"”": uFree Download” button. You will get all PSD files instantly. Our slider template set could be used on: Website templates. Mobile applications. Newsletters. If you are looking for more creative ideas on web designing and slider templates, you’d better check CSS Mayo. You will surely get inspired! Free PSD Slider Template Set Preview Big Fully Layered Free PSD Slider Template Set Preview Resolution: 755x551pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.369 MBNumber of Items in Set: 5Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 5 slider templates pilar bära Slider Template Set - 5 Free PSD Files
Today’s freebie is a super little set of glowing elements and super contribution from the Beardiest guy in design - the one and only Mr Luke Beard. Enjoy knappen glöd växla Glödande volym knopp & Switch (PSD)
Shiny metal volume knob isolated on gray background, sound level, volume adjustment button ljud knappen metall Metal volume knob (PSD)
Shiny metal volume knob isolated on gray background, sound level, volume adjustment button ljud knappen metall Belägger med metall volym knopp (PSD)
Some free PSD metallic knobs inspired to guitar amps. Two colours available, silver and gold. Designed by Sebastian Ortiz for 365psd knopp metall Free PSD metallic knobs
This includes 5 sliders, all can be customized to any color. It also includes 2 On/Off switches that can be customized to any font, size and color. It comes with a Photoshop .PSD file that is well organized. The Font used for the On/Off switches is ChunkFive available via Fontsquirrel. - Re-sale and or Redistibution is strictly Forbidden. - Remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post if used elsewhere. - Enjoy :D knappen knappar interaktion Small UI Kit
Dagens gratisgrunka är en super liten uppsättning glödande element och super bidrag från den Beardiest killen i design - den och endast herr Luke Beard. Njut av knappen glöd växla Glödande volym knopp & Switch (PSD)