A few month ago, I had shared with you video player for websites and music player. Today I bring you another beautiful video player template. It has all the common features of any video player. I hope you’d like this video player template and share your feedback in the comments. videospelare musik movie Video Player Template
The second part of Viro UI features 2 user-friendly media players(video & audio), which can be used for web and mobile applications. All the elements in this set are editable and available in a single PSD file. Images are not included in the download musikspelare ui videospelare Viro Media Players UI
Upptäck ett varierat sortiment av sociala medieikoner som omfattar populära nätverk som Skype, YouTube, Google, och Facebook. Med en uppsjö av livfulla färger, dessa vektorgrafik är idealiska för ett brett utbud av applikationer inklusive banners, appar, och alla kreativa projekt du föreställer dig! neon social-media facebook Neon sociala medier ikoner
Microsoft Xbox 360 .PSD (Real .PSD, not rendered.) Note: The .PSD is triple the size of the image shown at 3200x resolution Okay! Now I can go back and develop all of the controllers for these consoles and add them to the console .PSD's. Thanks goes to deviant Bobbyperux for the inspiration and layer input on this .PSD. As always, free to use in anything just credit and post me a link in the comments if you use it in your project. If you see something wrong with the .PSD, have a request for a product or just wanna say hi, please do! Feed back is encouraged xbox microsoft 360 Xbox 360.PSD
En modern letar spela knappen i PSD-format. Borstad metall stil grafik i en glänsande svart och silver färger. En fin knapp för web spelare. Kolla också knappar <a href="http://www.psdgraphics.com/buttons/music-control-buttons/"> musik kontrollknappar</a> post, multimedia set photoshop blanka video PSD uppspelningsknappen
Mycket sexig och enkel video spelaren PSD gratis använda på din webbplats :) spelare video webbdesign Videospelare PSD
Another freebie - Music top 20 kit psd :) Download and use it as you want. Cheers.! iphone mall fotoalbum Music Kit
Den andra delen av Viro UI funktioner 2 användarvänlig mediaspelare (video & ljud), som kan användas för webb och mobila applikationer. Alla element i denna uppsättning är redigerbara och tillgängliga i en PSD-fil. Bilder ingår inte i nedladdning musikspelare ui videospelare Viro mediespelare UI
Hyun high-definition video disk PS brush instrument (including PNG image files) Hyun High-Definition Video Disk PS Brush Instrument (Includi
A modern looking play button in PSD format. Brushed metal style graphics in a shiny black and silver colors. A nice button for web players. Check also <a href="http://www.psdgraphics.com/buttons/music-control-buttons/">music control buttons</a> post, multimedia buttons set photoshop blanka video PSD uppspelningsknappen
Today’s freebie is a custom designed video player interface. If you’re producing great video you might want to add a professional touch with a custom video player enkel ui video Free Video Player Interface (PSD)
Sleek Video Player is a PSD file with 3 different style player interfaces. This is a great starting point for creating your own custom player objekt musik movie Sleek Video Player
In this video I try and showcase how to design in Photoshop with a responsive mindset and grid at your disposal. Designing in Photoshop for web, using a responsive grid should not limit your creativity but increase it Video: Responsive Web Design In Photoshop - A Mindset Not Just Technique
Videospelare, liknande till spelaren mest kända ryska Web Lebedev Studio. Alla detaljer är på sitt eget lager. Lagren är indelade i grupper. Jag hoppas att spelaren du gillar. ui elements video knappen Videospelare smilar ArtLebedev studio
Today’s freebie is a custom designed video player interface. If you’re producing great video you might want to add a professional touch with a custom video player enkel ui video Gratis Video Player Interface (PSD)
Custom video player for all purposes in dark skin. It's all in layered PSD so you can easily modify to your needs. We create free and premium pixel perfect graphic design and web resources. www.pixel-fabric.com photoshop spelare video Custom Video Player
A logo for a spots video website from http://www.shaboopie.com sport snowboard video Ombordstigning videor
<p>Custom video player for all purposes in dark skin. It's all in layered PSD so you can easily modify to your needs.</p> <p>We create free and premium<br /> pixel perfect graphic design and web resources.<br /> www.pixel-fabric.com</p> photoshop spelare video Anpassade videospelare
Vänner, dagens gratisgrunka andel är en snabb video spelare gränssnitt i PSD-format. Det anpassade gränssnittet kommer i två lätta varianter att lägga till professionell touch till dina videor photoshop graphic webb-element ui Videospelare gränssnitt PSD
A Psd with Smart objects on the Profile pic and on the cover Photo of youtube. Enjoy! kanal rutnät guide Youtube channel 2015
<p class="excerpt">Are you looking for a slick video player design? Here's something for you. Modern video player.</p> <p>Most advanced file so far. Lots of layers. Did my best to make everything clean and obvious. The best part about that is that there are three color schemes. Light, dark and combined. You’ll also find big buttons for each color scheme, so you can customize your player and its features. It’s also resizable vector <em>(except the movie frame)</em>.</p> knappen mörk ljus Moderna videospelare
En mycket enkel Photoshop tutorial som visar dig hur man gör en realistisk svart och silver metall texturer. < br / > Njut handledningen i HD-videokvalitet och lära sig att använda Photoshop effekter. < br / > även Läs textversionen av <a href="http://www.psdgraphics.com/tutorials/metal-texture-photoshop-tutorial/"> metall konsistens photoshop tutorial</a> och ladda ner högupplösta <a href="http://www.psdgraphics.com/textures/metal-textures/"> metall texturer</a> hur metall photoshop Göra metall textur i Photoshop video tutorial
<p>Anpassade videospelare för alla ändamål i mörk hud. Det är alla i layered PSD så du kan enkelt ändra din behov.</p> <p>Vi skapa gratis och premium < br / > pixel perfekt grafisk design och webbutveckling resurser. < br / > www.pixel-fabric.com</p> photoshop spelare video Anpassade videospelare
A very simple Photoshop tutorial that will show you how to make a realistic black and silver metal textures. Enjoy the tutorial in HD video quality and learn how to use Photoshop effects. Also, read text version of metal texture photoshop tutorial, and download hi-res metal textures hur metall photoshop Make metal texture in Photoshop, video tutorial
<p>This is simple Video Player in PSD format. Coming soon Flash and HTML/JS version.</p> erfarenhet flash grafiska ShakeDesign Video Player
You may remember, I shared with you Video Player Template and Video Player For Websites in my previous posts. Today I bring you another beautiful and modern free video player psd. It will help you to make your own player in less time because it has all the common features of a video player. All the elements are layered and grouped. You can easily modify the design or resize it according to your requirements. Happy Downloading! musikspelare videospelare objekt Video Player PSD
<p>Du kanske kommer ihåg, jag delat med du <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/video-player-template/"> Video Player mall</a> och <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/video-player-for-websites/"> Video Player för webbplatser</a> i mitt tidigare inlägg.</p> <p>Idag vill jag ge dig en annan vacker och modern gratis videospelare psd. Det kommer att hjälpa dig göra din egen spelare på kortare tid eftersom det har alla de gemensamma dragen i en videospelare. Alla element är lager och grupperade. Du kan enkelt ändra design eller ändra storlek på den enligt dina önskemål.</p> <p>Glad dataöverföring!</p> musikspelare videospelare objekt Videospelare PSD
Pac Man Video Game Brushes Découvrez ce magnifique pack de 6 brushs sur l'univers de Pac Man, comprenant l'alimentation, et d'autres éléments de décors spelet cherry tv-spel Pac Man spel penslar
Video player PSD skin designed in 6 color styles. Download the fully layered PSD file now for free! Video player PSD set designed in clean and clear style. We’ve even created color variations of the video player and included all of them in a single PSD file. So, we strongly suggest you to head to the download section. That’s a valuable set, a kind of must have for all creative folks! People are tired of seeing embedded video players all around. And if you come up with a custom video player skin, you will definitely grab the attention of your visitors. Of course, you may just download the video player PSD and use it later on. After all, you never know when you’ll need a custom player, right? Any of our video players will come in handy for your website designs. You know that it’s pretty popular for businesses to put a short video on their landing page. Therefore, you should be prepared! Download our video player PSD set and store it in your personal collection. Of course, it’s pretty easy to work with our PSD file. No merged layers or messy structure. Everything has been arranged and polished to ease you as much as possible with your design efforts. Resolution: 740x2500 pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.200 MBNumber of Items in Set: 6Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. player psd videospelare video psd Video Player PSD Set
Titta på HD kvalitet video självstudie - Hur man gör en abstrakt regnbågens färger bakgrund i Photoshop. Lär dig hur du anpassar penselverktyget och hur man spelar med motion blur effekter. Om du gillar det, föll fritt att hämta <a href="http://www.psdgraphics.com/backgrounds/abstract-rainbow-colors/"> abstrakt regnbågens färger</a> bakgrund i en hög upplösning abstrakt dekoration web Abstrakt regnbågens färger Photoshop video tutorial (HD)