An attempt to vectorize Dani's artwork. A text banner with three flowers beneath banner färg blomma Leva, skratta, älska
Diagram to illustrate the concept of LOCC (Local Operations and Classical Communications) used in Quantum Information Science atom klassisk färg Lokala operationer och klassisk kommunikation
A modification of the Police man to be more general to be just a man with his hands behind his back en människor personen Man står
a quick remix / play around with colours of the flat cuties uploaded by mairin djur bära bunny Inte så platt cuties
A pencil writing on a sticky note. Created for use as a "note" admonition with Docbook and FOP tecknad färg datorn Klibbiga anteckningsblock och penna
Cartoon zebra. Remixed from Lemmling's Cartoon Cow and Cartoon Kangaroo afrika djur tecknad Cartoon zebra
small map for Role Playing Game - using severals ressources from nicubunu RPG collection dungeon fantasy karta RPG karta
Adam and Even sad in the garden of Eden after eating the forbidden fruit, from the Bible story in Genesis 3 adam bibeln tecknad Adam & Eve sorgligt
Creation Scene designed for a piece by piece build up to full A4 (or proportional eg:A3) printout djur bibeln tecknad Skapa scen del 2
The blurs were slowing me down, so I took em out, and made it grey. To be used in 'memory' which I'll upload when done hjärnan grå remix Grå hjärnan
Each circle represents a different individual. The thin border around each circle represents what you notice first (readily detectable characteristics). The inside of each circle underlines the mixture of deep-level characteristics someone has (e.g., skills, knowledge, experience, education, attitudes, empathy, assertiveness, etc.). Anyone is free to interpret the meaning of each color, because we all have different perceptions. Although both individuals have identical readily detectable and deep-level characteristics, they differ according to their status abstrakt som kung Status skillnaden
Cartoon llama. Remixed from Lemmling's Cartoon Cat (face), Cartoon Beaver (ears), and Cartoon Giraffe (body) djur kameldjur tecknad Cartoon kallas
I tried to give the backpack a more natural look by using brown and green ryggsäck väska färg Ryggsäck (grön/brun)
Not exactly a remix, just breaking up into separate files pilen samling blankt papper Gröna enda pilar set
Some rather simple symbols to show whether an answer is right or wrong. Any more ideas acceptera svar avbryt Rätt eller fel
Originally I did a colour version of Mairin's "Gray Cow" for my own purposes, and then I found the "Cow-Insane Animation" and took just the cow from that, and then did a half-half mix. And yes, colour is how we spell it in Australia ;^) djur nötkreatur bull Färg ko 2
Some shading on Ryan's trace. The firefox rendering differs quite a lot Inkscape tecknad ansikte chef Manface7 färg skuggning
Uploaded by "World Label" for conversion to SVG and publication on OCAL tecknad ansikte flicka Flicka ansikte Cartoon
This is a vectorized filled request for the Open Clip Art Library tecknad kontur ansikte Ladyface6 konturer
a redone version of the sampled jpeg. i used nicubuntu's process ( ) to convert this image baby tecknad kontur girlface8
Black and blue rectangular border svart blå kantlinje gränsen mörk blå svart rutig 4 x 2
A simple drum kit. (Roll on conical gradients so that the cymbal can be done properly) bandet trumma trumset Trumset
A simple summer landscape featuring green grass, a blue sky and white clouds tecknad blomma green på Cartoon landskap