Little hand holding a big hand. | | If you use this photo please let me know, and credit me with my real name aid assist assistance Hands
I am always impressed by builders' muscles... Hope you find 'em usefull construction building build Strong arms
Woman's hand holds the air in the sky (perfect for design manipulation). | | Larger size file here hand hold thumb Hand in sky
Just some spare body parts laying around the ol' photo studio - I thought someone might find these useful. | | If you use this in a book, album, or for any layout where credit can be given, I would appreciate the credit. | | I love to see what my photos are used for, please send me a .jpg or post link in comments plastic body arm Need a Hand
A young hand. | | If it is possible please send us an email telling us where you used this image, also a link would be welcomed. You do not have to do this but it would be nice human body part Hand
Uplifted hands in worship. The hi res version of this photo can be found on StockXpert worship hands uplifted Worship Hands
Praying hands - bathing i light from above | | Please let me know what it's being used for - just curious ;) Folded sepia pray Prayer
i think this is a mannequin showing the pressure points on the body. maybe it's for acupressure or acupuncture? it was in the front window of a business in los angeles objects health acupuncture Acupuncture body