Just a small slug. | | Please mail me if you found it useful. Just to let me know! | | I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you think it is nothing special! For me it is (and for my portfolio) horn ugly monster A slug
Crumbled Scanned Paper. I originally uploaded this 2 weeks ago, but noticed the file is corrupted. So here we go one more time junk crumbled paper Crumbled
this is a "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind" style tabloid. I tore it up, and gave white space in the middle for you to add anything. I hope it's useful. You can find a baseless PNG tabloid scandals magazines Tabloid
Please request photos by title and not number if possible. It makes it easier for me to know which photo you are using crawfish crawdad crayfish Crawfish
Just a throat of a beautiful hippopotamus! | | Please mail me or comment this photo if you used it. Thanks! | | I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you think it is nothing special! For me it is (and for my portfolio) hippo hippopotamus nasty Nasty hippo throat
Self portrait. | | (I would be extremely appreciative for a sample, if print publication (URL or jpg if digital media) for my portfolio.) portrait man human You're late
who knows, maybe someone will need a toilet (loo) in their design... i figured, if you have to use it, might as well soften the "edges" of the subject loo bathroom toilet Soft view - ugly subject
no, i dont live here - i just work in a house surrounded by those ugly relicts of the 70's tiles brown floor Ugly 70's floor tiles
old opticians surgery with visual test board and ugly tiles from the 70's tiles optical surgery Ugly 70's optician surgery
I found this homely bird in its nest waiting for mom to arrive. He wasn't scared of me at all ugly bird baby Ugly bird
Large spider my friend found in his cupboard. I took it outside and persuaded it to sit on a rock for some photos spider large big Menacing spider
Dead latex chicken hanging around in our office. Our symbol, if you wish... Shot (?!) resulting a fleeting inspiration:))) rubber latex chicken Bird flu
With its fuchsia-pink skin and scales, the dragon fruit is in fact a cactus fruit. And it is so unlike any other fruit in appearance. Cut in half to reveal the opaque white or purple flesh dotted with small black seeds. It tastes better than it looks Hylocereus undatus dragon Dragon fruit