介紹專為泰國料理餐廳和食品設施打造的引人入勝的徽標模板設計。這款出色的設計展現了令人愉悅的沙田卡通插圖,並以「泰國料理」文字為增添真實性。讓自己沉浸在這款設計的靈活性中,因為它允許自定義的文字,完美地體現泰國美食精髓的匹配字體。使用這個引人入勝的標誌範本來提升您的品牌。 食品 徽標 泰語 泰國食品標誌模板
探索引人入勝的標誌範本設計,帶有時尚氣息。這個藝術傑作展現了手繪插畫、複雜的字母和迷人的細節。使用 Northway 標誌讓自己沉浸在真實的本質中。 徽標 logo-template 概念 時尚徽標概念徽章
標誌模板設計,帶有一個可愛的插圖松鼠在跳躍中。設計還包括可定制的文字「松鼠」,可以定制以完美符合您的企業名稱。使用清新藍色調的迷人調色板創建。 松鼠 徽標 logo-template 愚蠢的松鼠圖示設計
PSD logo design set containing 9 creative templates. If you are looking for a new logo for your company, then you’re on the right place. Download our vector logos for free! PSD logo design templates released today for free download! These logo templates could really help you for any project, starting from a website design to business cards and presentations. You know, logo designs are always welcome. So we suggest you to download the logos even if you don’t need them right now. They will surely come in handy one time or another. We have included 9 logo designs in this free PSD file. All of them use free fonts, so don’t worry about any extra editing fees. Just follow the links below to get the corresponding font. PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 3 Big Preview Resolution: 1500x1000File Format: PSDFonts: Faltura, Soup of Justice, Unchanged Thoughts, Gauntlet, Adam Warren Pro, PlanerFile Size: 432 KBNumber of Items in Set: 9Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. business logo psd business logo template 徽標 PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 3
這款引人注目的設計,飾有一條強烈的狼圍繞在大膽的三角形中,非常適合用於現代而尖銳的徽標。狼的威脅眼睛和幾何形狀的結合,為尋求傳達力量和統治的品牌創造了一個強大的象徵。這款 PNG 設計非常適合野生動物、動物或戶外行業的企業,提供了獨特且具影響力的視覺識別。 狼 徽標 狗 黑狼標誌三角形 PNG 藝術
通過我們的「遠足冒險復古徽章 PNG 設計」插圖展開懷舊的戶外旅程。這款復古風格徽章採用迷人的漫畫漫畫,捕捉探索的精髓和腎上腺素。憑藉其引人注目的復古設計,這款徽章非常適合用於標籤,徽標或作為創意項目的模板。它的多功能向量格式確保高質量且易於定制。無論您需要登山俱樂部的印章,還是想為設計增添一點冒險,這張免版稅的 PNG 圖像都可以激發您的旅行渴望。 標籤 爬上 卡通 復古遠足標籤徽章
「高爾夫徽標 PNG Design」是一種多功能且時尚的插圖,結合了盾牌,運動和標籤的元素,以創建引人注目的高爾夫徽標。它的設計採用大膽的徽章和複雜的細節,非常適合為任何與高爾夫相關的項目增添精緻感。此標誌以高品質的向量檔案形式提供,可輕鬆自訂和調整各種應用程式的大小。憑藉其免版稅和免費向量屬性,這個 PNG 設計是高爾夫愛好者和設計師的絕佳選擇。 遮罩 體育 標籤 高爾夫盾牌標籤 PNG
PSD logo set containing 9 templates suitable for a wide range of businesses. Our free logo designs are suitable for non-profit organizations, animal shops, IT businesses and all kind of automotive businesseses. PSD logo set designed in clean and clear style. We’ve made a great amount of logo templates and now we share the whole set with you. This free logo set is a must have for all designers! Head straight to the download section and grab the PSD now! Our free logo designs are perfect for a startup company. You can take the dog logo for example, change the colors and the logotype and you are ready to go. Easy and free solution for your business. It’s a fully layered PSD file. So you will be able to make all kind of modifications and adjust the logotypes. Just follow the links below to get the fonts, that we’ve used on every logo. They are all free, so you won’t have any expenses. Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. business logo template 標識 psd logo PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 4
利用這款充滿活力的標誌設計,捕捉寧靜的熱帶日落的精髓。以風景如畫的海灘背景與搖擺的棕櫚樹,夕陽的溫暖色調和寧靜的海浪,喚起夏天的幸福感。這款 PNG 設計非常適合品牌或設計項目,散發熱帶魅力和放鬆。 熱帶 日落 徽標 日落熱帶海灘標誌 PNG 設計
用這款充滿活力的「美國 7 月 4 日標誌 PNG 設計」慶祝獨立日。這款多功能的向量開放式圖案設計採用標誌性的美國標誌,非常適合展現愛國主義和團結。使用此免版稅徽標模板,無論是用於個人還是商業用途,為您的項目增添美國驕傲。高品質的 PNG 圖像確保輕鬆整合到各種設計中,使其成為在這個特殊日子紀念美國的必備品。 獨立 一天 美國 獨立日美國國旗 PNG 藝術
Photoshop 中的這個 PSD 樣機允許您輕鬆編輯和使用帶有可自定義文本的各種名片。可編輯的圖層和智能物件使您可以輕鬆地放置和縮放設計。非常適合以專業且精緻的方式展示您的名片設計。 小樣 business-card 業務 方形卡樣機組
系列 9 款時尚復古標誌徽章,非常適合戶外活動,例如遠足,露營,登山,攀岩和自然探索。包括一個高級 JPG 文件。受共享資源 4.0 標示授權的涵蓋範圍。 camping-logos hiking-logos 徽標 復古冒險標誌-露營徽章
白色商務文具模型,採用簡約設計,針對您的需求量身定制。此模板展示了各種辦公用品和品牌材料,例如 CD,筆,打火機,筆記本,信封,馬克杯,筆記本等。它是實驗不同設計或向客戶展示它們的完美工具。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 固定 設置 品牌套裝-商務文具
This freebie is a flat Business PSD template designed with flat colors and unique design. The package comes with 4 fully editable files for easy customization. It comes with pages such as Home, About Us, Contact and Portfolio. Clean, modern business templates help make a great impression on your customers. 業務 finance 範本 Flat Business Template
掌握這個充滿活力的辦公用品範本,展示了一系列多邊形形狀。它包括從信封和筆記本到筆記本,到筆記本,光盤,名片,筆甚至打火機的所有內容。無論您是想為自己使用的個性化還是向客戶展示新鮮的設計,這個模板都是完美的選擇。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 固定 設置 商務文具樣機
使用我們可編輯的名片和工作表輕鬆定制您的樣機構圖。將您的徽標和圖像添加到我們的 PSD 樣機中,並使用我們用戶友好的 Photoshop 智能對象輕鬆編輯它們。 小樣 business-card 工作表 商務卡片模型
Flyer psd template designed in 3 different color schemes. Our free psd flyer is suitable for all kind of events, be it musical events, kids parties or even gospel concerts. Feel free to change the look and feel of our flyer to match your own style. Flyer psd template featuring glossy effects and great typography. We have made a free flyer template that will suit all kind of events starting from disco nights to kids parties and non-profit events. Of course, you can take this flyer just as a starting point. Change the whole look and feel to match your own taste. Just don’t forget to add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your own brand. Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a affordable and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them are likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! We will help you by sharing our flyer template sources, so all you have to do is just to focus on your flyer campaign. 海報列印範本 傳單 psd flyer psd template Flyer PSD Template 2
查看這個充滿活力的商務文具模板,裝飾著各種必需的辦公用品和品牌材料,例如鉛筆、打火機、筆記本等。這款模板具有引人注目的三角形圖案,非常適合向客戶展示您的設計或嘗試新穎的想法。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 文具 設置 辦公室品牌組
Use these two different logo mock-ups to display your work in a professional manner. The package contains 2 PSD files that can be easily edited via smart layers. Huge thanks to PuneDesign for releasing this awesome freebie here at GraphicBurger 徽標 mock-up 紙張 Logo MockUps - Paper Edition
這張律師專業名片具有創意設計、時尚的外觀和深色方案。抽象形狀結合在位於頂部和底部的水平壓紋線中,以黑色背景為基礎。中間部分以漂亮的字體展示個人和專業信息,而頁尾顯示聯繫信息。享受這款引人注目的卡片設計! 律師 黑色 暗 哥特式法律名片
Today’s Free PSD Website Template is called , u"’": uOrganic’ - a clean and crisp home page website PSD template. This PSD website home page design would suit a clean cut corporate site or even some kind of quirky photo blog 有機 範本 blazrobar Organic - Free Website PSD Template
引入了一個時尚和清爽的名片設計模板與充滿活力的綠色配色方案,靈感來自健康的本質。這款設計具有瑜伽從業者的迷人輪廓,並輔以折衷的字體,非常適合瑜伽專業人士。設置在一個迷人的瑜伽模式的背景下,這個模板散發著平靜和寧靜的感覺。通過這款迷人的設計提升您作為瑜伽老師的存在感。享受風格與健康的和諧融合! 瑜伽 business-card 範本 瑜伽 Biz 卡綠色範本
二, 可愛, 動物, 卡通, 風格, 名片, 來, 在, 這, pack.這兩個版本都具有時尚的可編輯字體和迷人的標誌在正面和背面。設計時考慮到獸醫和寵物店主,這些卡片是吸引更多客戶到您的業務的創造性方式。 business-card 範本 範本 搞笑動物商務卡
推出動態商務文具模板,展示一系列基本辦公用品和品牌材料,包括 CD、筆、打火機、筆記型電腦、筆記型電腦、信封、馬克杯、筆記本等。這款多功能模板擁有迷人的藍色多邊形設計,可以按原樣使用或輕鬆定制以匹配您獨特的品牌標識。非常適合用您的設計概念打動客戶或探索創新想法。不要錯過這個機會 — 今天就試試吧! 品牌 固定 設置 商務文具樣機
探索這個露營徽章,在公園環境中設有一個帳篷,在雄偉的山脈背景下設置。使用您自己的標語或功能區部分的詳細信息來個性化它。如需此設計的替代版本,請點擊鏈接:<a href="https://www.vectoropenstock.com/vectors/preview/74261/">露營徽章</a>。此包還包括一個高質量的 JPG 文件。根據共享資源 4.0 授權,並符合標示。 露營 營 標籤 荒野印章符號
為紀念美國獨立日的 7 月 4 日的橫幅收集。每個橫幅都是獨一無二的,展示了旗幟和「獨立日」短語。這些多功能的設計可以量身定制,以適合各種用途,例如網絡橫幅,文章,裝飾品,紀念品,書籤等。 橫幅 independence-day 美國 美國自由日橫幅套件
介紹一系列運動徽章,標誌或徽章展示各種運動球與其相應的運動名稱配對。沉浸在棒球,足球,籃球,足球,高爾夫和網球的世界中。每個徽章都附有一個高品質的 JPG 文件,確保最佳的視覺體驗。這些徽章在共享資源 4.0 署名許可下提供。 體育 球 徽章 體育運動・徽章合集
Metallic foil stamping is a great way to add , u"”": uprestige” to a design that calls for polished look. With this PSD mock-up, you can easily get that look directly in Photoshop. Use the smart object feature and quickly create a great presentation 黃金 徽標 mock-up Gold Stamping Logo MockUp
300dpi resolution beauty salon business card template. CMYK colors with bleed, for professional printer. The background design is based on my colorful abstract lights background. Download PSD source, put your info and make a flat graphic (Layer/Flattern Image) to make it print ready 抽象 高清 列印就緒 Beauty salon business card template
One more photoshop business card template design. This time it’s a modern design, in two shiny colors, blue and pink. Download PSD source and add your text and logo. This business card template is print ready, high resolution, CMYK color with bleed inluded. Make a flat graphic and print it on a professional printer 300 dpi cmyk 列印就緒 Business card template design
Restaurant menu PSD template suitable for all kind of eateries, eating houses, fast foods, cafes and any other businesses that prepare and serve food and drinks. Restaurant menu PSD template designed in fresh and welcome style. We have included front, back and inner page templates. So, that’s pretty much all you need to build your menu. Just add as much inner pages as needed. We took care for the rest - bleeds, regulations and the other stuff are all properly set. Moreover, we have created a logo template especially for this restaurant menu. You can even take just the logo and use it on other projects. And these could be not only print materials, but also web designs, banners and emails. Just remember to keep creative! Don’t use our template as it is. Modify it, change the look and feel to come up with something even better. Always experiment with new techniques and adding other stuff to our templates. Also, take a look at how we did that template. You will certainly learn a lot just by examining our free PSD file. And that’s the point, to keep developing your skills, right? Size: A5 (14,8 x 21 cm) Regulation: 266 dpi Fonts: Lavanderia, GearedFile Format: PSDFile Size: 5.610 MBNumber of Items in Set: 3Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. cafe menu psd fast food menu psd 功能表上的食物 Restaurant Menu PSD Template