An easy on the eyes UI kit best used for a coffee shop, bistro or pastry website. An easy pick if you want your website to make an amazing impression. It comes with 100+ elements in 6 different categories that will help you knock your website out of the park. 清潔 工具包 光 Vanilla Cream Web Kit
Rebound of Flat UI Kit by @Riki Tanone Check out the full size and/or download the psd. Icons by 使用者介面 平 構件 Freebie PSD: Flat UI Kit
引入了一個時尚和清爽的名片設計模板與充滿活力的綠色配色方案,靈感來自健康的本質。這款設計具有瑜伽從業者的迷人輪廓,並輔以折衷的字體,非常適合瑜伽專業人士。設置在一個迷人的瑜伽模式的背景下,這個模板散發著平靜和寧靜的感覺。通過這款迷人的設計提升您作為瑜伽老師的存在感。享受風格與健康的和諧融合! 瑜伽 business-card 範本 瑜伽 Biz 卡綠色範本
發現 3 個時尚而精緻的銷售標籤,具有炎熱夏主題,以各種形狀設計,包括曲線貼紙邊緣方形、寬矩形和圓形。每個標籤都裝飾著樣本文字和複雜的花卉藝術品,帶來時尚感。購物愉快! 彎曲 不乾膠標籤 銷售 夏季特價貼紙包
Here is a free PSD to the little cloud login UI I made. Sometimes, small is beautiful. And free can only be good, I guess. 清潔 使用者介面 平 Mini login (free psd)
Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background). REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. 背景 按鈕 清潔 Sign Up Widget
Free PSD set containing 12 tillable website backgrounds. All backgrounds are separated into header, navigation, featured area and content to give you a great head start! All you have to do is to place your own text and images. These high quality backgrounds can perfectly suit various of websites both business and personal. The free PSD set contains 12 premade web ready backgrounds presented both in light and dark variations. We have done the hard work - all backgrounds are completely tillable, so you just have to choose your color and you’re ready to start designing your website. There’s also a fully layered web background which will help you to create your own images in just a few clicks! You can easily change colors, sizes and the position of all elements (header, navigation, featured area, content) Valuable free background set for everyone! Preview Resolution: 1600x1200File Format: PSDFile Size: 5.24 MBNumber of Items in Set: 12Author: Free PSD Files 清潔 內容 featured area 12 Web Ready Backgrounds PSD Set
發現各種各樣的社交媒體圖標,其中包含 Skype,YouTube,谷歌和臉書等流行網絡。這些向量圖形擁有大量鮮豔的色彩,非常適合廣泛的應用程序,包括橫幅,應用程序和您想像的任何創意項目! 霓虹燈 social-media 臉譜網 霓虹燈社交媒體圖示
<p>My first freebie :)</p> <p>Simple and clean login/register ribbon style form - PSD included</p> 清潔 平 表單 免費絲帶 PSD 的登錄表單
<p>Here is a free PSD to the little cloud login UI I made. Sometimes, small is beautiful. And free can only be good, I guess.</p> 清潔 使用者介面 平 迷你登錄 (免費 psd)
Here is a shot from my small and non-commercial project which was dedicated to the Ukraine Independence Day in 2015. Several, modern illustrations in flat of Ukrainian cities for the post stamps. Here you can see the full project. Hope you`ll like it! P.S. You can find a psd there with a neat, blank stamp for your service. 簡約 平 簡單 Ukrainian Stamps
I made this on the weekend just for fun & practice. Let me know what you think. Check the real pixel, PSD included. Cheers..! 使用者介面 清潔 應用程式 Mail App
It's been a while since I've posted something on here... I needed a change of pace this morning, so I decided to start my day off with a little design practice. Simple concept for a feature within an app that allows a user to vote on films they'd like to see. It's a freebie, so use it however you like. I'd love to see someone animate this. Be sure to check out the fullsize! 應用程式 卡 清潔 Movie Vote [FREEBIE]
Posted Mar 24, 2012. by Badr Bachibal Free Smarts Web Buttons Very Clean and nice buttons for web use and also can be for other use ... i made it for all of you enjoy its easy to update easy to customize , hope you like it. The technics that i had used in this buttons its very new and this is some of the Kachibal free web Library 按鈕 clean web 元素 Free Smarts Web Buttons
<p>Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background).</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere.</p> 背景 按鈕 清潔 報名參加小部件
Today’s freebie is another little addition to the , u"”": ukeep it simple” family, a checkout process indicator or navigation - an absolute must for any ecommerce operation 清潔 電子商務 導航 結帳流程導航 (PSD)
It’s a well known fact that clean and simple never goes out of fashion. With that in mind, today’s freebie is a clean and simple navigation menu. Real nice 清潔 功能表 導航 清潔 & 簡單的導航功能表 (PSD)
Free hanging sign PSD template. Awesome free design resource that could come in handy one time or another. That’s a great place to put your featured products and services as it calls for attention. Moreover, it’s pretty easy to add your own text and image, just use the premade placeholders. We have properly grouped and named all layers to save you time and frustration when you start editing the PSD template. So, go ahead now and download the PSD file completely for free! Preview Fully Layered Wall Sign PSD Template Resolution: 1200x1100File Format: PSDFile Size: 0.26 MBNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files 輪播 清潔 懸掛標誌 Wall Sign PSD Template
Simple, smart and lovely progress bar PSD template. That’s a great user interface element that could present the amount of data transmitted to a server or could be used to show the time remaining to launch a new page or service, especially in under construction pages, or any other project that needs a progress tracker. So, download our progress bar template as it will come in handy one time or another! Available in PSD file format, properly grouped and named. And that’s perfect for modifying the shape and editing colors and text. We assure you that when you power the progress bar with cool JavaScript effects, your design project will look smooth and attractive! Preview Fully Layered Progress Bar Template Resolution: 800x621File Format: PSDFonts: HeroFile Size: 120 KBNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files 清潔 圖形介面 裝載機 Simple Progress Bar PSD Template
Free PSD set of 9 sleek sticker icons that can be used as an call to action element to your website designs. These creative stickers can perfectly suit any business card, flyer, poster, presentation, etc. All text layers are fully editable, so you can place your own text. Preview Resolution: 800x1068File Format: PSDFile Size: 0.37 MBNumber of Items in Set: 9Author: Free PSD Files 按鈕 清潔 圖示 9 Editable Sticker Icons
Free PSD retro graphic presenting a telephone on the wall. It’s a very detailed illustration that can be successfully used as an icon for contact areas on your websites, business cards, presentations, flyers, posters, etc. All layers are separated and grouped properly, so you can easily change colors, shapes and effects. Available in high resolution (600x1340px) Preview Resolution: 600x1340File Format: PSDFile Size: 1.97 MBNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files 3d 清潔 復古電話 PSD Graphic of Retro Phone
Free colorful striped web background that will certainly add positive effect to your web design projects, business cards, flyers, posters, headers, presentations, etc. We’ve included the fully layered hi-res PSD file to enable easy modification of shapes and colors. Preview Resolution: 1600x1067File Format: JPGFile Size: 3.07 MBNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files 抽象 背景 清潔 Colorful Lines PSD Background
The keys and the LED screen are easy customizable. It is suitable for illustrating the tax season, finances and can be used as a symbol or icon. Resolution: 680Ã580File Format: PSDFile Size: 98.2 KB Number of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD File 計算機 清潔 灰色 Free PSD Fully Layered Calculator
Ready to use. Colors are easy to adjust using Adobe Photoshop. The used font is Arial. Resolution: 600Ã400File Format: PSDFile Size: 418 KBNumber of Items in Set: 20Author: Free PSD Files 按鈕 清潔 企業 PSD Button collection
Free PSD set of various multimedia and music related buttons. Resolution: 600Ã400File Format: PSDFile Size: 434 KBNumber of Items in Set: 7Author: Free PSD Files 按鈕 清潔 介面 PSD Media Buttons Set
Ready to use free set of functional buttons. Colors are easy to adjust using Adobe Photoshop. The used font is Arial. Resolution: 600Ã400File Format: PSDFile Size: 413 KBNumber of Items in Set: 12Author: Free PSD Files 按鈕 按鈕 清潔 Functional Buttons
Free pack of grunge social network icons suitable for a wide range of designs. Resolution: 600Ã400File Format: .PSDFile Size: 795 KBNumber of Items in Set: 8Author: Free PSD Files 按鈕 按鈕 清潔 Grunge Social Network Icons
A modern looking light arrow buttons set. You can use it for web sliders, web players, scroll boxes, or anything that needs arrows! . Resolution: 600Ã400File Format: PSDColors: white, gray, silver, orange, blueFile Size: 380 KBNumber of Items in Set: 5Author: Free PSD Files 箭頭 藍色 按鈕 Free PSD Arrow Buttons Pack
Friends, today’s graphic design resource is a pack of clean user-interface elements in PSD format. Crafted with for a sleek and modern look, the UI elements are specially a great fit for grey and white backgrounds web 元素 ui kits 藝術 Clean GUI elements pack (PSD)
Flat badges design for print & web. They are fully scalable and can easily be modified in terms of color shape and font 徽章 clean badge 平面設計 Flat Web Badges (PSD)
Traffic Cone PSD created in high resolution. Although road cones are commonly used to reduce the traffic in an secure manner, nowadays it’s very popular to place a traffic cone on an under construction page or error page. That’s why this road cone PSD template will surely come in handy for your projects one time or another. Open the PSD file with Adobe Photoshop and edit as you wish, we guarantee that you will not be frustrated when you start editing the PSD template - all layers are properly named and grouped. Go ahead now and grab the free psd traffic pylon now! Preview Fully Layered PSD Orange Traffic Cone Resolution: 952x800File Format: PSDFile Size: 0.463 MBNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files 建築工地 清潔 錐 PSD Orange Traffic Cone
trying having some fun here with new stuff. don't forget to check out @2x download it here 清潔 最小 平 Simple timeline + widget box
Today’s freebie is a big one, a magazine style site layout created in Photoshop. If you ever wanted to get an online magazine up and running, here’s your starting point 清潔 佈局 雜誌 Magazine Style Site Layout (PSD)
It’s a well known fact that clean and simple never goes out of fashion. With that in mind, today’s freebie is a clean and simple navigation menu. Real nice 清潔 功能表 導航 Clean & Simple Navigation Menu (PSD)