探索引人入勝的標誌範本設計,帶有時尚氣息。這個藝術傑作展現了手繪插畫、複雜的字母和迷人的細節。使用 Northway 標誌讓自己沉浸在真實的本質中。 徽標 logo-template 概念 時尚徽標概念徽章
美國國旗插圖集提供 3 種獨特的風格。兩種設計以各種佈置展示動態波浪圖案,而第三個設計在白色背景上呈現灰色的紅爪效果,上角的藍色划痕背景上有白色星星。為您的項目下載並自定義這些帶有美國國旗圖案的向量圖形。請繼續關注更多精彩內容! 設置 設計 american-flag 美國國旗圖案
獨特的插圖,以流暢的平面設計展示了雙絲帶和蝴蝶結。絲帶和蝴蝶結標誌裝飾著美國國旗的各種表現。非常適合以獨立日或類似假期為中心的項目。探索一系列可供下載的免費假日向量圖形集合,完全與 Illustrator 相容。 邦廷 藍色 帶鋼 美國絲帶旗
介紹一個令人驚嘆的資訊圖表範本,以各種藍色調展示迷人的多邊形冰山。此設計展示了一系列箭頭,顯示可自定義數據,使您可以根據您的特定要求量身定制它。可編輯的標題「冰山信息圖表」增添了一絲多功能性。此模板非常適合提升簡報,海報,橫幅,傳單等等! 冰山一角 資訊圖表 隔離 寒冷的波浪資訊圖表
這款平面設計以可自定義的橙色和藍色調展出充滿活力的傳單。它為您的徽標,標題和文本提供了充足的空間,滿足您的所有需求。有了多種設計選項,您可以在它們之間進行選擇,或使用紙張的兩面。非常適合商務傳單,海報或您需要的任何其他促銷材料! 傳單 範本 設計 傳單設計套件
查看這個充滿活力的商務文具模板,裝飾著各種必需的辦公用品和品牌材料,例如鉛筆、打火機、筆記本等。這款模板具有引人注目的三角形圖案,非常適合向客戶展示您的設計或嘗試新穎的想法。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 文具 設置 辦公室品牌組
音樂主題的橫幅展示吉他手空中剪影,並帶有音符和從樂器發出的閃電。設計包括「音樂是自由,我無法解釋,但我會找到一首可以的歌曲。」在乾淨的白色背景下可自定義的文本和顏色。非常適合各種用途,例如卡片,雜誌廣告,壁紙和背景。 音樂 吉他手 歌手 旋律自由剪影
使用我們優雅的傳單範本,建立引人注目的傳單、小冊子和海報。它展示了精緻的設計,頂部和底部帶有絲帶形狀和波浪。通過添加您的公司徽標,標題和文本來個性化它。從可編輯的紅色和藍色色調中進行選擇,以適合您的品牌。完美的各種宣傳材料,這個模板是一定要打動你的聽眾。 傳單 範本 設計 波傳單佈局
推出動態商務文具模板,展示一系列基本辦公用品和品牌材料,包括 CD、筆、打火機、筆記型電腦、筆記型電腦、信封、馬克杯、筆記本等。這款多功能模板擁有迷人的藍色多邊形設計,可以按原樣使用或輕鬆定制以匹配您獨特的品牌標識。非常適合用您的設計概念打動客戶或探索創新想法。不要錯過這個機會 — 今天就試試吧! 品牌 固定 設置 商務文具樣機
探索令人驚嘆的婚禮邀請模型,展示一輛裝飾著花朵和氣球的迷人自行車。氣球優雅地顯示幸福夫婦的名字,而側面大膽宣告「保存日期」。以柔和的粉彩色調呈現,可以根據您的喜好進行個性化的顏色。創造時尚獨特的婚禮邀請函的理想選擇! 婚禮 保存 日期 婚禮日帖子模板
白色商務文具模型,採用簡約設計,針對您的需求量身定制。此模板展示了各種辦公用品和品牌材料,例如 CD,筆,打火機,筆記本,信封,馬克杯,筆記本等。它是實驗不同設計或向客戶展示它們的完美工具。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 固定 設置 品牌套裝-商務文具
掌握這個充滿活力的辦公用品範本,展示了一系列多邊形形狀。它包括從信封和筆記本到筆記本,到筆記本,光盤,名片,筆甚至打火機的所有內容。無論您是想為自己使用的個性化還是向客戶展示新鮮的設計,這個模板都是完美的選擇。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 固定 設置 商務文具樣機
我們無法想像使用互聯網,而無需良好的互聯網瀏覽器 <p>。您的瀏覽器就像你進入網路空間的窗戶。有次當 Internet Explorer 至高無上的統治地位,並且有沒有強有力的競爭者。後來網景瀏覽器與它,u"'": umodern' 外觀和選項卡式流覽。網景,火狐瀏覽器後,能夠捕捉到大量市場份額。在最近的過去,我們看到谷歌 chrome 瀏覽器成為最流行的 web 瀏覽器。谷歌 chrome 瀏覽器有一個最小的外觀,已吸引使用者的。</p><p>我要與你們分享 web 瀏覽器中設計的免費贈品。此 web 瀏覽器的設計 PSD 具有簡單、 乾淨、 有最小的外觀和感覺。頂部的 <a title="PSD"href="HTTP://www.freebiesgallery.com/category/psd/"> PSD</a> 是幾個打開的選項卡。頂欄右邊你可以看到一些常規瀏覽器功能的圖示。在頂欄下你有網址列和回來,前進,刷新金鑰。</p><p>我希望你會喜歡這個 web 瀏覽器的概念設計。覺得免費下載和對 PSD 檔進行任何更改。</p> 概念設計 使用者介面設計 ux 瀏覽器的設計
<p>We cannot even imagine to use the Internet without having a good Internet browser. Your browser is like your window into cyberspace. There was a time when Internet Explorer reigned supreme and had no strong contender. Then came Netscape Navigator with its , u"’": umodern’ look and tabbed browsing. After Netscape, Mozilla Firefox was able to capture a significant market share. In the recent past, we have seen Google Chrome become the most popular web browser. Google chrome has a minimal look that has caught users’ fancy.</p> <p>I’m going to share with you today a web browser design freebie. This web browser design PSD has a simple, clean, and minimal look and feel. At the top of the <a title="PSD" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/category/psd/">PSD</a> are a few open tabs. To the right of the top bar you can see some conventional browser function icons. Under the top bar you have an address bar and back, forward, and refresh keys.</p> <p>I hope you’d like this web browser concept design. Feel free to download and make any changes to the PSD file.</p> 概念設計 使用者介面設計 ux 瀏覽器的設計
This is a concept for WhatsApp Desktop application. Did it in my free time, just for playing :) I want to share with all of you the psd file, totally free! Enjoy! A like is appreciated :) DOWNLOAD HERE https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/22225130/WhatsApp%20Desktop.psd 使用者介面 應用程式 概念 WhatsApp Desktop Concept
Cloud computing concept, Communication and network graphic, data access and storage services symbol, Conceptual design create in Photoshop 商務溝通 community concept sharing sign 雲計算 (PSD) 的圖示
Hand holding touch screen interface, Showcase responsive design and iPad app illustration. High resolution Touch Screen design PSD 手機觸控式螢幕 手觸 手勢 向量形狀的手觸控板 pc 機,平板電腦 (PSD)
<p>Life is like a panorama of moving images - cheerful, sad, bright, dark, natural, pretentious. You name a category and the life will show you a countless images for that category.</p> <p>Capturing the pictures of life require an attention to fine detail. Photography seems to be a growing passion for a number of people these days. And you’d find an even bigger number of enthusiasts who can boast of their skills to edit or modify these pictures. After all we humans are imaginative creatures and will make all possible efforts to , u"’": uimprove the natural’.</p> <p>Editing images cannot be considered an area of interest for photographers and designers. Many professionals who don’t fall in these categories or even ordinary people like to use photo editing softwares for different reasons.</p> <p>I’ll spare you the details about what a good application or <a title="GUI" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/category/gui/">GUI</a> should look like. But I assure you I had that in mind while designing this photo editor.</p> <p>This is a simple photo editor PSD. A few <a title="Buttons" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/category/buttons/">buttons</a>/<a title="Icons" href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/category/icons/">icons</a> at the top along the horizontal axis, and a few down the vertical axis along the left margin. A couple of icons are in selected or active state. One of them along the left margin also shows its submenu. There is a canvas mode button and a status bar at the bottom of the PSD.</p> <p>You can download this free photo editor and make your own GUI using the same style and elements. Happy Editing!</p> 概念設計 使用者介面設計 ux 免費照片編輯器 (PSD)
Cloud computing concept, Communication and network graphic, data access and storage services symbol, Conceptual design create in Photoshop 商務溝通 community concept sharing sign Cloud Computing Icon (PSD)
High resolution Social media tree PSD file with dark background. Colorful social media icon illustrations form a tree shape. Vector social community concept 商務溝通 community concept sharing sign Social Media Tree Icon (PSD)
Hey good people, This Grooveshark Redesign Concept I've worked on a while back in my spare time. Couldn't get time to finish it really. Finally it's here. Don't forget to like & share this shot as it inspires us to create more freebies. Download Licence : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Behance | Facebook | Twitter 平 話題 flat psd Freebie PSD | Grooveshark Redesign Concept
Shouting with megaphone concept, cool person illustration holding and speaking through loudspeaker, get layered source 業務 概念 平面設計 Shouting with megaphone, illustration (PSD)
Modern looking wall clock in a dark gray color, big round frame with a butterflies decoration 概念 裝修 物件 Butterfly wall clock (PSD)
<p>Today we present a massive set of 9 logo design templates, all of them designed in high resolution, suitable for web and print related projects. These logo templates could be used for communication related projects, mass media designs, business and corporate needs, advertising agencies, website development studios and any other company that is on the lookout for high quality and creative logo templates. So, be sure that by downloading this logo design set you will have plenty of options to choose from. Of course, if you need a vector version of the logo set, you can visit <a href="http://free-logo-design.net/">Free Logo Design</a> and get these logo templates in Eps file format completely for free!</p> <div id="attachment_3823" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3823" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/06/Logo_Design_Templates_Pack_1_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 1 Preview Big" width="594" height="1539"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_3824" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3824" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/06/Fully_Layered_Logo_Design_Set.jpg" alt="Fully Layered Logo Design Set" width="594" height="705"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered Logo Design Set</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1500x878<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 486 KB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 9<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> business logo template 清潔 communication logo templates PSD 徽標設計範本包 1
Quick concept of a minimalist compass app for Android Wear. You can find the .PSD in the attachments, feel free to use it! 概念 材料 android 系統 Free PSD - Minimalist Compass Concept
Hi Folks! I'm glad to present you my training project. It's concept of front page tesla Â<> promosite. I created it for fun. PSD Freebie for educational (non commercical) targets. I hope you like it ;) Behance Instagram Pinterest 平 web 使用者介面 Tesla Â<<Model SÂ>> Promosite Concept (PSD Freebie)
Hey everyone! I have a free awesome UI kit for you. Grab it => Like it => Follow me => You are awesome! Twitter | Facebook | Behance | Instagram 使用者介面 圖形化使用者介面 ux Free UI kit. Grab it now
Now I don’t claim to be better than Google designers. But, hey, nothing wrong with a bit of experimentation with concept designs. So here I am with a concept design of the Google Talk software. There was a time, before social media made its presence known over the Internet, when IM or chatting software were all the rage. Modern IM clients offer better features and full integration with other social media formats. This IM client concept design PSD can be used as an inspiration for any IM software design development. You can change the Instant Messaging software logo, name, icons used, as well as the color scheme. And I don’t mind if you want to replace my picture with yours. But don’t forget to give me some positive rep. 概念設計 使用者介面設計 corporate logos Google Talk Concept Design PSD
Business over coffee, concept graphic. A stock chart on a tablet screen, office papers with pencil and a black coffee 業務 概念 圖示 Business over coffee (PSD)
View concept Nike View more about Super Duper FREE PSD pack Super Duper hezytheme 店 存儲區 Super Duper as Nike concept
I’m so glad to be able to bring you this modern style Dribbble app concept by <a href="http://dribbble.com/marekdvorak" target="_blank">Marek Dvorák</a> from <a href="http://www.hipstacowboys.com/" target="_blank">HipstaCowboys.com</a>. Feel free to use it for your own projects or just for inspiration 應用程式 7 ios iphone 向應用程式的概念 PSD
Dropbox App Material Design Concept, Shared PSD Enjoy cheers :) Check Real pixel for more detail. Have a nice Weekend :) agileinfoways photoshop uiux Dropbox App Material Concept
Today we present another logo design set containing 9 top-notch logo templates. That’s a massive collection that will surely come in handy one time or another. There are logo design templates suitable for plenty of purposes, some of them are web design studios, communication companies, internet and technology businesses and advertising agencies. Creative logo templates are always needed for web and print related project, so today we release this huge set completely for free! We truly hope to be useful for your design projects and we’ll do our best to keep posting free logo templates in the future. You can download also vector versions of the logo templates at Free Logo Design, they are all available for free download! Preview Fully Layered PSD Logo Design Pack Resolution: 1500x1000File Format: PSDFonts: Coolvetica, Litera Serial, Nasalization, Archive, Duke, Blanch, Lintel, Good Times, Wichita SerialFile Size: 320 KBNumber of Items in Set: 9Author: Free PSD Files 9 logo design templates business logo template 清潔 PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 2
I’m so glad to be able to bring you this modern style Dribbble app concept by Marek Dvorák from HipstaCowboys.com. Feel free to use it for your own projects or just for inspiration 應用程式 7 ios iphone Dribbble App Concept PSD
typekit is one of the best font services out there, but it feels a bit clunky to use. I had a go at what I'd do if I was designing it. Was a lot of fun making this! Attached a full PNG and the PSD to have a play with. Enjoy! P.S: Mr. Typekit, if you're reading this, you can totally use it. See more of Visual Idiot’s work: website dribbble twitter 根據建築牆
Today we present a massive set of 9 logo design templates, all of them designed in high resolution, suitable for web and print related projects. These logo templates could be used for communication related projects, mass media designs, business and corporate needs, advertising agencies, website development studios and any other company that is on the lookout for high quality and creative logo templates. So, be sure that by downloading this logo design set you will have plenty of options to choose from. Of course, if you need a vector version of the logo set, you can visit Free Logo Design and get these logo templates in Eps file format completely for free! Preview Fully Layered Logo Design Set Resolution: 1500x878File Format: PSDFile Size: 486 KBNumber of Items in Set: 9Author: Free PSD Files business logo template 清潔 communication logo templates PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 1
Life is like a panorama of moving images - cheerful, sad, bright, dark, natural, pretentious. You name a category and the life will show you a countless images for that category. Capturing the pictures of life require an attention to fine detail. Photography seems to be a growing passion for a number of people these days. And you’d find an even bigger number of enthusiasts who can boast of their skills to edit or modify these pictures. After all we humans are imaginative creatures and will make all possible efforts to , u"’": uimprove the natural’. Editing images cannot be considered an area of interest for photographers and designers. Many professionals who don’t fall in these categories or even ordinary people like to use photo editing softwares for different reasons. I’ll spare you the details about what a good application or GUI should look like. But I assure you I had that in mind while designing this photo editor. This is a simple photo editor PSD. A few buttons/icons at the top along the horizontal axis, and a few down the vertical axis along the left margin. A couple of icons are in selected or active state. One of them along the left margin also shows its submenu. There is a canvas mode button and a status bar at the bottom of the PSD. You can download this free photo editor and make your own GUI using the same style and elements. Happy Editing! 概念設計 使用者介面設計 ux Free Photo Editor (PSD)
<p>Today we present another logo design set containing 9 top-notch logo templates. That’s a massive collection that will surely come in handy one time or another. There are logo design templates suitable for plenty of purposes, some of them are web design studios, communication companies, internet and technology businesses and advertising agencies. Creative logo templates are always needed for web and print related project, so today we release this huge set completely for free! We truly hope to be useful for your design projects and we’ll do our best to keep posting free logo templates in the future. You can download also vector versions of the logo templates at <a href="http://free-logo-design.net/">Free Logo Design</a>, they are all available for free download!</p> <div id="attachment_3837" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3837" alt="Logo Design Templates Pack 2 Preview Big" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/06/Logo_Design_Templates_Pack_2_Preview_Big.jpg" width="594" height="1650"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_3838" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3838" alt="Fully Layered PSD Logo Design Pack" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/06/Fully_Layered_PSD_Logo_Design_Pack.jpg" width="594" height="656"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered PSD Logo Design Pack</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1500x1000<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a href="http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/larabie/coolvetica/" target="_blank">Coolvetica</a>, <a href="http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/softmaker/litera-serial/" target="_blank">Litera Serial</a>, <a href="http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/typodermic/nasalization/" target="_blank">Nasalization</a>, <a href="http://fontfabric.com/archive-free-font/" target="_blank">Archive</a>, <a href="http://www.losttype.com/font/?name=duke" target="_blank">Duke</a>, <a href="http://www.losttype.com/font/?name=blanch" target="_blank">Blanch</a>, <a href="http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/northernblock/lintel/" target="_blank">Lintel</a>, <a title="Good Times Font" href="http://www.dafont.com/good-times.font" target="_blank">Good Times</a>, <a href="http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/softmaker/wichita-serial/" target="_blank">Wichita Serial</a><br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 320 KB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 9<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> 9 logo design templates business logo template 清潔 PSD 徽標設計範本包 2