Free PSD set containing 12 tillable website backgrounds. All backgrounds are separated into header, navigation, featured area and content to give you a great head start! All you have to do is to place your own text and images. These high quality backgrounds can perfectly suit various of websites both business and personal. The free PSD set contains 12 premade web ready backgrounds presented both in light and dark variations. We have done the hard work - all backgrounds are completely tillable, so you just have to choose your color and you’re ready to start designing your website. There’s also a fully layered web background which will help you to create your own images in just a few clicks! You can easily change colors, sizes and the position of all elements (header, navigation, featured area, content) Valuable free background set for everyone! Preview Resolution: 1600x1200File Format: PSDFile Size: 5.24 MBNumber of Items in Set: 12Author: Free PSD Files 清潔 內容 featured area 12 Web Ready Backgrounds PSD Set
我的靈感來源於 micheleangeloro 的簡約通知樣式。紋理的警報樣式。所有的顏色都很容易改變的且紋理圖案疊加樣式,所以它可以被刪除,如果需要的話。 特色 ui elements 紋理 紋理的警報
Freebie of this week is a set of 100 pixel-perfect icons created with vector shapes by Piotr Makarewicz, a talented Graphic Designer based in Poland. The pack includes PSD, AI, EPS, PDF and formats 獨家 特色 圖示 100 free icons PSD + AI + Webfont EXCLUSIVE
40 獨特的免費圖示,.ico、.icns、.png (在所有的 10 大小),再加上 2 層的.psd 原始檔案組,包括所有的圖示,你可以輕鬆地添加您所需的自己的圖示。玩得開心 =) 圖示 特色 圖示 檔案類型圖示
發佈的 (完全標記和原始層) 正在著手的基礎圍繞這一主題的一個社交網路 ; 設計 PSD集中在簡易性和易用性。釋放是代 Verso。包括:登錄域-註冊表單-最近員額段-定期與活動狀態的按鈕設計的完整視圖,可以發現在我 DeviantArt: 清潔 網頁設計 網站 社會網路設計 PSD
Lithium is a free HTML5 Responsive one page template built using CoffeeScript, SCSS and Grunt by Vadim Goncharov, a web designer and developer at Roundhouse Agency 獨家 特色 投資組合 Lithium - HTML5 Responsive one page template EXCLUSIVE
This week I want to share a set of 5 Macbook Pro Retina PSD mockups that I have created with my Canon EOS and Photoshop. Every mockup includes a smart object, so you only need few seconds to replace the default screenshot with your one 獨家 特色 macbook 5 Macbook Pro Retina mockups EXCLUSIVE
A simple but useful icon set, completely free now and ever. Currently 150 icons are available, and more are planned to come 獨家 特色 圖示 150 outlined icons - PSD AI SVG Webfont EXCLUSIVE
This Wednesday I am glad to present the third freebie of freebiesbug’s featured series. It is a package containing 4 design icon sets designed by Robin Kylander, a talented designer from Sweden 獨家 特色 圖示 177 Design icons by AI + PSD EXCLUSIVE
Odin Rounded is a free experimental font family featured by a clean and linear look and created by Frank Hemmekam. The simplicity of this font allows infinite layout combinations. The font comes with three different styles (regular, bold an light), supports upper/lowercase, kerning and opentype features. It also provides a great variety of glyphs. Also, bold size also includes webfont 獨家 特色 來源 Odin Rounded free font EXCLUSIVE
<p>Free PSD set containing 12 tillable website backgrounds. All backgrounds are separated into header, navigation, featured area and content to give you a great head start! All you have to do is to place your own text and images. These <a href="" target="_blank">high quality backgrounds</a> can perfectly suit various of websites both business and personal.</p> <p>The free PSD set contains 12 premade web ready backgrounds presented both in light and dark variations. We have done the hard work - all backgrounds are completely tillable, so you just have to choose your color and you’re ready to start designing your website. There’s also a <strong>fully layered web background</strong> which will help you to create your own images in just a few clicks! You can easily change colors, sizes and the position of all elements (header, navigation, featured area, content) Valuable free background set for everyone!</p> <div id="attachment_2851" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-2851" src="" alt="Preview" width="594" height="1085"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1600x1200<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 5.24 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 12<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> 清潔 內容 featured area 12 web 準備背景 PSD 集
垂直透明的功能表。圖示是由米羅 · 凱勒和可以下載 <a target="_blank"href="HTTP://"> 在這裡</a>。 灰色 黑色 特色 透明功能表
這裡有一些 Instagram 標誌 PNG 和 PSD 為使用新的 Instagram API 開發那些人按鈕。之後我和我的伴侶推出 和我想要添加新的功能,意識到因為整件事是如此新沒有任何 Facebook 連接樣式按鈕。所以這裡是我的 !享受吧 ! 特色 ui elements 按鈕 Instagram 簽到按鈕
各種框架,為你的下一個幻燈片設計完美的 3d 渲染。在塑膠 (紅、 白、 黑) 和木材中可用。很容易可以使用紅色塑膠示例作為基地,並通過使用色相/飽和度調整圖層使更多的顏色。各部分提供了圖層蒙版和陰影層也是那裡。框架還提供在一個寬度約 950px 以便隨時他們擠進一個智慧圖層並調整其大小,當你看著辦了。享受。 白 黑色 特色 塑膠/木頭框架