使用我們優雅的傳單範本,建立引人注目的傳單、小冊子和海報。它展示了精緻的設計,頂部和底部帶有絲帶形狀和波浪。通過添加您的公司徽標,標題和文本來個性化它。從可編輯的紅色和藍色色調中進行選擇,以適合您的品牌。完美的各種宣傳材料,這個模板是一定要打動你的聽眾。 傳單 範本 設計 波傳單佈局
這款平面設計以可自定義的橙色和藍色調展出充滿活力的傳單。它為您的徽標,標題和文本提供了充足的空間,滿足您的所有需求。有了多種設計選項,您可以在它們之間進行選擇,或使用紙張的兩面。非常適合商務傳單,海報或您需要的任何其他促銷材料! 傳單 範本 設計 傳單設計套件
時尚現代的手冊設計,其中包含商業和行銷策略信息圖表。具有長陰影和預留位置文字的平面圖示,在垂直佈局中設置在兩個對比背景上。探索各種免費商務向量供下載,全部與 Illustrator 相容。 long-shadow 最小 佈局 企業數據傳單
Flyer psd template designed in 3 different color schemes. Our free psd flyer is suitable for all kind of events, be it musical events, kids parties or even gospel concerts. Feel free to change the look and feel of our flyer to match your own style. Flyer psd template featuring glossy effects and great typography. We have made a free flyer template that will suit all kind of events starting from disco nights to kids parties and non-profit events. Of course, you can take this flyer just as a starting point. Change the whole look and feel to match your own taste. Just don’t forget to add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your own brand. Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a affordable and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them are likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! We will help you by sharing our flyer template sources, so all you have to do is just to focus on your flyer campaign. 海報列印範本 傳單 psd flyer psd template Flyer PSD Template 2
為新年慶祝創造引人入勝的海報設計,展現動感的「新年」和引人注目的「派對」文字,在寒冷水晶和發光散景效果中展現出色的「派對」文字。非常適合推廣派對,邀請,傳單等活動! 方 new-year 假日 節慶新年活動設計
利用此免費向量設計製作個性化海報。添加您的派對詳細信息,並製作獨特而吸引人的派對海報。適用於各種印刷材料,例如海報,傳單,T 恤和卡片。也非常適合網頁設計目的,例如橫幅和網站,以及商業圖形或壁紙。可以有效地用作背景或獨立元素。 傳單 web 設計 旅行海報設計
使用此可自定義的模板創建您自己的聖派翠克節設計。在各種圖案背景、標籤、飾品等之間輕鬆切換。只需添加或修改文本,然後下載最終版本即可。這就像這樣簡單! st-patricks 派翠克斯 徽章 聖派翠克派對製作者
此套組中提供展示令人愉悅的夏季插圖的垂直橫幅。這些設計捕捉了風景秀麗的海岸線,帶有輕柔滾動的波浪,閃閃閃發光的星星和寧靜的藍色海洋。每個橫幅都為文字提供充足的空間,讓您可以通過「好夏天」和「歡迎夏天」等引人入勝的標題進行個性化。這些多功能橫幅可用於各種目的,例如傳單,海報,牆壁藝術,卡片等。 夏季 海岸線 海灘 夏季海岸線海灘橫幅
一系列充滿活力的橫幅,迎接夏季。包含棕櫚樹和海灘必需品,並帶著歡樂的「夏天好」消息。完全可定制以滿足您的需求。非常適合在社交媒體,文章,廣告或任何其他目的上推廣橫幅! 夏季 多彩 沒有跳水 陽光海灘場景向量圖形
查看這個充滿活力的商務文具模板,裝飾著各種必需的辦公用品和品牌材料,例如鉛筆、打火機、筆記本等。這款模板具有引人注目的三角形圖案,非常適合向客戶展示您的設計或嘗試新穎的想法。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 文具 設置 辦公室品牌組
垂直橫幅展示了充滿活力的夏季主題插圖集合。這些設計包括一個令人愉悅的海灘場景,飾有潛水設備,拖鞋,太陽鏡,星星和其他迷人元素。每個橫幅都有足夠的空間放置個性化文字,允許引人入勝的標題,例如「你好夏天」和「陽光和樂趣」。這些多功能橫幅非常適合裝飾傳單,橫幅,海報,卡片和一系列創意應用。 夏季 海灘 橫幅 夏季海灘橫幅合集
黑色背景上的彩色線條和條紋使此傳單設計模板引人注目。使用白色和灰色標題和白色文字的區域,您可以輕鬆地個性化外觀。可編輯的色調允許客製化,非常適合當代企業,甚至可作為引人注目的海報! 傳單 範本 設計 當代傳單設計
推出動態商務文具模板,展示一系列基本辦公用品和品牌材料,包括 CD、筆、打火機、筆記型電腦、筆記型電腦、信封、馬克杯、筆記本等。這款多功能模板擁有迷人的藍色多邊形設計,可以按原樣使用或輕鬆定制以匹配您獨特的品牌標識。非常適合用您的設計概念打動客戶或探索創新想法。不要錯過這個機會 — 今天就試試吧! 品牌 固定 設置 商務文具樣機
白色商務文具模型,採用簡約設計,針對您的需求量身定制。此模板展示了各種辦公用品和品牌材料,例如 CD,筆,打火機,筆記本,信封,馬克杯,筆記本等。它是實驗不同設計或向客戶展示它們的完美工具。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 固定 設置 品牌套裝-商務文具
探索令人驚嘆的婚禮邀請模型,展示一輛裝飾著花朵和氣球的迷人自行車。氣球優雅地顯示幸福夫婦的名字,而側面大膽宣告「保存日期」。以柔和的粉彩色調呈現,可以根據您的喜好進行個性化的顏色。創造時尚獨特的婚禮邀請函的理想選擇! 婚禮 保存 日期 婚禮日帖子模板
掌握這個充滿活力的辦公用品範本,展示了一系列多邊形形狀。它包括從信封和筆記本到筆記本,到筆記本,光盤,名片,筆甚至打火機的所有內容。無論您是想為自己使用的個性化還是向客戶展示新鮮的設計,這個模板都是完美的選擇。不要錯過嘗試的機會! 品牌 固定 設置 商務文具樣機
為夏天做好準備,這款酷炫的設計展示了一輛裝飾著行李箱和衝浪板的老式貨車,停在沙灘上。貨車周圍有迷人的沙灘椅,色彩繽紛的熱氣球,搖擺的棕櫚樹和衝浪。充滿活力的藍天與散佈的雲朵增添清爽的氛圍。設計增添一絲魅力,還以輕鬆的書法風格寫成的「hello summer」字詞。無論您需要它用於橫幅、海報或社交媒體帖子,這款設計非常適合捕捉夏天的精髓。 夏季 海灘 橫幅 陽光明媚的海岸衝浪向量圖形
創建一組精緻的餐廳菜單卡和橫幅範本,展示時尚的綠色和白色設計,飾有鮮豔的水果和蔬菜插圖。該標題宣傳純素食品,但可以根據您的需求進行個性化。非常適合建立健康食品店品牌,或增強素食或素食餐廳的菜單,或您想像的任何其他創意應用程序! 範本 功能表 設計 植物性餐飲選項目錄
<p>You may remember I shared with you <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/flyer-template-design/">Flyer Template Design</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/1st-birthday-invitation-card/">1st Birthday Invitation Card</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/rack-card-design-template/">Rack Card Design Template</a>, <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/brochure-template/">Brochure Template</a>, and <a href="http://www.freebiesgallery.com/free-wall-calendar-template/">Free Wall Calendar Template</a>.</p> <p>Today I bring you another flyer PSD template. It has an elegant design with a tag line, description and contact information. You could add a logo of your company in the bottom right corner of this flyer design. In the middle of this flyer design you can add any image. Download the psd file and let’s make your own flyer.</p> 技術 業務 財政部 傳單 PSD
I uploaded this to Vecteezy as a vector version and then thought I would upload the .psd version here. This abstract background PSD can be used for so many projects - flyers, posters, and informational templates. Use this abstract background PSD in your next project 抽象背景 抽象壁紙 資訊圖表 抽象背景 PSD
Free flyer template suitable for all party events. Our PSD flyer template is ready to be printed on paper. Download the PSD file for free! Free flyer template filled with glossy and vibrant effects. We have created a flyer template that will suit all events, starting from disco clubs to children’s parties. Yes, you are not obligated to use the free flyer template only to music events. For example, if you are running a store, you could promote your discounts and products by using our flyer template. Just add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your brand. Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a cheap and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them a likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! Which are the best places to start a flyer day? And when should you run your flyer campaign? First of all, choose places with lots of people. But these places should be relevant to your event. Do not try to reach everybody. Target people only in your area and optimize only for them. For example, if you are selling chocolates, get your flyers to coffee houses and supermarkets. Run two flyer campaigns for every event. The first campaign should be 5-6 days before the event. That’s for producing initial interest. Then, day or two before the event, bombard with flyers again. Remember, always try new strategies to come up with the most efficient campaign for your own events. Experiment and then check the results. That’s the way to develop successful flyer campaigns. Our free flyer template is made in A6 size. It’s smaller but still got enough space to present your products and events. This way people are most likely to keep the flyer and show it to their friends. You see, small size is better when it comes to flyer templates. We have included only one color scheme of the flyer template. But don’t worry, it’s as easy as pie to create more color variations. There are no merged layers in our PSD file, so you could modify the whole look and feel. Just open the free flyer template in Adobe Photoshop and do the changes. Our free flyer template is perfect for all kind of disco nights, no mather of the music played: Electro. Drum and bass. House. Pop. Alternative. Retro. Dance. R&B. If you don’t have an online presence, your flyer campaign may not be as efficient as you want. Flyer campaigns are the perfect way to get those people that are interested in what you offer, straight to your website. So, you’d better look for a ready-made website template. ChocoTemplates is the place that offers high quality website templates. Free Flyer Template Preview Fully Layered Flyer PSD Template Regulation : 300 dpi Print Ready : YesSize: A6 : 10,5 x 14,8 cmFile Format: PSDFile Size: 1.1 MBFonts: Impact, Georgia, ArialNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 解析度為 300 dpi cmyk 傳單 Free Flyer Template
<h3>Flyer psd template designed in 3 different color schemes. Our free psd flyer is suitable for all kind of events, be it musical events, kids parties or even gospel concerts. Feel free to change the look and feel of our flyer to match your own style.</h3> <p>Flyer psd template featuring glossy effects and great typography. We have made a <strong>free flyer template</strong> that will suit all kind of events starting from disco nights to kids parties and non-profit events. Of course, you can take this flyer just as a starting point. Change the whole look and feel to match your own taste. Just don’t forget to add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your own brand.</p> <p>Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a <strong>affordable and effective strategy</strong>. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them are likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! We will help you by sharing our flyer template sources, so all you have to do is <strong>just to focus on your flyer campaign.</strong></p> <p>We’ve made a ready to print template as the psd file is made in <strong>300dpi, CMYK</strong> color mode. So, you just have to download the source file and replace the text with your own. Even more, there are <strong>no commercial fonts used</strong> in our flyer template. So, you won’t have any editing fees at all. The download links to each font are placed below the post.</p> <p><strong>Our free flyer template is ready to print:<br/></strong></p> <ul><li>300dpi;</li> <li>CMYK color regulation;</li> <li>Bleeds included;</li> <li>A6 size.</li> </ul><p>We’ve got tons of flyer templates, just browse our <a title="Free PSD Print Templates" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/print-templates" target="_blank">print templates</a> category and pick a flyer that suits to your needs completely.</p> <div id="attachment_8251" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-8251" alt="Flyer PSD Template 2 Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/11/Flyer_PSD_Template_2_Preview.jpg" width="594" height="1698"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Flyer PSD Template 2 Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 300 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Size:</strong> A6 : 10,9 x 15,2 cm<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 5.4 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a title="Novecento wide Font" href="http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/novecento-wide" target="_blank">Novecento Wide</a><br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 3<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 海報列印範本 傳單 psd flyer psd template 傳單 PSD 範本 2
<h3>Free flyer template suitable for all party events. Our PSD flyer template is ready to be printed on paper. Download the PSD file for free!</h3> <p>Free flyer template filled with glossy and vibrant effects. We have created a flyer template that will suit all events, starting from disco clubs to children’s parties. Yes, you are not obligated to use the free flyer template only to music events. For example, if you are running a store, you could promote your discounts and products by using our flyer template. Just add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your brand.</p> <p>Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a cheap and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them a likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away!</p> <p>Which are the best places to start a flyer day? And when should you run your flyer campaign? First of all, choose places with lots of people. But these places should be relevant to your event. Do not try to reach everybody. Target people only in your area and optimize only for them. For example, if you are selling chocolates, get your flyers to coffee houses and supermarkets. Run two flyer campaigns for every event. The first campaign should be 5-6 days before the event. That’s for producing initial interest. Then, day or two before the event, bombard with flyers again. Remember, always try new strategies to come up with the most efficient campaign for your own events. Experiment and then check the results. That’s the way to develop successful flyer campaigns.</p> <p>Our free flyer template is made in A6 size. It’s smaller but still got enough space to present your products and events. This way people are most likely to keep the flyer and show it to their friends. You see, small size is better when it comes to flyer templates.</p> <p>We have included only one color scheme of the flyer template. But don’t worry, it’s as easy as pie to create more color variations. There are no merged layers in our PSD file, so you could modify the whole look and feel. Just open the free flyer template in Adobe Photoshop and do the changes.</p> <p><strong>Our free flyer template is perfect for all kind of disco nights, no mather of the music played:</strong></p> <ul><li>Electro.</li> <li>Drum and bass.</li> <li>House.</li> <li>Pop.</li> <li>Alternative.</li> <li>Retro.</li> <li>Dance.</li> <li>R&B.</li> </ul><p>If you don’t have an online presence, your flyer campaign may not be as efficient as you want. Flyer campaigns are the perfect way to get those people that are interested in what you offer, straight to your website. So, you’d better look for a ready-made website template. <a title="Premium Web Templates" href="http://chocotemplates.com/" target="_blank">ChocoTemplates</a> is the place that offers high quality website templates.</p> <div id="attachment_4957" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4957" title="Free Flyer Template Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/11/Free_Flyer_Template_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="Free Flyer Template Preview" width="594" height="702"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Free Flyer Template Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_4951" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4951" title="Fully Layered Flyer PSD Template" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/11/Fully_Layered_Flyer_PSD_Template.jpg" alt="Fully Layered Flyer PSD Template" width="594" height="398"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered Flyer PSD Template</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 300 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Size:</strong> A6 : 10,5 x 14,8 cm<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 1.1 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> Impact, Georgia, Arial<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 1<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 解析度為 300 dpi cmyk 傳單 免費海報範本
<p>Free flyer template perfect for invitation design to any party during this time of the year! Fully layered photoshop file in suitable resolution and color regulation for printing purposes<br/> (266dpi, CMYK) This unique design can be also used as a poster, E-flyer template for nightclubs ... etc</p> <div id="attachment_1119" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-1119" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2010/12/Flyer_4.125x5.25_300dpi.jpg" alt="Preview" width="594" height="751"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p>Visit <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.psprint.com/">PS Print</a> and learn how you can create effective and excellent-looking <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.psprint.com/realestate/flyers">real estate flyers</a> at a fraction of a cost!</p> <div/> <div> <div><strong>Regulation</strong> : 266 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/> File Format:</strong> PSD<strong><br/> File Size:</strong> 5.87 MB<strong><br/></strong><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</div> </div> 抽象 傳單 邀請 免費 PSD 海報範本
Free vector flyers for new year. Created with help silhouettes dancing people, skylines, ray lights, stars. Vector Terms : new year free vector , vector flyer free , flyers vector free download , . All rights belong to Download Free Vector. You can use New Year Flyer in Vector to your personal use. Make sure you read the license of this vector graphic before you use it on your commercial projects 設計 設計 在新的一年傳單
<h3>PSD flyer template that will suit all beach parties and disco events. Feel free to use our ready-to-print PSD flyer for any event, no matter of the music played.</h3> <p>Free PSD flyer template featuring glossy effects and eye-catchy graphics. Our beach party PSD flyer will surely help you to spread the word about your party event. We have already done the hard work, so all you have to do is just to replace the images and the logo. Download the fully layered PSD file for free!</p> <div id="attachment_5990" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-5990" title="Beach Party PSD Flyer Template" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/01/Beach_Party_PSD_Flyer_Template_Preview_Big1.jpg" alt="Beach Party PSD Flyer Template" width="594" height="837"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Beach Party PSD Flyer Template Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 266 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Size:</strong> A6: 10,5 x 14,8 cm<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 4.34 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a title="Ballpark Free Font" href="http://www.dafont.com/ballpark-weiner.font" target="_blank">Ballpark</a><br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> beach party psd flyer template 傳單 傳單 psd 海灘党 PSD 海報範本
Free vector flyers for new year. Created with help silhouettes dancing people, skylines, raylights, stars New Year Flyer in
Free vector flyers for new year. Created with help silhouettes dancing people, skylines, ray lights, stars. Vector Terms : new year free vector , vector flyer free , flyers vector free download , . All rights belong to Download Free Vector. You can use New Year Flyer in Vector to your personal use. Make sure you read the license of this vector graphic before you use it on your commercial projects New Year Flyer in
Flyer psd template designed in clear and clean style. What we have here is a great flyer template that could come in handy any time. Download the fully layered psd sources and use them for your next design projects. Flyer psd template made in 300dpi, CMYK color mode. We put our creative juices into this one and the final result is great. Use our flyer psd to really stand out from the crowd! Download our flyer template even if you don’t need it now, it will surely come in handy sooner or later. Actually, we have designed this flyer to be an invitation for app developers, but don’t limit your creative juices. Take the flyer and use it as you feel best. Change the colors, titles, fonts and everything else to make it suitable for your own needs. We have used only free fonts here, so don’t worry about that. There won’t be any editing fees at all. Just scroll to the bottom of this post to check the download links. No frustration in the layers panel - all elements are named and grouped properly. Feel free to change colors, shapes and effects as suits you best. And most importantly, do not limit only to this layout and graphics. Always experiment and create your own stuff. This way you will keep developing your graphic design skills. And that’s the point, right? If you are looking for a party flyer rather than a conference invitation, you may take a look at our night club flyer psd. Download it for free and use it anyway you’d like. Flyer PSD Template 1 Preview Regulation : 300 dpi Print Ready : YesSize: A6 : 10,9 x 15,2 cmFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.5 MBFonts: Canter, Deming, Mission GothicAuthor: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 傳單 psd flyer psd template 海報範本 Flyer PSD Template 1
Colorful psychedelic decoration and ornamental party flyer in different lighting brush patterns and template text on party club gate view. Enjoy Psychedelic Halloween Party Flyer
Free PSD flyer template that can promote your business more efficiently. All layers included in this creative flyer template are separated and fully editable. The PSD source is ready for printing (300dpi, CMYK) Preview Regulation : 300 DPI Print Ready : YesResolution: 1750x2480pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 3.14 MBNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files For fast flyer printing check out Next Day Flyers. The prices are awesome too. 清潔 海報範本 列印範本 PSD Flyer Template
You may remember I shared with you Flyer Template Design, 1st Birthday Invitation Card, Rack Card Design Template, Brochure Template, and Free Wall Calendar Template. Today I bring you another flyer PSD template. It has an elegant design with a tag line, description and contact information. You could add a logo of your company in the bottom right corner of this flyer design. In the middle of this flyer design you can add any image. Download the psd file and let’s make your own flyer. 範本 themes 業務 Flyer PSD
<p>你可能還記得我與你 <a href="HTTP://www.freebiesgallery.com/flyer-template-design/"> 傳單範本設計</a>、 <a href="HTTP://www.freebiesgallery.com/1st-birthday-invitation-card/"> 1 歲生日邀請卡</a>、 <a href="HTTP://www.freebiesgallery.com/rack-card-design-template/"> 機架卡設計範本</a>、 <a href="HTTP://www.freebiesgallery.com/brochure-template/"> 摺頁冊範本</a> 和 <a href="HTTP://www.freebiesgallery.com/free-wall-calendar-template/"> 免費的牆上日曆範本</a> 共用。</p><p>今天我帶給你另一個傳單 PSD 範本。它有一個優雅的設計,與標記線、 說明和連絡人資訊。在右下角的這個傳單設計,您可以添加您的公司徽標。在這種傳單設計,您可以添加任何圖像。下載 psd 檔,並讓你自己傳單。</p> 範本 theme 業務 傳單 PSD
Free flyer template perfect for invitation design to any party during this time of the year! Fully layered photoshop file in suitable resolution and color regulation for printing purposes (266dpi, CMYK) This unique design can be also used as a poster, E-flyer template for nightclubs ... etc Preview Visit PS Print and learn how you can create effective and excellent-looking real estate flyers at a fraction of a cost! Regulation : 266 dpi Print Ready : Yes File Format: PSD File Size: 5.87 MBAuthor: Free PSD Files 抽象 傳單 邀請 Free PSD Flyer Template
PSD flyer template that will suit all beach parties and disco events. Feel free to use our ready-to-print PSD flyer for any event, no matter of the music played. Free PSD flyer template featuring glossy effects and eye-catchy graphics. Our beach party PSD flyer will surely help you to spread the word about your party event. We have already done the hard work, so all you have to do is just to replace the images and the logo. Download the fully layered PSD file for free! Beach Party PSD Flyer Template Preview Regulation : 266 dpi Print Ready : YesSize: A6: 10,5 x 14,8 cmFile Format: PSDFile Size: 4.34 MBFonts: BallparkAuthor: Free PSD Files 海灘 方 圖示 psd Beach Party PSD Flyer Template
Awesome night club flyer PSD template released today completely for free. We’ve created colorful, glossy and vibrant effects to make it more appealing and attractive, so all nightclubs or dance music events would take advantage of the free PSD flyer template. Perfect use for all kind of disco nights, no mather of the music played: electro, drum and bass, house, pop, rock, alternative, retro, hip-hop, rap, etc. Our modern, party PSD flyer is made in 300dpi, A6 (10.5 x 14.8 cm) with 0.1 cm bleeds included which means that you just have to edit the text and you’re ready to go. All layers are properly grouped and named so you won’t experience any difficulties when editing the nigh club flyer PSD template. Feel free to use the shiny graphics and the super cool text on other design related projects too. Moreover, there are no commercial fonts used, so don’t worry about that. Be sure that using our free PSD flyer your event will surely get the attention it deserves! Download the disco party PSD template instantly for free! Preview Fully Layered PSD File Promote your next event and order flyer printing using this template to bring in the crowds. Regulation : 266 dpi Print Ready : YesSize: A6 : 10,5 x 14,8 cmFile Format: PSDFile Size: 5.92 MBFonts: Prototype, Neuropol, Star AvenueAuthor: Free PSD Files 300 dpi a6 範本 清潔 Night Club Flyer PSD Template
我上這傳到 Vecteezy 作為一個向量版本,轉念一想我將上傳.psd 版本在這裡。此抽象背景 PSD 可以用於很多專案-傳單、 海報和資訊範本。使用此抽象背景 PSD 在您的下一個專案 抽象背景 抽象壁紙 資訊圖表 抽象背景 PSD
Free vector flyer for disco night. Created with help people silhouettes, speakers, grunge elements. All Fonts used in template included Vector Flyer For Disco Night
<h3>Flyer psd template designed in clear and clean style. What we have here is a great flyer template that could come in handy any time. Download the fully layered psd sources and use them for your next design projects.</h3> <p>Flyer psd template made in <strong>300dpi, CMYK</strong> color mode. We put our creative juices into this one and the final result is great. Use our flyer psd to really stand out from the crowd! Download our flyer template even if you don’t need it now, it will surely come in handy sooner or later.</p> <p>Actually, we have designed this flyer to be an invitation for app developers, but don’t limit your creative juices. Take the flyer and use it as you feel best. Change the colors, titles, fonts and everything else to make it suitable for your own needs. We have used <strong>only free fonts here</strong>, so don’t worry about that. There won’t be any editing fees at all. Just scroll to the bottom of this post to check the download links.</p> <p><strong>No frustration in the layers panel</strong> - all elements are named and grouped properly. Feel free to change colors, shapes and effects as suits you best. And most importantly, do not limit only to this layout and graphics. Always experiment and create your own stuff. This way you will keep developing your graphic design skills. And that’s the point, right?</p> <p>If you are looking for a party flyer rather than a conference invitation, you may take a look at our <a title="Night Club Flyer PSD Template" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/print-templates/night-club-flyer-psd-template" target="_blank">night club flyer psd</a>. Download it for free and use it anyway you’d like.</p> <div id="attachment_8261" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-8261" alt="Flyer PSD Template 1 Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/11/Flyer_PSD_Template_1_Preview.jpg" width="594" height="1572"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Flyer PSD Template 1 Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 300 dpi<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Size:</strong> A6 : 10,9 x 15,2 cm<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 0.5 MB<br/><strong>Fonts:</strong> <a title="Canter Font" href="http://fontfabric.com/canter-free-font/" target="_blank">Canter</a>, <a title="Deming EP" href="http://www.losttype.com/font/?name=deming" target="_blank">Deming</a>, <a title="Mission Gothic Font" href="http://www.losttype.com/missiongothic/" target="_blank">Mission Gothic</a><br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 傳單 psd flyer psd template 海報範本 傳單 PSD 範本 1
<p>Free PSD flyer template that can promote your business more efficiently. All layers included in this creative flyer template are separated and fully editable. The PSD source is ready for printing (300dpi, CMYK)</p> <div id="attachment_2482" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-2482" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2011/08/flyer_preview_big1.jpg" alt="Preview" width="594" height="1400"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Regulation</strong> : 300 DPI<strong><br/> Print Ready</strong> : Yes<strong><br/></strong><strong>Resolution:</strong> 1750x2480px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 3.14 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 1<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p>For fast <a href="http://www.nextdayflyers.com/club-flyers/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">flyer printing</a> check out Next Day Flyers. The prices are awesome too. </p> 清潔 海報範本 列印範本 PSD 海報範本