Since I’m a nice guy, I thought it would be good to give you, something cool out of this. So I made these desk templates of an iMac, an iPad and an iPhone alone, plus one with both three. The screens are standalone editable psd files, and are displayed in the templates as linked dynamic objects, that awesome new feature from Photoshop CC. Oh and it’s totally free, no license etc. Hope you guys enjoy, please don’t hesitate to like, share, suggest, etc. imac ipad iphone IPhone, iPad and iMac Mockup Templates
The new iPhone 5S vector mockup template is a fully-scalable vector shape iPhone 5S psd. We have created a very detailed front view of the black, white and gold iPhone 5S with smart layers to showcase your web or iOS app with ease as a iPhone 5S mockup 5s iphone 技術 跡象 IPhone 5S Psd Vector Mockup
I’m really happy to share with you an exclusive UI kit inspired by iOS 7 visual style. Get inspired and use the different elements included to create great looking apps. Huge thanks to Mohamed Elgendy for this amazing contribution 應用程式 7 ios iphone IOS 7 App Screens PSD
使用這個精美的 PSD 模板創建令人驚嘆的模型構圖。利用我們可編輯的圖層和靈活的道具,輕鬆地增強您的設計。有了智能物件,您的設計放置變得輕鬆。使用 Photoshop 將您的願景變成現實,讓您的創造力發揮發光。 小樣 組成 workspace 工作區樣機場景
創建令人驚嘆的手機樣式佈局,展示兒童玩具。利用適用於 Photoshop 的可自定義 PSD 模型。包括精心排列的圖層,可輕鬆調整道具,以及智慧型物件可進行無縫編輯。 小樣 電話 iphone 科技玩具手機構成
探索展示各種辦公用品和設備的令人難以置信的模型構圖。這款專為 Photoshop 設計的可編輯 PSD 樣機,釋放您的創造力。憑藉其精心組織的圖層,您可以輕鬆地重新排列道具,並利用智能物件進行無縫編輯。 小樣 組成 辦公室 辦公室設置樣機
This is a set of useful mobile app UI elements with a top and main menu bar and a nice looking switch design. Ideal when you need a simple UI design for your projects 使用者介面 iphone 移動 Beag Simple UI App Kit
Showcase your work best with these two different PSD Mockups by Vinay Mittal. In this pack you will get all new Apple devices like iPhone5S, iPhone5C, New MacBook Air, New iMac, iPad Air. All objects are fully-layered so you can create your own layout with ease. Ideal for Responsive Web & Apps Design Showcase or anything you want 蘋果 imac ipad Apple Responsive Screen MockUps
無可否認,智能手機已成為我們日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。這件作品展示了一隻手拿著智能手機,上面裝飾著各種互聯網和社交網絡徽標,並配有一杯咖啡和一本筆記本。包含的 JPG 文件質量非常出色。它可根據知識共享 4.0 署名許可獲得。 智慧手機 social-media social-network 社交媒體與行動裝置
App showcase PSD mockups designed in 4 creative styles. Use our mockups to present your applications in an unique fashion. App showcase PSD set containing 4 mockups that are perfect for presenting applications. We put our creative juices into action and produced a huge set with app screens in different views. Use our mockups to make your apps stand out from the crowd! We know that the best way to transform a good-looking app to a state-of-art application is to present it in an eye-catchy way. Nowadays, it’s more important to have a good presentation rather than a good product. We are sure that our mockups will be greatly appreciated also by web/ui designers. After all, using our app mockups is a pretty fast, drag-and-drop way to present an app. You save time and efforts. Our app showcase mock-ups are extremely easy to edit. All you have to do is just to replace the smart objects with your own app screens. And that’s it. No ninja skills required. Just make sure to put high-res screens in order to achieve good results. Actually, you don’t have to present real applications. Sometimes it’s a good idea to create fake apps and put them in a slider carousel or banner for example. This way you will produce eye-catchy graphics and will attract the customer’s attention. And with our creative mockups, we guarantee that whatever app you make, it will look much nicer. So, take your time to create a mobile application and don’t forget to present it by using one of our creative mockups! They are all free! Download our app mockups for free, but don’t forget to spread the word about our freebie. Backlink is required if you intend to redistribute our set. Looking for a premium mobile template? Take a look at ChocoTemplate’s latest mobile templates. Resolution: 2465x3349 px Regulation: 300 dpi File Format: PSDFile Size: 3.310 MBNumber of Items in Set: 4Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 應用程式模型 app psd 應用程式展示 App Showcase PSD Mockups
<p>我創建這個設計中,當我正在想著做設備現實有線的充電器。</p><p>這種設計是可擴展的和它的所有形狀,這意味著您可以調整其大小作為你不會不會-建議您保留當前的大小。</p><p>不建議您相信我如果你用的這個,但它是非常感激</p> 應用程式 蘋果 電池 蘋果 USB 充電器
<p>Hola dribbble !真的很高興與你分享這第一槍。</p><p>對 <a href="HTTPs://"class="url mention"data-user-id="373108"ref="contact"> @James 蹩腳的詩人</a> 為起草我大聲喊出</p><p>我扔在 5s 的 iPhone 樣機頓免費餐,所以你要放心地使用,究竟在哪裡。</p> 蘋果 咖啡 首次亮相 破冰船
Improved version of my previous freebie. Version 1.2 now includes templates for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch Launch Images, in every possible resolution / orientation. Free as always. Due to file size, i couldn't upload on Dribbble so.. get it here directly: ..Have fun! ios iphone 範本 Freebie: iOS launch images
Our iPhone 4s landscape psd vector mockup template is a fully-scalable vector shape iPhone 4s psd in landscape layout. It comes in black and white and uses smart layers to showcase your design on a landscape psd iPhone 4s 小樣 iphone 技術 IPhone 4s Psd Landscape Mockup
<p>頌"真正等距"的實物模型,我需要創建幾個月臺幕門的 工作基礎</p><p>我送給你的 iPhone 5s 真正等距版 PSD 壯觀的工作基礎</p><p>點擊查看大 <a href="HTTP://"target="_blank"> HTTP://</a> < br / > 點擊下載 <a href="HTTP://"target="_blank"> HTTP://</a></p><p>這是 100%等距每一個角度和 psd 的大家庭的一部分那來很快:)</p> 等軸測圖 iphone 5s IPhone 5s 真正等距 PSD
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4571" alt="smartphones Smartphones PSD" src="HTTP://" width="800" height="600" title="Smartphones PSD"/></p> <p>Are you looking for smartphones in psd format.您可以下載熱門的 Android、 iOS 和 Windows Phone。它可以用於呈現您的應用程式在不同的移動版本。希望你能找到這個智慧手機 psd 有用並分享你的回饋,在下面的評論。</p><p>快樂下載 !</p> android 系統 iphone windows 手機 智慧手機 PSD
Download NowFinely crafted flat iPhone 5C mockups set to showcase your designs - PSD 移動 技術 IPhone 5C Flat Mockup Set
這是我們 iPhone 5 C psd 三季度角度向量樣機在綠色、 藍色、 黃色、 粉色和白色。這可縮放向量形狀 iPhone 5 C psd 使用智慧圖層來讓你拖動,並輕鬆地將您的設計 iphone 5 c 技術 3 4 iPhone 5 C Psd 向量樣機
A three-quarter perspective iPhone 5S vector mockup in gold, white and black. Scalable vector shape iPhone 5S psd with smart layers to drag and drop your design with ease 5s iphone 技術 業務 3 4 iPhone 5S Psd 向量樣機
Vector iPhone 6 White available for all that wish to use it. Please feel free to use this Vector iPhone 6... and share. The set has PSD files with smart objects, ready to plugin your screenshot. Included in the set is an AI file that have all the components so you can build on what i have already made. If you do make changes please share them. Enjoy mac 蘋果 範本 Vector iPhone 6 White
Fully scalable perspective iPhone 5C psd vector template to showcase your apps with a colorful range of green, blue, yellow, pink, and white isometric iPhone 5C psd mockups. It uses smart layers to make it a breeze to drag and drop your designs iphone 5 c 技術 設計 3D 視圖 iPhone 5 C Psd 向量樣機
This is a set of 4 Vector Flat Devices desktop, laptop, tablet and phone. Each device comes with a GIF animation. The animation can be used like design element or simple like a preloader in a website or app. You can edit the appearance or animation with the Timeline tool in Photoshop. iMac Gif Animation iMac Macbook Gif Animation Macbook iPad Gif Animation iPad iPhone Gif Animation iPhone It was made for Illustrator CS5 / Photoshop CS5 and above. Files included within this download are as follows: Documentation for use. (this file) Main Vector EPS file. Main Vector Illustrator file. Main PSD file. PNG files of each device. (inside PNGs folder) GIF + PSD of animations. (inside GIFs folder) imac ipad iphone Vector Flat iDevices and GIF Animations
High resolution new iPhone design template. Vector shape flat iPhone mockup PSD, Useful iPhone 5 wireframe for mobile app design iphone 5 psd 電話 設計範本 平 iPhone 線框設計範本 (PSD)
這 PSD 類比遵循 <a href="HTTP://"> iPhone 前視圖模型</a>,用不同的視圖,但相同的功能: 多變電話顏色、 螢幕類比通過智慧物件和向量形狀建設工程。有你的 iPhone 與您最喜愛的顏色 iphone mock-up 技術 IPhone 5 角視圖樣機
Hey guys, This is mockup for iphone 5 with landscape & portrait view. I've created a while back for myself to save some time and it helped me out with many projects. And now, i want share it for everyone :) Download here If you like it, plz press "like" and "follow" me. I'll update new freebies soon. And I don't want you miss them. Thanks. 5 iphone 移動 小樣 Freebies Mockup iphone 5
<h3>iPhone PSD graphics designed with close attention to every detail. We have made a set of 8 iPhones where 6 of them are presented in perspective. Go ahead and grab this massive freebie now!</h3> <p>iPhone PSD graphics featuring tons of pixel perfect details. We paid extra attention to every element and produced a high quality set. Download our iPhone graphics and use them on your next design projects.</p> <p>Nowadays, the iPhone as mobile device has become really popular. People are really keen on that tiny box. Therefore, we all see designs based on iPhones and mobile gadgets in the web and print world. And that’s why we have created this set - to ease you as much as possible with your designs. Do not hesitate anymore and head straight to the download section! Grab our iPhone PSD now!</p> <p>All iPhone graphics are completely scalable. We have converted all graphics to smart objects, so you will be able resize them as much as you need. No quality loss!</p> <p>Place the iPhones to a slider carousel for example. You’ve got plenty of perspectives to choose from, so we are sure that it will work great. You will certainly grab the attention of your visitors this way.</p> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong> 726x3000 px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 1.030 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 8<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6790" title="iPhone PSD Graphics Preview" src="" alt="iPhone PSD Graphics Preview" width="594" height="3795"/></p> iphone psd 移動 psd iphone graphics IPhone PSD 圖形
Hello guys! Check out this phone frames for you high def wireframes. Include: - iPhone 5 - iPhone 6 - iPhone 6 Plus - Nexus 5 使用者介面 iphone ios Phone frames
Another freebie - Music top 20 kit psd :) Download and use it as you want. Cheers.! iphone 範本 相冊 Music Kit