這個引人入勝的插圖「籃球標籤 PNG 設計」展示了一個充滿動感的籃球球,飾有時尚的標籤設計。這款 PNG 格式的藝術品非常適合運動愛好者和設計師,精美地結合了籃球、標籤和球的元素。它捕捉了運動的精髓,突出設備的重要性和遊戲的刺激。這款插圖憑藉其高品質的設計,是任何與運動相關的項目或設計工作的絕佳補充。 籃球 標籤 球 籃球標籤球 PNG
「高爾夫徽標 PNG Design」是一種多功能且時尚的插圖,結合了盾牌,運動和標籤的元素,以創建引人注目的高爾夫徽標。它的設計採用大膽的徽章和複雜的細節,非常適合為任何與高爾夫相關的項目增添精緻感。此標誌以高品質的向量檔案形式提供,可輕鬆自訂和調整各種應用程式的大小。憑藉其免版稅和免費向量屬性,這個 PNG 設計是高爾夫愛好者和設計師的絕佳選擇。 遮罩 體育 標籤 高爾夫盾牌標籤 PNG
準備好讓我們的藝術和精緻的標籤或標籤設計吸引。這款傑作以時尚的金色文字鑲嵌在迷人的抽象形狀的皮革紋理背景下,散發了創造力和專業的獨特融合。準備好使用這款令人驚嘆的設計將您的品牌提升到新高度。享受它帶來的美麗和優雅! 抽象 皮革 紋理 抽象皮革標籤範本
通過我們的「遠足冒險復古徽章 PNG 設計」插圖展開懷舊的戶外旅程。這款復古風格徽章採用迷人的漫畫漫畫,捕捉探索的精髓和腎上腺素。憑藉其引人注目的復古設計,這款徽章非常適合用於標籤,徽標或作為創意項目的模板。它的多功能向量格式確保高質量且易於定制。無論您需要登山俱樂部的印章,還是想為設計增添一點冒險,這張免版稅的 PNG 圖像都可以激發您的旅行渴望。 標籤 爬上 卡通 復古遠足標籤徽章
用這款迷人的「雪人圍巾徽章貼紙」PNG 設計來慶祝節日季節。這款節日貼紙以雪人、圍巾和胡蘿蔔鼻子等經典聖誕元素裝飾,捕捉了傳統和歡樂的精髓。非常適合為您的項目增添冬季魔力,這款設計飾有一個可愛的雪人戴著舒適的帽子和圍巾。以這款令人愉悅的插圖充滿季節氣息,非常適合您所有以聖誕為主題的作品。 聖誕 徽章 假日 霜凍圍巾別針貼紙節日設計
使用此可定制的設計創建自己獨特的足球徽章或標籤。從一系列的時髦標誌和裝飾元素中進行選擇,並直接在編輯器上輕鬆添加和編輯自己的文本。您甚至可以選擇個性化的背景圖像。這是非常用戶友好的! 足球 足球 體育 足球冠軍徽標製作
Retro badge PSD template perfect for a wide range of web and print related projects. Grab it now and use it as a starting point to develop something new and orignal that will suit perfectly to your projects. Retro badge PSD template released for free download. Our free PSD file is suitable for any kind of web or print projects. It is as easy as pie to use our badge PSD. All you have to do is to replace the text. However you could change the background photo and use it even as a slider image or desktop wallpaper for example. This free PSD template is made to save you time, money and efforts. And we know how important is that, especially when you are running out of time or on a tough budget. We have used only free fonts, which are listed below. The download archive contains PSD file that is fully layered and properly organised to save you frustration. Download our retro badge PSD template even if you don’t need it right now. It will surely come in handy later. Retro Badge PSD Template Preview Resolution: 1680x945pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 3.76 MBFonts: Habana, Cylburn, Deming EPAuthor: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. badge psd 徽章 psd 範本 badge template psd Retro Badge PSD Template
探索這個露營徽章,在公園環境中設有一個帳篷,在雄偉的山脈背景下設置。使用您自己的標語或功能區部分的詳細信息來個性化它。如需此設計的替代版本,請點擊鏈接:<a href="https://www.vectoropenstock.com/vectors/preview/74261/">露營徽章</a>。此包還包括一個高質量的 JPG 文件。根據共享資源 4.0 授權,並符合標示。 露營 營 標籤 荒野印章符號
這套組包含 14 張獨特的復古電影門票,具有矩形和垂直佈局各種裝飾形狀。每張門票都裝飾了演出時間,日期,名稱等的文字,所有這些文字都以花卉形狀,grunge 背景等元素創意設計。 訪問 入場 承認 復古門票套裝
發現各種復古徽章,其中包括各種形狀的迷人塗鴉設計,包括圓形,花朵,盾牌,緞帶和帶有軟化角落的三角形。這些復古標誌非常適合突出特別促銷活動和價格。請放心,您將在購買時收到高質量的 JPG 文件。此外,這些徽章在共享資源 4.0 署名許可下提供。 標籤 功能 特別 手工製作的徽章
看看這款超棒的平面設計冬季運動橫幅,其中包含滑雪、滑雪板、手套和其他冬季元素。包括高質量的 JPG 文件。根據創用 CC 4.0 授權,並具有標示。 winter-holidays 橫幅 體育 雪地冒險徽章
系列 9 款時尚復古標誌徽章,非常適合戶外活動,例如遠足,露營,登山,攀岩和自然探索。包括一個高級 JPG 文件。受共享資源 4.0 標示授權的涵蓋範圍。 camping-logos hiking-logos 徽標 復古冒險標誌-露營徽章
聖誕徽章和標籤放在節日散景背景上。各種字體樣式,包括華麗的書法和絲帶裝飾。包括高解析度 JPG。根據共享資源 4.0 授權,並符合標示。 christmas-emblems christmas-emblem christmas-badges 聖誕徽章系列
為紀念美國獨立日的 7 月 4 日的橫幅收集。每個橫幅都是獨一無二的,展示了旗幟和「獨立日」短語。這些多功能的設計可以量身定制,以適合各種用途,例如網絡橫幅,文章,裝飾品,紀念品,書籤等。 橫幅 independence-day 美國 美國自由日橫幅套件
這款優雅而現代的平面圖案設計展示了紅色、藍色和白色的多邊形形狀。設計以粗體白色大寫字母為「獨立日快樂」,增添了節日氣息。它適用於各種目的,例如背景,壁紙,背景,卡片,傳單,橫幅等。 多邊形 independence-day 美國 獨立日多邊形紋理
探索各種各樣的水彩徽標,具有多種設計和配色方案,以滿足您的喜好。該系列包括自行車,花,玫瑰,鳥,滴水,椅子等。輕鬆自定義以合併您的企業名稱。非常適合標誌,貼紙,橫幅,傳單和品牌目的。 徽標 水彩 花卉 水彩花卉標誌套件
<h3>Free label PSD set created in 3 wonderful color schemes. The file contains 18 ready-to-use objects. Go on now and grab the PSD file for free.</h3> <p>Free label PSD set designed in 3 color schemes. The set contains 18 ready-to-use labels. These labels might come in handy for all kind of print materials like posters, flyers, leaflets, banners or for your websites for example. Donât hesitate anymore and get our free label PSD set by hitting the download button below!</p> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1680x1050px<strong><br/> File Format: </strong>PSD<strong><br/> File SIze: </strong>0.650 MB<strong><br/> Fonts: </strong><a title="Georgia Font" href="http://fontzone.net/font-details/Georgia/" target="_blank">Georgia</a><strong><br/> Number of items in Set: </strong>18<strong><br/> Autor: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note That if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> label psd set 標籤範本 標籤 免費標籤 PSD 集
一組的三個電子商務和 psd web 功能區銷售標籤,以使產品或服務的圖片的理想脫穎而出。你可以添加任何文本,並改變顏色以滿足您具體的設計需求 功能區 電子商務 業務 Psd Web 絲帶出售標籤卷 1
Free free vector label graphic in adobe illustrator .ai vector and scalable vector graphics .svg vector ui kits Free Vector Label
A set of three e-commerce and psd web ribbon sale label, ideal to make a product or service graphic stands out. You can add any text and change colors to fit your specific design needs 功能區 電子商務 業務 Psd Web 絲帶出售標籤卷 1
Free label PSD template designed in 3 styles. We have created a label PSD template that presents a small piece of paper with elastic cord on top. Useful free PSD file for displaying the price, discount and the info of a product. Free label PSD template created in 3 styles - green, blue and fabric. Our label PSD template is useful for bearing the name, description and the price of a product for example. It’s a good idea to call for action with our label PSD. That’s a sure way to grab the attention of your visitors, so place your custom text on our labels and make your visitors click on them. That’s a good way to drive traffic to your products and increase your revenue. The label set is created in PSD file format. It means that you will need Adobe Photoshop in order to edit the templates. We have organized the label PSD to make it easy for you to edit and reshape. All layers are named and grouped, so even a newcomer will be able to work with our free PSD file. It’s a good idea to use our label PSD template only as a starting point. Develop your own idea and use the graphics as a basis. Our label PSD set could come in handy both for web and print projects. Our label PSD set is useful for presenting: Prices. Titles. Discounts. Daily deals. Product description. Company logos. Label PSD Set Preview Fully Layered Label PSD Set Resolution: 1236x909pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 1.21 MBFont: BallparkNumber of Items in Set: 3Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 按鈕 電源線 標籤範本 Label PSD Set - 3 Tag Templates
Round web button template, text with a realistic shiny gold color and details. Edit PSD source, type your text and make your own buttons. Useful web graphic template for logos, labels, medals, seals, stickers etc.<br /> You might also like a similar graphic - <a href="http://www.psdgraphics.com/psd-icons/psd-gold-world-award-icon-golden-medal/">gold world award icon</a> 黑色 黃金 光澤 黃金的圓形按鈕,PSD 標籤範本
<h3>Free label PSD template designed in 3 styles. We have created a label PSD template that presents a small piece of paper with elastic cord on top. Useful free PSD file for displaying the price, discount and the info of a product.</h3> <p>Free label PSD template created in 3 styles - green, blue and fabric. Our label PSD template is useful for bearing the name, description and the price of a product for example. It’s a good idea to call for action with our label PSD. That’s a sure way to grab the attention of your visitors, so place your custom text on our labels and make your visitors click on them. That’s a good way to drive traffic to your products and increase your revenue.</p> <p>The label set is created in PSD file format. It means that you will need Adobe Photoshop in order to edit the templates. We have organized the label PSD to make it easy for you to edit and reshape. All layers are named and grouped, so even a newcomer will be able to work with our free PSD file.</p> <p>It’s a good idea to use our label PSD template only as a starting point. Develop your own idea and use the graphics as a basis. Our label PSD set could come in handy both for web and print projects.</p> <p><strong>Our label PSD set is useful for presenting:</strong></p> <ul><li>Prices.</li> <li>Titles.</li> <li>Discounts.</li> <li>Daily deals.</li> <li>Product description.</li> <li>Company logos.</li> </ul><div id="attachment_4867" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4867" title="Label PSD Set Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/11/Label_PSD_Set_Preview.jpg" alt="Label PSD Set Preview" width="594" height="592"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Label PSD Set Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_4868" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4868" title="Fully Layered Label PSD Set" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/11/Fully_Layered_Label_PSD_Set.jpg" alt="Fully Layered Label PSD Set" width="594" height="447"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered Label PSD Set</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1236x909px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 1.21 MB<br/><strong>Font:</strong> <a title="Ballpark Free Font" href="http://www.dafont.com/ballpark-weiner.font" target="_blank">Ballpark</a><br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 3<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 按鈕 電源線 標籤範本 標籤 PSD 集-3 標籤範本
Blank star shape sticker with curled edge, red label template with a nice noise effect. Download layered and editable source 空白 標籤 紅色 星狀貼紙
Red paper label with a silver metal eyelet and string, price tag template for Photoshop. Put your text, price or symbol and make a custom tag for your online business 業務 紅色 範本 張空白的紙,紅色的標籤,價格標籤
30 天退款保證密封在可編輯的 PSD 格式。有光澤的保證密封圖形在金色和銀色的色彩。線上支付的商店,有光澤圖示下載 PSD 原始檔案和定制您的需求 安全密封 psd empty guarantee seal 滿意保證 錢保證密封 (PSD)
30 Day Money Back Guarantee seals in editable PSD format. Shiny guarantee seal graphic in gold and silver colors. Glossy icon for online payment shops, Download PSD source and customize it for your needs 安全密封 psd empty guarantee seal 滿意保證 Money Back Guarantee Seal (PSD)
Price tag PSD templates designed in two versions: horizontal and vertical. We’ve used the shape of an old bus ticket for classic and vintage look. Our price tag will show your products info, price and discounts in an easy to understand way. Price tag PSD templates made in classy, vintage style. For a retro look, we’ve decided to use the shape of a bus ticket. Of course, the main purpose of our price tag is to display the name, description and price of your products, but you can use it also for other things too. In any case, our price tag will call for action and most likely will increase the total numbers of your sales. The downloadable archive contains a fully layered PSD file. So, it means that you will need Adobe Photoshop to edit the templates. Basically, it is a good idea to use our PSD as a starting point. Develop your own idea and use the graphics as a basic point. We have properly organised all layers to save you any inconvenience during the customization process. If our price tag PSD template suits your needs, just click the free download button below and get all files instantly. Price Tag PSD Templates Preview Resolution: 993x581pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.143 MBFonts: Sreda, Mission ScriptNumber of Items in Set: 2Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 標籤 psd 價格標籤 tag psd Price Tag PSD Templates
Black product tag with a shiny silver borders, PSD template. Blank label or sticker for your online shop, put price or symbol on it 黑色 標籤 購物 黑色標記
今天我為你的力歐設計師發佈免費的東西。我愛標籤 (pff,不會) 所以這可愛的真實感覺標籤 (PSD) 給到你們這些傢伙要使用。請務必閱讀使用下載中包含的條款。享受吧 !(我會喜歡一個連結後面或信貸的某種資源,但是它不是必需!) 圖形 那些 400 d 可愛的正宗標籤
Green and yellow football (soccer) badge template, download editable PSD label to customize colors and text 標籤 體育 範本 足球徽章範本 (PSD)
Some titles songs. There are from the back cover of the cds. Most of them are from hip hop and R&B singers 宋 音樂 r&b 郵票 CD 刷
Free label PSD set created in 3 wonderful color schemes. The file contains 18 ready-to-use objects. Go on now and grab the PSD file for free. Free label PSD set designed in 3 color schemes. The set contains 18 ready-to-use labels. These labels might come in handy for all kind of print materials like posters, flyers, leaflets, banners or for your websites for example. Donât hesitate anymore and get our free label PSD set by hitting the download button below! Resolution: 1680x1050px File Format: PSD File SIze: 0.650 MB Fonts: Georgia Number of items in Set: 18 Autor: Free PSD Files Note That if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. label psd set 標籤範本 標籤 Free Label PSD Set
Right and wrong check marks stickers, opposite icons in red and green colors. Web symbols and buttons for OK and no, positive and negative, yes and no, etc 按鈕 在綠色 標籤 Right and wrong check marks
有光澤,web2 0 風格向量耶誕節設計、 採油樹和星星,高解析度 <a title="PSD files"href="HTTP://psdblast.com/psd-files"> PSD 檔</a> 的聖誕裝飾。聖誕雪花背景圖 <a id="post_tag-check-num-0"></a>x-mas tree with stars vector christmas design christmas web badge 聖誕樹圖示 (PSD)
<h3>Free label PSD template suitable for the upcoming holidays. Use our label PSD to make your holiday designs stand out from the crowd. Download the PSD file for free!</h3> <p>Holiday label PSD template designed in green and red colors. That’s a useful PSD file that will help you to create holiday graphics, feature discounts to your products or simply greet your friends.</p> <p>The holiday season is the perfect time to greet your customers. Remind them how profitable is to buy goods from you. Give them thanks for being loyal clients. Design greeting cards and address them to your clients, family and friends.</p> <p>However, you don’t need to design every element of your holiday artworks, right? It would be a good idea to help yourself and download some ready-made graphics. We will do our best to provide as many graphics as possible to ease you with your holiday designs. For now, just browse our holiday category and choose suitable graphics for your own projects.</p> <p>As always, we are releasing a properly grouped and named PSD file. You will not have any troubles to edit the label PSD. Just open it with Adobe Photoshop and modify it to suit your own needs. Change colors and shapes in just a few clicks. We have separated all layers and kept the blending effects intact. So, go on and hit the button. Grab the free PSD file now!</p> <p><strong>Our label PSD template consists of:</strong></p> <ul><li dir="ltr">Christmas tree.</li> <li dir="ltr">Snowflakes.</li> <li dir="ltr">Rope.</li> </ul><div id="attachment_5106" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-5106" title="Label PSD Template for Holiday Greetings Preview Big" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/11/Label_PSD_Template_for_Holiday_Greetings_Preview_Big1.jpg" alt="Label PSD Template for Holiday Greetings Preview Big" width="594" height="718"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Label PSD Template for Holiday Greetings Preview Big</p></div> <div id="attachment_5102" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-5102" title="Fully Layered Label PSD Template for Holiday Greetings" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/11/Fully_Layered_Label_PSD_Template_for_Holiday_Greetings.jpg" alt="Fully Layered Label PSD Template for Holiday Greetings" width="594" height="398"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered Label PSD Template for Holiday Greetings</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1064x1064px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 0.728 MB<br/><strong>Font:</strong> <a title="Ballpark Free Font" href="http://www.dafont.com/ballpark-weiner.font" target="_blank">Ballpark</a><br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 標籤 假期 2013 節日的問候 節日問候的標籤 PSD 範本
Great sample for a poster - pattern with painted child feet. Painted feet poster sample vector graphic can be downloaded for free 標籤 腳 標籤 畫的腳海報樣本
已經上傳到 Vecteezy,他們似乎是相當受歡迎,所以我會將它們轉換為月臺幕門,並將其上載在這裡。希望你們喜歡這些夏季海洋法和海洋旅遊標籤月臺幕門! 夏天來臨 夏季 海洋 魚 海洋和海洋旅遊標籤月臺幕門