創建展示 Facebook 帖子的時尚社交媒體設計。使用此可自定義的 Facebook 模板製作您自己的個性化帖子。包括一個真正獨特的外觀可編輯的文本和顏色選項! social-media 介面 發佈 社會郵政光
Hi friends, here’s a set of light UI elements for music interface. The graphic elements come in fully layered PSD file that contains several most commonly used items. You can easily edit and resize them to fit for your web or mobile music interface designs. Don’t forget to drop a comment about this freebie ui elements web 元素 ui kits Light Music UI Design Kit (PSD)
Stage Spotlight with podium, isolated on dark background,perfect background for stage show, concert atmosphere with center stage,High resolution backgrounds created with Photoshop 舞臺背景 娛樂 dark stage background Stage Lighting Background with Spot Light Effects (PSD)
An easy on the eyes UI kit best used for a coffee shop, bistro or pastry website. An easy pick if you want your website to make an amazing impression. It comes with 100+ elements in 6 different categories that will help you knock your website out of the park. 清潔 工具包 光 Vanilla Cream Web Kit
Free PSD set containing 12 tillable website backgrounds. All backgrounds are separated into header, navigation, featured area and content to give you a great head start! All you have to do is to place your own text and images. These high quality backgrounds can perfectly suit various of websites both business and personal. The free PSD set contains 12 premade web ready backgrounds presented both in light and dark variations. We have done the hard work - all backgrounds are completely tillable, so you just have to choose your color and you’re ready to start designing your website. There’s also a fully layered web background which will help you to create your own images in just a few clicks! You can easily change colors, sizes and the position of all elements (header, navigation, featured area, content) Valuable free background set for everyone! Preview Resolution: 1600x1200File Format: PSDFile Size: 5.24 MBNumber of Items in Set: 12Author: Free PSD Files 清潔 內容 featured area 12 Web Ready Backgrounds PSD Set
探索一系列精美的齋月橫幅設計,散發出優雅和魅力。這些迷人的設計展示了複雜的花卉形狀和派斯利裝飾,並提供充足的空間,可用於以英語和阿拉伯語顯示「Ramadan Kareem」的可定制文本。這些設計具有可編輯的文字和顏色,提供無限的創意可能性。無論您需要引人注目的橫幅、令人驚嘆的牆藝術、誘人的促銷活動還是令人難忘的紀念品,這些設計都是完美的選擇。 齋月 穆斯林 背景 齋月燈籠套裝
在深色背景上使用這個逼真發光的霓虹燈字母集合創建自己的霓虹招牌。該套裝包括所有大寫字母和標點符號,讓您輕鬆地將設計變得生動。用這些令人驚嘆的霓虹燈字母讓您的創造力發光! 霓虹燈 信 字體 發光的紅色復古字體
發現各種各樣的社交媒體圖標,其中包含 Skype,YouTube,谷歌和臉書等流行網絡。這些向量圖形擁有大量鮮豔的色彩,非常適合廣泛的應用程序,包括橫幅,應用程序和您想像的任何創意項目! 霓虹燈 social-media 臉譜網 霓虹燈社交媒體圖示
<p class="excerpt"> 設計一個 WordPress 主題嗎?這次可能是有用的 !極簡主義、 光,乾淨和簡單的選項卡式的邊欄。</p><p>300px 寬側邊欄外掛程式,所以它應該適合大多數標準的主題,但它是完全可調整大小。説明傳播,通過分享關於 Twitter 和 Facebook (見下載圖示下面的那些小按鍵)。</p> 光 web 構件 選項卡式的邊欄
在 Photoshop 中的非常詳細的燈泡娛樂。可用於為 web 圖示的想法、 靈感、 業務、 説明和類似的事情。下跌免費玩等級 (圖像/調整/等級) 若要更改深度效果的玻璃 光面紙 物件 光澤 PSD 燈泡圖示
<p>分層蘋果 iMac。很容易向螢幕中添加您自己的圖像。 <strong/></p><p><strong>號決議:</strong> 800 x 800 <br/><strong>檔案格式:</strong>。PSD <br/> <strong>檔案大小:</strong> 146 KB <br/> <strong>集合中項的數目:</strong> 1 <br/> <strong>作者:</strong> 免費 PSD 檔</p> 蘋果 清潔 灰色 PSD 蘋果 iMac 前視圖
Seven dark abstract adobe photoshop brushes perfect creating gaming sigs or to add texture to designs 抽象 光 光效果 Sujune 抽象畫筆
<p>Lamp PSD Free Resource. It is Highly detailed economic lamp template released today for free download. We did our best to create photo realistic, ultra sharp and clean bulb and we honestly think that our PSD bulb illustration is much better from the rest free PSD lamp templates. All layers are properly grouped and named which will help you when you start editing the free PSD illustration. Use the lamp icon for all kind of website templates, business cards, email templates, mobile applications, business cards, flyers, presentations, etc. Another great idea for using our lamp PSD template is to shrink it down and use it as an single icon or an image. It will surely improve the whole look and feel of your creative projects as it’s clear and attractive. Just download the fully layered PSD file and edit as you wish.</p> <div id="attachment_4160" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4160" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/08/Economic_Lamp_Free_PSD_Graphic_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="Economic Lamp Free PSD Graphic Preview Big" width="594" height="813"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_4161" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-4161" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2012/08/Fully_Layered_PSD_Economic_Lamp.jpg" alt="Fully Layered PSD Economic Lamp" width="594" height="498"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered PSD Economic Lamp</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>800x100<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 0.493 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 1<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> 3d 燈泡圖示 bulb illustration 經濟燈免費 PSD 圖形
<p>4 glossy shield icons that can be used as illustrations or icons for print and web projects. These stunning graphics represent security, protection and defence, therefore they can be applied to various of projects. All layers are easy to edit. Available in high resolution (1400x875px)</p> <div id="attachment_2794" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-2794" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2011/10/Free_PSD_Shield_Icons_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="Preview" width="594" height="371"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong> 1400x875px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 2.85 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 4<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> 抽象 按鈕 清潔 有光澤的盾牌 PSD 圖示
我的靈感來源於 micheleangeloro 的簡約通知樣式。紋理的警報樣式。所有的顏色都很容易改變的且紋理圖案疊加樣式,所以它可以被刪除,如果需要的話。 特色 ui elements 紋理 紋理的警報
這是一個個人的概念,是以下的平面設計趨勢,與微妙的陰影,若要添加更多的細節。所有的圖示都是圖元完美,完全可伸縮向量形狀與圖層樣式相結合。他們在任何彩色背景上會很好看 平 圖示 光 光源的 Android 圖示集
You've got 5 BIG brushes working with Photoshop 7 and higher. Free to use in commercial works (no credits needed) 發光 flare 心 情人節輝光愛心
Free badge PSD templates designed in high resolution. These badge PSD files will surely come in handy one time or another. They are suitable both for web and print projects. Badge PSD template set created in 4 styles. We have designed awesome badge templates that are suitable for a wide range of uses. We strongly suggest you to head straight to the download section and get the badge PSD templates. These styles of badges are perfect for various uses. And we mean not only online purposes. Think of creating a real badge by paper, metal or textile. Use our badge PSD templates as an example and put your creative juices into action! The uses of these badge PSD graphics are endless. You can present a special achievement, or you can create a symbol for your organization. Be sure that these rounded badges will look pretty good on bags, vehicles and all kind of devices. Our badge PSD templates are perfect for advertising. These rounded badges will present your message attractively. You will grab the attention of your visitors and will get better results for your business. All layers of the badge PSD set are properly organized. We made sure that all layers are named and are editable. So, by using our badges you will save time and money. We advise you to download the badge PSD even if you don’t need it now. You will be able to examine the PSD file and learn the techniques that have been used to create these graphics. That’s a free lesson that will help you to get better at designing. The badge PSD templates could be used for: Organizations. Events. Achievements. Competitions. Authorities. Identification. If you are looking for a logo template that resembles a badge, you’d better take a look at Free Logo Design. They have tons of free logo designs made in vector shapes. Badge PSD Template Set Preview Fully Layered Badge PSD Template Resolution: 1680x600pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.365 MBNumber of Items in Set: 3Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 徽章 badge graphics badge psd Badge PSD Template Set
<p>5 highly detailed free PSD stickers that will surely impress your clients. Skillfully created in 5 completely different styles, these stickers are flexible and easy to edit and match your own needs. All layers are editable, properly grouped and named. Perfect for your next print related project. Available in high resolution.</p> <div id="attachment_2714" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-2714" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2011/10/5_free_psd_stickers_preview_big2.jpg" alt="Preview" width="594" height="2255"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p>Fun <a href="http://www.nextdayflyers.com/sticker-standard-printing/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">sticker printing</a> templates like this can be used for labels, gift tags and branding.</p> <p><strong>Regulation: </strong>266dpi<strong><br/></strong><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 13.4 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 5<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> 抽象 按鈕 清潔 5 免費 PSD 貼紙
This set of brushes is great for adding light effects and swirls to your artwork. Best of all... It’s free. Happy Friday Motion Light Effects Brush Set
Ormont Light is a sans-serif free font best suitable for headlines. It is available for personal or commercial use. Designed by Youssef Habchi 來源 sans-serif Ormont Light free font
Login Page Pixel Perfect Fully Editable .psd 100% Vector Shapes Organized Layers Layer Easy to Change Color Font Used: Ubuntu photoshop 範本 按鈕 登錄頁 #Freebies
A wide variety of abstract brushes made for you to use to create wonderful pieces of art 抽象 多彩 波浪 抽象藝術筆刷
<p>Easily customizable clean vibrant chat bubbles</p> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong> 600Ã400<br/><strong>File Format: </strong>.PSD<br/><strong>File Size: </strong>308 KB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 3<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> 清潔 光 設計 詞和思想聊天泡沫
Ahh, buttons! Can you imagine the Internet without them? The simpler the better. So there you go... ... a pretty little set. Light and dark version. Three styles for each color scheme included: normal, hover and active. Fully layered and resizable. Perfect for web and desktop apps. We actually used those in couple of our designs at 177DESIGNS. This button PSD file should also look great when combined with Mini tooltips. 按鈕 暗 光 Simple web buttons
<p>Layered Apple iMac. Easily add your own image to the screen.<strong/></p> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong> 800x800<br/><strong>File Format: </strong>.PSD<br/><strong>File Size: </strong>146 KB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 1<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> 蘋果 清潔 灰色 PSD 蘋果 iMac 前視圖
Beautiful shapes turned into Photoshop Brushes to add abstract and fractal feel to your piece. Download and enjoy these shapes brushes 抽象 分形 光 筆刷形狀 #5
Today’s freebie is definitely one for your toolbox, a set of simple light and dark pagination. Admit it, we’ve all neglected pagination in the past, maybe this drop-in file can help 暗 光 分頁 光明和黑暗分頁 (PSD)
Brokeh Brush Stamps - pack of bokeh brush files. Included in this bokeh brush pack are three different brushes 泡沫 圓圈 暗 Brokeh 刷郵票
<p class="excerpt"> 按鈕啊 !你能想像沒有他們的互聯網嗎?越簡單越好。這樣就可以了......</p><p>......一個漂亮小集。光明和黑暗的版本。三種風格為每個色彩配置包括: 正常、 懸停和活躍。完全分層和調整大小。完美的 web 和桌面應用程式。我們實際上在 <a title="177DESIGNS"href="HTTP://177designs.com"> 177DESIGNS</a> 使用那些在我們的設計幾。</p><p>這個按鈕 PSD 檔看起來應該也非常結合 <a title="Mini tooltips"href="HTTP://freebiesbooth.com/mini-tooltips"> 微型工具提示</a> 時。</p> 按鈕 暗 光 簡單的 web 按鈕
Glowing orange light bulb, glossy web graphic. Cool idea symbol and icon, isolated on white background. To change the color or customize it, download PSD source 隔離 橙色 光澤 Glossy orange light bulb (PSD)
<p>Grunge city PSD <a href="http://web-backgrounds.net/" target="_blank">background</a> that will certainly add retro look to your project. We’ve added multiple stripe and grunge effects that shine upon the city landscape. There’s a fully layered PSD file included to help you easily change colors, shapes and effects. Perfect use for creatives who seek attractive graphics for brochure designs, flyers, posters, website designs, banners, etc. The grunge city PSD file is available in high resolution (1600x1200px)</p> <div id="attachment_3096" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3096" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2011/11/Grunge_City_PSD_Background_Set_Preview_Big.jpg" alt="Preview" width="594" height="1391"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <div id="attachment_3097" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-3097" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2011/11/Grunge_City_PSD_Background_Set_Preview_Layers.jpg" alt="Fully Layered PSD File" width="594" height="446"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Fully Layered PSD File</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1600x1200<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 4.01 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 1<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files </p> 抽象 背景 城市景觀 Grunge 市 PSD 背景
Here is a minimal set of some Dribbble UI for everyone. Everything is all vector, so feel free to re-scale this to any size if needed. This also includes a fully layered Photoshop PSD like always, Enjoy :) Re-sale, Hosting this download elsewhere and or Redistribution is forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. dribbble 元素 圖形化使用者介面 Dribbble UI