這個引人注目的插圖,標題為「喜歡圖標平面 PNG 設計」,是數字時代社交媒體文化的完美體現。這些作品採用簡單而吸引人的扁平設計,在圓形框架中展示了手形圖標,象徵著喜歡和欣賞的普遍姿態。憑藉其鮮豔的色彩和簡潔的線條,這個插圖是與社交媒體,在線平台或數字營銷相關項目的理想選擇。這種 PNG 設計非常適合網站,博客或演示文稿,一定會吸引注意力並傳達連接和參與的本質。 像 圖示 平 「像手一樣的社交圈」
發現各種各樣的社交媒體圖標,其中包含 Skype,YouTube,谷歌和臉書等流行網絡。這些向量圖形擁有大量鮮豔的色彩,非常適合廣泛的應用程序,包括橫幅,應用程序和您想像的任何創意項目! 霓虹燈 social-media 臉譜網 霓虹燈社交媒體圖示
<p>Here are some Vector Sliding Twitter and Facebook Social Counters. The idea here is to code it with javascript or CSS3 and have the ribbon ease out when the buttons are hovered over. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed.</p> <p>Font used: Helvetica Neue</p> <p>Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Re-distribution is strictly forbidden.</p> <p>If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post.</p> <p>- Enjoy :d</p> 按鈕 按鈕 計數 滑動 Twitter & Facebook 計數器
Here are some Vector Sliding Twitter and Facebook Social Counters. The idea here is to code it with javascript or CSS3 and have the ribbon ease out when the buttons are hovered over. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and is 100% vector, so you can re-scale this to any size if needed. Font used: Helvetica Neue Re-sale, hosting this download elsewhere and or Re-distribution is strictly forbidden. If used elsewhere, remember to link back to Icondeposit.com or this post. - Enjoy :d 按鈕 按鈕 計數 Sliding Twitter & Facebook Counter
<p>在這裡有一些向量滑動 Twitter 和 Facebook 社會計數器。這裡的想法是代碼與 javascript 或 CSS3 和有絲帶緩出當按鈕在上空盤旋。它包括 Photoshop PSD 像往常一樣,是 100%向量,所以你可以重新縮放這到任意大小如果需要.</p><p>使用字體: Helvetica 新</p><p>轉售,承載此下載其他地方和或重新分配嚴格禁止的。</p><p>如果用於其他地方,別忘了回 Icondeposit.com 或這篇文章連結。</p><p>-享受: d</p> 按鈕 按鈕 計數 滑動 Twitter & Facebook 計數器
14 in set A pack of 14 large-size Photoshop Brushes. The flowers and trees - like shapes were created in Adobe Illustrator. Enjoy 花草樹木像刷子
Rebound for the master @Paul Flavius Nechita :) - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd files - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Fully Customizable Enj0y :) * CHECK THE @2X SZE * Follow Me 0n : BeHance | Fb | Twitter | Linkedin | Viadeo photoshop 平 社會媒體 Social Network @Rebound #Freebies