The second volume of the polygon backgrounds is here! These seamless backgrounds make a great resource to use for websites and wallpapers. Download folder contains 5 ready to use JPG images, Photoshop pattern (PAT file) and the source PSD file. Have fun with it 背景 模式 多邊形 Seamless Polygon Backgrounds Vol.2
Waiting for the holiday season to start? Planning on throwing a big party this season? Have important meetings and deadlines to meet? Now, plan all your work in style with this Free Calendar Template freebie of the day, and never miss another appointment again. Mark all your dates with this sleek free calendar template and let all your tasks flow smoothly. This template is minimalist, yet functional and allows you to mark and circle important dates. Its small design allows maximum use for any kind of platform and since this is a template you can easily change and edit it according to your liking. It’s easy on the eyes and gives you ample room to encircle important dates in your calendar, all the while leaving enough room between dates so as not to disrupt visibility. So download this Free Calendar Template freebie today and mark down all your dates in style! 日曆 物件 web 表單 Free Calendar Template
A few month ago, I had shared with you video player for websites and music player. Today I bring you another beautiful video player template. It has all the common features of any video player. I hope you’d like this video player template and share your feedback in the comments. 視頻播放機 音樂 movie Video Player Template
Hi guys, I have shared with you several login page templates in my recent posts. Today I bring you another very useful login page template that offers facebook, twitter or google+ login option. This login template can be used in a full page or in a modal window. Thats up to you what kind of user experience you want to provide to your audience. It has all the common elements of a login page. Feel free to download and make necessary modifications as per your requirements. Hope you’d like this free login page template and promote us by sharing with your fellow designers. Happy Downloads! Credits: Museo Slab, Font Awesome 臉譜網 login template 模態框 Facebook, Twitter, Google+ Login Page
Today’s free PSD is a little project I started designing on the side that never really went anywhere! So why not give it away! This free PSD really takes aim at the new , u"’": uflat design’ trend hitting the world! I love this minimal design style and hopefully you guys enjoy this free PSD template! Use it however you like for commercial and personal projects ui kits 物件 業務 Free PSD - Web App UI
Today’s file is another set of high quality backgrounds to use for your presentations. Download contains the source PSD file with editable layers and 3 ready to use JPG images 背景 模糊 木材 3 Infinite Wooden Floors
Dark Music player user interface design with modern control panels. Sleek and professional looking UI kit made in Photoshop with organize layered 黑暗的 ui 音樂播放機 web 工具組 music knob psd Music Player UI kit PSD, Dark Theme UI design
Today we have a special freebie from PixelKit team. This is the amazing icon set 5 O’clock Shades. The freebie includes a PSD file with 16 iOS app style icons. If you’re one of the developers that tend to outsource the design elements of your projects, PixelKit can make life a whole lot easier for you. You don’t have to worry about getting your guidelines to the designer correctly, you don’t have to worry about paying up front for the work to be done and you don’t have to worry about waiting around while that work is completed. One of the other major sources of stress for web designers that PixelKit can eliminate happens when you get that work back from the outsourced designer. It’s not always going to be what you expected and, if you want changes, those changes are not likely to come for free. Utilizing PixelKit, you can eliminate the hassles that go along with getting a UI kit created. Before you buy, however, it does make sense to take a look at why UI kits are so important. Check out this special treat- the Free PixelKit Bootstrap UI Kits. You can download these modern HTML Bootstrap templates and use it to make your design even more functional and cool looking. 圖示 使用者介面設計 使用者介面工具組 5 O’clock Shades
This is the second volume of the curved wooden stages with 3 new high quality textures. Use them to showcase your product or design and get full control over the PSD file. This pack is sponsored by Freepik 背景 木材 鮮花 3 Curved Wooden Backdrops Vol.2
The second part of Viro UI features 2 user-friendly media players(video & audio), which can be used for web and mobile applications. All the elements in this set are editable and available in a single PSD file. Images are not included in the download 音樂播放機 使用者介面 視頻播放機 Viro Media Players UI
A few weeks earlier, I shared with you an Upload PSD and an Upload File psd template. Today I bring you another file upload dialog. It is quiet modern, simple & flat design. It includes common elements of an upload dialog. Hope you’d find it useful. Happy Downloading! 按鈕 模態框 使用者介面設計 File Upload
A few weeks ago I shared with you Upload File template. Today I bring you another upload modal window psd. It includes all most commonly used features with a beautiful user interface. Hope you will find this upload psd useful and attractive for your design. 使用者介面設計 ui kits 物件 Upload PSD
Today's PSD is a simple and sexy audio player with track title, artist name, and a progress indicator. 播放機 音樂 音訊 Audio Player PSD
Network server racks, a modern icon design idea created with Photoshop. Silver rack case with a power button and a glowing blue led lights 電腦 隔離 物件 Silver rack server, PSD web icon
A metro UI kit that will offer you an efficient way to deliver an awesome metro look and feel. You’ll never go wrong with a metro, flat design these days, it’s fresh and clean and most importantly it’s easy on the eyes and lets your users enjoy what is actually the most important, the content. 圖形化使用者介面 工具包 資源 Metro Vibes UI Kit
Various sports brushes. Includes all kinds of stuff sports-related, from bats and balls to footballs to hockey sticks. Version: Photoshop 7+ (CS's included), Photoshop Elements 2+, GIMP 2.2.6+ Terms of use: Commercial licenses: 體育 棒球 足球 體育的物件
8 Poison label photoshop brushes. I don’t require any credit or acknowledgment, though I appreciate it, and I would love to see what you do with them dollipop 標籤 物件 毒藥標籤
10 quality skull brushes with the avreage size of 500px. these brushes were created by hanyasatu hanyasatu 物件 頭骨 10 頭骨畫筆
Mostly circular but there are a few surprises in there ;). These brushes are free to use, free to use in your artwork, however they are subject to copyright and may not be distributed without written permission from myself. Please enjoy using these brushes, they are Compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS, CS2 + CS3 圓形 物件 設計 240 復古
This flat UI vector kit contains various widgets and block design elements for web projects. Included is a top bar, header, calendar, pricing table, video player, various form elements and more. In the pack you will find a well organised .psd file consisting entirely of vector shape and text layers 使用者介面 移動 平 Blocky Flat UI Vector Kit
Pack of pens and pencil. 4 wooden pens vector, 1 pencil and stylograph. 6 vectors in .psd format. Free Pack of Pens And Pencil vector graphic can be downloaded for free pencil psd pencils vector pens psd Pack of Pens And Pencil
黑色太陽鏡的插圖、 web 圖形和圖示。用 Photoshop 中,可用以 PSD 格式創建。用黑色的大飛行員太陽鏡鏡片反射的棕色環境。具有柔和陰影的背景上白色,孤立 黑色 物件 web PSD 黑色太陽鏡圖示
Photoshop 範本,木制面板與紙消息。老黃紙和你在一起,""": uI 馬上回來"的資訊。下載 Photoshop PSD 的來源和字體,並編寫您自己的消息。 < br / > 檢查,也 <a href="HTTP://"> 謝謝你注意</a> 和 <a href="HTTP://"> 深色木材紋理</a> 空白 物件 復古 木制面板與紙消息
一套性別符號 (圖示)。在藍色和粉色的女性的男性。使用漸變工具可以輕鬆地更改顏色。三個不同的圖形,兩個單跡象和 u""": umale & 女性"關係概念標誌。下載內容包括全尺寸預覽和編輯 psd 的來源與分隔資料夾中的所有符號 物件 符號 web 男性和女性的跡象