Jumping people silhouettes set that will give more vibrant and attractive vibe to your artworks. Download it now and use it freely for your web or print related projects. Jumping people silhouettes set which will help you to improve the look and feel of your web or print projects. It’s presented by 24 jumping silhouettes full with energy, each in different mood and pose. All figures are made by vector shapes completely scalable and editable. That will certainly save you time, money and trouble. Our set is released for free, so you can have it with just one click. Hit the download button and take our jumping people silhouettes set now. Preview Resolution: 594x950px File Format: PSD File Size: 0.228 MB Number of Items in Set: 24 Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. psd silhouettes 剪影 跳躍的人 Jumping People Silhouettes Set 1
使用這個迷人的死亡日主題系列,為活潑而充滿活力的慶祝活動做好準備。沉浸在墨西哥傳統的傳統中,骨骼穿著傳統服裝,並享受五顏六色的花朵的美麗。這些引人注目的角色設計非常適合增強您的動態圖形項目,網站設計,橫幅和社交媒體帖子。借助 Illustrator 的靈活性,您可以輕鬆自定義顏色和形狀,以滿足您的創意願景。使用這個愉快的套裝讓您的項目變得生動! 字元 day-of-the-dead 骨架 花卉骷髏日套裝
Crowd silhouettes set suitable for any kind of artworks as banners, flyers, posters, web templates, presentations and so on. Our downloadable pack contains 19 vector shapes designed with perfection in every detail. Crowd silhouettes set suitable for a wide range of design projects. We have created a set that contains 19 vector shapes that will fit well any flyer, posters, banners, presentations, newsletters and many more. Our set is released for free and you can easily have it with just one click. All layers are carefully named and arranged to save you time and trouble. If you like our crowd silhouettes set just click the free download button below and grab it. Preview Resolution: 594x950px File Format: PSD File Size: 1.07 MB Number of Items in Set: 19 Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. crowd silhouettes crowd silhouettes set psd silhouettes Crowd Silhouettes Set
I’m really happy to share with you an exclusive UI kit inspired by iOS 7 visual style. Get inspired and use the different elements included to create great looking apps. Huge thanks to Mohamed Elgendy for this amazing contribution 應用程式 7 ios iphone IOS 7 App Screens PSD
用這款迷人的婦女節海報設計來慶祝女性的力量和團結。展示各種顏色的婦女充滿活力的剪影,這張海報發送了團結的強大信息。有了賦予「女性聯合」的標題,它可以美麗地提醒女性的集體力量。 婦女 那位女士 女子 女性團結海報
這種設計展示了一位以紐約市為主題的女性頭像,提供可編輯和可定制的體驗。它融合了人物,建築物和風景的雙重曝光圖像,營造出迷人的視覺效果。借助輕鬆交換背景和個性化文本的功能,您可以自由地將其製作為自己的文本。 人民 藝術 poster-maker NY 女人照片插畫藝術
Today we have a free PSD file available for download. It includes a creative dashboard that can be used in your own designs. The PSD file is layered to allow for easy editing and customizations. Happy Downloading! 儀表板 平面設計 使用者介面 Dashborad PSD Freebie
Muhahaha ! Rebound For The Master @Roy Veldkamp :) LOCATION : Me In The "Hunter's Coffee Shop" From The Red Light District - Amsterdam City ! -> My Weed Maching Pantone System ! @Lemon Haze x2: - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Font Used: Helvetica Neue Family Enj0y ;) photoshop 反彈 雜草 Weed Maching System ! #Freebies
An easy on the eyes UI kit best used for a coffee shop, bistro or pastry website. An easy pick if you want your website to make an amazing impression. It comes with 100+ elements in 6 different categories that will help you knock your website out of the park. 清潔 工具包 光 Vanilla Cream Web Kit
這款 T 恤上的令人驚嘆的圖案展示了一位男人在日落時在山上徒步旅行。多功能設計非常適合襯衫、馬克杯、海報、連帽衫和其他商品。包括一個透明的 PNG 檔案,適用於按需列印服務,例如亞馬遜商品、Redbubble、Teespring、Printful 等。 t-shirt 徒步旅行 徒步旅行 日落山健行 T 恤
逃離殭屍的人的剪影,為這款 T 恤設計增添了刺激的感覺。適合各種產品,包括馬克杯、海報和連帽衫。包含透明 PNG 文件,方便在各種 POD 平台和在線商店上使用。 t-shirt 僵屍 剪影 殭屍跑 T 恤設計-圖案恐怖 T 恤
在 T 恤設計上展示了一個人做踏板車技巧的人的剪影。這款時尚的圖形可以應用於各種商品項目,例如馬克杯,海報和連帽衫。包括一個清晰的 PNG 文件,適用於按需打印服務,例如亞馬遜商品、Etsy、Redbubble 以及 Shopify 等電子商務平台。 t-shirt 滑板車 訣竅 踏板車特技 T 恤圖形
Here I have come up with a very useful resource for web designer & developers - notification bars. It has all the three error, information and success notification bar styles. As always you can download the free psd and can modify as per your design taste. Hope you’d find it useful and share your comments. You may also like my previous freebies Notification Bar - Web Elements and Website Notification Bar. Happy Downloading! 通知 web 表單 ui kits Notification Bars
在日落背景下的徒步旅行者插圖,採用多功能圖形 T 恤設計,適合各種商品項目。包括一個透明的 PNG 文件,非常適合 POD 平台,例如亞馬遜、Etsy 和 Redbubble 商品以及 Shopify 等在線商店。 t-shirt 遠足 徒步旅行 徒步旅行者的日落 T 恤設計
In past, I shared with you several menu templates such as Web Menu, Circle Menu, Horizontal Navigation Menus, Circular Menu (PSD) and Responsive Website Navigation. In this post, I have come up with a latest and modern flat dropdown menu template. Its simple, unique and stylish dropdown menu that can be incorporated as per your design requirements. You can modify the icons, text or colors by downloading the psd file. I will be happy to see your comments. Happy Designing! 功能表 ui kits 業務 Flat Dropdown Menu
Businessman vector character set containing 7 cheerful guys! These businessman characters are a must have for any designer. Download the whole set now for free! Businessman vector set featuring clean and clear characters. Use these smiling businessman characters for any business project, no matter if it is web or print related. Here’s a quick example - place any of our businessman characters to a slider carousel and then add your creative content. We assure you that our businessman characters will do the magic and live up your designs. Our free PSD file contains 7 smart objects. So you will need Adobe Illustrator if you need to customize the characters. The best part about our characters is that you can resize them as much as you need without quality loss. That’s why they are suitable for print projects too. ToonCharacters.com is a great place for stock cartoon characters. All sets contain a huge amount of poses where every character is made with attention to every detail. We strongly advise you to give it a look! Businessman Vector Character Set 1 Preview Resolution: 1020x1380pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 2.55 MBNumber of Items in Set: 7Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 商人字元 businessman vector businessman vector character set 1 Businessman Vector Character Set 1
看看這款時尚的 T 恤設計,展現女性划槳的輪廓。這款多功能圖案可應用於各種物品,例如襯衫、馬克杯、海報、連帽衫等。它包括一個透明的 PNG 文件,非常適合在按需打印平台上使用,例如亞馬遜、Etsy、Redbubble 和 Shopify 等電子商務商店。 t-shirt 剪影 女子 女式划槳 T 恤藝術
Easter graphics psd set suitable for a wide range of web and print projects. In this awesome set we have included 6 psd graphic elements that will help you to improve your artworks. Easter graphics psd set featuring 6 adorable illustrations that will fit to a wide range of print and web materials. There is no matter if your projects are commercial or you want to surprise your family and friends with something hand made. This set is made to save you time and efforts, no matter of the purpose. We put our hearts in these illustrations and we have no doubts that they will help you to impress your clients, friends and family. Our Easter set is a fully layered psd file which could be customized in Adobe Photoshop. All layers are carefully grouped, named and arranged to save you any inconvenience while you are opening the source file. Download our Easter graphics even if you don’t need them right now. We assure you that they will come in handy sooner or later. Moreover, any of these high quality graphics could be used for other projects. Just like the rabbit, it’s so cute, it literally screams: , u"”": uPut me on a T-Shirt!” If you are looking for holiday graphics, you should check our holiday category. We’ve got lot’s of Easter graphics there and of course, more are about to come in the near future. And when you’re ready with your holiday designs, please share with us your creative works! Easter Graphics PSD Set 1 Resolution: 1117x996pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.745 MBNumber of Items in Set: 6Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 復活節圖形 easter graphics psd 復活節圖示 Easter Graphics PSD Set 1
設計飾有一個人物與狗在雪中漫步,留下足跡。非常適合在 T 恤、海報、馬克杯、連帽衫等各種商品上印刷。隨時可在流行的隨選打印平台上使用,例如亞馬遜商品、Teespring、Redbubble、Printful 等。 t-shirt 人民 狗 冬季漫步 T 恤藝術
看看這款時尚的 T 恤圖案,展示著一個站在水上的女孩,被星星圍繞,背景還有復古時鐘。非常適合製作時尚的服裝和商品。非常適合在按需打印網站上使用,例如亞馬遜商品、Teespring、Redbubble、Printful 等。 空間 t-shirt 宇宙 宇宙女孩 T 恤設計-太空星鐘
滑雪纜車的插圖,帶有滑雪板運動員剪影,非常適合用於 T 恤、海報、馬克杯、連帽衫和其他商品。適用於列印,適用於流行的按需打印平台,例如 KDP 商品、亞馬遜、Teespring、Redbubble、Printful 等。 t-shirt 滑雪 體育 雪上運動 T 恤升降素描
製作一個 T 恤設計,展示騎滑雪纜車的三個人的剪影。這款設計已準備好打印,適用於各種商品,例如 T 恤、海報、馬克杯、連帽衫等。它可以在多個按需打印平台上使用,例如 KDP 商品,亞馬遜 Teespring,Redbubble,Printful 等。 t-shirt 滑雪 體育 滑雪纜車 T 恤雪上運動藝術
Today’s PSD is an eye-catchy text effect inspired by the cereal logos. This effect works with two layer styles piled up together. Easy and delicious 卡通 文字效果 人類 Muesli Text Effect
發現各種各樣的社交媒體圖標,其中包含 Skype,YouTube,谷歌和臉書等流行網絡。這些向量圖形擁有大量鮮豔的色彩,非常適合廣泛的應用程序,包括橫幅,應用程序和您想像的任何創意項目! 霓虹燈 social-media 臉譜網 霓虹燈社交媒體圖示
Sample file from hand drawn wings vector and photoshop brush pack Hand drawn bird wings free vector vector graphic can be downloaded for free 動物 _animals 人民 手繪鳥翅膀自由
A customizable Youth raglan psd and vector, very easy to use, use for whatever. Included 3 fabric textures light grey melange, dark grey melange, and purple 雖然 拉葛籣 短袖 青年袖向量 t 恤範本
<p>-&gt; Rebound For the Master <a href="https://dribbble.com/78806" class="url mention" data-user-id="78806" ref="contact">@Dmitriy Kharaberyush</a></p> <p>- Templates Based On 1024 Px GRID <br />- Pixel Perfect <br />- Fully Editable .psd <br />- 100% Vector Shapes <br />- Organized Layers <br />- Layer Easy to Change Color <br />- Font Used: Helvetica Neue Family</p> <p>Enj0y ;)</p> photoshop 範本 使用者介面 向設定檔重新設計 #Sample
<h3>Chef vector character set containing 6 awesome illustrations. No matter if you are about to design something for the food industry or not, these vector characters are a must have! Download our massive freebie now!</h3> <p>Chef vector set containing both male and female characters. That’s a free PSD set that could be used for all kind of restaurant designs, cafes, fast foods and any other food related businesses. Head straight to the download section and grab the sources now!</p> <p>Here’s a quick example. Place any of these chef characters to a slider carousel. And then put your content next to the character. We assure you that this way you will have much friendlier look of your design!</p> <p>So, if you are going to use any of these chef vectors, you might also need food related icons and graphics. Take a look at these <a title="Food Icons PSD Set" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/graphics/food-icons-psd-set" target="_blank">free psd icons</a>, that’s a massive set that contains kitchen utensils, glasses & pots, fruits, vegetables and many more.</p> <p>The PSD file contains only smart objects. These smart objects lead to Adobe Illustrator, so you will need that software if you intend to customize our characters. But don’t worry, you don’t need to be a graphic design ninja, only some basic skills in Adobe Illustrator are needed.</p> <div id="attachment_7240" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-7240" alt="Chef Vector Character Set Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/08/Chef_Vector_Character_Set_Preview.jpg" width="594" height="1079"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Chef Vector Character Set Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1000x1045px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 2.50 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 6<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 廚師字元 chef illustration 廚師向量 廚師向量字元設置 2
<h3>Businesswoman vector set containing 5 different characters. Our vector characters appear to really know how to do business. They are equipped with all kind of business accessories like briefcases, giant percent symbols, books and of course - money. Download the whole set now for free!</h3> <p>Businesswoman vector set featuring clean and clear style. We have made a set of 5 businesswoman characters and now we share the sources with you. It’s a good idea to download our vector characters even if you don’t need them right now. After all, good looking characters are always needed and you never know when they will come in handy.</p> <p>Our free PSD file contains smart objects which link to Adobe Illustrator. And that’s the software that you will need in order to open and edit the vector sources. It’s as easy as pie to customize our characters, you need just some very basic skills in Adobe Illustrator.</p> <p>Of course, we also have some <a title="Businessman Vector Character Set" href="http://freepsdfiles.net/graphics/businessman-vector-character-set-1" target="_blank">businessman vector characters</a> available. They also come completely free of charge, so you can easily switch between businessman and businesswoman to see which one of them suits to your projects better.</p> <div id="attachment_7284" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-7284" alt="Businesswoman Vector Character Set" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/08/Businesswoman_Vector_Character_Set_Preview.jpg" width="594" height="1434"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Businesswoman Vector Character Set</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1000x933px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 3.12 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 5<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> businesswoman vector businesswoman vector character businesswoman vector illustration 女商人向量字元集 1
<h3>Businessman vector character set containing 7 cheerful guys! These businessman characters are a must have for any designer. Download the whole set now for free!</h3> <p>Businessman vector set featuring clean and clear characters. Use these smiling businessman characters for any business project, no matter if it is web or print related. Here’s a quick example - place any of our businessman characters to a slider carousel and then add your creative content. We assure you that our businessman characters will do the magic and live up your designs.</p> <p>Our free PSD file contains 7 smart objects. So you will need Adobe Illustrator if you need to customize the characters. The best part about our characters is that you can resize them as much as you need without quality loss. That’s why they are suitable for print projects too.</p> <p><a title="Cartoon Character Mascots and Illustrations" href="http://tooncharacters.com/" target="_blank">ToonCharacters.com</a> is a great place for stock cartoon characters. All sets contain a huge amount of poses where every character is made with attention to every detail. We strongly advise you to give it a look!</p> <div id="attachment_7177" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-7177" alt="Businessman Vector Character Set 1 Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/08/Businessman_Vector_Character_Set_1_Preview_Big1.jpg" width="594" height="1392"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Businessman Vector Character Set 1 Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>1020x1380px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 2.55 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 7<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed.</strong> </p> 商人字元 businessman vector businessman vector character set 1 商人向量字元集 1
<h3>iPhone PSD graphics designed with close attention to every detail. We have made a set of 8 iPhones where 6 of them are presented in perspective. Go ahead and grab this massive freebie now!</h3> <p>iPhone PSD graphics featuring tons of pixel perfect details. We paid extra attention to every element and produced a high quality set. Download our iPhone graphics and use them on your next design projects.</p> <p>Nowadays, the iPhone as mobile device has become really popular. People are really keen on that tiny box. Therefore, we all see designs based on iPhones and mobile gadgets in the web and print world. And that’s why we have created this set - to ease you as much as possible with your designs. Do not hesitate anymore and head straight to the download section! Grab our iPhone PSD now!</p> <p>All iPhone graphics are completely scalable. We have converted all graphics to smart objects, so you will be able resize them as much as you need. No quality loss!</p> <p>Place the iPhones to a slider carousel for example. You’ve got plenty of perspectives to choose from, so we are sure that it will work great. You will certainly grab the attention of your visitors this way.</p> <p><strong>Resolution:</strong> 726x3000 px<br/><strong>File Format:</strong> PSD<br/><strong>File Size:</strong> 1.030 MB<br/><strong>Number of Items in Set:</strong> 8<br/><strong>Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-6790" title="iPhone PSD Graphics Preview" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/04/iPhone_PSD_Graphics_Preview.jpg" alt="iPhone PSD Graphics Preview" width="594" height="3795"/></p> iphone psd 移動 psd iphone graphics IPhone PSD 圖形
<h3>Fashion men silhouettes set that contains 24 stylish poses and moods. All figures are made by vector shapes and are completely editable and scalable. This set is released for free and will certainly save you time, money and frustration.</h3> <p>Fashion men silhouettes set suitable for a wide range of design related projects. Placing an elegant male silhouette on your artwork is definitely a good idea. Sometimes a tiny element is what you need to achieve a better result. All figures are made only by vector shapes, so you could easily adjust any of the poses to your artwork. If you are looking for good looking male silhouettes, than just click the free download button below. Our set will surely come in handy one way or another.</p> <div id="attachment_6467" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-6467" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/02/Fashion_Men_Silhouettes_Set_2_Preview.jpg" alt="Fashion Men Silhouettes Set 2 Preview" width="594" height="301"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>594x950px<strong><br/> File Format: </strong>PSD<strong><br/> File Size: </strong>0.272MB<strong><br/> Number of Items in Set: </strong>24<strong><br/> Author: </strong>Free PSD Files<strong/></p> <p>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. </p> fashion men silhouettes fashion men silhouettes set 1 fashion men silhouettes set 2 時尚男性輪廓設置 2
<h3>Fashionable women silhouettes set featuring 24 elegant poses that will easily suit to any situation. It’s suitable for any kind of print artworks as event banners, flyers, backgrounds, presentations, web and email templates and many more.</h3> <p>Fashionable women silhouettes set with stylish and attractive appearance. Our set could be the erfect addition to your design projects. The set contains 24 charming girls that will certainly improve the whole look and feel of your projects. All layers are vector shapes, which means that you can easily resize them in any resolution without losing quality. If you are looking for something similar, don’t hesitate any more and download our free fashionable women silhouettes set.</p> <div id="attachment_6353" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-6353" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/02/Fashionable_Women_Silhouettes_Set_2_Preview.jpg" alt="Fashionable Women Silhouettes Set 2 Preview" width="594" height="482"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>594x950px<strong><br/> File Format: </strong>PSD<strong><br/> File Size: </strong>0.236 MB<strong><br/> Number of Items in Set: </strong>24<strong><br/> Author: </strong>Free PSD Files<strong/></p> <p>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. </p> fashionable women silhouettes fashionable women silhouettes set 1 fashionable women silhouettes set 2 時尚女性剪影集 2
<h3>Fashion men silhouettes set created with perfection in every detail. If you want to make your artwork more notable and stylish, our set is especially for you. It consist of 24 elegant men silhouettes that could be the perfect addition to your projects.</h3> <p>Fashion men silhouettes set that will suits to a wide range of materials as flyers, posters, backgrounds, banners, web related projects and many more. We have made awesome set presented by 24 elegantly dressed men. The downloadable pack contains only vector shapes properly named and arranged. That’s cool, because you could resize them in any resolution without quality loss. Don’t lose more time and take our fashion men silhouettes set by clicking the free download button below.</p> <div id="attachment_6458" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-6458" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/02/Fashion_Men_Silhouettes_Set_1_Preview.jpg" alt="Fashion Men Silhouettes Set 1 Preview" width="594" height="299"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>594x950px<strong><br/> File Format: </strong>PSD<strong><br/> File Size: </strong>0.264 MB<strong><br/> Number of Items in Set: </strong>24<strong><br/> Author: </strong>Free PSD Files<strong/></p> <p>Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. </p> fashion men silhouettes fashion men silhouettes set 1 psd silhouettes 時尚男性輪廓設置 1
<h3>Yoga silhouettes set full of harmony and positive vibe. We have created an awesome silhouettes pack that will fit to any artwork related to yoga courses and healing programs.</h3> <p>Yoga silhouettes set that will be in help for any kind of artworks related to yoga courses and programs. All poses are made only by vector shapes. It will be as easy as pie to resize and adjust them the way you want. Now the best part! Our yoga silhouettes set is released as a freebie and it will cost you nothing to download it. You can do that by clicking the download button placed below.</p> <div id="attachment_6474" style="width: 604px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img class="size-full wp-image-6474" src="http://static.freepsdfiles.net/uploads/2013/02/Yoga_Silhouettes_Set_1_Preview.jpg" alt="Yoga Silhouettes Set 1 Preview" width="594" height="335"/><p class="wp-caption-text">Preview</p></div> <p><strong>Resolution: </strong>594x950px<br/><strong>File Format: </strong>PSD<strong><br/> File Size: </strong>0.188 MB<br/><strong> Number of Items in Set: </strong>24<br/><strong> Author: </strong>Free PSD Files</p> <p><strong/> Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. </p> psd silhouettes 剪影 人剪影 瑜伽剪影設置 1
<p>This freebie is a set of flat Wedding Icons featuring a long-shadow effect incorporating flat design and minimal colors, these icons are perfect for any wedding related project.</p> 人民 設計 業務 婚禮圖示
Today’s freebie is another little addition to the , u"”": ukeep it simple” family, a checkout process indicator or navigation - an absolute must for any ecommerce operation 清潔 電子商務 導航 結帳流程導航 (PSD)
I have shared these brushes for free...and you can use freely for any purposes...:D wiyat jump 跳轉 人 Udie WIYAT 跳刷
Sample file from set-2 hand drawn floral photoshop brush pack by www.stockgraphicdesigns.com 手繪 花卉 性質 手繪花卉-2
10 Hand Drawn Heart Brushes. Free for personal and commercial use. No credit back necessary 手繪 紅心大戰 情人節 手畫著心畫筆