使用這個令人難以置信的 PSD 模板創建令人驚嘆的模型構圖。放在桌子上的筆記型電腦,並配備書籍、耳機、相機等,輕鬆展示您的設計。使用 Photoshop 中的可編輯圖層輕鬆自訂和操作可移動和可擴展的道具。有了智能物件,您的設計放置變得輕而易舉。 小樣 可擕式電腦 電腦 技術樣機構成 PSD
看看這款時尚的 PSD T 恤設計,展示了一個充滿粉紅色和藍色頭髮的骨架,頭上擺著蛋糕。設計搭配了「悲傷慶典」的引言。掌握此 PSD 文件,為按需打印平台創建商品。該包包包括一個透明的 PNG 圖形和 PSD 文件,以便於自定義。 骨架 t-shirt-psd 骨架 女孩生日骷髏 T 恤 PSD
看看這個很棒的模型構圖,以進行酷炫的派對!它包括糖果面具和其他有趣的元素。使用此適用於 Photoshop 的可編輯 PSD 樣機,您可以輕鬆自定義和重新排列道具。有組織的圖層和智能物件使編輯變得輕而易舉。 小樣 方 組成 派對派對 PSD 模型
發現這款時尚的 PSD T 恤,並以「日本酸強力」一詞一起展示日本人。購買這款獨特的 PSD T 恤設計,在按需印刷平台上創作和銷售商品。包括一個透明的 PNG 圖像和 PSD 文件以供自定義。 日語 t-shirt-psd 日本 日本 T 恤 psd 驚人設計
獨特的 PSD T 恤設計,展示騎單車在土星環上巡航的單車手,並帶有「太空單車」一句。非常適合打印隨選商品。可列印的 T 恤 PSD 設計,其中包括額外的透明 PNG 版本。 騎自行車 t-shirt-psd bicylces 太空自行車 T 恤 PSD 藝術
看看這款酷炫的 PSD T 恤,展示了一名戰士女性,並帶有「荒地」短語。非常適合在按需打印平台上列印和銷售商品。該設計包括一個可打印的 T 恤 PSD 文件以及透明的 PNG 版本。 smart-method 陸軍 t-shirt-psd 軍隊異形圖案 T 恤 PSD 設計
看看這款超棒的 T 恤 PSD,展示了獨特的扭曲設計與貓咪。這款引人注目的圖案 T 恤可用於各種產品,例如襯衫、馬克杯、海報、連帽衫等。非常適合按需打印網站,例如亞馬遜商品、Etsy、Redbubble 商品以及 Shopify 等在線商店。預覽中顯示的設計可作為插圖。 貓 psd-t-shirt t-shirt-psd 貓奇妙的 psd T 恤可擴展
Retro badge PSD template perfect for a wide range of web and print related projects. Grab it now and use it as a starting point to develop something new and orignal that will suit perfectly to your projects. Retro badge PSD template released for free download. Our free PSD file is suitable for any kind of web or print projects. It is as easy as pie to use our badge PSD. All you have to do is to replace the text. However you could change the background photo and use it even as a slider image or desktop wallpaper for example. This free PSD template is made to save you time, money and efforts. And we know how important is that, especially when you are running out of time or on a tough budget. We have used only free fonts, which are listed below. The download archive contains PSD file that is fully layered and properly organised to save you frustration. Download our retro badge PSD template even if you don’t need it right now. It will surely come in handy later. Retro Badge PSD Template Preview Resolution: 1680x945pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 3.76 MBFonts: Habana, Cylburn, Deming EPAuthor: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. badge psd 徽章 psd 範本 badge template psd Retro Badge PSD Template
彩色報價主題 T 恤 PSD,採用時尚設計,適用於襯衫、馬克杯和海報等各種商品。適用於按需打印平台,包括亞馬遜、Etsy 和 Redbubble 商品以及 Shopify 等電子商務商店。預覽影像展示設計可能性。 多彩 psd-t-shirt t-shirt-psd 生動的 PSD T 恤設計模板
具有酷炫模糊效果的可編輯文字使這款 T 恤 PSD 成為必備品。這款多功能的圖形 T 恤設計非常適合各種商品產品,例如襯衫、馬克杯、海報和連帽衫。它非常適合 POD 平台,例如亞馬遜、Etsy、Redbubble 商品以及包括 Shopify 等電子商務商店。預覽設計展示了可能性。 模糊 psd-t-shirt t-shirt-psd 文字效果 T 恤樣機 PSD
Flyer psd template designed in 3 different color schemes. Our free psd flyer is suitable for all kind of events, be it musical events, kids parties or even gospel concerts. Feel free to change the look and feel of our flyer to match your own style. Flyer psd template featuring glossy effects and great typography. We have made a free flyer template that will suit all kind of events starting from disco nights to kids parties and non-profit events. Of course, you can take this flyer just as a starting point. Change the whole look and feel to match your own taste. Just don’t forget to add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your own brand. Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a affordable and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them are likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! We will help you by sharing our flyer template sources, so all you have to do is just to focus on your flyer campaign. 海報列印範本 傳單 psd flyer psd template Flyer PSD Template 2
Restaurant menu PSD template suitable for all kind of eateries, eating houses, fast foods, cafes and any other businesses that prepare and serve food and drinks. Restaurant menu PSD template designed in fresh and welcome style. We have included front, back and inner page templates. So, that’s pretty much all you need to build your menu. Just add as much inner pages as needed. We took care for the rest - bleeds, regulations and the other stuff are all properly set. Moreover, we have created a logo template especially for this restaurant menu. You can even take just the logo and use it on other projects. And these could be not only print materials, but also web designs, banners and emails. Just remember to keep creative! Don’t use our template as it is. Modify it, change the look and feel to come up with something even better. Always experiment with new techniques and adding other stuff to our templates. Also, take a look at how we did that template. You will certainly learn a lot just by examining our free PSD file. And that’s the point, to keep developing your skills, right? Size: A5 (14,8 x 21 cm) Regulation: 266 dpi Fonts: Lavanderia, GearedFile Format: PSDFile Size: 5.610 MBNumber of Items in Set: 3Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. cafe menu psd fast food menu psd 功能表上的食物 Restaurant Menu PSD Template
發現一款令人難以置信的 T 恤 PSD,展示可定制的水彩風格樹木。掌握這款可編輯的 PSD T 恤設計,在按需印刷平台上創建和銷售商品。包括一個透明的 PNG 圖形和 PSD 文件供下載。 t-shirt-psd 水彩 樹 水彩森林 T 恤 PSD
令人印象深刻的模型,具有可自定義的背包設計的前視圖。輕鬆修改並使用 Photoshop 中的 PSD 樣機,在可編輯圖層上具有可移動和可調整大小的道具。配備智能物件,輕鬆插入設計。 小樣 背包 backpack-mockup 前包模型設計」-標籤:模型, 背包, 模型, 包包, 包裝, 可編輯 psd
Brochure template psd featuring fresh and welcome style. Our brochure template would be the perfect match for all companies related to healthy lifestyle and nutrition. Brochure template psd designed in clear and clean style. We’ve made a high-quality print template - 300dpi, CMYK color regulation. Use our free brochure template for all kind of purposes, starting from health to nutrition and fitness. Using a free brochure template psd is certainly the easiest way out if you are on a low budget or tough schedule. We took care for everything, all layers of this free psd file are properly grouped and named. So, you won’t have any troubles to edit and customize our brochure. All you need is Adobe Photoshop and some basic skills in designing. Here’s a quick example - if you are about to design a brochure for a spa center, then your are in the right place. Of course, the uses of our brochure are countless, you can take just the layout and use it for practically all kind of purposes. We have included front page and 6 inner pages. So, that’s pretty much all you need to build your brochure. Feel free to add as much inner pages as you need based on our templates. We took care for the rest - bleeds, regulations and the other stuff are all properly set. Just remember to keep creative! 宣傳冊 psd brochure template psd 摺頁冊 Brochure Template PSD 2
創建一個令人驚嘆的滑塊樣機構圖,展示各種物品,例如襯衫,杯子等!使用我們在 Photoshop 中的 PSD 樣機設計您自己的個性化滑塊,並配備可調整和可擴展的道具。有了智能物件,可輕鬆地放置設計,這是增強您的網站的理想選擇! 小樣 滑塊 web 可編輯的滑塊樣機
在書籍上方使用我們可編輯的馬克杯創建令人驚嘆的模型作品。此 PSD 模型非常適合想要以逼真和專業的方式展示其設計的設計師。借助我們可移動且可擴展的道具,您可以輕鬆地在 Photoshop 中編輯和使用此模型。隨附的智能物件可輕鬆放置設計,讓您輕鬆自定義簡報。 小樣 馬克杯 杯 馬克杯書樣機
PSD logo design set containing 9 creative templates. If you are looking for a new logo for your company, then you’re on the right place. Download our vector logos for free! PSD logo design templates released today for free download! These logo templates could really help you for any project, starting from a website design to business cards and presentations. You know, logo designs are always welcome. So we suggest you to download the logos even if you don’t need them right now. They will surely come in handy one time or another. We have included 9 logo designs in this free PSD file. All of them use free fonts, so don’t worry about any extra editing fees. Just follow the links below to get the corresponding font. PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 3 Big Preview Resolution: 1500x1000File Format: PSDFonts: Faltura, Soup of Justice, Unchanged Thoughts, Gauntlet, Adam Warren Pro, PlanerFile Size: 432 KBNumber of Items in Set: 9Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. business logo psd business logo template 徽標 PSD Logo Design Templates Pack 3
色彩繽紛的獨角獸在帶有引言的迷人 PSD T 恤設計中彈吉他。即可列印,可在 POD 平台上出售商品。可自定義的 T 恤模板包括具有透明背景的 PNG 文件。 獨角獸 t-shirt-psd 吉他 音樂獨角獸 T 恤設計 PSD
Photoshop 中的這個 PSD 樣機允許您輕鬆編輯和使用帶有可自定義文本的各種名片。可編輯的圖層和智能物件使您可以輕鬆地放置和縮放設計。非常適合以專業且精緻的方式展示您的名片設計。 小樣 business-card 業務 方形卡樣機組
購買這款令人難以置信的模型套裝,展示了四個獨特的紙板盒,帶有便利的手柄。通過輕鬆將徽標和圖像合併到我們用戶友好的 PSD 模型中,來增強您的品牌。使用 Photoshop 中的智慧物件順暢地編輯和自訂您的設計。 小樣 框 包 模型盒把手套
自定義並使用具有可編輯的視覺效果和文本的 PSD 海報樣機,帶有塑膠感。透過 Photoshop 中的可編輯圖層輕鬆操作可移動且可擴展的道具。通過包括智能物件來簡化設計流程,以便於放置。 小樣 塑膠 紋理 彈性表面佈局演示
使用我們令人難以置信的 PSD 模型為您的汽車貼紙創建令人驚嘆的模型構圖。我們的系列具有停車的汽車,可讓您無縫地將徽標和圖像放在設計上。使用我們用戶友好的 Photoshop 智能物件輕鬆自定義您的樣機。 小樣 car-sticker 不乾膠標籤 汽車貼紙樣機設計
令人印象深刻的名片樣機,展示多張可自定義卡片。在 Photoshop 中使用具有可調的圖層和可移動元素的 PSD 模板。包括智能物件,可輕鬆整合設計。 小樣 business-card 業務 企業卡佈局樣機組合
使用這款專為 Photoshop 設計的可自定義 PSD 樣機,為玻璃杯創建令人驚嘆的模型設計。具有組織良好的圖層、可移動道具和智能物件,可輕鬆編輯。 小樣 玻璃 glass-mockup 透明容器樣品設計
這款 PSD 模型展示了一個具有藝術抽象圖案的令人驚嘆的手提包。它採用可編輯的圖層和可移動、可擴展的道具設計,使您可以輕鬆地在 Photoshop 中自定義設計。包括智能物件,可輕鬆地放置設計。 tote-bag 小樣 袋 抽象手提袋樣機
創建一個令人驚嘆的健身橫幅模型組合,展示襯衫,重量和其他健身元素。使用此 Photoshop PSD 樣機設計您自己的個性化橫幅,配備可編輯的圖層和可調節道具。使用智能物件輕鬆地放置設計。提升網站視覺吸引力的理想選擇。 小樣 橫幅 健身房 健身房橫幅網絡樣機
Stylish Footer Free PSD Template created in an unique and stylish way, fully layered and neatly organized for the users’ convenience. Grab our freebie now and use it in your upcoming web projects! Generally, all websites have footers and designers and developers are always on the lookout for a new, fresh design for their projects. This is why we created a useful, stylish footer, which can be edited easily by anyone. It will surely catch the eye of visitors and the unique style will make it stand out from the rest. The stylish footer psd template is fully layered and editable, which means that all layers are free to customize as you wish and stretch however you like. You can also replace the text over the , u"”": uReturn to Top” button with whatever you want. The psd structure is very well organized in named folders, which makes the designer’s job a lot easier and saves them time. So there will be no confusion when they decide to edit and play around with it. Not only is our template one of a kind and eye-catching, but the size of the file is very little - only 96 KB. You’ll be free to use it without causing any overload problems to your computer. Go ahead and download it now for free! Need more templates to use for your projects? We have a wide selection of unique and stylish web elements you could check out and download for free. Stylish Footer Free PSD Template Resolution: 1601x601 pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.96 MBFonts: Myriad Black Semi CondensedAuthor: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 頁腳 psd footer psd template 頁腳範本 Stylish Footer Free PSD Template
在此模型中,用手握住蓋子,創建自己獨特的罐子設計。根據您的喜好自定義包裝,並使用我們的 PSD Mockup 模板添加徽標和圖像。使用 Photoshop 中的智慧物件輕鬆編輯。 小樣 罐子裡 包裝 容器樣機佈局
令人難以置信的模型設計,展示了一個可定制的香檳杯,被肉桂棒和各種其他元素包圍。在 Photoshop 中自定義並將此 PSD 樣機與我們可調整的圖層,用於移動和調整道具大小。包括智能物件,可輕鬆插入設計。 小樣 玻璃 glass-mockup 閃亮玻璃設置
製作令人驚嘆的 T 恤樣機,以迷人的構圖,裝飾著花朵和葉子。通過將徽標和圖像添加到我們用戶友好的 PSD 模型中,輕鬆定制您的設計。使用專為 Photoshop 設計的智慧型物件順暢地編輯它們。 小樣 t-shirt t 恤 花卉 T 恤樣機組
App showcase PSD mockups designed in 4 creative styles. Use our mockups to present your applications in an unique fashion. App showcase PSD set containing 4 mockups that are perfect for presenting applications. We put our creative juices into action and produced a huge set with app screens in different views. Use our mockups to make your apps stand out from the crowd! We know that the best way to transform a good-looking app to a state-of-art application is to present it in an eye-catchy way. Nowadays, it’s more important to have a good presentation rather than a good product. We are sure that our mockups will be greatly appreciated also by web/ui designers. After all, using our app mockups is a pretty fast, drag-and-drop way to present an app. You save time and efforts. Our app showcase mock-ups are extremely easy to edit. All you have to do is just to replace the smart objects with your own app screens. And that’s it. No ninja skills required. Just make sure to put high-res screens in order to achieve good results. Actually, you don’t have to present real applications. Sometimes it’s a good idea to create fake apps and put them in a slider carousel or banner for example. This way you will produce eye-catchy graphics and will attract the customer’s attention. And with our creative mockups, we guarantee that whatever app you make, it will look much nicer. So, take your time to create a mobile application and don’t forget to present it by using one of our creative mockups! They are all free! Download our app mockups for free, but don’t forget to spread the word about our freebie. Backlink is required if you intend to redistribute our set. Looking for a premium mobile template? Take a look at ChocoTemplate’s latest mobile templates. Resolution: 2465x3349 px Regulation: 300 dpi File Format: PSDFile Size: 3.310 MBNumber of Items in Set: 4Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 應用程式模型 app psd 應用程式展示 App Showcase PSD Mockups
創建令人驚嘆的草圖樣式佈局,展示紙張,書寫工具,筆記本電腦和咖啡。利用這款專為 Photoshop 設計的可自訂 PSD 模型,配有整齊排列的圖層、可移動道具和智能物件,輕鬆自定義。 小樣 紙張 頁 紙張素描佈局設計
探索令人驚嘆的化妝品樣機構成,展示可編輯的琥珀泵瓶。利用我們用戶友好的智能物件進行 Photoshop 編輯,在我們的 PSD 樣機上輕鬆自定義徽標和圖像。 小樣 pump-bottle 化妝品 可編輯的泵瓶樣機
創建專業的模型設計,用於可定制的汽車貼紙。輕鬆將徽標和圖像添加到我們的 PSD 樣機,並使用我們在 Photoshop 中的用戶友好的智能物件自定義它們。 小樣 car-sticker 不乾膠標籤 車輛貼花佈局展示
使用此可編輯的迷你黑板創建令人驚嘆的生日模型作品。利用我們在 Photoshop 中的 PSD 樣機輕鬆編輯和自定義可移動和可擴展的道具。使用提供的智能物件輕鬆地放置您的設計。 小樣 黑板前 方 迷你派對黑板樣機
Christmas banner set containing 4 PSD templates. Spread the warmth of Christmas by using our Christmas banner set. Go straight to the download area and grab the PSD set! Make your holiday designs special this year by using our Christmas banner PSD templates. Add a holiday look to your websites and make your visitors feel welcome. Nothing can match the atmosphere that our Christmas banners could produce to your creative artworks. When Christmas time comes, we love to spread warm greetings and enjoy the peace of the holidays. But, in order to send greeting cards and spread the holiday atmosphere, we all need graphics, right? So, we did the hard work and designed plenty of Christmas graphics. Feel free to download our Christmas graphics and use them on web and print projects. Of course, we have used a free font on our Christmas banners to save you any editing fees. It’s a Google font called , u"”": uQwigley”. You can change it any time you like, but we suggest you to stick with handwritten fonts as they add warm look and feel. We have designed the Christmas banners in high resolution. This way you can reshape them to the size you need. Moreover, you can take the graphics from our banners and use them on other projects. For example, use the holiday tree and the snow for creating a greeting card. You will save time and efforts this way. Our Christmas banner PSD templates could be used as: Headers. Illustrations. Graphics. Sliders. Christmas Banner PSD Templates Preview Fully Layered Christmas Banner PSD Resolution: 1350x794pxFile Format: PSDFonts: QwigleyFile Size: 1.28 MBNumber of Items in Set: 4Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. banners psd 耶誕節橫幅 耶誕節橫幅 psd Christmas Banner PSD Templates
讓你的手在這個驚人的麵包店模型組成,展示一個可編輯的框架以及一個令人愉快的品種的糕點和麵包。將您的標誌和圖像放在我們的 PSD 模型上,輕鬆自定義您的設計。利用 Photoshop 中用戶友好的智能對象輕鬆編輯和增強視覺效果。 小樣 幀 麵包店 烤架樣機組成
適用於 Photoshop 的可編輯 PSD 樣機,展示出令人驚嘆的設計,並帶有可定制的香檳杯。包括結構良好的圖層,可方便地調整道具,以及智能物件可輕鬆自定義。 小樣 玻璃 glass-mockup 泡泡杯設計樣機
用我們令人印象深刻的農曆新年模型構圖展示您的設計。這款多功能模型包括筷子、醬油等元素,讓您創造出令人驚嘆的演示。通過使用我們方便的 PSD 樣機放置徽標和圖像,輕鬆定制此模型。借助我們用戶友好的 Photoshop 智能物件,編輯從未如此簡單。 小樣 中文 組成 農曆新年模型
創建一個令人驚嘆的咖啡橫幅模型組合,展示杯子,咖啡豆等等!使用此 Photoshop PSD 樣機來設計您自己的自訂橫幅,其中包含易於編輯的圖層和可移動、可擴展的道具。這款模型採用智能物件可輕鬆放置設計,非常適合增強您網站的視覺吸引力。 小樣 橫幅 咖啡 咖啡橫幅網絡樣機
看看這款出色的模型設計,展示了可編輯的玻璃杯。使用專門用於 Photoshop 的可編輯 PSD 樣機。包括結構良好的圖層,可輕鬆調整道具,以及智能物件,提供無縫的編輯體驗。 小樣 玻璃 glass-mockup 葡萄酒杯視覺模型設計
這種令人難以置信的模型組合展示了可定制的方形咖啡,以及鉛筆和各種其他元素。利用我們的可編輯圖層和易於移動和可擴展的道具,利用 Photoshop 中的 PSD 樣機。包括智能物件,設計和放置藝術品變得輕而易舉。 小樣 squared-sheet 紙張 可編輯的頁面樣機
創建令人驚嘆的卡片模型構圖,其中採用時尚的灰色石頭,飾有細膩的樹枝。通過輕鬆地將徽標和圖像插入我們用戶友好的 PSD 樣機上來增強您的設計。使用我們專為 Photoshop 設計的智慧物件,體驗無縫編輯。 小樣 卡 greeting-card 賀卡頁面佈局
創建令人驚嘆的海報樣機設計,展示一塊石頭和樹枝。在 Photoshop 中自定義此 PSD 樣機,使用可調整的圖層,以提供可移動和調整大小的道具。包括智能物件,可輕鬆整合設計。 小樣 紙張 頁 樹枝佈局紙樣機
使用這款模型設計來定制您的設計,展示可編輯的布料卷,使您可以輕鬆地融入圖案。利用此 PSD 模型適用於 Photoshop,配備了結構良好的圖層,可移動道具和智能物件,以進行無縫編輯。 小樣 織物 縫紉 紡織卷縫紉佈局
創建令人驚嘆的農曆新年模型構圖,展示可自定義的賀卡和信封。利用此專為 Photoshop 設計的可編輯 PSD 樣機。包括組織良好的圖層、可移動道具和智能物件,提供無縫的編輯體驗。 小樣 中文 greeting-card 中國卡信封樣機
這款令人驚嘆的模型構圖展示了一張可定制的卡片,裝飾著美麗的花朵。使用我們的可編輯圖層可以輕鬆地在 Photoshop 中編輯和使用它,使您可以輕鬆地移動和調整道具的大小。隨著智能物件的納入,設計變得輕而易舉,因為您可以順暢地放置設計。 小樣 卡 greeting-card 花卡模型佈置
使用這款令人難以置信的 Photoshop PSD 樣機,創建令人驚嘆的模型設計。它在禮物上具有可定制的禮物包裝,使您可以輕鬆個性化設計。有了有組織的圖層和智能物件,編輯從未如此簡單。 小樣 gift-wrap 禮品 禮品包裝樣機設計
打造出令人驚嘆的開放手冊樣式,展示美味的鬆餅和一杯咖啡。在 Photoshop 中自定義此 PSD 樣機,具有可調整圖層,以重新定位和調整元素的大小。包括智能物件,可輕鬆插入設計。 小樣 摺頁冊 業務 商業手冊樣機佈局