使用我們令人驚嘆的模型構圖,其中包括筆記本電腦優雅放在桌子上,並與引人入勝的物體,例如相機、植物和筆記本等迷人物件,增強您的設計簡報。利用我們用戶友好的 Photoshop 智能物件的便利性,輕鬆地將徽標和圖像添加到我們的 PSD 樣機上,輕鬆自定義構圖。 小樣 可擕式電腦 電腦 筆記本電腦技術樣機
使用這個專業的 PSD 模板創建令人驚嘆的模型構圖。這款模型採用一個充滿文具元素的手提袋,非常適合展示您的設計。使用我們可編輯的圖層和可移動道具,輕鬆在 Photoshop 中自定義和編輯模型。有了智能物件,放置您的設計從未如此簡單。 小樣 tote-bag 組成 技術手提袋樣機
使用這個令人難以置信的 PSD 模板創建令人驚嘆的模型構圖。放在桌子上的筆記型電腦,並配備書籍、耳機、相機等,輕鬆展示您的設計。使用 Photoshop 中的可編輯圖層輕鬆自訂和操作可移動和可擴展的道具。有了智能物件,您的設計放置變得輕而易舉。 小樣 可擕式電腦 電腦 技術樣機構成 PSD
創建令人驚嘆的手機樣式佈局,展示兒童玩具。利用適用於 Photoshop 的可自定義 PSD 模型。包括精心排列的圖層,可輕鬆調整道具,以及智慧型物件可進行無縫編輯。 小樣 電話 iphone 科技玩具手機構成
Solex - So close to the edge. Named it after that song. It's a cool song. lol. This is a more techish grunge brush set, i thought i should think outside the box of just making a bunch of swirly lines and stuff like always. I hope you like it. I've yet to make a brush set that compares with Winter Breeze, but i'm always trying ^_^ Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License 抽象 索勒克斯 axeraider70 S O L E X 畫筆
30 Grungy Photoshop brushes with a bit of a tech elements added it for a techy effect. perfect making sigs 那些 科技 設計 VZR 在汙跡筆刷
This pack includes the gopro camera vector Ai. / EPS / PSD and also a png file. Enjoy 體育 黑色 照片的相機 GoPRO Camera Vector Hero4 Black
Moto360 mockup vector for the tech geeks, wearable tech fans and designers out there 科技 使用者介面 android 系統 Moto360 Mockup
Check out this new Free Tech and Web Elements Vector Pack! Included in this pack are 24 tech vectors, web element vectors, computer vectors, and more. This web element vector pack includes .ai, .eps and .psd files web element vectors 科技 技術 Free Tech and Web Elements Vector Pack
Check out this smart device vector set that includes desktop computer vectors, smart phone vectors, tablet vectors, and more. Use these smart device vector icons in your next tech projects smart device vector technology vector 科技 免費向量平面設備圖示
1000 in set Upgrade your photo manipulations with these high-tech circle designs! With over 1000 brushes in this set organized from simple to complex, youll have no troubles finding the right one for your Photoshop artwork 固體科技環
21 Photoshop presets of retro sci-fi inspired brushes perfect for making classic space age looking technical documents. Regards and if you like my resources checkout 4sidedpolygon.com 復古 sci-fi 科技 復古科技的筆刷設置
A set of techy looking photoshop brushes all based around circles and lines. These brushes are good for a retro sci-fi look. For more information check out www.4sidedpolygon.com 科技 復古 藍圖 迴圈連接
Simple Neon Digital Circuit Technology PSD with a blue color scheme. This technology PSD has digital abstract elements. Also, this technology PSD is only available for personal use 抽象 科技 技術 Neon Digital Circuit Technology PSD
I made this computer PSD in my spare time on a school day hope this help's in your projects in the future. Also check the license to use this computer PSD for either personal or commercial use 蘋果 i mac imac 電腦 PSD iMac
Check out this new Free Tech and Web Elements Vector Pack! Included in this pack are 24 tech vectors, web element vectors, computer vectors, and more. This web element vector pack includes .ai, .eps and .psd files web element vectors 科技 技術 免費的技術和 Web 元素向量包
Adobe Photoshop Tech Brush Set III Compatibility for this tech brush pack: Adobe Photoshop 7.0 & Up Download Includes: 1 .abr (Adobe Photoshop) file in a .zip (compressed formatted) file with 10 tech brush files. License: For Personal & Commercial Use. {c} 2012 BrushStock.com 箭頭 框 電動 科技畫筆設置三
Simple Neon Digital Circuit Technology PSD with a blue color scheme. This technology PSD has digital abstract elements. Also, this technology PSD is only available for personal use 抽象 科技 技術 霓虹數位電路技術 PSD
Upgrade your photo manipulations with these high-tech circle designs! With over 1000 brushes in this set organized from simple to complex, you’ll have no troubles finding the right one for your Photoshop artwork. - Works with Photoshop 7 or newer - May be used for commercial artwork - Credits are very much appreciate but not required - Higher resolution brushes available 跡象 固體 科技 固體科技環
i thought these turned out to be really cool after messing around with them for a while These are also compatable with Photoshop Elements 3 and up 科技 2bit 暮光之城 2 位暮光之城