這個可擴展的馬克杯模板非常適合咖啡和茶杯,允許您出售數千種杯子。它具有華麗的設計,帶有多種顏色鮮豔的繪畫筆畫的可編輯圖像。無論您是使用 POD 平台還是您自己的商店,這款 PSD 設計都非常適合創建令人驚嘆的馬克杯,吸引您的客戶。 馬克杯 塗料 藝術 藝術馬克杯設計模板
介紹專為泰國料理餐廳和食品設施打造的引人入勝的徽標模板設計。這款出色的設計展現了令人愉悅的沙田卡通插圖,並以「泰國料理」文字為增添真實性。讓自己沉浸在這款設計的靈活性中,因為它允許自定義的文字,完美地體現泰國美食精髓的匹配字體。使用這個引人入勝的標誌範本來提升您的品牌。 食品 徽標 泰語 泰國食品標誌模板
創建帶有海灘背景的吸引人的旅行主題登陸頁面模板。利用我們可自定義的 Web 模板來製作出令人驚嘆的登陸頁面設計,非常適合創建用戶體驗線框和界面設計。 web-template 旅行 旅行 冒險網絡模板風景
彩色報價主題 T 恤 PSD,採用時尚設計,適用於襯衫、馬克杯和海報等各種商品。適用於按需打印平台,包括亞馬遜、Etsy 和 Redbubble 商品以及 Shopify 等電子商務商店。預覽影像展示設計可能性。 多彩 psd-t-shirt t-shirt-psd 生動的 PSD T 恤設計模板
Brochure template psd featuring fresh and welcome style. Our brochure template would be the perfect match for all companies related to healthy lifestyle and nutrition. Brochure template psd designed in clear and clean style. We’ve made a high-quality print template - 300dpi, CMYK color regulation. Use our free brochure template for all kind of purposes, starting from health to nutrition and fitness. Using a free brochure template psd is certainly the easiest way out if you are on a low budget or tough schedule. We took care for everything, all layers of this free psd file are properly grouped and named. So, you won’t have any troubles to edit and customize our brochure. All you need is Adobe Photoshop and some basic skills in designing. Here’s a quick example - if you are about to design a brochure for a spa center, then your are in the right place. Of course, the uses of our brochure are countless, you can take just the layout and use it for practically all kind of purposes. We have included front page and 6 inner pages. So, that’s pretty much all you need to build your brochure. Feel free to add as much inner pages as you need based on our templates. We took care for the rest - bleeds, regulations and the other stuff are all properly set. Just remember to keep creative! 宣傳冊 psd brochure template psd 摺頁冊 Brochure Template PSD 2
探索這款時尚馬克杯模板設計,其中包含強大的名言「這個馬克杯屬於...」。使用這款非凡的可編輯 AI 杯設計,釋放您的創造力並個性化您自己的馬克杯。享受 JPG、AI 和透明 PNG 文件格式的便利性。與各種商品 POD 平台兼容,這款設計非常適合表達您獨特的風格。 報價 馬克杯 報價單 自定義馬克杯報價模板
探索這款令人驚嘆的書封面設計,展示了一個如畫的農場場景,包括公雞、盛開的花朵和迷人的農舍。存取這個可自訂的書封面設計,以在 Amazon KDP 上開始銷售,或推出自我出版的作品。該文件包括適用於 100 頁書籍的常用 PDF 封面尺寸。 農場 book-cover 農村 農村書封面設計模板
探索展示各種尺寸的平面設計系列。這些設計在綠色背景下突出了整個水果和切片的鮮豔圖案。佈局包括可自定義的文本空間,其中寫著「新鮮食物」。非常適合各種應用,例如卡片,傳單,書籤,橫幅等! 範本 水果 食品 充滿活力的餐點模板集
Flyer psd template designed in 3 different color schemes. Our free psd flyer is suitable for all kind of events, be it musical events, kids parties or even gospel concerts. Feel free to change the look and feel of our flyer to match your own style. Flyer psd template featuring glossy effects and great typography. We have made a free flyer template that will suit all kind of events starting from disco nights to kids parties and non-profit events. Of course, you can take this flyer just as a starting point. Change the whole look and feel to match your own taste. Just don’t forget to add your own catchy text and adjust the colors to suit your own brand. Using flyer templates to promote your brand and products is a affordable and effective strategy. You reach a wide range of customers and most of them are likely to turn into loyal customers. So, don’t miss an opportunity to get your brand more popular and start your flyer campaign straight away! We will help you by sharing our flyer template sources, so all you have to do is just to focus on your flyer campaign. 海報列印範本 傳單 psd flyer psd template Flyer PSD Template 2
準備好讓我們的藝術和精緻的標籤或標籤設計吸引。這款傑作以時尚的金色文字鑲嵌在迷人的抽象形狀的皮革紋理背景下,散發了創造力和專業的獨特融合。準備好使用這款令人驚嘆的設計將您的品牌提升到新高度。享受它帶來的美麗和優雅! 抽象 皮革 紋理 抽象皮革標籤範本
探索令人驚嘆的婚禮邀請模型,展示一輛裝飾著花朵和氣球的迷人自行車。氣球優雅地顯示幸福夫婦的名字,而側面大膽宣告「保存日期」。以柔和的粉彩色調呈現,可以根據您的喜好進行個性化的顏色。創造時尚獨特的婚禮邀請函的理想選擇! 婚禮 保存 日期 婚禮日帖子模板
A few weeks ago, I had shared with you a One Page Resume Template. Today, I bring you another exciting free resume template that will hopefully make your professional life a lot easier. Just download the resume template and edit the information to suit your requirements. Of course, you can change the section names and details. If you like this resume template, you may also be interested in checking out Free Personal Portfolio Website Template, Portfolio Web Template or Social Website Template. Fonts: Museo Sans 簡歷 範本 themes Resume Template
Retro badge PSD template perfect for a wide range of web and print related projects. Grab it now and use it as a starting point to develop something new and orignal that will suit perfectly to your projects. Retro badge PSD template released for free download. Our free PSD file is suitable for any kind of web or print projects. It is as easy as pie to use our badge PSD. All you have to do is to replace the text. However you could change the background photo and use it even as a slider image or desktop wallpaper for example. This free PSD template is made to save you time, money and efforts. And we know how important is that, especially when you are running out of time or on a tough budget. We have used only free fonts, which are listed below. The download archive contains PSD file that is fully layered and properly organised to save you frustration. Download our retro badge PSD template even if you don’t need it right now. It will surely come in handy later. Retro Badge PSD Template Preview Resolution: 1680x945pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 3.76 MBFonts: Habana, Cylburn, Deming EPAuthor: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. badge psd 徽章 psd 範本 badge template psd Retro Badge PSD Template
探索這款迷人的馬克杯設計,展現令人愉悅的雛菊花圖案。客製化這款獨特的杯子設計,以便在商品隨選印刷平台上出售。訪問並下載馬克杯的可編輯 AI,JPG 和透明 PNG 模板! 花卉 馬克杯 菊花 雛菊花杯裝飾模板
引入了一個時尚和清爽的名片設計模板與充滿活力的綠色配色方案,靈感來自健康的本質。這款設計具有瑜伽從業者的迷人輪廓,並輔以折衷的字體,非常適合瑜伽專業人士。設置在一個迷人的瑜伽模式的背景下,這個模板散發著平靜和寧靜的感覺。通過這款迷人的設計提升您作為瑜伽老師的存在感。享受風格與健康的和諧融合! 瑜伽 business-card 範本 瑜伽 Biz 卡綠色範本
Restaurant menu PSD template suitable for all kind of eateries, eating houses, fast foods, cafes and any other businesses that prepare and serve food and drinks. Restaurant menu PSD template designed in fresh and welcome style. We have included front, back and inner page templates. So, that’s pretty much all you need to build your menu. Just add as much inner pages as needed. We took care for the rest - bleeds, regulations and the other stuff are all properly set. Moreover, we have created a logo template especially for this restaurant menu. You can even take just the logo and use it on other projects. And these could be not only print materials, but also web designs, banners and emails. Just remember to keep creative! Don’t use our template as it is. Modify it, change the look and feel to come up with something even better. Always experiment with new techniques and adding other stuff to our templates. Also, take a look at how we did that template. You will certainly learn a lot just by examining our free PSD file. And that’s the point, to keep developing your skills, right? Size: A5 (14,8 x 21 cm) Regulation: 266 dpi Fonts: Lavanderia, GearedFile Format: PSDFile Size: 5.610 MBNumber of Items in Set: 3Author: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. cafe menu psd fast food menu psd 功能表上的食物 Restaurant Menu PSD Template
This freebie is a flat Business PSD template designed with flat colors and unique design. The package comes with 4 fully editable files for easy customization. It comes with pages such as Home, About Us, Contact and Portfolio. Clean, modern business templates help make a great impression on your customers. 業務 finance 範本 Flat Business Template
This unique freebie is a template for a product landing page in PSD format. The product landing template can be used to design and develop landing pages for any digital product or service. The package comes with a fully editable PSD file allowing you to easily customize it. 範本 themes 業務 Product Landing Page Template
GYMSports is a modern PSD template for fitness and gym related website. It can also be used for any other type of website such as sports, spa, events and many more. The template consists of well-organized components that are easy to modify. It includes 9 fully layered PSD files. GYMSports is integrated with freely available Open Sans typeface. 範本 themes ui kits GYMSports PSD Template
Waiting for the holiday season to start? Planning on throwing a big party this season? Have important meetings and deadlines to meet? Now, plan all your work in style with this Free Calendar Template freebie of the day, and never miss another appointment again. Mark all your dates with this sleek free calendar template and let all your tasks flow smoothly. This template is minimalist, yet functional and allows you to mark and circle important dates. Its small design allows maximum use for any kind of platform and since this is a template you can easily change and edit it according to your liking. It’s easy on the eyes and gives you ample room to encircle important dates in your calendar, all the while leaving enough room between dates so as not to disrupt visibility. So download this Free Calendar Template freebie today and mark down all your dates in style! 日曆 物件 web 表單 Free Calendar Template
Today’s Free PSD Website Template is called , u"’": uOrganic’ - a clean and crisp home page website PSD template. This PSD website home page design would suit a clean cut corporate site or even some kind of quirky photo blog 有機 範本 blazrobar Organic - Free Website PSD Template
Stylish Footer Free PSD Template created in an unique and stylish way, fully layered and neatly organized for the users’ convenience. Grab our freebie now and use it in your upcoming web projects! Generally, all websites have footers and designers and developers are always on the lookout for a new, fresh design for their projects. This is why we created a useful, stylish footer, which can be edited easily by anyone. It will surely catch the eye of visitors and the unique style will make it stand out from the rest. The stylish footer psd template is fully layered and editable, which means that all layers are free to customize as you wish and stretch however you like. You can also replace the text over the , u"”": uReturn to Top” button with whatever you want. The psd structure is very well organized in named folders, which makes the designer’s job a lot easier and saves them time. So there will be no confusion when they decide to edit and play around with it. Not only is our template one of a kind and eye-catching, but the size of the file is very little - only 96 KB. You’ll be free to use it without causing any overload problems to your computer. Go ahead and download it now for free! Need more templates to use for your projects? We have a wide selection of unique and stylish web elements you could check out and download for free. Stylish Footer Free PSD Template Resolution: 1601x601 pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.96 MBFonts: Myriad Black Semi CondensedAuthor: Free PSD Files Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. 頁腳 psd footer psd template 頁腳範本 Stylish Footer Free PSD Template
探索專為生日慶祝活動而設計的驚人範本集合,包括四篇引人入勝的社交媒體帖子。使用此可自定義的模板製作您的獨特帖子,並具有可編輯的文本顏色和其他功能! social-media birthday-invitation 生日 生日社交帖子集」社交媒體生日邀請生日快樂生日慶祝模板
Simple, sleek and beautiful - those are the basic qualities of a macbook pro, so we thought of sharing this wonderful macbook pro mockup as our freebie of the day. Mockup templates such as these are great if you have design work to showcase for potential clients and to show users how your website or service will look like on a macbook pro. So download this simple macbook mockup today, with its sleek design and front view. The minimal beauty of this macbook pro mockup template will certainly not go unnoticed once you present your ideas with this template. 小樣 技術 範本 Macbook Pro Mockup Template
Creative Time is a simple, clean and modern PSD template designed for creative agencies, designers, freelancer and online businesses. This freebie PSD theme can be customized to suit mobile devices. The package comes with a fully editable PSD file for easy modification. 藝術 design 範本 Creative Time Responsive Template
發現一個令人難以置信的書籍封面設計,展示一個開始驚心動魄的森林徒步旅行的男人迷人的輪廓。這款富有藝術感和富有想像力的書籍封面設計非常適合增強 KDP 作品、筆記本、期刊、日記等的視覺吸引力。憑藉其受歡迎程度和多功能性,該設計具有 PDF 封面尺寸,專門滿足 100 頁書籍的需求。 徒步旅行 book-cover 森林 森林徒步旅行書夾克
A few month ago, I had shared with you video player for websites and music player. Today I bring you another beautiful video player template. It has all the common features of any video player. I hope you’d like this video player template and share your feedback in the comments. 視頻播放機 音樂 movie Video Player Template
探索引人入勝的標誌範本設計,帶有時尚氣息。這個藝術傑作展現了手繪插畫、複雜的字母和迷人的細節。使用 Northway 標誌讓自己沉浸在真實的本質中。 徽標 logo-template 概念 時尚徽標概念徽章
讓您掌握這款時尚的書封面設計,展示清爽的雞尾酒。非常適合您的 KDP 日記,日記,著色書,計劃者等等!它包括針對 100 頁的書籍量身定制的亞馬遜出版 PDF 封面尺寸。 飲料 book-cover 酒精 咖啡飲料日誌封面設計」#drink #book-封面 #alcohol #alcoholic-飲料 #drinks #book-封面設計 #book-封面模板 #kdp-封面模板 #kdp-封面設計模板電腦直接出版自訂發布保障-KDP.-隨選 #商品 #Pod #打印 #book #kdp #cover #notebook #journal #diary #kindle #self #amazon #printable #print
引人注目的書封面設計,以「夏日心」短語與可愛的水果角色一起展現出來。此設計提供適合 100 頁書籍的標準 PDF 封面尺寸,非常適合用於 KDP 和自我出版項目。 夏季 報價 報價單 陽光之心期刊封面設計
One more photoshop business card template design. This time it’s a modern design, in two shiny colors, blue and pink. Download PSD source and add your text and logo. This business card template is print ready, high resolution, CMYK color with bleed inluded. Make a flat graphic and print it on a professional printer 300 dpi cmyk 列印就緒 Business card template design
300dpi resolution beauty salon business card template. CMYK colors with bleed, for professional printer. The background design is based on my colorful abstract lights background. Download PSD source, put your info and make a flat graphic (Layer/Flattern Image) to make it print ready 抽象 高清 列印就緒 Beauty salon business card template
使用這款可擴展馬克杯模板創建一系列迷人的馬克杯設計,以復古風格展示中世紀和龍元素的融合。使用可下載的 PSD 文件輕鬆自定義和編輯設計。非常適合 Redbubble,Etsy 或您自己的商品電子商務等在線平台。 龍 馬克杯 騎士 復古龍騎士馬克杯
Hello there designers! As our freebie of the day, we’ll be sharing with you a great, neat looking menu design template. This free menu template is neat, sophisticated and would look great for all your web projects. This menu template shows users the first option of the menu, while they are in the file option. The other options in tabular form which the users can opt from later, are seen in the background as Edit, View, Insert, Format, Window and Help. So in short, it gives a lot of options for users to choose from later. What we like best in this menu template is its clean look and appearance and clear text and small icons. While in the file tab, users will see the options of New, Open, Recent Documents, Save, Save As, Export, Print and Exit, and is highlighting the options of website map, client brief, web design requirements, meta information, usability fixes as examples of Recent Documents. Download this free menu template today! 下拉清單 平面設計 功能表 Menu Template
發現專為間歇性禁食日記量身定制的出色書封面設計!將這款富有想像力的設計用於您的 KDP 項目、筆記本、日記等。包括適用於 100 頁書籍的常用 PDF 封面大小。 fastin 食品 吃 間歇性快速的日誌設計
看看這款超棒的 T 恤 PSD,展示了獨特的扭曲設計與貓咪。這款引人注目的圖案 T 恤可用於各種產品,例如襯衫、馬克杯、海報、連帽衫等。非常適合按需打印網站,例如亞馬遜商品、Etsy、Redbubble 商品以及 Shopify 等在線商店。預覽中顯示的設計可作為插圖。 貓 psd-t-shirt t-shirt-psd 貓奇妙的 psd T 恤可擴展
使用時尚的 grunge 主題,創建一個獨特而時尚的馬克杯設計,使用可自定義的文本。使用這款多功能且易於調整的馬克杯模板,提供各種咖啡或茶杯來提高銷售量。這款 PSD 設計非常適合任何按需打印平台或您自己的個人商店,一定會吸引客戶。 那些 馬克杯 文本 格朗格馬克杯文字設計