Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background). REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design. You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere. 背景 按鈕 清潔 Sign Up Widget
Today's freebie is a sweet little download widget including file icons and a progress bar. 那些 進度列 構件 FIle Download Widget
Here's a UI Kit I've been working on-and-off with for a while. Really enjoyed making it. Your thoughts are welcome :) 使用者介面 介面 按鈕 Free PSD: Ui Kit
Rebound of Flat UI Kit by @Riki Tanone Check out the full size and/or download the psd. Icons by 使用者介面 平 構件 Freebie PSD: Flat UI Kit
A hotel UI kit that will help you create cool designs and web layouts aimed at hotels, B&B’s, vacation websites and other similar ventures. The modern look and the wide variety of elements specifically designed for this hotel niche will get you everything you need at the length of a simple click. 元素 酒店 工具包 City Break UI Kit
A metro UI kit that will offer you an efficient way to deliver an awesome metro look and feel. You’ll never go wrong with a metro, flat design these days, it’s fresh and clean and most importantly it’s easy on the eyes and lets your users enjoy what is actually the most important, the content. 圖形化使用者介面 工具包 資源 Metro Vibes UI Kit
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2646" alt="music player widget 01 Music Player Widget" src="" width="620" height="350" title="Music Player Widget"/></p> <p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2647" alt="music player widget 02 Music Player Widget" src="" width="620" height="350" title="Music Player Widget"/></p> <p>Looking for a music player widget? You got one! got two of those!</p> <p>These two <a title="Music Player" href="">music player</a> widgets have a lot of similarities and a few differences. Both have a metallic look with some key <a title="Buttons" href="">buttons</a> that pretty much all music players have.</p> <p><a title="Download the PSD" href="">Download the PSD</a> and play some new design tunes.</p> 音訊播放機 音樂播放機 物件 音樂播放機視窗小部件
<a href="" class="download">Download Now</a>Attractive ecommerce UI coffee widget with image, address, price and post area - PSD 移動 ui elements 食品 電子商務 UI 咖啡小部件
<p><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4527" alt="drag and drop file upload Drag and Drop File Upload" src="" width="800" height="600" title="Drag and Drop File Upload"/></p> <p>Today’s freebie is a flat drag and drop file upload design . As designers you may have to design and implement <a href="">user interface</a> features to allow users to add and upload media files on the application server.</p> <p>The featured drag and drop <a href="">file upload widget</a> has a comprehensive design that includes three possible media upload options - image upload, video upload, or the option to upload any media using a URL. Not to forget that users can always drag and drop a file on this widget.</p> <p>Download the file, drag a few lines and drop a few design layers to integrate it into your very own design.</p> 按鈕 平面設計 構件 拖放式檔上傳
<p class="excerpt"> 設計一個 WordPress 主題嗎?這次可能是有用的 !極簡主義、 光,乾淨和簡單的選項卡式的邊欄。</p><p>300px 寬側邊欄外掛程式,所以它應該適合大多數標準的主題,但它是完全可調整大小。説明傳播,通過分享關於 Twitter 和 Facebook (見下載圖示下面的那些小按鍵)。</p> 光 web 構件 選項卡式的邊欄
Fun rebound for the master @JosÃ{c} Polanco :) - Pixel Perfect - Fully Editable .psd files - 100% Vector Shapes - Organized Layers - Layer Easy to Change Color - Fully Customizable Enj0y :) * CHECK THE @2X SZE * Follow Me 0n : BeHance | Fb | Twitter | Linkedin | Viadeo photoshop 平 按鈕 Location Map #Freebies
Twitter & Facebook. Can you imagine life without those two social networks? I wouldn't even try to imagine that... Almost every website now has twitter or facebook fans counter and a button to their fan page or twitter account. Why not combining followers counter and , u"”": ufollow us” button? Here’s something really simple for your website. These are 125px wide so would fit any standard sidebar. Enjoy! 藍色 按鈕 css Twitter & Facebook widget
Free PSD simple To Do list made of checkboxes and stack paper. Designed by Facundo Gonzalez 紙張 to-do lists 構件 Simple To Do list PSD
Upload modal window free PSD. It includes all most commonly used features with a beautiful user interface. Hope you will find this upload PSD widget useful and attractive for your design. Source: Freebiesgallery 彈出式功能表 上傳 構件 Upload widget PSD
<p>Here is a "Sign Up" widget to go with the incoming call widget and the sign in widget I previously made. It includes a Photoshop PSD like always and everything is vector, so this can be scaled to any size if needed (even the background).</p> <p>REMEMBER: Since this is such a big freebie, you will need to link back to this site or post any time you decide to use this design.</p> <p>You may NOT host this design elsewhere, you also may NOT sell this or release this elsewhere.</p> 背景 按鈕 清潔 報名參加小部件
I’m releasing today another cool FREE PSD that you can use in your web design projects: Shopping Cart Widget. It’s useful for eCommerce websites. Enjoy! See more of Victor’s work: website dribbble twitter 聖誕鐘聲賀卡
<p class="excerpt"> 你是一個 Facebook 的使用者嗎?或者也許你設計 campaings 為社交媒體嗎?無論哪種方式,這個 PSD 檔應派上用場。</p><p>我一直在尋找一個好的分層 Facebook 時間表 psd 範本,因為我最近得到大量的 Facebook 設計請求。我找不到任何合適的東西,所以我做了我自己。希望你找到它一樣有用,像我一樣。完全的分層命名分組,向量 PSD 檔。享受 !</p> 藍色 臉譜網 圖示 Facebook 時間表
trying having some fun here with new stuff. don't forget to check out @2x download it here 清潔 最小 平 Simple timeline + widget box
Last calendar widget we released got over 4500 downloads. Here's another one for you. Even more minimalistic than the previous one. What we have here is a neat little calendar widget here ready to be color-customized and popped into the unsuspecting site sidebar. It’s completely vectorized so scaling it to fit a narrower or wider sidebar should be a cinch. The blue is also a completely customizable shape so just pick from the colorpicker, and bam, you have a personalized calendar. No need to tweak the buttons or anything as they are alpha-transparent to make it as simple as possible! 藍色 日曆 介面 Minimal Calendar
Hey guys, Couple of days ago I came across a great shot (music player) posted by @dovis. I really like the simplicity and cleanness of his design and decided to see how a darker version would look. Not as clean as the white design but I believe it does the job! You can download the PSD right here! Also don't forget to press "L" to show some love ;) 音樂 音樂播放機 宋 Freebie - Music Player (Dark Version)
<p>終於發佈了"標誌的小部件"的免費贈品後一段時間的用戶端工作和圖示礦床,稍後將釋放然後預期的變化。這包括一個 Photoshop PSD 檔像往常一樣,完全是向量的因此這可以縮放到任意大小如果需要.</p><p>記得: 由於這是一個大的免費,您將需要連結到本網站或張貼任何您決定使用這種設計的時間。</p><p>你可能不會承載這種設計在其他地方,你也可能不出售這或釋放此別處。</p> 按鈕 經驗 欄位 在小部件簽署
Looking for a music player widget? You got one! Wait.. you got two of those 音訊 控制器 播放機 Music Player Widget PSD
Today’s freebie on 365psd is a dropdown upload widget for a OSX app. Free PSD designed by Geldy 上傳 構件 Dropdown upload widget
<p>這裡是一個簡單的 Twitter 遵循使用者介面。總的想法是從 <a href="HTTP://"> 貓史密斯</a> 向射擊,但是這一個我決定去改變它有點,反而把它變成一個跟隨小部件。它包括如往常,Photoshop PSD 和一切都是向量,所以如果需要這樣,可以縮放到任意大小。享受:)</p> <p>記住: 因為這是一個大的免費,您將需要連結到本網站或張貼任何您決定使用這種設計的時間。</p><p>你可能不會承載此設計檔在其他地方,你也可以不重新出售這也釋放此檔在其他地方。</p> avatar 按鈕 清潔 Twitter 遵循使用者介面
<p class="excerpt"> 最後一個日曆微件,我們發佈了 4500 下載。這裡是另一個給你。比前一個更簡約。</p><p>我們這兒是一個簡潔的小日曆小部件在這裡準備好了要自訂的顏色和彈出到毫無防備的網站側邊欄。</p><p>它已完全向量所以縮放它以適合窄或寬的側邊欄應該是小事一樁。藍色也是一個完全可定制的形狀只取顏色拾取器版本和 bam,你有一個個人化的日曆。</p><p>無需調整按鈕或任何東西,因為它們是透明阿爾法,以使它盡可能簡單 !</p> 藍色 日曆 介面 最小日曆
<p>這裡是簡單 Twitter 小部件使用者介面設計以顯示您最新的鳴叫。這個想法是代碼這與一些 jquery 得到你最近的 tweets,並一次顯示,只有 3 然後使用上一頁和下一頁按鈕來迴圈使用你的推文。它包括如往常,Photoshop PSD 和完全是向量的因此這可以縮放到任意大小如果需要.</p><p>記得: 由於這是一個大的免費,您將需要連結到本網站或張貼任何您決定使用這種設計的時間。</p><p>你可能不會承載這種設計在其他地方,你也可能不出售這或釋放此別處。</p> 按鈕 按鈕 詳細 Twitter 小部件 (PSD)
A weather widget for cairo city shows current temp + night temp + next night .. enjoy free PSD font used : Roboto 使用者介面 構件 開羅 Cairo Weather Widget