<p>eps 格式,含 jpg 預覽圖,關鍵字: 向量金色絲帶、 弓、 向量素材</p><p><em>金色蝴蝶結向量素材</em></p> 黃金 功能區 材料 金色蝴蝶結向量素材
這個充滿活力的插圖,標題為「絲帶 PNG 設計的簡單繪圖」,捕捉了優雅和創造力的精髓。它憑藉其複雜的蝴蝶結和流暢的布料,展現了手工藝術和裝飾的美麗。色彩繽紛的調色板和使用緞面和絲綢紋理為設計增添了深度和豐富。這款插圖非常適合任何需要魅力和精緻的項目,是增強視覺效果的理想配件。 功能區 弓 織物 絲帶工藝樂趣
以這款迷人的情人節設計,其中包含心形、箭頭和丘比特等標誌性符號,慶祝愛情。複雜的字體增添了浪漫的觸感,傳達真誠的信息。非常適合在這個特殊場合表達愛和情感。 valentines-day 圖示 愛情 情人節愛情筆記圖示
用這款迷人的情人節 Cupid PNG 設計慶祝愛情。這款插圖採用經典符號,例如心,箭頭和丘比特,非常適合表達愛情。設計還包括巧克力和甜點等甜蜜元素,使其成為送給心情禮物的理想選擇。這款 PNG 設計採用複雜的字體和浪漫的引言,精美地捕捉情人節的精髓。這款插圖非常適合數字項目,一定會為任何創作增添一絲愛和溫暖。 valentines-day 愛情 valentine-day 丘比特愛心 PNG 藝術
進入節日精神與這個驚人的 20 聖誕主題向量好吃的集合。這個系列包括讓您的假期設計閃耀所需的一切, 從可愛的聖誕老人蠟燭到裝飾精美的聖誕樹。千萬不要錯過這些聖誕節項目的必備元素! 聖誕老人 克勞斯 玩具 聖誕老人的禮物股票向量
探索這款迷人的復古花卉卡片設計,其中包含圓形佈局框架,以白色橫幅裝飾在可愛的粉紅色花卉背景下。複雜的圖案展示了精緻的花朵和圓形橫幅下方的裝飾絲帶蝴蝶結。剪裁心形印花環繞框架,在中央的範例文字營造出令人愉悅的視覺吸引力。享受這款設計的懷舊優雅! 花卉 卡 年份 粉紅色花卉圓形卡
這款套裝包含 3 個時髦角色, 搭配各種元素, 例如行李箱帽、蝴蝶結、磁帶等。該套裝包括一個高質量的 JPG 文件,並可在共享資源 4.0 署名許可下獲得。 hipster-character 老派 字元 時髦圖示和集
eps format, including jpg preview, keyword: vector gold ribbon, bow, vector material Gold Ribbon Bow vector material vector graphic can be downloaded for free 黃金 功能區 材料 黃金的緞帶蝴蝶結
Happy kids playing with alphabetic balloons in park vector children illustration Vector Child 0000039 Action Air Balloon Balloon vector graphic can be downloaded for free 行動 氣球 氣球 向量兒童 0000039 行動空氣氣球
A set of 8 fancy decorative golden vector ribbons. Classic and original styles make it perfect to highlight with shine any premium design you are working on. Ideal to decorate special offers and give them that special touch. License details @ http://www.pixeden.com/decorative-vectors/golden-decorative-vector-ribbons-set 色帶 金 功能區 金色裝飾向量絲帶集
Illustrator images pack with various decorations. Floral shapes with long swirling stems, circles, stars, leaves and petals, shiny gradient color present bow and a circle made out of dots and waving lines in front of it. Free vector illustration pack for all kinds of decorations, wallpapers or card designs 鮮花 星星 圓圈 向量設計素材
Adorable teddy bear cartoon designs. Vector illustration of smiling bears with different accessories and positions. Female teddy with a short skirt and bow on the head, bear holding a present and a flower, sitting bear hugging a shiny heart and a teddy bear wearing shorts with hearts prints 花卉 紅心大戰 禮品 可愛的熊
Classy and minimal uniform design templates for all kinds of companies. Versions for women and men. Male outfit with pants, shirt, black shoes, blazer and a bow tie. Similar version for the ladies with a basic skirt, formal jacket and a tie. Versatile and minimal clothing with tree logo. Classy Uniforms Vector by Nataly Rivera 鞋子 樹 t shirt 制服
Waved Italian banner to use as a flag, a logo element, a stylish banner or in a flyer. Ribbon vectors in the colors of Italy, u"’": us national flag. Use these green, white and red wavy ribbons to show your love for Italy in tour visuals. The ribbons are curved and wavy, which makes them look more realistic. Italian Ribbon Vector by MissTitina 弓 橫幅 標誌 義大利的旗幟
Traditional smiley face with Hispanic accessories: sombrero hat, red bow under the neck and dark long mustache. Funny Spanish or Mexican vector smiley face for all emoticon, theme party, Hispanic culture, fashion design themes. Fun vector illustration for logos, party flyers and invitations and ads 快樂 弓 已 寬邊帽的笑臉
Vector banners pack with golden ribbons. Illustrator set of 22 different designs; all of them have different waves and curls, giving you an amazing variety to experiment with. The ribbons look soft and luxurious, some of them remind of flags. Great vector footage for a stylish and classy decoration 卷髮 軟 功能區 金色橫幅
Musical instrument vector illustration of a violin with a bow. Stylized musical instrument and playing accessory. Free vector simplified violin image for all music, concert, classical music, orchestra, playing, album and musician design themes. Minimal musical illustration for logos, flyers and posters 音樂 弓 播放 小提琴
Posted on April 03, 2010 by Anonymouse Stock Illustrations Vector Bow Ribbon label & stickers 功能區 色帶 Stock Vector Bow Ribbon
Happy Birthday Ribbon Bow Postcard Vintage Style 背景 年份 生日 Happy Birthday Ribbon Bow Postcard Vintage Style
Cat and muffin within a labels behind a ribbon 生日 卡通 快樂 Cat and muffin within a labels behind a ribbon
Asian vector designs inspired by Japanese Kokeshi dolls with big heads with sleek short hair, facial expressions and traditional outfits. Cute different patterns on their clothes. Free vector illustration of Kokeshi dolls in different colors for all Asian culture, play, toy, culture and art design projects 模式 頭髮 弓 Japanese Dolls
Ribbon vectors in the colors of Hungary, u"’": us national flag. The ribbons are curved and wavy, which makes them look more realistic. Great free vector to use as a flag, a logo element, a stylish banner or in a flyer. Use these red, white and green wavy little flags to show your love for Hungary in your creations. Tiny Flags by MissTitina 弓 橫幅 標誌 Hungarian Ribbon
Light Frame Composed Of Vector Material -2 Bow Flash Light vector graphic can be downloaded for free 弓 快閃記憶體 光 Light Frame Composed Of Vector Material -2 Bow Flash Light
Cute little angel vector containing a medieval style cherub with a small bow and an arrow. It could also be a Cupid, shooting the arrows of love. It has small wings. The whole image appears to be hand-drawn in black and white and it is placed on a radial black gradient. Could be used for retro illustrations 中世紀 箭頭 弓 Cherub
This is the kind of creepy smile that invades your dreams, and summons demons. This man is too happy, and the swirls in his eyes make it all the more creepy bow-tie 令人毛骨悚然 臉 令人毛骨悚然的微笑的人
This was from an old 1840s print describing the local area. I thought that this guy looked pretty cool, so I synthesized him here for the future. Some of the lines were missing when synthesized so I added them back in, I hope that's not too noticeable, although it does look a little obvious I guess. Enjoy 第一次聯合國 印度 美洲原住民 美國原住民的狩獵