A joyful family of three, including a mother, father, and their son, enjoying a day out at an amusement park in Miami. The image captures their bond and happiness as they ride a carousel together. 馬 兄弟姐妹 異性情侶 快樂的家庭旋轉木馬之旅
1958: View from the cockpit of a glider as it flies over a mountain valley. (Photo by Slim Aarons/Getty Images) 娛樂的追求 人民 全景 Cockpit View
Diverse group of young men enjoying a summer day outdoors, walking together with oars and a kayak. Fun and active leisure activity for a multi-ethnic group. 年輕男人 休閒活動 - 活動 人 多族獨木舟探險
一位頭髮黑黑、捲曲的年輕女孩坐在草地上,微笑著撫摸著一隻毛茸茸的小狗。陽光明媚,為這一幕投下溫暖的光芒。女孩臉上充滿喜悅和天真,她在寧靜的後院與毛茸茸的伙伴互動。 年輕女孩 捲曲的頭髮 草地 戶外與小狗的女孩
一位拉丁裔十幾歲女孩坐在寧靜的公園裡,她身旁放著筆記本電腦和耳機。她似乎全神貫注於學業上,沉浸在寧靜的環境中。郁郁蔥蔥的綠樹和微風形成和諧的氛圍,讓她專心投入工作。 拉丁美洲 十幾歲 女孩 拉丁美洲少女在戶外學習