Since I’m a nice guy, I thought it would be good to give you, something cool out of this. So I made these desk templates of an iMac, an iPad and an iPhone alone, plus one with both three. The screens are standalone editable psd files, and are displayed in the templates as linked dynamic objects, that awesome new feature from Photoshop CC. Oh and it’s totally free, no license etc. Hope you guys enjoy, please don’t hesitate to like, share, suggest, etc. imac ipad iphone IPhone, iPad and iMac Mockup Templates
The new iPhone 5S vector mockup template is a fully-scalable vector shape iPhone 5S psd. We have created a very detailed front view of the black, white and gold iPhone 5S with smart layers to showcase your web or iOS app with ease as a iPhone 5S mockup 5s iphone 技術 跡象 IPhone 5S Psd Vector Mockup
I’m really happy to share with you an exclusive UI kit inspired by iOS 7 visual style. Get inspired and use the different elements included to create great looking apps. Huge thanks to Mohamed Elgendy for this amazing contribution 應用程式 7 ios iphone IOS 7 App Screens PSD
使用這個精美的 PSD 模板創建令人驚嘆的模型構圖。利用我們可編輯的圖層和靈活的道具,輕鬆地增強您的設計。有了智能物件,您的設計放置變得輕鬆。使用 Photoshop 將您的願景變成現實,讓您的創造力發揮發光。 小樣 組成 workspace 工作區樣機場景
創建令人驚嘆的手機樣式佈局,展示兒童玩具。利用適用於 Photoshop 的可自定義 PSD 模型。包括精心排列的圖層,可輕鬆調整道具,以及智慧型物件可進行無縫編輯。 小樣 電話 iphone 科技玩具手機構成