A different take on the regular bokeh brush pack - a bokeh heart brush pack! This is a beautiful bokeh heart brush pack that will give an ethereal look. This bokeh heart brush pack is for personal use only 散景 心 紅心大戰 景心刷包
Cool neon 3D text style, template for Photoshop. Edit layer style to update details or play with the hue/saturation to change the color easily. Created using two text layers, depending on the font size and length, the bottom layer of text needs moving and/or horizontal scaling. An average Photoshop knowledge is needed to update text and customize it 光 photoshop 光澤 霓虹燈光文本樣式,PSD 範本
A realistic photoshop neon text effect that transforms any text and shape in a neon glow photoshop effect. It comes with off and on style and three colors, you can also create your own color scheme by modifying the effect layer 文字效果 霓虹燈 登記 Psd 霓虹燈文字效果 Photoshop
This brush occupies the great feedback of tattoos using this brush you can finally have a true to life tattoo on your pics. No redraw please..Enjoy making your own style on this set..God Bless 紋身 畫筆 設置 Tattoo Brushes
Theater sign PSD template featuring glossy, neon effects. That’s the perfect template for all events that focus on entertainment - movie theaters, casinos, karaokes and TV shows. This time our design team has focused on the entertainment industry. We carried out a research and decided to contribute to the world of fun and enjoyment. That’s why we came up with a theater sign PSD template. We put a lot of shiny and glossy effects to make the theater sigh as real as possible. And we truly believe that the final result is great. Our PSD sign template is clean and attractive. That’s basically all you need to stand out from the crowd. And most importantly, our theater sign PSD template comes completely free of charge. It’s also good to know that we have used only default fonts here. That’s really important as you won’t have any troubles when editing the text. All you need is Adobe Photoshop and a few clicks to replace the text with your own. Of course, the effects of the text are completely customizable. Moreover, you can easily copy and paste the text effects into new text layers if needed. Another advantage of our theater sign PSD graphic is that you can use it as a logo template. It’s up to you whether to use our theater sign as it is or make your own modifications. Note that if you want to spread the word about our freebie, you need to link back to this post. Links to download page or download archive are not allowed. Browse similar logo templates at Free Logo Design Theater Sign PSD Template Preview Big Fully Layered Theater Sign PSD Template Resolution: 1000x625pxFile Format: PSDFile Size: 0.722 MBFonts: Impact, Arial, GeorgiaNumber of Items in Set: 1Author: Free PSD Files 看板 賭場 看電影 Theater Sign PSD Template
This freebie includes 60 social media icons in 7 different styles. Social media icons are widely used to represent social media platforms. Icons come in a fully editable PSD file with 100% original shape layers. 形狀 跡象 symbols 60 Social Media Icons
Simple Neon Digital Circuit Technology PSD with a blue color scheme. This technology PSD has digital abstract elements. Also, this technology PSD is only available for personal use 抽象 科技 技術 Neon Digital Circuit Technology PSD
創建展示 Facebook 帖子的時尚社交媒體設計。使用此可自定義的 Facebook 模板製作您自己的個性化帖子。包括一個真正獨特的外觀可編輯的文本和顏色選項! social-media 介面 發佈 社會郵政光
這個引人注目的插圖,標題為「喜歡圖標平面 PNG 設計」,是數字時代社交媒體文化的完美體現。這些作品採用簡單而吸引人的扁平設計,在圓形框架中展示了手形圖標,象徵著喜歡和欣賞的普遍姿態。憑藉其鮮豔的色彩和簡潔的線條,這個插圖是與社交媒體,在線平台或數字營銷相關項目的理想選擇。這種 PNG 設計非常適合網站,博客或演示文稿,一定會吸引注意力並傳達連接和參與的本質。 像 圖示 平 「像手一樣的社交圈」
發現各種各樣的社交媒體圖標,其中包含 Skype,YouTube,谷歌和臉書等流行網絡。這些向量圖形擁有大量鮮豔的色彩,非常適合廣泛的應用程序,包括橫幅,應用程序和您想像的任何創意項目! 霓虹燈 social-media 臉譜網 霓虹燈社交媒體圖示
無可否認,智能手機已成為我們日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。這件作品展示了一隻手拿著智能手機,上面裝飾著各種互聯網和社交網絡徽標,並配有一杯咖啡和一本筆記本。包含的 JPG 文件質量非常出色。它可根據知識共享 4.0 署名許可獲得。 智慧手機 social-media social-network 社交媒體與行動裝置
在深色背景上使用這個逼真發光的霓虹燈字母集合創建自己的霓虹招牌。該套裝包括所有大寫字母和標點符號,讓您輕鬆地將設計變得生動。用這些令人驚嘆的霓虹燈字母讓您的創造力發光! 霓虹燈 信 字體 發光的紅色復古字體
利用這組專業製作的方形橫幅,帶有可定制文字,以促進 GO GREEN FRIDAY。非常適合增強您的社交媒體帖子,網站,YouTube 封面,博客條目,Facebook 和 Google 廣告以及其他在線平台! 橫幅 在綠色 性質 生態星期五廣場橫幅套裝
探索專為生日慶祝活動而設計的驚人範本集合,包括四篇引人入勝的社交媒體帖子。使用此可自定義的模板製作您的獨特帖子,並具有可編輯的文本顏色和其他功能! social-media birthday-invitation 生日 生日社交帖子集」社交媒體生日邀請生日快樂生日慶祝模板
充滿活力的刻字設計,展示多彩的抽象形狀和「Holi Festival」字詞,並附著一個盤子上的三堆彩色粉末的插圖。非常適合為海報、傳單和其他 Holi Festival 相關的材料增添節日氣息。 壕賴 藝術節 顏色 充滿活力的霍利慶典藝術