This is the light themed psd business card mock-up template with its elegant cardboard box. (3,15x2 inch) 名片 紙板 業務 Psd 名片類比 Vol22
A new original psd business card mock-up template with an elegant cardboard box. Ideal for dark themed business card designs. (3,15x2 inch) 名片 紙板 業務 Psd 名片類比 Vol18
300dpi resolution beauty salon business card template. CMYK colors with bleed, for professional printer. The background design is based on my colorful abstract lights background. Download PSD source, put your info and make a flat graphic (Layer/Flattern Image) to make it print ready 抽象 高清 列印就緒 Beauty salon business card template
One more photoshop business card template design. This time it’s a modern design, in two shiny colors, blue and pink. Download PSD source and add your text and logo. This business card template is print ready, high resolution, CMYK color with bleed inluded. Make a flat graphic and print it on a professional printer 300 dpi cmyk 列印就緒 Business card template design
This freebie is a business card mockup that comes with vintage effects. You can add your own information such as company name, logo, address and others details very easily. The package comes with an editable PSD file with original layers. 業務 finance 年份 Vintage Business Card Mockup
A new original psd business card mock-up template with an elegant cardboard box. Ideal for dark themed business card designs. (3,15x2 inch) 名片 紙板 業務 Psd Business Card Mock-Up Vol18
Today we’re introducing a new embossed business card mock-up to the collection. This one was conceived for dark themed designs and it includes smart layers to allow you to create a flawless presentations in just moments. 名片 mock-up 業務 Embossed Business Card MockUp #2
引入了一個時尚和清爽的名片設計模板與充滿活力的綠色配色方案,靈感來自健康的本質。這款設計具有瑜伽從業者的迷人輪廓,並輔以折衷的字體,非常適合瑜伽專業人士。設置在一個迷人的瑜伽模式的背景下,這個模板散發著平靜和寧靜的感覺。通過這款迷人的設計提升您作為瑜伽老師的存在感。享受風格與健康的和諧融合! 瑜伽 business-card 範本 瑜伽 Biz 卡綠色範本
這張律師專業名片具有創意設計、時尚的外觀和深色方案。抽象形狀結合在位於頂部和底部的水平壓紋線中,以黑色背景為基礎。中間部分以漂亮的字體展示個人和專業信息,而頁尾顯示聯繫信息。享受這款引人注目的卡片設計! 律師 黑色 暗 哥特式法律名片
購買這款令人難以置信的模型套裝,展示了四個獨特的紙板盒,帶有便利的手柄。通過輕鬆將徽標和圖像合併到我們用戶友好的 PSD 模型中,來增強您的品牌。使用 Photoshop 中的智慧物件順暢地編輯和自訂您的設計。 小樣 框 包 模型盒把手套
使用我們的簡約文具設計在桌面上輕鬆創建時尚的品牌模型,從鳥瞰圖中捕捉。使用我們的 PSD 樣板輕鬆自定義徽標和圖像,配備用於 Photoshop 編輯的用戶友好的智能物件。 小樣 文具 品牌 桌面名片樣機
創建一種令人驚嘆的模型佈置,展示兩張可定制的名片放在石頭表面上,並帶有精緻的花朵。利用此專為 Photoshop 設計的可自定義 PSD 模型。包括結構整齊的圖層,可輕鬆調整元素,以及智能物件進行無縫編輯。 小樣 business-card 文具 模型花名片佈局